The Science is Settled

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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I'd almost venture a guess that the heat displaced from the refrigeration processes around the world probably makes more of an impact than CO2 emissions. But society will NEVER give that up and also why I'm in the trade.Hey you fucking dumb old fuck........ How do you explain the fact that all these "climate scientists" completely ignore the scientific process? They include all those assumptions as facts to substantiate their hypothesis yet those assumptions are IMPOSSIBLE to prove so therefore, you cannot use those "findings" to substantiate the hypothesis. Science 101.

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Sounds like you’ve read a lot of the scientific literature on climatology and have an informed understanding of their methodology? Care to tell us specifically where they went wrong? How about just breaking down those experiments 150 years ago that demonstrated that atmospheric CO2 traps heat? What was the error in their methodology?


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Sounds like you’ve read a lot of the scientific literature on climatology and have an informed understanding of their methodology? Care to tell us specifically where they went wrong? How about just breaking down those experiments 150 years ago that demonstrated that atmospheric CO2 traps heat? What was the error in their methodology?
Because they're hypothesis relies on 2 multiple points. The biggest one that is impossible to prove is the atmospheric composition thousands of millions of years ago. They use ice samples for those air samples but there is no way to verify that is the case. Also, with the discovery of thousands of volcanos on Antarctica under the ice, it substantially puts into question samples used from there as well.

Assuming conclusions is junk science. Always has been. Always will be.

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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Because they're hypothesis relies on 2 multiple points. The biggest one that is impossible to prove is the atmospheric composition thousands of millions of years ago. They use ice samples for those air samples but there is no way to verify that is the case. Also, with the discovery of thousands of volcanos on Antarctica under the ice, it substantially puts into question samples used from there as well.

Assuming conclusions is junk science. Always has been. Always will be.

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What exactly is wrong with the assumption that a bubble trapped in ice 10,000 years ago contains 10,000 year old air? If you buy a sealed bottle of 30 year old Scotch, you actually expect it to contain 30 year old Scotch right? My issue with you non scientists is that because you believe because you don’t understand science that it isn’t legit. Fuck man, I don’t understand how NASA predicts eclipses but smart people have been doing that shit for hundreds of years. My lack of knowledge hardly negates the expertise of people who are far smarter than me.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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What exactly is wrong with the assumption that a bubble trapped in ice 10,000 years ago contains 10,000 year old air? If you buy a sealed bottle of 30 year old Scotch, you actually expect it to contain 30 year old Scotch right? My issue with you non scientists is that because you believe because you don’t understand science that it isn’t legit. Fuck man, I don’t understand how NASA predicts eclipses but smart people have been doing that shit for hundreds of years. My lack of knowledge hardly negates the expertise of people who are far smarter than me.
Again.... Basic scientific theory states that only PROVEN facts are able to be used to substantiate a hypothesis. There is NO WAY to prove that air bubble is in fact for the time they say it is. Ice can easily melt and re-solidify and shift under other layers of ice. There is no possible way to say with 100% certainty that THAT particular air bubble is what they think it is. But they all assume that.

In ANY other scientific discipline those findings and conclusions would be given a GIGANTIC asterisk. But, since enough con-artists, er....... I mean......... government officials and "environmentalists" realised they could use that shady hypothesis to make some big $$$, they were able to buy enough support to get that hypothesis "accepted".

Of you think for yourself, break down the "findings" to the most basic of components, you can see the Swiss cheese it's all based on.

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spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Science will never be settled,lol. Read this article. So much for 97% of scientists agree on one thing.;)
For more than a decade, scientific journals have been the battleground for skirmishes over this impact hypothesis. The idea has drawn opponents from a spectrum of scientific fields, including paleoclimatology, physics and archaeology. The critics contend that there is little to no reproducible or incontrovertible evidence for many of the key arguments of the hypothesis.
Then, at about 12,800 years ago, something strange happened. Earth was abruptly plunged back into a deep chill. Temperatures in parts of the Northern Hemisphere plunged to as much as 8 degrees Celsius colder than today. The cold snap lasted only about 1,200 years — a mere blip, in geologic time. Then, just as abruptly, Earth began to warm again. But many of the giant mammals were dying out. And the Clovis people had apparently vanished.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Again.... Basic scientific theory states that only PROVEN facts are able to be used to substantiate a hypothesis. There is NO WAY to prove that air bubble is in fact for the time they say it is. Ice can easily melt and re-solidify and shift under other layers of ice. There is no possible way to say with 100% certainty that THAT particular air bubble is what they think it is. But they all assume that.

