The Science is Settled

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Given Fahrenheit did not invent the first thermometer until 1709, and paper was not invented until about 105AD, how did they record temperatures 4,600 million years ago in the precambrian era?

I also wonder given that the first tangible link to man is only about 6 million years ago, unless of course you are christian in which case it is only a few thousand years, who recorded the temps 4,600 million years ago?

It's very confusing...... :D
Here you go- https://www.scienceabc.com/eyeopene...mperature-on-earth-millions-of-years-ago.html


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Happy New Year GMac. :)



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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Wonder if they realize that eventually, with or without the human species, earth will eventually be turned into a mars like planet strictly due to the finite life of our sun. As is the case with any sun.

I could list a whole bunch of formula showing the increase in the suns output, and it’s eventual decline extrapolated out over measurable time but what’s the point?
That's why I started an Air Conditioning company. Guaranteed job security.

The media has convinced the weak minded once that science has proved humans are causing this, yet there's no science. The libbies will believe it just because they are told so.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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About the only demographic that hasn’t recognized the danger of climate change is you dumb fuck conservatives who keep falling for the propaganda talking points funded by the Koch brothers. And guess how they make their money!

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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The vatican has a wall...are they right about that?
I really don’t object to the wall other than thinking it won’t work to keep out the really bad and really motivated. Remember what El Chapo did the last couple times they put a wall around him?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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I really don’t object to the wall other than thinking it won’t work to keep out the really bad and really motivated. Remember what El Chapo did the last couple times they put a wall around him?

So with that said....How will more gun control laws work?

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Buckle up guys, according to this article, we have only 11 yrs to see some drastic changes in our climate.
So, will Greenland will be green again by 2030? Can't wait to see it.;) Wondering if the Flinstones were using fossil fuels in their vehicles, instead of pedals to move them back then?:DThe Mid-Pliocene (about 3.3 to 3.0 Ma) is the most recent time in Earth's history when mean global temperatures were substantially warmer for a sustained ...

Under the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) emission scenario, by 2030 CE, future climates most closely resemble Mid-Pliocene climates, and by 2150 CE, they most closely resemble Eocene climates. Under RCP4.5, climate stabilizes at Pliocene-like conditions by 2040 CE. Pliocene-like and Eocene-like climates emerge first in continental interiors and then expand outward. Geologically novel climates are uncommon in RCP4.5 (<1%) but reach 8.7% of the globe under RCP8.5, characterized by high temperatures and precipitation. Hence, RCP4.5 is roughly equivalent to stabilizing at Pliocene-like climates, while unmitigated emission trajectories, such as RCP8.5, are similar to reversing millions of years of long-term cooling on the scale of a few human generations. Both the emergence of geologically novel climates and the rapid reversion to Eocene-like climates may be outside the range of evolutionary adaptive capacity.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Exactly. We might be getting through to you. Obama administration conducted this farce you speak of (see below directly from the article you cited).

The survey, which was conducted under the Obama administration and submitted to Congress on Friday, signals concern among defense officials about the challenges that climate change might pose for the U.S. military.

"The idea was to try and figure out . . . how climate effects were impacting the installations and in what way," said John Conger, who served as a senior Pentagon official under the Obama administration and was among the officials who initiated the survey.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Hey this will probably fall on deaf and dumb ears, but this ain’t even the first time living creatures have modified the Earth’s atmosphere and completely changed the course of life on Earth. 2.5 billion years ago the planet was anaerobic and oxygen was toxic to the only living creatures (bacteria and archaebacteria). Some of those bugs evolved the ability to photosynthesize CO2 and release oxygen as a waste product. As the chemical composition of the atmosphere changed, the living creatures on Earth were also forced to change (those that started the process were basically poisoned out of existence and aerobic oxygen tolerant bacteria evolved in their place) and of course the climate changed too. If bacteria were capable of this change, why is it so hard to believe humans (reversing photosynthesis through combustion) are also able to change the environment?
Drooling fucking imbecile...

