Your prediction for our next President?

Who do you expect to win?

  • Clinton

    Votes: 53 27.6%
  • Trump

    Votes: 138 71.9%
  • Johnson, (Gary... not Dave)

    Votes: 1 0.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
We can all agree America deserves better but we are stuck with two pretty awful choices.

Who do you think will win?

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
I'm voting Trump for the simple fact he is the republican nominee and it is a binary election. Say or think what you want about Gary Johnson but he has zero chance to win and anyone casting a vote for him is helping hand Clinton the White House.

All that being said I think we will be calling that POS Clinton President elect on Wednesday. I pray to God I am wrong and would be happy being so.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
From the social media numbers Trump is gonna win by a landslide.. Unless they rig it with voter fraud and compromised machines I don't see how Hillary can win.

I hope you are right and if you are I will probably have a hangover the day after its announced...come to think of it I probably will either way...for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
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Demoncrats and their supporters are treasonous enemies of liberty, and as such this will be my 12th consecutive presidential election voting for the (R) nominee. Too bad my party decided to nominate an unelectable assclown who can't keep his big mouth shut.
The next 8 years will make the last 8 look good in comparison. We're fucked, and the clowns who voted to nominate chump did it to us.

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
From the social media numbers Trump is gonna win by a landslide.. Unless they rig it with voter fraud and compromised machines I don't see how Hillary can win.

I think living in a small town in Arizona has blinded you to the fact that there are a fuck ton of people that hate trump...lol

Personally I think he's pretty much a pile of shit but I would vote for him every day and twice on Sunday as opposed to Clinton if those are my choices.

My gut says Hillary wins.

You know the country is in the crapper when the real world candidates make Frank Underwood seem like a no loose president...haha[emoji12][emoji41]


Little Buddy
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
From the social media numbers Trump is gonna win by a landslide.. Unless they rig it with voter fraud and compromised machines I don't see how Hillary can win.

Wikilinks has commented outright from his state of exile that "There is no way Trump can win. The establishment has rigged it so that it is impossible. The amount of voter fraud is unprecedented."

We will see if he is right...again.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I think living in a small town in Arizona has blinded you to the fact that there are a fuck ton of people that hate trump...lol

Personally I think he's pretty much a pile of shit but I would vote for him every day and twice on Sunday as opposed to Clinton if those are my choices.

My gut says Hillary wins.

You know the country is in the crapper when the real world candidates make Frank Underwood seem like a no loose president...haha[emoji12][emoji41]

I am well aware a lot of people hate Trump.. I am also aware that Hillary can barely fill a school gymnasium at a rally. Her Husband had a rally that less than 50 people showed up too, and I had more people at my sons bday party this weekend than ever showed up at Kaine's rallies..

That all said I believe the sheer level of corruption displayed not only by Hillary but by the DNC has people reeling. She flat colluded with the head of the DNC in the primaries, and after Debbie was caught turned around and hired her? I know Dem's lack the logic to solve even simple problems, but c'mon.. They aren't that dumb. Scandal after Scandal and being tied to everything from Benghazi, to foreign arms deals, to hell even Weiner with his child sexting in one form another.. I don't care how bad people think Trump is, he is not even in the same league as these people. I think you'll find a lot of Dem's holding their nose and voting Trump/Pence at the polls this year.

That all said Trey Gowdy for 2020!



Just Livin up to My Name
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The question in your poll is " Who do you expect to win? "
My answer is Trump.
If the question were to be " Who is most likely to win? " well....unfortunalely that is all together another answer.:skull


Just Livin up to My Name
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I am well aware a lot of people hate Trump.. I am also aware that Hillary can barely fill a school gymnasium at a rally. Her Husband had a rally that less than 50 people showed up too, and I had more people at my sons bday party this weekend than ever showed up at Kaine's rallies..