In ANY other scientific discipline those findings and conclusions would be given a GIGANTIC asterisk. But, since enough con-artists, er....... I mean......... government officials and "environmentalists" realised they could use that shady hypothesis to make some big $$$, they were able to buy enough support to get that hypothesis "accepted".

Of you think for yourself, break down the "findings" to the most basic of components, you can see the Swiss cheese it's all based on.

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You know those cores have distinct annual strata like tree rings, right? If the whole column melted as you suggested those annuli would be lost. You’re making up criticisms of a process you don’t actually understand. The absurd criticism you just offered would throw out the entire study of geology (because we weren’t actually there to see the river carving that valley), paleontology (you can’t assume those fossils were once living creatures), cosmology (you can’t assume that light didn’t change in the billions of years since it left that distant galaxy), medicine (you can’t assume your experimental treatment worked and God or aliens didn’t actually intervene to save your patient), archaeology, microbiology, quantum physics, chemistry etc etc etc. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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If those are your concerns and you want to debunk the science or check your assumptions, it would be an easy experiment to design. Freeze your own samples and create bubbles in the ice with some known, unique gas mixture. Recheck over time and see if it changes in some unexpected way. If not
and there is no mechanism for “leaking”, you’re in business. That’s the sorta shit scientists do.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Science will never be settled,lol. Read this article. So much for 97% of scientists agree on one thing.;)
For more than a decade, scientific journals have been the battleground for skirmishes over this impact hypothesis. The idea has drawn opponents from a spectrum of scientific fields, including paleoclimatology, physics and archaeology. The critics contend that there is little to no reproducible or incontrovertible evidence for many of the key arguments of the hypothesis.
Then, at about 12,800 years ago, something strange happened. Earth was abruptly plunged back into a deep chill. Temperatures in parts of the Northern Hemisphere plunged to as much as 8 degrees Celsius colder than today. The cold snap lasted only about 1,200 years — a mere blip, in geologic time. Then, just as abruptly, Earth began to warm again. But many of the giant mammals were dying out. And the Clovis people had apparently vanished.
Interesting article but it does not in any way attempt to debunk the science of climatology.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Again.... Basic scientific theory states that only PROVEN facts are able to be used to substantiate a hypothesis. There is NO WAY to prove that air bubble is in fact for the time they say it is. Ice can easily melt and re-solidify and shift under other layers of ice. There is no possible way to say with 100% certainty that THAT particular air bubble is what they think it is. But they all assume that.

In ANY other scientific discipline those findings and conclusions would be given a GIGANTIC asterisk. But, since enough con-artists, er....... I mean......... government officials and "environmentalists" realised they could use that shady hypothesis to make some big $$$, they were able to buy enough support to get that hypothesis "accepted".

Of you think for yourself, break down the "findings" to the most basic of components, you can see the Swiss cheese it's all based on.

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“Uniformitarianism, also known as the Doctrine of Uniformity,[1][2] refers to the invariance in the principles underpinning science, such as the constancy of causality, or causation, throughout time,[3] but it has also been used to describe invariance of physical laws through time and space.[4] Though an unprovable postulate that cannot be verified using the scientific method, uniformitarianism has been a key first principle of virtually all fields of science.[5]” -wikipedia

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Kinda sad when an ol' man discovers the internet and becomes a genius in his own mind by cherrypicking information to try and fit into his delusional mind. Even sadder when that ol' man is a condescending idiot filled with hate for a man he has never met or understands one iota.....:rolleyes:


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Kinda sad when an ol' man discovers the internet and becomes a genius in his own mind by cherrypicking information to try and fit into his delusional mind. Even sadder when that ol' man is a condescending idiot filled with hate for a man he has never met or understands one iota.....:rolleyes:

MMGW is his religion. The internet is his place of worship.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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View attachment 715112
You know those cores have distinct annual strata like tree rings, right? If the whole column melted as you suggested those annuli would be lost. You’re making up criticisms of a process you don’t actually understand. The absurd criticism you just offered would throw out the entire study of geology (because we weren’t actually there to see the river carving that valley), paleontology (you can’t assume those fossils were once living creatures), cosmology (you can’t assume that light didn’t change in the billions of years since it left that distant galaxy), medicine (you can’t assume your experimental treatment worked and God or aliens didn’t actually intervene to save your patient), archaeology, microbiology, quantum physics, chemistry etc etc etc. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
If your reading comprehension was ANYWHERE near adult level you MIGHT see was I suggested is 100% plausible and nothing like how you interpreted it. I know precisely how those ice cores are recovered and what they contain.