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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So with that said....How will more gun control laws work?
Fair point but El Chapo knows guys who dig tunnels- does your average domestic abuser or teen head case know a black market arms dealer? It isn't criminal masterminds who are murdering 20,000 people a year with guns in this country. Make it harder for those assholes to get guns and instead of a half dozen dead with a gun at an office party maybe it's just one killed with a knife.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Drooling fucking imbecile...
You didn't understand a word of it did you? I'm guessing you were at best a C- student (and even that a pity grade) in high school biology.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Exactly. We might be getting through to you. Obama administration conducted this farce you speak of (see below directly from the article you cited).

The survey, which was conducted under the Obama administration and submitted to Congress on Friday, signals concern among defense officials about the challenges that climate change might pose for the U.S. military.

"The idea was to try and figure out . . . how climate effects were impacting the installations and in what way," said John Conger, who served as a senior Pentagon official under the Obama administration and was among the officials who initiated the survey.
And the Pentagon continues to prepare for the impacts of climate change under Trump administration-


And Exxons website still carries a statement that global warming and climate change are real threats that must be addressed-


Must be taking their cues from those libbies in the current administration.
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SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I really don’t object to the wall other than thinking it won’t work to keep out the really bad and really motivated.

But it will free up our BP from chasing down and capturing the "entitlement seekers" and focus their efforts on the "really bad and really motivated" :rolleyes:

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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By "entitlement seekers" I assume you also mean all the folks busting their asses picking American crops, working in chicken processing plants, changing the sheets at the Motel 6 and scrubbing pots at Dennie's? Yes, I agree that a fully implemented wall would probably reduce the number of folks who come here in desperation get across the border without the assistance of the cartels. But I encounter these folks daily and I don't think they are the problem. What Border Patrol and ICE need to do is more effectively counter the cartels.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Climate change is REAL!!!
FACT:The earth's climate has been changing since creation, and warming steady since the ice age....and it will continue to change.. :rolleyes:
The Left has simply discovered ways to propagandize these weather changes by labeling theses changes as "Man Made" and painted them up as "doom and gloom" only to utilize them as scare tactics and a "powerful tool" to promote their agendas and dreams of Globalism....nothing more.....


Should we prepare for climate changes? Absolutely, foolish not to.....the foolish part only comes into play when people make claims that "man" is responsible for these "changes". Many of these people have made a life long career fabricating this BS only to justify their "purpose".​


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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You didn't understand a word of it did you? I'm guessing you were at best a C- student (and even that a pity grade) in high school biology.
Only a Scout Master such as yourself would suddenly discover CO2 is a pollutant, although it is when it comes out of your feces laden mouth.

Fucking Imbecile...

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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By "entitlement seekers" I assume you also mean all the folks busting their asses picking American crops, working in chicken processing plants, changing the sheets at the Motel 6 and scrubbing pots at Dennie's? Yes, I agree that a fully implemented wall would probably reduce the number of folks who come here in desperation get across the border without the assistance of the cartels. But I encounter these folks daily and I don't think they are the problem. What Border Patrol and ICE need to do is more effectively counter the cartels.

I replied in "The Wall" thread....

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Climate change is REAL!!!
FACT:The earth's climate has been changing since creation, and warming steady since the ice age....and it will continue to change.. :rolleyes:
The Left has simply discovered ways to propagandize these weather changes by labeling theses changes as "Man Made" and painted them up as "doom and gloom" only to utilize them as scare tactics and a "powerful tool" to promote their agendas and dreams of Globalism....nothing more.....

Should we prepare for climate changes? Absolutely, foolish not to.....the foolish part only comes into play when people make claims that "man" is responsible for these "changes". Many of these people have made a life long career fabricating this BS only to justify their "purpose".​
Let me just ask this. Are you aware that certain atmospheric gases including carbon dioxide and methane trap heat or do you dispute that 150+ year old scientific knowledge?
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Only a Scout Master such as yourself would suddenly discover CO2 is a pollutant, although it is when it comes out of your feces laden mouth.

Fucking Imbecile...
Try sitting in your garage with your engine running and get back to me in half an hour on both CO and CO2.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Only a Scout Master such as yourself would suddenly discover CO2 is a pollutant, although it is when it comes out of your feces laden mouth.

