Take a boat off your sales lot slap some stickers on it and win a Enduro race. Pretty bad ass. Should help sell that boat. There was some great racing going on today.
I use this chart. It has Blythe at I10 on it.
Also for looking a day ahead USBR told me it takes 24hrs for Parker water to reach Blythe. So if Parker is low today. Blythe will be low tomorrow.
I don't think it was as much the boat as it was the owner of Commander. Bought a boat from Commander and the boat was great, it was all the false promises and bull shit I got from the owner of Commander that made me never go back.
Turns out it pays not to be a dick. I was so pissed the night before I wanted to block the front door with the p.o.s. boat and leave a nasty note Next day I meet the new home owner who is really cool and said he will have it towed away for me. He knew the old owner was a dick by the way he...
I got a phone call from a neighbor down the street saying some one parked a boat up against my house. So I get down there tonight and sure enough there is some piece of crap with blown out tires parked on my side yard. After doing some searching turns out next door neighbor is short selling his...
Don't think they need it back. There getting plenty of money from hotel bookings for Coachella fest and Stage Coach. Plus I thought the gays have the White Party during spring break.