So I guess congratulations are in order for ~WINDY~


Time for a Change
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with that Jack guy being an asshole! But I kinda try to stay away from the Captain and his Sailor brother too. lol!

pppp..ussy.... oops did I say that out loud.... come on pull up your skirt man... lol:beer


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
pppp..ussy.... oops did I say that out loud.... come on pull up your skirt man... lol:beer

You should re-read what I said there. I said KINDA trying. If its not a beer, its either tequila or Vodka! lol!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I like a story with a happy ending.:D

Congratulations on the new flame,:beer


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Damn this story sounds vaguely familiar.......

At least Im not the only one that went through it and put it up here. lol!

My ex did pretty much the same thing. That "Friend" she had ended up her bf 6 days after we broke up. :hmm

So, I know how you feel Bobby. It doesnt matter how much better off you are, if you loved the bitch, then it will take a while to get passed it.

Unless you are Ratso and you just fake the love part. lol!

TG Sheppard sung it best Flying Lavey, although you probably never heard it...;)
You turn down the covers
I'll turn down the lights
As we turn to each other
There's no turning back tonight

I lay on I love you
And you lay on your charms
As we lie here
In each other's arms

Faking love, faking love
Only temporary lovers
As we lie here to each other
We're just faking love

You put on the coffee
I'll put on a smile
We'll put each other on
And laugh and talk a little while

There's no use in crying
For a feeling that's all gone
We both knew we were lying
All along

Faking love, faking love
Only temporary lovers
As we lie here to each other
We're just faking love

Faking love, faking love
Only temporary lovers
As we lie here to each other
We're just faking love

We're just faking love


Time for a Change
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
thanks... she is an awesome lady..... hell she loves the river and can ride .... you know dirt bikes /quads.. she even tells me she loves sex...


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
thanks... she is an awesome lady..... hell she loves the river and can ride .... you know dirt bikes /quads.. she even tells me she loves sex...
Do we get to meet her tonight?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hurts when you care for someone and they screw you over. BUT;
1. Let it go, holding on to poison just makes you sick
2. Living well and being happy is the best revenge
3. She probably will never SEE the revenge, be OK with that
4. When you can see her or hear of her AND NOT REACT, you will truly have moved on
5. Don't let your current love see your angry reaction....it will SEEM to her like you are not over W. (see #4)
6. Life is not fair and %$#@ people do not always get what they deserve.
7. Be OK with # 6
8. Repeat 5 times: "he is right" and re read 1-7



Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
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It's one less expensive gift you were going to have to buy this year.:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
:fsakes Get Over It!!!

Seems like just a little harmless gloating. Hell if I had a wife that went to Iraq and dislocated her hip "entertaining the troops" I'd make fun of the bitch too.:hmm:D:beer


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hurts when you care for someone and they screw you over. BUT;
1. Let it go, holding on to poison just makes you sick
2. Living well and being happy is the best revenge
3. She probably will never SEE the revenge, be OK with that
4. When you can see her or hear of her AND NOT REACT, you will truly have moved on
5. Don't let your current love see your angry reaction....it will SEEM to her like you are not over W. (see #4)
6. Life is not fair and %$#@ people do not always get what they deserve.
7. Be OK with # 6
8. Repeat 5 times: "he is right" and re read 1-7


Quoted for truth.
Move on and live a better life.
In the long run thats the best thing you can do.
I did 11 years ago.


I Love BoBo!!!
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
It takes a while for the hurt to go away sometimezs no matter how things ended up. Sounds like your friends were there for you and now you have new girl. Everything turned out for the best.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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I know you loved her but she cheated on you and you dont need to be involved with anyone like that. She will leave her current hubby and this will come around again. We all know it.

Have a fantastic xmas and one blessing you can count is that you arent with her any longer. Toss back a coldy and be thankful for that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Did she ever get her teeth fixed? I always thought she looked like she had been chewing on firecrackers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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First off... Nord... STFU... :)
I hate to say it, but Bobby, as far as feelings go when you care for someone deeply, and especially when they cheat... it is hard to let go. We did a thread on HotBoat a couple Christmases ago, and I went into my failed marriages. The last one, I mentioned where every night I went to bed thinking of her, and every morning I would wake thinking of her... I still do, and it doesn't matter how many others have come along, the pain is there, and it knaws at you every day. We were divorced in 02 and I haven't seen her in 2 years, thank God... because everytime I did, it took me back to relive the pain again, just like it was yesterday. Sometimes I think I'm cursed, because more than enough ass is thrown my way, but I am still empty inside. I had one earlier this year that I was seeing, that I truly cared about, but recently (and Ziggy is the only one I shared it with) she snuffed it out. I'll save the details. There is always that one though... Maybe Windy was that one for you, I don't know, but I do know where you are coming from. I have gone on to make a good life for myself instead of letting her get me down so low that I would wreck it. I have so many beautiful people in my life, we have fun and they make life more exciting than I ever dreamed of, at least as far as life goes in this town. Sure, you move on... there is no other sane alternative... and if it gets you down sometime, just remember... others have walked in those shoes too. You play the hand you're dealt, and if it isn't that good of a hand... like mine, you just get really good at bluffing...
Last edited:


