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  1. S

    The Official Raiders Return To Top Pick In 2015 Draft Thread...

    only thing to help the Raiders is hire John Gruden!!:drink
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    Black Faded Rear Bumper Pads

    did you ever try 303 Protectant , works for me!
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    Raiders return to glory

    put down the pipe!!!
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    LA Sheriff runs over and kills cyclist. No big deal.

    why law officers are allowed to talk/text is total bullshit. they can pull off the highway just like ''common'' people are required to do. IMHO it's manslaughter, voluntary or involuntary! no wonder there are riots!
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    Finally Bought a Boat!!!

    if you tore that prop that bad better check your outdrive cuz I'm not sure there might be some damage there! Nice boat! Enjoy!:)
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    At the Islander launch ramp today.... Oops

    lots of money, no brains!:skull
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    Tony Stewart's gonna need a lawyer.

    latest news from Candaigua : stay in your car unless on fire, etc.
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    Anyone here get cited for Quaggas last weekend??

    there you have it, when the government should have done something they choose to wait 'til it's too late and a crisis! we're fighting the Eurasion milfoil out here [northeast]!!
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    Cars aren't supposed to drive off cliffs

    :(Thelma and Louise??:(
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    Saw my high school car on TV last night!

    have the same one only mines red, and I still have it [and ride it!]:D
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    73 Toll Road No cash anymore? How do ya 1 trip do it?

    Damn, TPC, what was the question again, those ''rollers'' have me mesmorized!!!!!!:thumbsup:D:yikes
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    SO RDP is not the best boating website?

    :thumbsupwhat he said!
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    Desert Storm 2014 Street Party

    Great!! I wonder what the poor people are doing today!!!!!!!:D:thumbsup
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    Beautiful Cole sinks at Pirate

    cordless drill and a few modifications to the bottom will help his ballast, what an asshat!
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    James Stewart 14th to 1st. GoPro.

    just keeps pickin them off, one at a time!
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    bad ass Barefoot video

    I can do a really good face plant, Paige is really sick!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Video: Onboard an F-18 Hornet fighter jet...

    great to see they're still going strong after all these years. Only thing better than carrier ops daytime is carrier ops night time!! Thanks for sharing!:skull:thumbsup
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    First time in NYC

    Intrepid Museum, Yankee Stadium:rolleyes
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    Not a Fan

    I liked the Heinz ''If your happy'' best with the betty white look alike gassin'!!!:rolleyes:yikes:thumbup::eek
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    Lambo for sale

    :yikescan't spell, but sure can buy!!!:rolleyes