That all said I believe the sheer level of corruption displayed not only by Hillary but by the DNC has people reeling. She flat colluded with the head of the DNC in the primaries, and after Debbie was caught turned around and hired her? I know Dem's lack the logic to solve even simple problems, but c'mon.. They aren't that dumb. Scandal after Scandal and being tied to everything from Benghazi, to foreign arms deals, to hell even Weiner with his child sexting in one form another.. I don't care how bad people think Trump is, he is not even in the same league as these people. I think you'll find a lot of Dem's holding their nose and voting Trump/Pence at the polls this year.

That all said Trey Gowdy for 2020!

I've said it before and I will say it again. If rally attendance for each candidate is any indicator of how the final results come out, Trump will win by a landslide by popular vote. The electoral vote is a whole other deal.:skull


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
I held my nose and voted for Trump, it was a better choice than slitting my wrists and voting for that baby rhino.

I feel like she is going to win but hope I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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I voted for trump, but he won't be our next president.

Rattle Can Lou

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2007
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I really don't get how people blame the Republican Party for Trump being the nominee...WE put him in..the people speaking they're dissatisfaction with the status quo...We voted...and put the other 16 nominee's to the curb...so let's take the blame and vote him in...we wanted to rid ourselves of the establishment...not let's see what he can do..he may be the right guy to turn this turd bucket around and make us proud to be Americans...we know what we're going to get with the flea bag..


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
The funny part is how the establishment make you all think your vote matters. Tomorrow doesn't mean shit. The choice was predetermined years ago! Clinton gonna "win" because the government that actually runs this country has made it so already. Trump will most likely win the "popular" vote but will lose the electoral vote. The entity that runs this country will have all its done since they offed Kennedy undone buy trump as president. I'll be floored if the establishment allows a trump win. All I know is Clinton will not get my vote.


Extreme Mist
Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
Wikilinks has commented outright from his state of exile that "There is no way Trump can win. The establishment has rigged it so that it is impossible. The amount of voter fraud is unprecedented."

We will see if he is right...again.

I agree with this.

I believe Hillary will win the election without a fix but I also believe there is no way the establishment on either side will allow Trump to be elected. Trump has made it very clear he wants to clean house when he gets to DC and I believe he'll take down both sides. There's no way they'll allow that to happen.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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The funny part is how the establishment make you all think your vote matters. Tomorrow doesn't mean shit. The choice was predetermined years ago! Clinton gonna "win" because the government that actually runs this country has made it so already. Trump will most likely win the "popular" vote but will lose the electoral vote. The entity that runs this country will have all its done since they offed Kennedy undone buy trump as president. I'll be floored if the establishment allows a trump win. All I know is Clinton will not get my vote.

Trump stands about as much chance of winning the popular vote as Michael Vick stands of winning the vote for Dog Catcher in Surry County Virginia. He did it to all of us. He got nominated, then he relied on idiotic showmanship to try and get votes. The sad part is that he could have won and sent the Clinton's packing forever. His ego was more important than the good of our country. I don't look forward to tomorrow when Hillary wins. It makes me want to puke and it's Trumps fault.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Reaction score
The funny part is how the establishment make you all think your vote matters. Tomorrow doesn't mean shit. The choice was predetermined years ago! Clinton gonna "win" because the government that actually runs this country has made it so already. Trump will most likely win the "popular" vote but will lose the electoral vote. The entity that runs this country will have all its done since they offed Kennedy undone buy trump as president. I'll be floored if the establishment allows a trump win. All I know is Clinton will not get my vote.
sorry dude, but trump will lose the popular vote by 3-5 points. His ONLY chance is the electoral college.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Voter turnout will be lower then 8 years ago. Trump will win popular vote, but my gut says the Clinton Foundation has already purchased the electoral vote.
So in the end the people will say Trump, but Clinton will win due to the electoral.
I voted Trump, not bc I agree with everything he says but bc I have too many reasons not to vote for Hillary (guilty in my mind of too many federal laws).