Fucking Imbecile...
I’d also bet you didn’t even risk taking that chemistry class in high school after your poor showing in biology.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Let me just ask this. Are you aware that certain atmospheric gases including carbon dioxide and methane trap heat or do you dispute that 150+ year old scientific knowledge?

Yes....but in reality, man kind's contributions are minimal in the BIG SCOPE ........ but are tremendous in your Liberal propaganda equations.....
Once again...you Liberals want to spend spend spend money we do not have....simply to feed your Global utopian objectives.

Please stop spending my money on your Bull Shit.....
Wait! President Trump already had the sense to Stop this BS spending....Best Election Ever!

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Fair point but El Chapo knows guys who dig tunnels- does your average domestic abuser or teen head case know a black market arms dealer? It isn't criminal masterminds who are murdering 20,000 people a year with guns in this country. Make it harder for those assholes to get guns and instead of a half dozen dead with a gun at an office party maybe it's just one killed with a knife.
So let them them come in, but hide all the guns.....You're an idiot

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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You didn't understand a word of it did you? I'm guessing you were at best a C- student (and even that a pity grade) in high school biology.

I'm guessing you had your OWN dunce cap in grade school... How many drug runners and gang criminals, milk the welfare system and use public medical facilities ??? The bangers committing the hood killings are mostly the same ones using the imported drugs- FROM THE ILLEGAL DRUG CARTELS , COMING ACROSS THE BORDER !!! Verstehen ????


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Hey this will probably fall on deaf and dumb ears, but this ain’t even the first time living creatures have modified the Earth’s atmosphere and completely changed the course of life on Earth. 2.5 billion years ago the planet was anaerobic and oxygen was toxic to the only living creatures (bacteria and archaebacteria). Some of those bugs evolved the ability to photosynthesize CO2 and release oxygen as a waste product. As the chemical composition of the atmosphere changed, the living creatures on Earth were also forced to change (those that started the process were basically poisoned out of existence and aerobic oxygen tolerant bacteria evolved in their place) and of course the climate changed too. If bacteria were capable of this change, why is it so hard to believe humans (reversing photosynthesis through combustion) are also able to change the environment?

So you are saying the taxes imposed on bacteria and archaebacteria 2.5 billion years ago fixed the atmospheric problems?

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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We aren't talking about these criminals, who should NEVER even come to trial if caught, we are talking about the millions of illegals here , milking the system .....Du verstehst das nicht


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Than what's your answer....other than your NPC position of pointing fingers and criticizing ALL from the side lines? :rolleyes:

I would suggest the leader of the Republican party, Trump, should require less spending as opposed to shutting down the government because he can not spend spend spend even 5 billion more on his "global utopian objectives" while ramping up the size of government to Obama era deficits......

But I understand how deficits are now good if one is a Trump supporter........

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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Or maybe you like Spanish, better ..... Tonto, como un burro.

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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I would suggest the leader of the Republican party, Trump, should require less spending as opposed to shutting down the government because he can not spend spend spend even 5 billion more on his "global utopian objectives" while ramping up the size of government to Obama era deficits......

But I understand how deficits are now good if one is a Trump supporter........[/QUOTE

NOW THAT, even I can agree with ... But with ALL the politicians, money seems to be just water , as long as it's not THEIR money...CRIMINALS !!!!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Than what's your answer....other than your NPC position of pointing fingers and criticizing ALL from the side lines? :rolleyes:

When it comes to MMGW, there is ONLY ONE answer, there is only one way to reduce mans footprint. Reduce the number of people.
No matter what intricacies are proposed, no matter what detours and political posturings are employed, this is the final goal.
And what is the only roadblock to global control? The population numbers.
1+1=2 If this doesn’t come into focus for anybody then they simply aren’t viewing it for what it is.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I would suggest the leader of the Republican party, Trump, should require less spending as opposed to shutting down the government because he can not spend spend spend even 5 billion more on his "global utopian objectives" while ramping up the size of government to Obama era deficits......

But I understand how deficits are now good if one is a Trump supporter........

