Trump lifts ban on import of Ivory


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Lol, and Nicholas Cage?
You're not helping your cause of making us believe you aren't him.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2017
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This doesn't help your case.. lol but it's on Lake Oconee (Georgia) and don't get at it as much as I should. I bought the boat because my dad has one and wanted to spend more time on the lake with him. I work 70 hours a week, and trying to alleviate that and hoping having a hobby helps me.
In all seriousness, as far as pizzagate and other horrendous crimes the Democrat party has done, do people on these forums believe? I understand this is very much off topic, but this thread seems active,I'm just curious. If you are wondering why I'm asking, It's insane that people are slamming Roy Moore with zero evidence , but have already found him guilty. When you have HARD evidence of pizzagate, Uranium One, Fast and Furious, NSA Spying, IRS targeting Republicans\Tea Party (Lois Lerner emails) and just ignore it?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Here, will this help?

I don’t give a flying fuck who are or where you came from, you’re good!

One thing about this place you should know, never and I mean NEVER engage with the Sauce.



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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This doesn't help your case.. lol but it's on Lake Oconee (Georgia) and don't get at it as much as I should. I bought the boat because my dad has one and wanted to spend more time on the lake with him. I work 70 hours a week, and trying to alleviate that and hoping having a hobby helps me.
In all seriousness, as far as pizzagate and other horrendous crimes the Democrat party has done, do people on these forums believe? I understand this is very much off topic, but this thread seems active,I'm just curious. If you are wondering why I'm asking, It's insane that people are slamming Roy Moore with zero evidence , but have already found him guilty. When you have HARD evidence of pizzagate, Uranium One, Fast and Furious, NSA Spying, IRS targeting Republicans\Tea Party (Lois Lerner emails) and just ignore it?
Is there supposed to be a pic in this post? I'm not seeing it?

With previous grads alter ego posts he at least posted pics of himself and his gay lover? On a boat...


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2017
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Is there supposed to be a pic in this post? I'm not seeing it?

With previous grads alter ego posts he at least posted pics of himself and his gay lover? On a boat...
What is a saucer? and I don't have an alter ego. There was no pic in that post.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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What is a saucer? and I don't have an alter ego. There was no pic in that post.
I didn't mention a saucer, Reg did.
But since you ask.
He's a liberal poster here...
He has an...oddly perverted way with the English language.
Regor is right though.
Do not engage !!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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As long as you've veered off course for the moment, wtf does GPUA supposed to mean ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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Okey , I kept trying to find some political meaning. carry on! This has been an enlightening reading from all sides.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Still not sure what a saucer pig is, but FUCK EM! ps, Bourbon is good for the soul.
Sig, not pig...well?
Saucer usually concludes posts with GPAU.
Sometimes, when he's feeling decadent he actually types it out. :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2017
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He was 61 and still makin runs!

not looking at his iPhone!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The Ivory trade wasn't legalized. What Trump (USFWS) did was turn around an Ivory importation ban that Dan Ashe, Obama's USFWS director installed. You still cannot sell ivory. Not even legally hunted, imported. It's yours for life. Your heirs can inherit it, that's all.

So, guys that have hunted Elephants since the ban can now get their Ivory to their homes. The future hunted Ivory will get here sooner. More people will book hunts, more anti poaching money=less poached Elephants.

Thanks for posting the facts. Stainless' totally wrong OP went seven pages before you spoke up.

The rest of you guys need to investigate before believing a post from the dark side. There has been a worldwide ban on the international ivory trade since 1989.

Several countries have ignored it, most notably China. The Chinese just announced they will enforce the ban beginning January 1, 2018.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Still not sure what a saucer pig is, but FUCK EM! ps, Bourbon is good for the soul.

I'm a single barrel bourbon man myself.
Haven't had any Pappy for a while, but always keep some Blantons, Angels Envy, and Willet on hand!

Btw, now that Saucers name has been posted over 3 times, he should be along to assign your preliminary ranking, and toss out a few sexually perverted innuendos your way.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for posting the facts. Stainless' totally wrong OP went seven pages before you spoke up.