And thank you for posting a Wikipedia definition for your support. Since that definition can be edited by anyone and fails to mention any science using that technique is referred to as a THEORETICAL and all statements and findings based upon a THEORY are themselves theoretical. Again, scientific process 101.

Since reading comprehension and basic understanding of the scientific process are not your strong suits this will be my last post point to the basic flaws in the absolutism of the "science" of MMGW.

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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Kinda sad when an ol' man discovers the internet and becomes a genius in his own mind by cherrypicking information to try and fit into his delusional mind. Even sadder when that ol' man is a condescending idiot filled with hate for a man he has never met or understands one iota.....:rolleyes:
Even sadder when another old fool expresses opinions and doesn’t even try to back them up with facts.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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If your reading comprehension was ANYWHERE near adult level you MIGHT see was I suggested is 100% plausible and nothing like how you interpreted it. I know precisely how those ice cores are recovered and what they contain.

And thank you for posting a Wikipedia definition for your support. Since that definition can be edited by anyone and fails to mention any science using that technique is referred to as a THEORETICAL and all statements and findings based upon a THEORY are themselves theoretical. Again, scientific process 101.

Since reading comprehension and basic understanding of the scientific process are not your strong suits this will be my last post point to the basic flaws in the absolutism of the "science" of MMGW.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk
Don’t like Wikipedia? Maybe buy yourself a copy of Charles Lyells’s 1830 book “Principles of Geology”. It’s kinda the book that started the entire science of geology and lays out the principles of uniformitarianism which directly relate to ice core analysis. To recap, that is the fundamental scientific assumption that natural processes in the past were similar to those we can observe today which allows us to draw inferences about events which occurred long ago and cannot be directly viewed now. Virtually every branch of modern science adheres to this basic assumption, but I guess you probably discount them all.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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GMac, the whole debate in this thread started because of a self proclaimed expert on NBC shutting down open minded discussion as saying, science is settled, GW is man made ,period!:rolleyes:
I remembered reading about ice core samples taken in Greenland almost 20 yrs ago, so I googled it. Here it is>
Ice-core records show that climate changes in the past have been large, rapid, and synchronous over broad areas extending into low latitudes, with less variability over historical times. These ice-core records come from high mountain glaciers and the polar regions, including small ice caps and the large ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.


As the world slid into and out of the last ice age, the general cooling and warming trends were punctuated by abrupt changes. Climate shifts up to half as large as the entire difference between ice age and modern conditions occurred over hemispheric or broader regions in mere years to decades. Such abrupt changes have been absent during the few key millennia when agriculture and industry have arisen. The speed, size, and extent of these abrupt changes required a reappraisal of climate stability. Records of these changes are especially clear in high-resolution ice cores. Ice cores can preserve histories of local climate (snowfall, temperature), regional (wind-blown dust, sea salt, etc.), and broader (trace gases in the air) conditions, on a common time scale, demonstrating synchrony of climate changes over broad regions.
So, climate change or GW is not man made, it's a continuous and constant part of Earth's atmosphere.
I wished that all the pundits in the media and the climate nazis would read this entire article before trying to educate the masses about climate change.
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Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Even sadder when another old fool expresses opinions and doesn’t even try to back them up with facts.
Facts? In your head, not mine or anyone with a lick of common sense. All a play on promoting junk science theories is what you throw out. Read the above post by spectra.

You are a Troll, plain and simple. Just here to stir shit and promote your blind hate of one man and the folks that see him as the one to take down the idiots you worship and enable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Given Fahrenheit did not invent the first thermometer until 1709, and paper was not invented until about 105AD, how did they record temperatures 4,600 million years ago in the precambrian era?

I also wonder given that the first tangible link to man is only about 6 million years ago, unless of course you are christian in which case it is only a few thousand years, who recorded the temps 4,600 million years ago?