Time for a Change
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
First off... Nord... STFU...
I hate to say it, but Bobby, as far as feelings go when you care for someone deeply, and especially when they cheat... it is hard to let go. We did a thread on HotBoat a couple Christmases ago, and I went into my failed marriages. The last one, I mentioned where every night I went to bed thinking of her, and every morning I would wake thinking of her... I still do, and it doesn't matter how many others have come along, the pain is there, and it knaws at you every day. We were divorced in 02 and I haven't seen her in 2 years, thank God... because everytime I did, it took me back to relive the pain again, just like it was yesterday. Sometimes I think I'm cursed, because more than enough ass is thrown my way, but I am still empty inside. I had one earlier this year that I was seeing, that I truly cared about, but recently (and Ziggy is the only one I shared it with) she snuffed it out. I'll save the details. There is always that one though... Maybe Windy was that one for you, I don't know, but I do know where you are coming from. I have gone on to make a good life for myself instead of letting her get me down so low that I would wreck it. I have so many beautiful people in my life, we have fun and they make life more exciting than I ever dreamed of, at least as far as life goes in this town. Sure, you move on... there is no other sane alternative... and if it gets you down sometime, just remember... others have walked in those shoes too. You play the hand you're dealt, and if it isn't that good of a hand... like mine, you just get really good at bluffing...

RATSO..... my friend you have earned an A+... I have moved on ..:D... I know who my friends are and value them like they were the last people on earth..

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
You're good people, Ratso. Hang in there, my friend. :cool:

Let's face it; we're all just hanging in there until this thing fades to black.


Lynch's River Mob
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score

Haven't we learned a valuable lesson on the boards lately about personal shit......

I like you Bobby, but come on! We aren't in highschool anymore. It sucks, it hurts and it's just plain miserable but grieve at home with your real friends and family. Just my .02

Can't we all just get along?:confused:


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Glad you moved on Bobby, venting here is good too!

BTW, where are the pics ;)


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
First off... Nord... STFU... :)
I hate to say it, but Bobby, as far as feelings go when you care for someone deeply, and especially when they cheat... it is hard to let go. We did a thread on HotBoat a couple Christmases ago, and I went into my failed marriages. The last one, I mentioned where every night I went to bed thinking of her, and every morning I would wake thinking of her... I still do, and it doesn't matter how many others have come along, the pain is there, and it knaws at you every day. We were divorced in 02 and I haven't seen her in 2 years, thank God... because everytime I did, it took me back to relive the pain again, just like it was yesterday. Sometimes I think I'm cursed, because more than enough ass is thrown my way, but I am still empty inside. I had one earlier this year that I was seeing, that I truly cared about, but recently (and Ziggy is the only one I shared it with) she snuffed it out. I'll save the details. There is always that one though... Maybe Windy was that one for you, I don't know, but I do know where you are coming from. I have gone on to make a good life for myself instead of letting her get me down so low that I would wreck it. I have so many beautiful people in my life, we have fun and they make life more exciting than I ever dreamed of, at least as far as life goes in this town. Sure, you move on... there is no other sane alternative... and if it gets you down sometime, just remember... others have walked in those shoes too. You play the hand you're dealt, and if it isn't that good of a hand... like mine, you just get really good at bluffing...

That is an awesome and from deep inside post. If they didnt mean something to you, you would have never hooked up with them in the first place.
(edit: the ones you committed to, not the one nighters) Have a merry Christmas Ratso.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Bobby, I never heard what had happened and didn't really feel it was my business to ask, your one hell of a nice guy and don't deserve to be treated that way. I am glad you have moved one and have found a wonderful lady to share your life with, and yes she can ride and is a keeper! :D Sorry to hear about the pain you were put through, and I think its ok for you to vent a little and get it off your chest and out in the open once in a while. At least you know who your friends are, they are the ones still around you now.



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Haven't we learned a valuable lesson on the boards lately about personal shit......

I like you Bobby, but come on! We aren't in highschool anymore. It sucks, it hurts and it's just plain miserable but grieve at home with your real friends and family. Just my .02

Can't we all just get along?:confused:

I think most of the people in this thread are getting along as u asked, It also seems to me that alot of these people on the boards are his REAL friends and probably like family to him.

The highschool shot makes u look like a ASS****.