Investing $5B is not that is an LOL! :rolleyes:

The "Leader" of the Republican Party has and is saving money by (just to name a few....please fill in the blanks);

  • Demanding members of NATO pay their fair share will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Stop paying subsidies to shit hole nations that hate us and oppose us will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Lifting 3.5 million people from food stamps will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Lowering the unemployment to a 17 year low and removing these people for unemployment subsidies will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Lifting the GDP to over 4% will generate tax dollars and will contribute the U.S. income by $___________ dollars.

  • Building a WALL to stop illegals from entering the "world of giveaways" will save the U.S. $___________ dollars

  • Pulling our troops from the war in Syria will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Pulling our troops from the war in Afghanistan will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • More savings available upon request.
And you NPC's LOL at a $5B investment......now that's what I call prompting a REAL LOL!!!!
And FWIW...FUCK the Republican Party......they are not helping to resolve the situation. As far as shutting down the Gov.....some things are worth it and worth fighting for.....brings us back to Fuck the spinless RINO Republicans!

But I understand how deficits are now good if one is a Trump supporter........
Sorry.....it's very apparent you don't understand a damn thing when it comes to Trump supporters wanting to lower our overall spending and our deficit...we have our priorities and as pointed out with the above......we are doing so rather than taking the NPC position of only criticizing due to ignorance and pointing fingers!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Sorry.....it's very apparent you don't understand a damn thing when it comes to Trump supporters lowering spending and our deficit...as pointed out with the above......we are doing so rather than taking the NPC position of only criticizing due to ignorance and pointing fingers!

Maybe not, but I do understand 6th grade math and objective facts.


SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Maybe not, but I do understand 6th grade math and objective facts.

Whereas you are offering ZERO in solutions and ignore the REAL savings that are NOT fractured into your little 6th Grade chart....it appears you practice a 6th Graders view on world politics and economics as well...
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Whereas you are offering ZERO in solutions and ignore REAL savings....it appears you practice a 6th Graders view on world politics and economics as well...

He voted none of the above and has spent 2 years whining about not getting his way.
6th grader might actually be giving him the benefit of the doubt.

In a way you gotta feel for him.
He lost his bets, lost his race horse when it pulled up lame, threw away his vote in a tantrum of self pity, etc.

This is a guy who is used to succeeding and engineering his own winning. The only solace he has beyond his personal life is his money.

What sucks for us is that this is the forum he has chosen to cry in...for some fucking reason.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2007
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About the only demographic that hasn’t recognized the danger of climate change is you dumb fuck conservatives who keep falling for the propaganda talking points funded by the Koch brothers. And guess how they make their money!

OK, I admit it. I am one of the 'dumb fucks'. To say a blanket statement like the "Science is settled" is ludicrous. The science is far from settled. The problem with the Global warming debate is that it is controlled by Ideologues. If you are in "Academia" and question the global warming science you are ostracized, belittled, called names. So you just keep quiet. You cant get any funding for research that would question the prevailing ideology. This is also true in Government, (the Deep State), and the Media. The "Global Warming" issue has become a religion and those of us who question it are "heretics".
It is not that I deny that the earth has warmed. I don't believe that a few parts per million increase in CO2 is the global trigger. Most of the global warming has taken place in the polar regions, and just in the winter. This can be explained by higher levels of water vapor, (the most prevalent green house gas) caused by warmer oceans, heated by 200 years of higher sun spot activity. My point is not to argue the global warming issue, but to point out that there are other theories to account for "Global Warming". There are many educated people and scientist out there that fall on the other side of the debate. They just don't have a platform. The "Science" is far, far from settled.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Yes....but in reality, man kind's contributions are minimal in the BIG SCOPE ........ but are tremendous in your Liberal propaganda equations.....
Once again...you Liberals want to spend spend spend money we do not have....simply to feed your Global utopian objectives.

Please stop spending my money on your Bull Shit.....
Wait! President Trump already had the sense to Stop this BS spending....Best Election Ever!
Okay, if you are aware of that are you also aware that burning fossil fuels over the last century and a half has created a 40% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide? A 40% increase in ANYTHING isn’t minimal.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Whereas you are offering ZERO in solutions and ignore the REAL savings that are NOT fractured into your little 6th Grade chart....it appears you practice a 6th Graders view on world politics and economics as well...

Let's try again. How about less spending and lower government deficits versus higher spending and higher government deficits?