It's very confusing...... :D

Maybe God gave them to Moses...


Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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GMac, the whole debate in this thread started because of a self proclaimed expert on NBC shutting down open minded discussion as saying, science is settled, GW is man made ,period!:rolleyes:
I remembered reading about ice core samples taken in Greenland almost 20 yrs ago, so I googled it. Here it is>
Ice-core records show that climate changes in the past have been large, rapid, and synchronous over broad areas extending into low latitudes, with less variability over historical times. These ice-core records come from high mountain glaciers and the polar regions, including small ice caps and the large ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.


As the world slid into and out of the last ice age, the general cooling and warming trends were punctuated by abrupt changes. Climate shifts up to half as large as the entire difference between ice age and modern conditions occurred over hemispheric or broader regions in mere years to decades. Such abrupt changes have been absent during the few key millennia when agriculture and industry have arisen. The speed, size, and extent of these abrupt changes required a reappraisal of climate stability. Records of these changes are especially clear in high-resolution ice cores. Ice cores can preserve histories of local climate (snowfall, temperature), regional (wind-blown dust, sea salt, etc.), and broader (trace gases in the air) conditions, on a common time scale, demonstrating synchrony of climate changes over broad regions.
So, climate change or GW is not man made, it's a continuous and constant part of Earth's atmosphere.
I wished that all the pundits in the media and the climate nazis would read this entire article before trying to educate the masses about climate change.
Dude, never once have I said climate doesn’t fluctuate naturally and without human influence. What I and 97% of the world’s climate experts are saying is that THIS PARTICULAR cycle of global warming is caused by the 375 billion tons of CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere through combustion since the start of the industrial revolution. That is a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration of a gas which 150 years ago we learned traps solar radiation as heat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Dude, never once have I said climate doesn’t fluctuate naturally and without human influence. What I and 97% of the world’s climate experts are saying is that THIS PARTICULAR cycle of global warming is caused by the 375 billion tons of CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere through combustion since the start of the industrial revolution. That is a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration of a gas which 150 years ago we learned traps solar radiation as heat.

You fucking lying imbecile, three shills out of five is not 97% of climate scientists.
We know the report you refer to Scoutmaster.


With all due respect, filthy feces gobbler...


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Again.... Basic scientific theory states that only PROVEN facts are able to be used to substantiate a hypothesis. There is NO WAY to prove that air bubble is in fact for the time they say it is. Ice can easily melt and re-solidify and shift under other layers of ice. There is no possible way to say with 100% certainty that THAT particular air bubble is what they think it is. But they all assume that.

In ANY other scientific discipline those findings and conclusions would be given a GIGANTIC asterisk. But, since enough con-artists, er....... I mean......... government officials and "environmentalists" realised they could use that shady hypothesis to make some big $$$, they were able to buy enough support to get that hypothesis "accepted".

Of you think for yourself, break down the "findings" to the most basic of components, you can see the Swiss cheese it's all based on.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk
Hell, the ozone depletion thing is all a theory & they don't have 100% proof of what would cause it, if it's actually happening. All theories.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Hell, the ozone depletion thing is all a theory & they don't have 100% proof of what would cause it, if it's actually happening. All theories.
Yet the "idiot facts" are they knew all this shit 150 years ago.......:rolleyes:

Makes one wonder how they knew all these things about co2 and ozone layers, yet got caught dead over and again by hurricanes like the big one that hit Galveston in 1900. Only way back then to know if a storm was imminent, was if a ship made it to port and told of the storm approaching. Yet they were able to foresee changes in the atmosphere as far as warming gases in the mid 1800's per the internet science guy......:eek:


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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Dude, never once have I said climate doesn’t fluctuate naturally and without human influence. What I and 97% of the world’s climate experts are saying is that THIS PARTICULAR cycle of global warming is caused by the 375 billion tons of CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere through combustion since the start of the industrial revolution. That is a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration of a gas which 150 years ago we learned traps solar radiation as heat.
see post 108

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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What I and 97% of the world’s climate experts are saying is that THIS PARTICULAR cycle of global warming is caused by the 375 billion tons of CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere through combustion since the start of the industrial revolution.

Just more of your Liberal propaganda and bull shit....and I do love it as you place yourself equal to climate scientists...you are clearly a legend in your own mind, but just like you....

