yooor kiddin right? usually plumbed with -8 min to -10 hosesFunny. All those exotic 1000HP + vehicles that are running 280MPH+ don't need 1/2" fuel lines...
Dragsters? Yea...volume makes up for a lot.
As per BoostPower even the 496ho should be fed by 1/2” so.....
Not going to disagree about the sizing fuel lines as bigger ID is better in most all cases - but in the stock Mercruiser apps there is many corks in the fuel side of the engine. On the 496 for instance - 2006 and up with the gen 3 cool fuel the exit fuel line ID coming out of the back side of the cool fuel is tiny as hell. It is smaller than 3/8 - the metal portion side of that fuel line.
yooor kiddin right? usually plumbed with -8 min to -10 hoses
yooor kiddin right? usually plumbed with -8 min to -10 hoses
Direct Injection Rails run at around 2400 PSI, you don't need big lines if you run enough pressure.