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
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Trump stands about as much chance of winning the popular vote as Michael Vick stands of winning the vote for Dog Catcher in Surry County Virginia. He did it to all of us. He got nominated, then he relied on idiotic showmanship to try and get votes. The sad part is that he could have won and sent the Clinton's packing forever. His ego was more important than the good of our country. I don't look forward to tomorrow when Hillary wins. It makes me want to puke and it's Trumps fault.

I agree up to the point when you said he could win. He never stood a chance, and this is why the treacherous media played him up to the sheeple. They knew he was likely the only one of the original crop of potential nominees that couldn't possibly beat the commie klinton. They knew they had dirt on his dumb ass going waaay back, just like they knew he'd never be able to keep his foot outta his mouth.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I can't imagine how one can win the electoral college with a barrage of personal insults and attacks against ethnic and religious minorities.

But who knows, the Cubs won the world series and Oakland is atop of the AFC West?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I agree up to the point when you said he could win. He never stood a chance, and this is why the treacherous media played him up to the sheeple. They knew he was likely the only one of the original crop of potential nominees that couldn't possibly beat the commie klinton. They knew they had dirt on his dumb ass going waaay back, just like they knew he'd never be able to keep his foot outta his mouth.

What dirt? LOL WTF are you talking about? You talking about a conversation he had in a bus? That's the big "dirt?" A couple of girls that suddenly remember being groped 30 years ago? (never said anything till now?) Some of whom were paid ridiculous money (and got caught)? That dirt? The fact that he used bankruptcy laws to his benefit in less than 5% of his businesses?

Compare that to Bill meeting the Attorney General on the Tarmac? Are you shitting me? How about ole Loretta Lynch taking the 5th recently regarding the Iran payments? How about rigging a primary to beat an old socialist, and than when the people are caught (in particular) Debbie, turning around and throwing public opinion to the wind and flat out hiring her? How about getting debate questions ahead of time.. Collusion with the debate moderator and signaling. How about Being under investigation from the FBI for the last two quarters of the campaign trail? Speaking of trails, what about the tail of bodies the DNC and the Clinton's have left in their wake? You want to know why the Meme's that talk about getting whacked by the Clinton's are funny? Because everyone, and I mean everyone knows it's true. Set aside the actual bigger deals like Benghazi, the fact they robbed the white house, Bill was impeached, Hillary was fired for being unethical. So many Scandals this post would turn into a novel to even list them, let alone describe any in any detail. This is just off the top of my head, and not even getting into Bill's cigar tricks.. Hillary destroying the lives of his women victims.. The Clinton foundation and their gross misappropriation of funds, including their own exotic travel, Chelsea's hook ups etc.. But not limited too stealing from some of the poorest people on earth namely the residents of Haiti. The list just goes on and on.

Make no mistake, their is no good in that woman. She has no soul. She is evil through and through. She has had 30+years in what she calls public service, but has served nothing but herself. She has no accomplishments to speak of. She has done nothing to make this country or the world a better place. She has created a fake charity as a tax shelter for bribes (not speaking fees). She is treasonous beyond even Obama, and will ultimately be responsible for the second revolution in America, which will ultimately result in the unwinding of the country as a whole.

When you go to vote tomorrow (if you haven't already).. Ask yourself some questions :

If your wife was under investigation What would happen if you boarded a private plane with the prosecutor days before the case was brought?

What would happen if you ran your business like the Clinton Foundation? Or if you were in charge of a non profit and ran it like the Clinton Foundation?

Hell lets try an easy one.. What would happen if you took your campaign RV and just pumped the black tank into a storm drain? LOL

I mean these people don't give a SHIT!! Right up until they give you shit.. :(

You could ask yourself what would happen in at least 40 different circumstances that I can think of off the top of my head, and the answer would always end the same.. "You'd be up shit creek without a paddle." "You'd be locked up" or in some cases you'd probably get whacked by the Clinton's themselves.



