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  1. AzGeo

    A Very Stable Genius

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but legislation aimed at helping "working Americans" always kills the liberal pukes" .......... "If those terrorists had JOBS, they would not need to do any more terrorist acts" . Marie Harf "You can give credit to Obama for his plans that have now made...
  2. AzGeo

    STORM watch 2018!!

    F- the rain, you should be concerned about earthquakes in your hood . Rain will just wash your streets and cars, but earthquakes could really ruin your whole day .............
  3. AzGeo


    Run the motor on a bucket with 100% ANTIFREEZE in it , before you store or tow your boat . When the drip out of the drive is GREEN, the cops won't have any leg to stand on . I would put a little Clorox bleach into the bucket of coolant, just to really make sure the cops know your intent...
  4. AzGeo

    My Good Fellows...

    I would never drink that water, until a woman owns the company ! I was just "enlightened" by watching the women of Hollywood on the Golden Globes awards . Men don't know how to sell water, only women know what the people need !!!! Jim Jones is a "nice touch" here ..............
  5. AzGeo

    2018 Korea

    Just when the USA needs someone to "draw a line in the sand", and our greatest LINE DRAWER Obama is nowhere to be found" ! Obama ? Yes the guy who gave CASH, trucks, tanks, missiles, and vast numbers of munitions to those "guys on horseback" . Lucky we now have Trump who has just CUT off the...
  6. AzGeo

    In the dog house big time

    Wife and I made a deal in the early 1980's . "Work like hell the first 50 years, and then play just as hard the second 50" . It's working out fine so far ..............
  7. AzGeo

    4 Killed, Including Boy, in Shooting at Santa Clarita Home

    That cat face is such a great photo . "Attitude and altitude all in one shot" ............
  8. AzGeo

    Live PD on A&E

  9. AzGeo

    A lesson too many are downplaying......

    "Wish they all could be Arizona girls" ................ Beach Boys
  10. AzGeo

    For All You CPAP Users - Have You Seen The Airing?

    "I don't remember" .......
  11. AzGeo

    Horsepower per fuel line

    AND VOLUME ......
  12. AzGeo

    Only in Ca

    MY economy is and will do just fine without "your money" , PAL . This little town has more going on than; gas stations, restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, supermarkets, and what you demand for your weekends . Quite a few have moved their small businesses out of your state and are doing well...
  13. AzGeo

    A lesson too many are downplaying......

    Are you referring to those Italians who came thru ELLIS ISLAND legally, or those who came over the southern border illegally, and were on WELFARE at the time ? (I know, no welfare back then) Your post also shows that the NYT has a long history full of "opinions and innuendos" , yet always...
  14. AzGeo

    Only in Ca

    I prefer to hear from MULLER before I agree that no charges will be filed .......... Is California still part of the USA ? HA HA
  15. AzGeo

    More Tesla Model 3 Delays

    Sounds like Musk was in the 'west coast boat building business", at one time ........ HA HA
  16. AzGeo

    Horsepower per fuel line

    Pushing or pulling ?
  17. AzGeo

    So I got flipped off by a guy in a minivan today.

    "They say it's the Cadillac of mini vans" ................ Chili Palmer
  18. AzGeo

    More Tesla Model 3 Delays

    THEY SAY "He's a genius" ..................
  19. AzGeo

    Oil leak...help!

    Thinking about this again . What kind of oil is in the blower ? Could the oil be leaking out of the "snout" or "blower drive shaft seal" ? IF a shaft seal INSIDE has failed, the boost pressure made by the blower could be pushing oil out of the seal behind the input pulley .
  20. AzGeo

    things you see driving

    A motor home with a 'tin foil hat" ...........