The rest of you guys need to investigate before believing a post from the dark side. There has been a worldwide ban on the international ivory trade since 1989.

Several countries have ignored it, most notably China. The Chinese just announced they will enforce the ban beginning January 1, 2018.

Facts are funny things. Take the Topock closure/wakeless speed issue. In this case the people who are for the closure (the Anti's) don't understand all the facts from the RDP side (The Hunters) Once both sides have all the facts, an adult conversation can happen. Problem is one side presents their facts in an emotional way.

"You want clean water....don't you" "You want to protect the children" ....don't you."

When the person presenting the facts uses emotional arguments the other side defending is put at an immediate disadvantage. Who doesn't like Elephants for Gods sake? People just have a problem believing and processing that a small amount sacrificing for the betterment of the species makes conservation sense. The off take of any species that is hunted, when calculated correctly, has a ZERO effect on the population.

When I hunted in Tanzania last year, there were 5 Elephants on quota. Before the poaching got out of hand, there were literally Elephants everywhere you looked. They walked through camp, pushed tents over, constantly fucked with your stuff. The 5 on quota, was figured at less than normal mortality than the area experienced so there was no effect. But the poaching has made Elephants rare and as I stated in the thread that Gelcoater linked, I believe there should be an immediate and 100% closure of any and all Elephant hunting in all of Tanzania.

They don't need to like it, but it makes sense. 530's comments that we as hunters are selfish and just want to save them so we can shoot them is factually accurate, but this belief jumps from A, all the way to Z, but in essence he's right. But not hunting doesn't work either. If you watched the Tedx Copenhagen link I posted in my first post in this thread, it is explained very well (by an anti hunter)

As to your statement that China will enforce the ban...I will have to see it to believe it.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Add to the argument you flash $50K or whatever it cost to these poor countries to hunt Elephants is pure greed by the ones paying and the ones receiving the money. 530 is correct, donate the money if you’re a true conservationist.
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Add to the argument you flash $50K or whatever it cost to these poor countries to hunt Elephants is pure greed by the ones paying and the ones receiving the money. 530 is correct, donate the money if you’re true a conservationist.

You calling out 530?
That's awesome!


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
I’ll give Trump credit, he himself retweeted this from Greta VanSustren earlier this morning.


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
How did you conclude that Pyle?

Are you saying that 530 is not a true conservationist?
Or yourself for that matter?
Spool up a bale of that cash you have made from your over performing portfolio and put your money where your mouth is!

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Add to the argument you flash $50K or whatever it cost to these poor countries to hunt Elephants is pure greed by the ones paying and the ones receiving the money. 530 is correct, donate the money if you’re true a conservationist.

Nothing stopping you either. Problem with donation money is it travels through far too many hands before it get to where it needs. Hunters dollars go from outfitter>>>>>to bush African, no middlemen. You do realize you are taking an anti-hunters stance? You've always been a pro hunter as my memory serves. Hunters dollars do far more than you realize.

The outfitters enter into local agreements with these villages. The village Chief has a huge say in who and what gets hunted. Schools, clinic are built. Hell, I once drove a truck loaded with 8 8 16's from Lusaka to the village of Zokwe to build a school. These bush Africans live a life that we just cannot comprehend. The trackers and skinners in our camp have 2-4 wives, 10-20 children. They suffer extraordinary high infant mortality rates and have lots of kids to make up for that.

Like I said before, those that have never experienced these magnificent places and walked with these fantastic beasts, cannot understand the prism with which I see these issues.

I wrote an article years ago called "Man-eaters of Kazembe" I'll try to find a digital file and post it. I saw the remains of a child, eaten the night before. We were jobbed by the Zokwe game scouts to "take whatever means necessary to kill these Lions." I was changed forever by that Safari.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Nothing stopping you either. Problem with donation money is it travels through far too many hands before it get to where it needs. Hunters dollars go from outfitter>>>>>to bush African, no middlemen. You do realize you are taking an anti-hunters stance? You've always been a pro hunter as my memory serves. Hunters dollars do far more than you realize.

