Unfortunately the kids want McD’s and nothing else. I do like their fries but their burgers suck. I don’t know how every single McDonald’s manages to put 100% of the condiments on the hamburger in the exact same spot at the edge of the burger every time.
I went thru a local drive thru last week and a lady came flying in the wrong way and entered the drive thru lane from the exit. She cut right in front of me as I was coming around the building. I was pissed, the wife is all, don't do anything, we're not in a hurry just let it go, blah, blah...
The lake is beautiful during winter, we spend just as much time at the lake in winter as we do summer.
I always seem to find projects to work on during winter.
When the lake is low during the winter, its the time to repair the seawall if needed.
Last winter I lengthened our launching ramp...
Can you take a Roomba upstairs to the second level and will it remember the different floor plans?
What about taking it to the lake house when we go, will it remember that too?
Here at LOTO, central MO, very few people wear masks unless your at a big national chain store like Lowe’s or HD and then it’s not really enforced.
Yesterday a guy in a bass boat by himself trolls by the dock fishing and wearing a mask. That’s Biden stupid.
With working from home, we have spent most of the past year at the lake house (LOTO). I couldn't really bring down all the Xmas decorations, but I did wrap some lights on the deck railing. With all the furniture put away for winter it helped the the deck look a little better. The blue lights...
Maybe I missed it, but where does he get all the bikes he's selling and how do you know he's selling bikes? You might be looking at a master criminal enterprise, each tube of the bike could be packed with plastic straws or some other illegal stuff. ;)
Thank you to all that serve.
My Grandfather served in the Army in WWI, My Dad in the Navy in WWII and my Uncle in the Marines in Korea. At 18 years old I received a high draft number (324) in 1974 and didn't get called up to go to Vietnam.
My uncle, in the Marines was killed in Korea before...