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  1. L

    Came across not 1, but 2 head on collisions on Rice & hwy62. on 7/6..WTF

    We took Rice Rd for years and had several close calls until one day when we were involved in a head on in our motorhome. My whole family walked away. The other guy that crossed the line was not so lucky. Never again will my family take Rice Rd. After leaving the hospital in Parker we went...
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    Anyone know who this is?

    ouch! but I was wondering the same thing. That is a nice looking boat.
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    Help me Boat Guru's......

    Sounds to me like something is to tight in his out drive. if the prop is a 24 pitch he should be able to turn it over 4500 easily. First thing to do is confirm prop size and maybe a hose test to see if it's resistence from prop in water or out drive grear. i would'nt reve it up on the hose...
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    I agree, no mud on rear. But I have seen that happen at elsinor a few times and it wasn't easy to get out.
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    Dump Truck in the Lake!

    ^^^^^^now that's some funny shit right there
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    I droped anchor in whipple bay this weekend and when i pulled it up it had a couple hundred leeches on it. They are not just at the sandbar.
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    Seagul Steals GoPro.......

    i bet the poster was the one who FOUND the Gopro not the one who lost it.
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    Truck Driver Question??

    You guys must make this shit up as you go. I used to pull tankers and pneumatics. You fill up the customer?s tanks and go to the next stop. Yes a half tanker is very dangerous but you can?t always get a full section of your tanker empty. The reason for tankers to have singles is because...
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    Adios Amigo!

    I knew you would bring up my post count once you realized you are wrong. Obviously with such a low post count I must be an idiot. The sad part for you is after reading your posts it is also obvious my IQ is greater than yours. The reason for the low post count and long time member is I try...
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    Adios Amigo!

    He did not drive to the guys house and steal the sprayer it dip shit. He simply did not return it when he was stiffed for money owed. I would expect nothing less from any of my construction workers if I did not pay them what I owed them. White, mexican, legal or illegal. If i can't afford to...
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    Adios Amigo!

    Why is he a shit bird (what ever the fock that means) for tring to get what was owed to him. If someone stole money from you and you knew whow it was (which is basiclly what his employer did when he didn't pay Henry) you would probaly kick there ass or at least threaten them with a ass kicking...
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    Adios Amigo!

    Where did the OP state he hired an illegal and was not paying taxes on him. Posts like yours is how everything gets Focked up.:blah:
  13. L

    need outboard help please!

    I've had the exact problem you described twice now. once was on a jet (I know, I know) and it was a in-line filter that looked perfectly good and full but when boat was ran WOT for about 20 to 30 seconds it would start to do the roller coaster you described (starve for fuel). Changed a two...
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    CHP Chase in SF...

    The CHP officer looked like he joined him
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    I am being followed

    I don't need mirrors, I just do a quick spin-out in the reeds to see who's coming up behind me. :D Sorry, just tring to get to ten posts. I feel like i'm missing something.
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    trailer brakes

    I have several trailers for my buisness and have had all different type of breaking systems from air, electric and original surge type breaks. my old boat trailer had surge and they only seemed to work right after they were just serviced. My last two boat trailers are surge with electric lock...
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    Wear your kill switch & Life Vest!

    I've had my boat in for service at both Eliminator and other service centers. You would thinK Eliminator would have noticed and offered to install one for free after spending $11,000 restoring the interior of my boat.:hmm I would think you would have asked how much to install kill switch...
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    Didn't this boat use to be in Havasu?

    This is true, a friend is painting two rails right now.
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    So I guess congratulations are in order for ~WINDY~

    and yea I know I'm a noobie but RD said i could still have my own thoughts, even though there probably wrong.
  20. L

    So I guess congratulations are in order for ~WINDY~

    I think most of the people in this thread are getting along as u asked, It also seems to me that alot of these people on the boards are his REAL friends and probably like family to him. The highschool shot makes u look like a ASS****. But hey JUST MY .02:D