'97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong

Here are the REAL changes these liberal Loons are actually fighting for and expect us to fund....

A good indicator of why climate change as an issue is over can be found early in the text of the Paris Agreement.
The “nonbinding” pact declares that climate action must include concern for gender equality, empowerment of women, and intergenerational equity” as well as “the importance for some of the concept of ‘climate justice.’

WTF does this ^^^^ have to do with the weather? :rolleyes:
Truth is...they really don't give a shit about the weather.....only their Liberalized Global agendas..
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SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
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Let me just ask this. Are you aware that certain atmospheric gases including carbon dioxide and methane trap heat or do you dispute that 150+ year old scientific knowledge?
Try sitting in your garage with your engine running and get back to me in half an hour on both CO and CO2.
I’d also bet you didn’t even risk taking that chemistry class in high school after your poor showing in biology.
Sounds like you’ve read a lot of the scientific literature on climatology and have an informed understanding of their methodology? Care to tell us specifically where they went wrong? How about just breaking down those experiments 150 years ago that demonstrated that atmospheric CO2 traps heat? What was the error in their methodology?
Dude, never once have I said climate doesn’t fluctuate naturally and without human influence. What I and 97% of the world’s climate experts are saying is that THIS PARTICULAR cycle of global warming is caused by the 375 billion tons of CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere through combustion since the start of the industrial revolution. That is a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration of a gas which 150 years ago we learned traps solar radiation as heat.

Ok, let me take a crack at this, Ive read your posts, had a couple beverages but will take a crack at it. First I dont name call only facts, a littl e back ground Im a mechanical engineer 1982 from Milwaukee School of Engineering, lets pick a year 2007?

Now please follow along and if you disagree with any of my facts please state sources

Lets start

The total "weight" of the earth's atmosphere is 5148.0 teratons.
That's 5148 X 10^12 tons.
=5148000000000000 tons

Got that? its a given

The world produced 27245758000 tons of industrial "greenhouse" (cute catchphrase for water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone - but they really only mean Carbon dioxide [goes along with carbon credit]) gases in 2007.

This amounts to a whopping 0.000529% of the atmosphere.

Now, the historic average (over the eons) of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.0396% (Today it’s 0.0384%). The startling thing about this is that it's higher than the present CO2 concentration - It's lower today than the historic average!!! Wow...who'd have thought?

We're supposedly adding to the existing CO2 concentration at a rate of 0.00143%. (that’s a ratio of one-thousandth per year). That can’t be good, right?. Why? Well, damn it, it just doesn’t seem or feel like it could be good – well, golly it CAN’T be good. So it must be bad!

Funny, thing is that we absolutely need some of those “greenhouse” gases. These gases in the atmosphere both absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. Greenhouse gases are essential to maintaining the current temperature of the Earth; without them this planet would be so cold as to be uninhabitable.

Hmmm...which brings us to a good point. We've supposed to have created these greenhouse gases, right?...so?...we're making more atmosphere? There’s more of it, so it's getting heavier right? Is barometric pressure continuing to rise due to this?.....not really. The chemical makeup of the planet is essentially self-balancing (so are those of the other planets of the solar system, but let's ignore that, too), and will precipitate the imbalances. The vast seas of plankton and our forests help to eliminate the rest by way of photosynthesis. This process has occurred and recurred thousandths of times over eons.

There's also this pesky little thing called conservation of mass and energy; it essentially states that matter and energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only transferred and transformed. We don't create any of these things, only change them (and then they change back). This carbon has always been here, and always will. It moves and transforms, and the amount that we change it is completely insignificant with regards to this essentially pseudo isotropic system as a whole.

The biggest shocker of all, is that 6 billion humans, and nearly ¼ of that number of livestock on this planet creates more “greenhouse” gas than the burning of fossil fuel.

Beware the scaremongers and idiots telling you otherwise. Better yet, look who's getting rich of the illegitimate premise of global warming, and you'll quickly find your fraud.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
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What part of the country do you live in? The part experiencing more and larger hurricanes than any time in human history? How about the part experiencing decade long drought and devastating wildfires. Maybe up north where the glaciers are gone and coastal villages are falling into the ocean. “What happens” is already happening while you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. Your kids will pay for your mistakes.