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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I believe Clinton will win although I personally do not want her to. Even ignoring the "what should be" and the sheep out there voting and not realizing the problems with candidates, just by the structure of the electoral college its not hard for a democrat to get into office these days. They really don't have to carry that many states to get the victory once the traditionally Democrat votes from California and New England are tallied up, it doesn't matter how red the map is by surface area, they only need a few key states after that. The numbers I will be curious about is the voter turnout, I am predicting record lows, a lot of people banging drums on both sides on social media and public outrage, but most not having a dog in the fight, they will fail to show up to choose the lesser of their two evils, and not want the feeling of responsibility for what happens next. Hating the opponent doesn't get people in the booth, look how easily Obama won the second term with an approval rating below 50%. :grumble:

This is a fun site to look at how geographically all the elections have gone over time, interesting stuff, dreaming of Reagan being reincarnated.



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
I believe Clinton will win although I personally do not want her to. Even ignoring the "what should be" and the sheep out there voting and not realizing the problems with candidates, just by the structure of the electoral college its not hard for a democrat to get into office these days. They really don't have to carry that many states to get the victory once the traditionally Democrat votes from California and New England are tallied up, it doesn't matter how red the map is by surface area, they only need a few key states after that. The numbers I will be curious about is the voter turnout, I am predicting record lows, a lot of people banging drums on both sides on social media and public outrage, but most not having a dog in the fight, they will fail to show up to choose the lesser of their two evils, and not want the feeling of responsibility for what happens next. Hating the opponent doesn't get people in the booth, look how easily Obama won the second term with an approval rating below 50%. :grumble:

This is a fun site to look at how geographically all the elections have gone over time, interesting stuff, dreaming of Reagan being reincarnated.



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
I really don't get how people blame the Republican Party for Trump being the nominee...WE put him in..the people speaking they're dissatisfaction with the status quo...We voted...and put the other 16 nominee's to the curb...so let's take the blame and vote him in...we wanted to rid ourselves of the establishment...not let's see what he can do..he may be the right guy to turn this turd bucket around and make us proud to be Americans...we know what we're going to get with the flea bag..

this is exactly why i would vote trump. Why would we continue on this trend of money sucking pay to play politicians? Politicians are getting rich in office. Do people not understand why? They are selling their votes to the highest bidder. Clinton is #1 when it comes to this shit. These people arent voting how their constituents feel. They are voting on whatever gets them the most money and its fucking disgusting. Term Limits and non politicians. Or politicians like trey goudy are the only way to go.

I dont understand why people are blind to this and they could possibly be ok with the status quo......DRAIN THE FUCKING SWAMP


The Legend
Mar 23, 2009
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
The funny part is how the establishment make you all think your vote matters. Tomorrow doesn't mean shit. The choice was predetermined years ago! Clinton gonna "win" because the government that actually runs this country has made it so already. Trump will most likely win the "popular" vote but will lose the electoral vote. The entity that runs this country will have all its done since they offed Kennedy undone buy trump as president. I'll be floored if the establishment allows a trump win. All I know is Clinton will not get my vote.

That's my exact thoughts as well. WHY do we still have the Electoral College? Its my understanding it was formed when the people lived in rural areas & could not make it to the polls. Seems to me, it really doesn't matter if you or vote. These elected few in the Electoral College is the only vote that really matters ???


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Reaction score
What dirt? LOL WTF are you talking about? You talking about a conversation he had in a bus? That's the big "dirt?" A couple of girls that suddenly remember being groped 30 years ago? (never said anything till now?) Some of whom were paid ridiculous money (and got caught)? That dirt? The fact that he used bankruptcy laws to his benefit in less than 5% of his businesses?

