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  1. C_J_J_C

    Mom Hits a Tree... Think This is Bad, You Should See the Tree

    If she is not going to drive again and the insurance is in her name...... Turn that sucker in. Nothing to lose. Start by demanding it be rebuilt and it needs to be perfect. They will total it out but settle for a good number.
  2. C_J_J_C

    The Terminator is real.

    10mm crowned Hide & Seek world champion.
  3. C_J_J_C

    Damn, California. What next?

    There is no law against it but why would a department spend the money to train someone who, even if legal on a work permit, would be leaving the country at some point. This is not the first non-citizen.... just a political hot button because they are DACA.
  4. C_J_J_C

    Maybe a little racism

    Anyone who looks for racism will find it. If you want to be a victim... you already are. That logo is funny not even 1% racist
  5. C_J_J_C

    Sun Glasses….Whatcha Got?😎

    Another vote for Maui Jims but when I don't feel like a baller DSO are a close second.
  6. C_J_J_C

    Do you name your cars / car parts?

    Cars absolutely have names. They are naimed at birth. We have Chevy, Honda, & Mazda in the family. Occasionally we add a label, when we inherit or add a car from a friend, AKA Grandpa's Corvette.
  7. C_J_J_C


    If anyone wants to pay spot I'm your huckleberry...... Buying and holding is easy but the problem with physical Gold & Silver is sellling. 85% - 90% of spot is the going rate. Yes I know you can buy stocks or options but anyone who buying without taking physical possession is buying for...
  8. C_J_J_C

    Has anyone Tailgated the Rose Bowl game with a motor home?

    What is your definition of "Good?" You will still get an OK spot before 9am but if you want a front row spot hire your driver like the big boys do and have him in line by 7pm the night prior. - Not joking.
  9. C_J_J_C

    At least she fully understood the curriculum

    So a man can be a woman, a woman can be anything and everything, but a teacher can't be a FORMER prostitute? If she answered her background honestly (Prostitution is not a Felony in any state I know) and has the legal required certifications.... I hope she sues and wins.
  10. C_J_J_C

    Let it SNOW!

    Those look like great places to visit for a weekend.
  11. C_J_J_C

    Cost of water heater replacement

    I think there are more doctors than plumbers these days.
  12. C_J_J_C

    Cost of water heater replacement

    So..... Here comes the rental horror story. A renter decided to sell tacos and tamales from the garage. Both the health department and city code enforcement showed up. That sucked but the horror story is code enforcment asked to check the house and the tenant just showed them everything. DIY...
  13. C_J_J_C

    Breaking .. Explosion at the Rainbow Bridge ?

    Niagra Falls New York.
  14. C_J_J_C

    What’s at Your Bedside???

    If I reach into my bedside table someone is FUC*ED.
  15. C_J_J_C

    Breaking .. Explosion at the Rainbow Bridge ?

    Vehicle bomb. Crossing FROM Canada TO United States so it was stopped at our checkpoint. US side.
  16. C_J_J_C

    How do I sell a car?

    I find it all depends on the vehicle Less than 5-7 years old and under 100K miles Carmax, Carvana, GiveMeTheVin.com, ect no question. We did GiveMeTheVin.com 2 years ago and it was great. Highest offer and they paid when they picked it up from the house. Average 15K value and under used car...
  17. C_J_J_C

    1 of the best westerns ever made is on Ovation now.

    It is on Netflix right now too
  18. C_J_J_C

    Snoop say it aint so

    Anyone want to place bets.... I say a month max and parlay my bet into he advertises for or starts his own weed company before 2024.
  19. C_J_J_C

    Fucking LA county.

    Emotional stability is the #1 factor in a CCW. Training, experience, Hell even need, is a far second. I was not there and won't judge based on 2nd and 3rd hand accounts but yelling at the people investigating you for homicide does not seem emotionally stable.
  20. C_J_J_C

    Fucking LA county.

    It is not an issue to "Protect yourself" in the middle of a Walmart parking lot if you have clear articulatable facts that support your need for self defense. It is the totality of the situation based on a reasonable person with the same training and experiences would react. An open garage is...