But hey JUST MY .02:D


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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and yea I know I'm a noobie but RD said i could still have my own thoughts, even though there probably wrong.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I think most of the people in this thread are getting along as u asked, It also seems to me that alot of these people on the boards are his REAL friends and probably like family to him.

The highschool shot makes u look like a ASS****.

But hey JUST MY .02:D

Yeah... I was wondering what high school has to do with emotions...;)

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
... grieve at home with your real friends and family.

Bobby, I encourage you to beware of people who try to tell you exactly how to run your life and with whom you should be spending your time. Control freaks tend to not be very amusing to hang around with. What's more, they tend to have train wrecked lives, yet they insist on telling everyone else what to do.

... I'm just sayin'. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bobby, I encourage you to beware of people who try to tell you exactly how to run your life and with whom you should be spending your time. Control freaks tend to not be very amusing to hang around with. What's more, they tend to have train wrecked lives, yet they insist on telling everyone else what to do.

... I'm just sayin'. :)

lol... I gotta admit, over the years, these forums have been great therapy...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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From what i have seen the forums house alot of people that will give you and your WIFE assistance or a shoulder to cry on.:D

Hell one of them just posted before me..........LMAO


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
:fsakes Get Over It!!!

Seems like just a little harmless gloating. Hell if I had a wife that went to Iraq and dislocated her hip "entertaining the troops" I'd make fun of the bitch too.:hmm:D:beer

You wouldn't say that shit to your Prop 8 "buddies" withoutr a smillie. :)

First off... Nord... STFU... :)
I hate to say it, but Bobby, as far as feelings go when you care for someone deeply, and especially when they cheat... it is hard to let go. We did a thread on HotBoat a couple Christmases ago, and I went into my failed marriages. The last one, I mentioned where every night I went to bed thinking of her, and every morning I would wake thinking of her... I still do, and it doesn't matter how many others have come along, the pain is there, and it knaws at you every day. We were divorced in 02 and I haven't seen her in 2 years, thank God... because everytime I did, it took me back to relive the pain again, just like it was yesterday. Sometimes I think I'm cursed, because more than enough ass is thrown my way, but I am still empty inside. I had one earlier this year that I was seeing, that I truly cared about, but recently (and Ziggy is the only one I shared it with) she snuffed it out. I'll save the details. There is always that one though... Maybe Windy was that one for you, I don't know, but I do know where you are coming from. I have gone on to make a good life for myself instead of letting her get me down so low that I would wreck it. I have so many beautiful people in my life, we have fun and they make life more exciting than I ever dreamed of, at least as far as life goes in this town. Sure, you move on... there is no other sane alternative... and if it gets you down sometime, just remember... others have walked in those shoes too. You play the hand you're dealt, and if it isn't that good of a hand... like mine, you just get really good at bluffing...

RATSO..... my friend you have earned an A+... I have moved on ..:D... I know who my friends are and value them like they were the last people on earth..

Bobby you know your my boy:beer.

I went through the same shit a couple years ago. Actually Brown and I pm'd a few times over it. Its a shitty deal. Falling in love, really opening yourself up to a person only to have them shit on you and destroy you mentally!!! I felt like I was going to have a breakdown!! Actually I might have had a breakdown!
I got all the quotes from my friends. All the bullshit "When a door closes, a window opens" quotes that made so much sense to me but couldn't figure out when I would loose the shitty feeling that was a cancer inside of me. They were soo right!!!
But I also had my buddies that gave me a shake down. "Shut the fuck up about it" "Let it go" that type of stuff.

Well.............. They were right too ;)

Truth is it really never goes away (100%) not for me at least.


Retired And Loving It.
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bobby you know your my boy:beer.

I went through the same shit a couple years ago. Actually Brown and I pm'd a few times over it. Its a shitty deal.

Sounds like you PM'd the right person. :hmm


Bean Counter
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
:D true

Windy got married....good for her

Bobby got dumped...sorry for him

Bobby's post is still over the top

Windy is a whore....Fuck that bitch

Dude is obviously not over it, which sucks. I think this forum is much more than just boats and tits, but helping each other out. Give the guy a break, he's still hurting or he wouldn't have posted up.

I say we send Ratso over there, and let hilarity ensue.:thumbsup:D


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Windy is a whore....Fuck that bitch

Dude is obviously not over it, which sucks. I think this forum is much more than just boats and tits, but helping each other out. Give the guy a break, he's still hurting or he wouldn't have posted up.

I say we send Ratso over there, and let hilarity ensue.:thumbsup:D



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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quit being such a keyboard tough guy. Man up and show some fuggin compassion. I have never met Bobby but he seems like a genuine dude. I know this is the internet and all but man the fock up and quit kicking a guy in the junk when he is already down.

I'm just sayin'


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I thought this place only aloud 1 canadian.