I've had an Airsense 10 ResMed since Dec 2016 . Snored (like a freight trail) since 10 years old (when I was skinny) Started getting headaches that woke me up, and some lasted all day (around 2014) .
Took a second "sleep test" and found out the first test was bogus . I stopped breathing...
I would have it X-RAY'D before use, and every year thereafter . Especially I would do it after anything strikes or makes contact with it .
X-RAY, not Magnaflux, different worlds .........
It came from the south, because my front doors face south and they shook like all hell was coming down .
It felt close, and it took me a few minutes to get our cat off the ceiling ..............
I don't know how much your boat weighs, but the 3 blades that I have been using were all 11 3/4" and smaller, on 16" pitch .
This 20' open bow went 102 @ 6000, and 114 @ 6700, with one of those Menkens SS 3 blades with the cup . (11 1/4" X 16, on 1.29's)
The blue one went 86 @ 5400, same gear...
See the 90 degree CUP, I've been trying to explain ? It's a thin sharp edge, that interrupts the "laminar flow" .
I have Dallas cup all the way around the end of the blade tips .
Looking at the top photo, the top blade; that cup ends about 3/4" too short from being a "full radius 90...
By time stamp above . My post above sent this thread OFF of the NEW POSTS area, and back to the Lounge only .
This thread was about 60 (+-) out of 200, and my post sent it off that ranking ?
Placed a post in "Machining" last night, little after 9 PM . It never showed up on NEW POSTS, at...
Seems like when I post something in a boating thread it does not show up in the "new posts" area .
Should I now post my boating responses in the "political pages", so they may be seen ?
"In a country filled with so much hate, anger and violence" , said the woman who's family is in the business of YELLING OUT LOUD, "FIRE" in a crowded theater .
As far as "executions" go, I would defer to the "liberal means of punishment". After conviction on numerous federal crimes, they both...
Said Bruce Lee !
Shooting out in a remote country spot, is one thing . But repeatedly rolling off "round after round" in a place surrounded by others, is not safe .
Maybe get his cell phone number for next time, so you can call him FIRST, before you call the cops .
Horizontal or vertical...
I make a simple comment, and now you want to make something out of it .
Time for you to back off homeboy .
I know exactly where I'm at .
I'm very relaxed, and not the one (s) talking shit around here .
So I finally got some parts back from powder coating, and a hull with lettering .
Couldn't start the install without "sanding and buffing" the entire inside of the hull . It was too dull and rough (IMO) to put back together .
While I can, I'll get under the deck and install the Tach wiring...
Say'z YOU, who (I bet) never shot the electrical transformer off a pole (it blew up) ON THE NEXT BLOCK, with one five round burst . (120 yards + -)
The back round was a citrus orchard . (never put people in danger)
They are light, and you gotta' hold her down to hit anything .
Just like in...
Buy those "neighbors" a box of BLANKS for the next time they feel frisky .
If that doesn't work, I would start "spinning his weather vane" with my AK, or Uzi ............
My dad was born in 1913, so I was not around in 1912, to have witnessed it first hand . But I still need to LAUGH at a discussion of "NASA and integration", that includes a photo depicting NASA Huntsville and both Von Braun and Wallace in the same scene ..... HA HA HA
So you are hoping that these "round of elections soon", will elect more leaders like the Clinton's or the state of California has ?
I'm hoping that our next elections will steer this country EVEN FURTHER from; liberalism, socialism, foreign influences, and the criminal actions and stupidity...