My middle aged vehicles are registered in Needles which keeps them out of the loop . There's also a county or 2 up in Northern Ca that don't do smog and I know a few guys who have addresses up there where all their vehicles are addressed.
My wife has been diligently on this program for a while now, so by default since she cooks I have been too for the most part. Neither of us had high blood pressure, but mine is the lowest/ most perfect it's ever been . Exercise and strength training if capable go hand in hand . We were eating...
Made it up Olds at night back in 86' with a chick on the back of a 185S pull start because it was the only thing in camp that ran with a head light , and my 07 rhino starts 10 times a day for yard work. Go figure how far we've back peddled 🤣
Due to having intermittent issues with zero crank at full ignition / pounding the pedal to start/ ignition first then hit pedal to start I went down the you tube path real quick. Fwiw Batt- good, grounds- good, ignition switch- good . A bunch of hillbilly vids on just twisting the wires...
I've always thought NV and Ca would work well on Mountain time for the whole year rather than switching back and forth. Now that the coddlers in charge moved school start times back to 830 ish in many districts so kids could "get more sleep/ get more late night screen time " lol that old going...
When I was a senior in high school I drug home a clean Hallett flatbottom with an LT1 which made for some good times . My Dad flipped his shit and gave me the " if you don't have a garage don't get a boat or nice car or leave it outside , and if you don't own a home don't get a fuc%ing dog "...
It's the old bootleg garage conversion everyone used to hate, but is now considered SOP per the dems "affordable housing solutions" that tossed zoning out the window
This dude in my hood cracks me up. I built the house next door to where these two sit outside 300’ from the saltwater, and you can see how faded the covers are -
This plus GMO foods, preservatives, additives, and the way the food we grew up on comes to market being vastly different than prior to post WW2 sure seems likely. I don't remember any autistic kids growing up in any friend or relative's family , and now my wife has at least one each semester...
I gassed up in Morro Bay a few months ago heading to visit the kids in Phoenix and fly to Zihuat. My biggest surprise was paying more for gas in Phoenix than Morro Bay . That to me, along with Az going blue is an example of the real elephant in the big room as it pertains to politics, not...
To me this population concentration in Ca IS what makes parts of it tolerable, being that it's such a large state. I like the area in Utah you recently moved to as well as a lot of other things about that state for the record. I like parts of Az, Florida, and other states as well and will...
That works. Keep Needles sketchy . Maybe a logo with a rock bar, a syringe, and a dry reefed dock crusher is in order to keep the Chinese investors away for a few more decades :cool:
Having owned stuff down there, and seeing the growth over the years plus the crowds and "surf" chop on the lake has me praying Needles never gets another grocery store 😂 .
Paying for a lot split at the surveyor in Havasu last year the receptionist commented on my credit card . She said " I moved here a few years ago and just loooove the slow pace and lack of traffic . You must just be SOOOO excited to be able to move here and enjoy the small town and lack of...
In many cases these days , the "leave a wall" is just to keep a pre existing / non conforming element of the structure, or more importantly at the coast preserve the footprint as it relates to "bluff setback" or other footholds which would be larger and / or trigger more permitting, with more...
I've built a bunch of these now both as a part of new construction , and detached on the property. We are in SLO county, but there are tons of links stating the opposite, and I haven't heard any horror stories about re assessment. Most of what I build start with a tear down, and that square...