Water quality/softeners were brought up in this thread. Our place in Mohave Valley had nasty sulphur smells, previous heater had one element rotted out. Put in a new heater. Same smell. Changed annode rod to a different composition, same problem. Both looked like slimy Swiss cheese in a short...
I have mine on a smart outlet set to a program for my work week. If I’m doing yard work on the weekend, I just turn it on from the phone for an hour or so, have a beer, and then the hot water is ready. I have it set for 10 minutes before I wake up.
Walmart.com for the cars. Free shipping to the house. Local shop installs. No warranty, but the savings covers buying 1.5 new tires if needed. I always make sure there are good reviews on the tire on the site. Great prices on most, not usually on truck tires though, America’s tires usually...
Had it. Transmission went out on an 06 Yukon with 50k miles in Victorville on the way home from the river. Towed to the Chevy dealership in town. The covered transmission was 7 days out. I paid an extra 2-300 dollars to use a rebuild from the dealer. If I towed it to CarMax, I’m sure it would...
My $49 Walmart one works great. It does have all sorts of sounds around buildings and stuff. I couple it with Waze. No tickets yet. My buddy calls it a fat people detector. As you roll by alarmed buildings, there’s always “people” in view when it goes off!😂
Pork shoulder or butt is great on the smoker, butt(hehe) I think it tastes just as good in the crock pot if spiced correctly. I’d rather save the pellets or chips on a 12+ hour smoke for briskets. Totally personal opinion.
My 06 Yukon xl stays attached to the boat in the barn 24/7 for the last 3 years. Awesome. I have seen a lot of tahoes/Yukons in the bullhead area Facebook page for under $6k. If I ever have issues with my drive out vehicle, I have a way to get home too!