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  1. PVHCA

    Absolute speed and marine, Absolute disappointment!

    Sorry to hear of your experience, like many have said this shop provides great service, matter of fact my step kid had a great experience with them last summer which made me happy. The problem I've always had with Aaron n Cheryl is how they handled their f-ups, the constant lying, putting a...
  2. PVHCA

    How much have you inherited?

    Being the baby of 9 there's quite a chopping that occurred, LOL My parents were comfortable and yes I inherited a nice amount, however, I'd give every cent away if I could have them back.
  3. PVHCA

    So who is the most famous person on RDP?

    I doubt anyone "famous" is on here, maybe a couple of TV peeps like Daryl, but that's not Tom Cruise famous.
  4. PVHCA

    So Cal Speed and Marine

    Kincaid as in Gary Kincaid? The old Top Gun driver? Good to hear it's running, I thought that motor was rebuilt prior to ur purchase, if not sounds like how I got dooped.
  5. PVHCA

    Boat Crash.. :(

    My condolences go out to the 2 men that passed, terrible tragedy. Hoping his wife pulls through. My friends were the one's that rolled near sand bar, George, Brad, Mike and Wally are all sore and have some cuts but they are all fine, thank God.
  6. PVHCA

    Craigslist ad looking for info on RDP members?

    RVRKID and I know each other, I don't know Boat Pi personally or Free Board, maybe Boat PI can do some PI work and then we can respond to their add/request.
  7. PVHCA

    Craigslist ad looking for info on RDP members?

    Not sure what the other 3 did to this person, I'm innocent is all I know. Do ya'll think he was insinuating that I'm husky/chubby/portly when he referred to the SS Phat Guy pic? Flippin hurt my feelings/
  8. PVHCA

    McRaft Up Roll Call

    Guess we are gonna be out the same weekend, Becki's bday is July 10 and her kids Cody and Bobby decided Phil's fatass would love to bake in the Havasu heat July 14-16, so we'll stop by the Raft Up, one of you text me the location, I'd imagine one night we can all meet for some libations.:thumbsup
  9. PVHCA

    FYI: 03' Hallett 240 OB on boat trader.

    That boat was high 60's when new if memory serves me correct. looks like my buddys old one.
  10. PVHCA

    Divorce question for the inmates

    Did I read u were married 6 years and in CA? If so alimony either way will only be for 3 years, after the 10 year mark it's until the other party remarries or dies. Seems to me u r stepping over dimes to pick-up nickles BUT if you feel wronged and the amount you feel ur getting fucked out of...
  11. PVHCA

    Stolen boat recovered

    Yup, weird deal all around, hoping Matt comes in and sheds some light, probably has too wait till cops talk with him and the like to make sure all is ok to talk.
  12. PVHCA

    Went to Hallett today! WTH???

    and a hubcap guy owns the building, lol
  13. PVHCA

    Oh yeah - this is gonna work out.....

    he's a young 45
  14. PVHCA

    Pics of the Pirates Cove Poker Run - Your Pic here!

    the white sxs that u said was ur fave is either a kawi t-rex or a rhino.
  15. PVHCA

    Boat Value-Hallett

    here are some pics
  16. PVHCA

    Boat Value-Hallett

    Lemme know when U find one in that price range or better yet when the wholesaler does, LOL
  17. PVHCA

    Boat Value-Hallett

    I will soon, he's just curious what he should ask.
  18. PVHCA

    Boat Value-Hallett

    My buddy is gonna sell his 2005 Hallett 210 OB, 496HO, low hours, under 150, original owner, boat is white base with orange & gray, it's beautiful and in perfect shape, maintained yearly. Stored indoors in Needles at his river place. He's gonna call Jerry Barron today and pick his brain to...
  19. PVHCA

    Mustangs for sale

    guys got more money then brains
  20. PVHCA

    Got Taken Advantage Of By A Tow Company. [emoji1418][emoji1418][emoji1418]

    Andrew is honest as the day is long. Is ur truck the F150 or 250 diesel?