Ok, what part of the country do you live in? I live in the Florida Keys and have tracked hurricanes here. Please present your data on more and larger hurricanes. BTW I have my data ready for the Keys


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Ok, let me take a crack at this, Ive read your posts, had a couple beverages but will take a crack at it. First I dont name call only facts, a littl e back ground Im a mechanical engineer 1982 from Milwaukee School of Engineering, lets pick a year 2007?

Now please follow along and if you disagree with any of my facts please state sources

Lets start

The total "weight" of the earth's atmosphere is 5148.0 teratons.
That's 5148 X 10^12 tons.
=5148000000000000 tons

Got that? its a given

The world produced 27245758000 tons of industrial "greenhouse" (cute catchphrase for water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone - but they really only mean Carbon dioxide [goes along with carbon credit]) gases in 2007.

This amounts to a whopping 0.000529% of the atmosphere.

Now, the historic average (over the eons) of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.0396% (Today it’s 0.0384%). The startling thing about this is that it's higher than the present CO2 concentration - It's lower today than the historic average!!! Wow...who'd have thought?

We're supposedly adding to the existing CO2 concentration at a rate of 0.00143%. (that’s a ratio of one-thousandth per year). That can’t be good, right?. Why? Well, damn it, it just doesn’t seem or feel like it could be good – well, golly it CAN’T be good. So it must be bad!

Funny, thing is that we absolutely need some of those “greenhouse” gases. These gases in the atmosphere both absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. Greenhouse gases are essential to maintaining the current temperature of the Earth; without them this planet would be so cold as to be uninhabitable.

Hmmm...which brings us to a good point. We've supposed to have created these greenhouse gases, right?...so?...we're making more atmosphere? There’s more of it, so it's getting heavier right? Is barometric pressure continuing to rise due to this?.....not really. The chemical makeup of the planet is essentially self-balancing (so are those of the other planets of the solar system, but let's ignore that, too), and will precipitate the imbalances. The vast seas of plankton and our forests help to eliminate the rest by way of photosynthesis. This process has occurred and recurred thousandths of times over eons.

There's also this pesky little thing called conservation of mass and energy; it essentially states that matter and energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only transferred and transformed. We don't create any of these things, only change them (and then they change back). This carbon has always been here, and always will. It moves and transforms, and the amount that we change it is completely insignificant with regards to this essentially pseudo isotropic system as a whole.

The biggest shocker of all, is that 6 billion humans, and nearly ¼ of that number of livestock on this planet creates more “greenhouse” gas than the burning of fossil fuel.

Beware the scaremongers and idiots telling you otherwise. Better yet, look who's getting rich of the illegitimate premise of global warming, and you'll quickly find your fraud.
Oh oh, now you have done it. You provided scientific references that don’t agree with his. Be prepared for a bunch of pages of bullshit, pull up your boots.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Lovin' it......Reminds me about an article in the Onion about how some genius about like papaw claimed to have a theory about using pumps on submarines to flip the thermal layers of the ocean ahead of a hurricane to cool the surface temps and stop the storm.

A know it all guy I worked with, about like papaw, didn't realize the Onion was all satire and argued 'til he was blue in the face it could be done. Then we got an Exxon geologist client to show him the math and how much water these little piss ant pumps would have to deal with to do such a thing. He finally realized the pumps and the subs were akin to pissing in the ocean to raise the water level and stfu.:eek::p

But I doubt papaw can fathom the actual truth/facts of how wrong he is in spouting his junk science garnered from web searches....:rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Ok, what part of the country do you live in? I live in the Florida Keys and have tracked hurricanes here. Please present your data on more and larger hurricanes. BTW I have my data ready for the Keys

Now you’ve opened pandora’s box of stupidity....enjoy :D


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
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Come on guys, lets cut the crap, just facts please

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Come on guys, lets cut the crap, just facts please

All jokes aside...gender equality is in the Paris Agreement....... as I posted above which I responded with my attempt at a joke :).

The “nonbinding” pact declares that climate action must include concern for gender equality, empowerment of women, and intergenerational equity” as well as “the importance for some of the concept of ‘climate justice.’



Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Nope, ScienceAtheist. But don’t tell Sweeper- he gets upset.