Let's even shoot for lower goals, like maybe lower deficits than under the tax and spend liberal administration that Trump replaced? Hell as the head of the R party he controlled all three branches of government so let's shoot for something more moderate, like run a deficit, how about just not doubling it in the first couple years?

Or maybe, how about more free markets and growth, as opposed to government intervention in markets and this administration picking winners and losers as opposed to competing in the free market? Is that not a solution? Is that not less of a socialist agenda than what we have going on now?

How is that for some historical conservative solutions that were once widely embraced in here?
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
I'm guessing you had your OWN dunce cap in grade school... How many drug runners and gang criminals, milk the welfare system and use public medical facilities ??? The bangers committing the hood killings are mostly the same ones using the imported drugs- FROM THE ILLEGAL DRUG CARTELS , COMING ACROSS THE BORDER !!! Verstehen ????
You think they walk cocaine across the border? That may be fine for their marijuana (does anybody still buy Mexican weed now that it’s legally grown in half the states), but the cocaine and heroine come across in tunnels into Nogales, or secret compartments in semis hauling produce, or narco submarines and drone aircraft. Your wall does nothing to stop that and that’s why the Border Patrol wants the money spent on other resources.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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So you are saying the taxes imposed on bacteria and archaebacteria 2.5 billion years ago fixed the atmospheric problems?
I’m saying those bugs lacked the intelligence to alter their own self destructive behavior and they created a world they could no longer live in. We have just as much potential to make the planet uninhabitable, but the jury is still out on whether we have the intelligence to prevent it.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
When it comes to MMGW, there is ONLY ONE answer, there is only one way to reduce mans footprint. Reduce the number of people.
No matter what intricacies are proposed, no matter what detours and political posturings are employed, this is the final goal.
And what is the only roadblock to global control? The population numbers.
1+1=2 If this doesn’t come into focus for anybody then they simply aren’t viewing it for what it is.
No, that is incorrect. Population matters, a lot, but per capita consumption is equally important. And tech can drastically lower individual consumption- we just need to incentivize alt energy to the same degree that fossil fuels have been incentivized over the last century.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Investing $5B is not that is an LOL! :rolleyes:

The "Leader" of the Republican Party has and is saving money by (just to name a few....please fill in the blanks);

  • Demanding members of NATO pay their fair share will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Stop paying subsidies to shit hole nations that hate us and oppose us will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Lifting 3.5 million people from food stamps will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Lowering the unemployment to a 17 year low and removing these people for unemployment subsidies will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Lifting the GDP to over 4% will generate tax dollars and will contribute the U.S. income by $___________ dollars.

  • Building a WALL to stop illegals from entering the "world of giveaways" will save the U.S. $___________ dollars

  • Pulling our troops from the war in Syria will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • Pulling our troops from the war in Afghanistan will save the U.S. $___________ dollars.

  • More savings available upon request.
And you NPC's LOL at a $5B investment......now that's what I call prompting a REAL LOL!!!!
And FWIW...FUCK the Republican Party......they are not helping to resolve the situation. As far as shutting down the Gov.....some things are worth it and worth fighting for.....brings us back to Fuck the spinless RINO Republicans!

Sorry.....it's very apparent you don't understand a damn thing when it comes to Trump supporters wanting to lower our overall spending and our deficit...we have our priorities and as pointed out with the above......we are doing so rather than taking the NPC position of only criticizing due to ignorance and pointing fingers!
You forgot to mention those massive corporate tax cuts which are adding trillions more to the debt over the next decade. I’m fine with reducing government spending to pay down the debt, but Republicans like to reduce spending so they can give the money back to corporations and the 1% while the debt continues to grow.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Whereas you are offering ZERO in solutions and ignore the REAL savings that are NOT fractured into your little 6th Grade chart....it appears you practice a 6th Graders view on world politics and economics as well...
Here’s a solution- reduce the spending while maintaining income.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
No, that is incorrect. Population matters, a lot, but per capita consumption is equally important. And tech can drastically lower individual consumption- we just need to incentivize alt energy to the same degree that fossil fuels have been incentivized over the last century.

Yes...But that is not the end goal for the MMGW agenda.