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  1. C_J_J_C

    NFC AFC Championships

    WTF..... I was really pulling for the Lions. Wish I was wrong.
  2. C_J_J_C

    NFC AFC Championships

    Oh.... but you will
  3. C_J_J_C

    NFC AFC Championships

    Want.... Lions & KC ------- Lions SB Think.... 49rs & KC -------- 49rs SB
  4. C_J_J_C


    Airsoft guns are amazing. I have a fairly nice 1911 style airsoft that other than noise and kick it is exactly the same. They even weighted it the same. They are so good my fear is kids will think of guns as toys and not tools. Please teach him proper gun safety
  5. C_J_J_C

    Oakland Ca, In-N-Out to close over issues of ongoing crime such as armed robberies.

    I read the article a few days ago but after this RDP Post I checked the location. I thought I would discover it was just a bad placement by In-N-Out google maps and even google street view show they are just off a freeway, right by the major airport, surrounded by other major brands. In-N-Out...
  6. C_J_J_C

    Help for a Friend - Impounded Car

    Every to company has a group of regular buyers. Friends, family, or business partners. They typically all have inside knowledge of the quality (Runs, keys, title, ect). There is always a crush guy... paying $150-$300 depending on scrap pricing There is always the shady used car $1,000 or less if...
  7. C_J_J_C

    Help for a Friend - Impounded Car

    If it is part of the car(Stereo, battery, seats, ect) it stays but if it is personal property the owner or owner's representative (Usually signed and noterized letter works) can remove items per California Vehicle Code. The car was impounded.... the propery is not. For reference Cvc 22651.07(c)...
  8. C_J_J_C

    Help for a Friend - Impounded Car

    He is going to hate it but have him offer the keys and the signed title in trade for his personal property. They will likely take the offer. Pepe's is not a police tow so they don't care about reputation or "Fair" if they have the car. In fact Pepe's and Riverside PD are currently fighting. It...
  9. C_J_J_C

    I totally agree

    As Bill Clinton told the Grand Jury, "It depends on the definition of what is is." My dinner IS vegetarian.
  10. C_J_J_C

    Help for a Friend - Impounded Car

    Unfortunately I am a semi expert at this.... Legal steps..... take the signed title to DMV and change ownership to california in his name. It will be legally transferred but registration pending smog but the paperwork will be CA and show he is the owner. The tow company then can not refuse him...
  11. C_J_J_C

    My buddy Rich's 2200 Horsepower Street Mopar

    Great narration. Love the story over the artwork type style. Well done
  12. C_J_J_C

    Retirement what age did you pull the pin?

    I unintentionally retired at 41. I never realized the value of a retirement plan when I started.... I just wanted to do the job. It took me almost 6 months to even realize I was retired I was so busy with life, specifically aging parents health issues, outside of work. Definitely not the...
  13. C_J_J_C

    Desantos taps out

    DeSantis was in perfect position to run as the alternative candidate. If he would have supported Trump but positioned himself as the if Trump is unwilling or unable he is ready candidate he would be VP now and President in 2028. When he started to challenge Trump and ran to win 2024 he shot...
  14. C_J_J_C

    Ball Option on CP 3

    MOUNT IT!!!!! The mount / tube prevents the machine from rolling front to back and SIDE to SIDE. Even 100% flat inside the garage I dropped the tonge of my boat using a 2 5/8 ball attachment. Mount the attachment, paint it to match, not a single person will notice.
  15. C_J_J_C

    First "Weather" Of The Season...

    California sucks. I'll have to turn the foot heater on tomorrow for the Sunday drive.
  16. C_J_J_C

    What other country would you live in?

    I had the amazing opportunity to live in Ireland for 6 months and would do it again in a heart beat but there is zero chance I would not keep my legal address and home base anywhere but the U.S. I could do a bunch of 3-6 month trips but I will always come home.
  17. C_J_J_C

    Buyers are liars!

    I hate selling things but I love buying so I twnd to sell often. I weed out 99% of B.S. with my automatic first response. Thank you for your interest. I only deal CASH IN PERSON and only negotiate face to face. Also, I only meey at the Chevron Gas Station (Address). First person with cash buys...
  18. C_J_J_C

    Bigger Guys In and Out Of Boats

    Father-in-law came out with us on a Havasu trip ONCE...... he was 6-5 380+ and was as athletic as a walrus. We had a 25' Cole (No handles and a single spring step) and my wife and I just lied to him and said it was too hard for us to get in from the water so WE needed to enter and exit from...
  19. C_J_J_C

    Time to go looking for the food, waste disposal, trash, cans, you tossed out earlier last year

    At our property there is a narrow section on the road and the large waste management truck can't get to the back 20ish properties so they send one small truck to pick up all three cans...... Green Wastwe, Recycle, and Trash in the same truck. Fine..... I don't care in fact I asked for a second...
  20. C_J_J_C

    What did you get done in 2023?

    I took a leave of absence from work to take care of my father with dementia and wasn't ready to go back when time was up so I retired (At 42).