I'm doing ok,always have,always will.You continue to cross lines into total personal areas.I guarantee there is nobody of sound mind upset because of your rantings.You define weakness.I accomplish more for the Environment every month than anything you could accomplish in a lifetime. " CLEAN STREETS = CLEAN RIVERS AND OCEANS"
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Ok, let me take a crack at this, Ive read your posts, had a couple beverages but will take a crack at it. First I dont name call only facts, a littl e back ground Im a mechanical engineer 1982 from Milwaukee School of Engineering, lets pick a year 2007?

Now please follow along and if you disagree with any of my facts please state sources

Lets start

The total "weight" of the earth's atmosphere is 5148.0 teratons.
That's 5148 X 10^12 tons.
=5148000000000000 tons

Got that? its a given

The world produced 27245758000 tons of industrial "greenhouse" (cute catchphrase for water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone - but they really only mean Carbon dioxide [goes along with carbon credit]) gases in 2007.

This amounts to a whopping 0.000529% of the atmosphere.

Now, the historic average (over the eons) of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.0396% (Today it’s 0.0384%). The startling thing about this is that it's higher than the present CO2 concentration - It's lower today than the historic average!!! Wow...who'd have thought?

We're supposedly adding to the existing CO2 concentration at a rate of 0.00143%. (that’s a ratio of one-thousandth per year). That can’t be good, right?. Why? Well, damn it, it just doesn’t seem or feel like it could be good – well, golly it CAN’T be good. So it must be bad!

Funny, thing is that we absolutely need some of those “greenhouse” gases. These gases in the atmosphere both absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. Greenhouse gases are essential to maintaining the current temperature of the Earth; without them this planet would be so cold as to be uninhabitable.

Hmmm...which brings us to a good point. We've supposed to have created these greenhouse gases, right?...so?...we're making more atmosphere? There’s more of it, so it's getting heavier right? Is barometric pressure continuing to rise due to this?.....not really. The chemical makeup of the planet is essentially self-balancing (so are those of the other planets of the solar system, but let's ignore that, too), and will precipitate the imbalances. The vast seas of plankton and our forests help to eliminate the rest by way of photosynthesis. This process has occurred and recurred thousandths of times over eons.

There's also this pesky little thing called conservation of mass and energy; it essentially states that matter and energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only transferred and transformed. We don't create any of these things, only change them (and then they change back). This carbon has always been here, and always will. It moves and transforms, and the amount that we change it is completely insignificant with regards to this essentially pseudo isotropic system as a whole.

The biggest shocker of all, is that 6 billion humans, and nearly ¼ of that number of livestock on this planet creates more “greenhouse” gas than the burning of fossil fuel.

Beware the scaremongers and idiots telling you otherwise. Better yet, look who's getting rich of the illegitimate premise of global warming, and you'll quickly find your fraud.
Thank you for your reply. Can you provide links for the numbers you gave on CO2 emission and the weight of the atmosphere? I do understand the carbon cycle which you described and tentatively accept that over the entirety of Earth’s history the average CO2 has been higher. The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, but for the first billion there was no life on the planet capable of photosynthesis. I would guess the highest [CO2] were during that Hadean and Archaeon time frame, but I don’t know that to be true. Since then, the process of photosynthesis has created a carbon sink in which on net more CO2 has been pulled from the atmosphere and then locked up as fossil fuel than is released back into the atmosphere. I also understand that other processes including volcanism and warming oceans can release CO2 back into the atmosphere, so I expect a graph of atmospheric [CO2] would not show a perfect downward trajectory but I would expect that to be the trend. Plankton in the seas and plants on land jump started the process of pulling CO2 from the atmosphere and releasing O2, while creating glucose and other carbohydrates. Inconceivable amounts of this stuff was converted under heat and geologic pressure into coal, oil, and natural gas. After nearly driving the whales to extinction for whale oil to light our lamps, humans discovered fossil fuels and ushered in the Industrial Age. The numbers I’ve seen indicate that we have put 375 billion tonnes of CO2 back into the atmosphere and that this is the equivalent of a 40% increase in [CO2] since the start of the Industrial Revolution. At the same time we begin to take some pretty sophisticated measurents of the earths temp and Find a global warming trend which perfectly correlates to CO2 concentration. Sounds like you understand that CO2 does trap solar radiation as heat (and I agree this is a good thing since I don’t particularly want to freeze on a Mars like planet with minimal atmosphere, but I also don’t want to have the flesh boiled off my bones on a planet like Venus with runaway global warming). I’m sure there’s more to unpackaged in your response but it’s too late in the evening for more now. I will challenge one assertion though- that all of the climate data is drummed up by self motivated academics looking to make a buck. I’ve published my own thesis and understand and respect the peer review process. It is designed to detect flawed methodologies and logic, and scientists are rewarded (not always immediately, but eventually) for overturning the apple cart and debunking widely believed falsehoods.
Also, I lived in south Florida during the record breaking 2005 hurricane season and evacuated for Wilma,Dennis,and Katrina. Good night.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Come on guys, lets cut the crap, just facts please
Dear Sir,
The above post, (#191) although written by a man who published his own thesis can't seem to break up a paragraph. The string of drool that emits from this asshole is pure diarrhea. The good news is, this is all entertainment.