Compare that to Bill meeting the Attorney General on the Tarmac? Are you shitting me? How about ole Loretta Lynch taking the 5th recently regarding the Iran payments? How about rigging a primary to beat an old socialist, and than when the people are caught (in particular) Debbie, turning around and throwing public opinion to the wind and flat out hiring her? How about getting debate questions ahead of time.. Collusion with the debate moderator and signaling. How about Being under investigation from the FBI for the last two quarters of the campaign trail? Speaking of trails, what about the tail of bodies the DNC and the Clinton's have left in their wake? You want to know why the Meme's that talk about getting whacked by the Clinton's are funny? Because everyone, and I mean everyone knows it's true. Set aside the actual bigger deals like Benghazi, the fact they robbed the white house, Bill was impeached, Hillary was fired for being unethical. So many Scandals this post would turn into a novel to even list them, let alone describe any in any detail. This is just off the top of my head, and not even getting into Bill's cigar tricks.. Hillary destroying the lives of his women victims.. The Clinton foundation and their gross misappropriation of funds, including their own exotic travel, Chelsea's hook ups etc.. But not limited too stealing from some of the poorest people on earth namely the residents of Haiti. The list just goes on and on.

Make no mistake, their is no good in that woman. She has no soul. She is evil through and through. She has had 30+years in what she calls public service, but has served nothing but herself. She has no accomplishments to speak of. She has done nothing to make this country or the world a better place. She has created a fake charity as a tax shelter for bribes (not speaking fees). She is treasonous beyond even Obama, and will ultimately be responsible for the second revolution in America, which will ultimately result in the unwinding of the country as a whole.

When you go to vote tomorrow (if you haven't already).. Ask yourself some questions :

If your wife was under investigation What would happen if you boarded a private plane with the prosecutor days before the case was brought?

What would happen if you ran your business like the Clinton Foundation? Or if you were in charge of a non profit and ran it like the Clinton Foundation?

Hell lets try an easy one.. What would happen if you took your campaign RV and just pumped the black tank into a storm drain? LOL

I mean these people don't give a SHIT!! Right up until they give you shit.. :(

You could ask yourself what would happen in at least 40 different circumstances that I can think of off the top of my head, and the answer would always end the same.. "You'd be up shit creek without a paddle." "You'd be locked up" or in some cases you'd probably get whacked by the Clinton's themselves.

preaching to the choir. Media knew trump was the one most likely to get whooped by the twat. Sheeple SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
What dirt? LOL WTF are you talking about? You talking about a conversation he had in a bus? That's the big "dirt?" A couple of girls that suddenly remember being groped 30 years ago? (never said anything till now?) Some of whom were paid ridiculous money (and got caught)? That dirt? The fact that he used bankruptcy laws to his benefit in less than 5% of his businesses?

Compare that to Bill meeting the Attorney General on the Tarmac? Are you shitting me? How about ole Loretta Lynch taking the 5th recently regarding the Iran payments? How about rigging a primary to beat an old socialist, and than when the people are caught (in particular) Debbie, turning around and throwing public opinion to the wind and flat out hiring her? How about getting debate questions ahead of time.. Collusion with the debate moderator and signaling. How about Being under investigation from the FBI for the last two quarters of the campaign trail? Speaking of trails, what about the tail of bodies the DNC and the Clinton's have left in their wake? You want to know why the Meme's that talk about getting whacked by the Clinton's are funny? Because everyone, and I mean everyone knows it's true. Set aside the actual bigger deals like Benghazi, the fact they robbed the white house, Bill was impeached, Hillary was fired for being unethical. So many Scandals this post would turn into a novel to even list them, let alone describe any in any detail. This is just off the top of my head, and not even getting into Bill's cigar tricks.. Hillary destroying the lives of his women victims.. The Clinton foundation and their gross misappropriation of funds, including their own exotic travel, Chelsea's hook ups etc.. But not limited too stealing from some of the poorest people on earth namely the residents of Haiti. The list just goes on and on.

Make no mistake, their is no good in that woman. She has no soul. She is evil through and through. She has had 30+years in what she calls public service, but has served nothing but herself. She has no accomplishments to speak of. She has done nothing to make this country or the world a better place. She has created a fake charity as a tax shelter for bribes (not speaking fees). She is treasonous beyond even Obama, and will ultimately be responsible for the second revolution in America, which will ultimately result in the unwinding of the country as a whole.