The outfitters enter into local agreements with these villages. The village Chief has a huge say in who and what gets hunted. Schools, clinic are built. Hell, I once drove a truck loaded with 8 8 16's from Lusaka to the village of Zokwe to build a school. These bush Africans live a life that we just cannot comprehend. The trackers and skinners in our camp have 2-4 wives, 10-20 children. They suffer extraordinary high infant mortality rates and have lots of kids to make up for that.

Like I said before, those that have never experienced these magnificent places and walked with these fantastic beasts, cannot understand the prism with which I see these issues.

I wrote an article years ago called "Man-eaters of Kazembe" I'll try to find a digital file and post it. I saw the remains of a child, eaten the night before. We were jobbed by the Zokwe game scouts to "take whatever means necessary to kill these Lions." I was changed forever by that Safari.
One word Steve, Propaganda!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Nothing stopping you either. Problem with donation money is it travels through far too many hands before it get to where it needs. Hunters dollars go from outfitter>>>>>to bush African, no middlemen. You do realize you are taking an anti-hunters stance? You've always been a pro hunter as my memory serves. Hunters dollars do far more than you realize.

The outfitters enter into local agreements with these villages. The village Chief has a huge say in who and what gets hunted. Schools, clinic are built. Hell, I once drove a truck loaded with 8 8 16's from Lusaka to the village of Zokwe to build a school. These bush Africans live a life that we just cannot comprehend. The trackers and skinners in our camp have 2-4 wives, 10-20 children. They suffer extraordinary high infant mortality rates and have lots of kids to make up for that.

Like I said before, those that have never experienced these magnificent places and walked with these fantastic beasts, cannot understand the prism with which I see these issues.

I wrote an article years ago called "Man-eaters of Kazembe" I'll try to find a digital file and post it. I saw the remains of a child, eaten the night before. We were jobbed by the Zokwe game scouts to "take whatever means necessary to kill these Lions." I was changed forever by that Safari.

I remember that article very well.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
One word Steve, Propaganda!

Ya know what, I'm not going to waste one second of my time looking for the file. I try to enter into a conversation, your mind is so closed you simply scoff it off and throw...Propaganda out. You cannot allow yourself to learn or at least do some critical thinking. Your hate has become your alter ego.


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Or yourself for that matter?
Spool up a bale of that cash you have made from your over performing portfolio and put your money where your mouth is!

I’ll match whatever YOU donate, let’s find one and do this!
You’re the Big Baller, correct?
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Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ya know what, I'm not going to waste one second of my time looking for the file. I try to enter into a conversation, your mind is so closed you simply scoff it off and throw...Propaganda out. You cannot allow yourself to learn or at least do some critical thinking. Your hate has become your alter ego.
Whatever! You want to have a conversation don’t be condescending and generating support for your posts.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Whatever! You want to have a conversation don’t be condescending and generating support for your posts.

I don't need to do anything to get support for my posts. When you post facts, include relevant information to support your position, folks intuitively see it as credible. They may not agree, which is fine but they see it isn't a one word terse response.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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Ya know what, I'm not going to waste one second of my time looking for the file. I try to enter into a conversation, your mind is so closed you simply scoff it off and throw...Propaganda out. You cannot allow yourself to learn or at least do some critical thinking. Your hate has become your alter ego.
Sounds so familiar, lol


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
I don't need to do anything to get support for my posts. When you post facts, include relevant information to support your position, folks intuitively see it as credible. They may not agree, which is fine but they see it isn't a one word terse response.
Read post 242 again!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I’ll match whatever YOU donate, let’s find one and do this!
You’re the Big Baller, correct?

I've never claimed to have baller status of any kind.
Your the one who assigned me that when I posted about things that made me happy that day, then rediculed me as a braggart.
As you yourself have pointed out, I'm just a penniless poser, how could I possibly make a contribution at the level that you are capable of?

I'm going to put stock in what the actual knowledgeable poster has to say (Nganga) and disregard your drivel for the emotional fueled hate that it is.

Gotta go, their closing the door on the plane...First class to Denver. (United)
Don't freak out, it's a mileage ticket.
(Yeah, I'm a mileage plus premier or whatever they call it.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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To put it in perspective, here is the "sport" of hunting an elephant.