Saved for eloquence.

Thank you for your reply. Can you provide links for the numbers you gave on CO2 emission and the weight of the atmosphere? I do understand the carbon cycle which you described and tentatively accept that over the entirety of Earth’s history the average CO2 has been higher. The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, but for the first billion there was no life on the planet capable of photosynthesis. I would guess the highest [CO2] were during that Hadean and Archaeon time frame, but I don’t know that to be true. Since then, the process of photosynthesis has created a carbon sink in which on net more CO2 has been pulled from the atmosphere and then locked up as fossil fuel than is released back into the atmosphere. I also understand that other processes including volcanism and warming oceans can release CO2 back into the atmosphere, so I expect a graph of atmospheric [CO2] would not show a perfect downward trajectory but I would expect that to be the trend. Plankton in the seas and plants on land jump started the process of pulling CO2 from the atmosphere and releasing O2, while creating glucose and other carbohydrates. Inconceivable amounts of this stuff was converted under heat and geologic pressure into coal, oil, and natural gas. After nearly driving the whales to extinction for whale oil to light our lamps, humans discovered fossil fuels and ushered in the Industrial Age. The numbers I’ve seen indicate that we have put 375 billion tonnes of CO2 back into the atmosphere and that this is the equivalent of a 40% increase in [CO2] since the start of the Industrial Revolution. At the same time we begin to take some pretty sophisticated measurents of the earths temp and Find a global warming trend which perfectly correlates to CO2 concentration. Sounds like you understand that CO2 does trap solar radiation as heat (and I agree this is a good thing since I don’t particularly want to freeze on a Mars like planet with minimal atmosphere, but I also don’t want to have the flesh boiled off my bones on a planet like Venus with runaway global warming). I’m sure there’s more to unpackaged in your response but it’s too late in the evening for more now. I will challenge one assertion though- that all of the climate data is drummed up by self motivated academics looking to make a buck. I’ve published my own thesis and understand and respect the peer review process. It is designed to detect flawed methodologies and logic, and scientists are rewarded (not always immediately, but eventually) for overturning the apple cart and debunking widely believed falsehoods.
Also, I lived in south Florida during the record breaking 2005 hurricane season and evacuated for Wilma,Dennis,and Katrina. Good night.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Dear Sir,
The above post, (#191) although written by a man who published his own thesis can't seem to break up a paragraph. The string of drool that emits from this asshole is pure diarrhea. The good news is, this is all entertainment.

Saved for eloquence.

Ain’t nobody gotz time for paragraphs when you be google’n global warming causes and typing shit on RDP. leave professor dickweed to his rad thesis work

Thanks for your service pappy, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
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Sounds like you understand that CO2 does trap solar radiation as heat (and I agree this is a good thing since I don’t particularly want to freeze on a Mars like planet with minimal atmosphere, but I also don’t want to have the flesh boiled off my bones on a planet like Venus with runaway global warming). I’m sure there’s more to unpackaged in your response but it’s too late in the evening for more now. I will challenge one assertion though- that all of the climate data is drummed up by self motivated academics looking to make a buck. I’ve published my own thesis and understand and respect the peer review process. It is designed to detect flawed methodologies and logic, and scientists are rewarded (not always immediately, but eventually) for overturning the apple cart and debunking widely believed falsehoods.
Also, I lived in south Florida during the record breaking 2005 hurricane season and evacuated for Wilma,Dennis,and Katrina. Good night.

Maybe Venus is warmer then Mars because it closer to the sun?:)