When you go to vote tomorrow (if you haven't already).. Ask yourself some questions :

If your wife was under investigation What would happen if you boarded a private plane with the prosecutor days before the case was brought?

What would happen if you ran your business like the Clinton Foundation? Or if you were in charge of a non profit and ran it like the Clinton Foundation?

Hell lets try an easy one.. What would happen if you took your campaign RV and just pumped the black tank into a storm drain? LOL

I mean these people don't give a SHIT!! Right up until they give you shit.. :(

You could ask yourself what would happen in at least 40 different circumstances that I can think of off the top of my head, and the answer would always end the same.. "You'd be up shit creek without a paddle." "You'd be locked up" or in some cases you'd probably get whacked by the Clinton's themselves.


Couldn't agree with you more, unfortunately we actually have intelligent people on here that think they're equally bad, go figure.:rolleyes


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
That's my exact thoughts as well. WHY do we still have the Electoral College? Its my understanding it was formed when the people lived in rural area could not make it to the polls. Seems to me, it really doesn't matter if you or vote. These elected few in the Electoral College is the only vote that really matters ???

Because the founding fathers wanted us to be a constitutional republic not a democracy. They imposed limits on the US being a direct democracy to protect us from the history of direct democracies.

The Electoral College was not the only Constitutional limitation on direct democracy, though we have discarded most of those limitations. Senators were initially to be appointed by state legislatures, and states were permitted to ban women from voting entirely. Slaves got an even worse deal, as a slave officially was counted as just three-fifths of a person. The 14th Amendment abolished the three-fifths rule and granted (male) former slaves the right to vote. The 17th Amendment made senators subject to direct election, and the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.

The Electoral College can go away, all it takes is a Constitutional Amendment as has been done in the past.


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
My avatar says it all.:thumbsup


Essex Affectionado
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
My wife and I voted for Trump by Mail.... but I fully expect Killary to win.

Surprised to see this RDP poll showing peeps expecting Trump to win. :headscratch:


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
All candidates are absolute morons and our current state of affairs will undoubtedly get worse regardless of which puppet our real masters select to be "president".

The thought alone that one person can successfully alter the lives of over 300,000,000 people who all have individual ideas wants, needs and desires is absolutely naive.

Not once in American history has a president been elected who dramatically reduced debt, government size and influence. Yet one of the current highly unqualified dorks are supposed to change that? Get real. LOL! ....and get ready for more of the same and/or worse. :thumbsup

plaster dave

Face down A$$ up
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
My family has about 40+ voters in it. All but 3 are voting Trump. My mom, 1 aunt and 1 uncle are voting Hilary.
I don't think Trump will win.
I have a crazy theory for 2020.
I think Obama will release all the dirt he's got on Hilary. She will get impeached and Michelle Obama will run for the Democratic Party.
I think Ivanka Trump will run for the Republican Party.
I know it sounds crazy but this is my theory.


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
My family has about 40+ voters in it. All but 3 are voting Trump. My mom, 1 aunt and 1 uncle are voting Hilary.
I don't think Trump will win.
I have a crazy theory for 2020.
I think Obama will release all the dirt he's got on Hilary. She will get impeached and Michelle Obama will run for the Democratic Party.
I think Ivanka Trump will run for the Republican Party.
I know it sounds crazy but this is my theory.

How about this theory:

Hillary gets indited but never spends a day in jail, Trump gets fake assassinated, Obama declares state of emergency and becomes the last US president? :D


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score

I haven't watched the whole thing but I thought it was pretty interesting back ground wise for both candidates. From a psychological point of view it shows how there child hood directly shaped both of there lives and careers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Hillary will most likely win- why?

Our country has passed the tipping point. More people want to live or leach off the government than are willing to work on their own merit for prosperity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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98% of people I talk to are voting Trump. I believe is going to WIN!


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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The middle class gives the elites the :finger and the blacks give Satan it too ------- Trump