The Science is Settled

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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OK, I admit it. I am one of the 'dumb fucks'. To say a blanket statement like the "Science is settled" is ludicrous. The science is far from settled. The problem with the Global warming debate is that it is controlled by Ideologues. If you are in "Academia" and question the global warming science you are ostracized, belittled, called names. So you just keep quiet. You cant get any funding for research that would question the prevailing ideology. This is also true in Government, (the Deep State), and the Media. The "Global Warming" issue has become a religion and those of us who question it are "heretics".
It is not that I deny that the earth has warmed. I don't believe that a few parts per million increase in CO2 is the global trigger. Most of the global warming has taken place in the polar regions, and just in the winter. This can be explained by higher levels of water vapor, (the most prevalent green house gas) caused by warmer oceans, heated by 200 years of higher sun spot activity. My point is not to argue the global warming issue, but to point out that there are other theories to account for "Global Warming". There are many educated people and scientist out there that fall on the other side of the debate. They just don't have a platform. The "Science" is far, far from settled.
97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing this round of climate change by dumping carbon it took hundreds of millions of years to sequester back into the atmosphere in a century. You get 97% consensus on any scientific question and you can pretty much call it settled. If 9.7 out of 10 cardiac surgeons you consulted all told you you needed a valve replacement or you’d die, you’d be a fool not to listen.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Yes...But that is not the end goal for the MMGW agenda.
Surprisingly I don’t think it is any more. I still worry a lot about population but there is such a trend for the birth rate to fade in developed, educated countries (the ones contributing the bulk of green house gasses) that I can hardly find any discussion of population anymore. It seems like an emerging assumption that enough educated women will chose to forego large families that this is no longer our priority. For you wall enthusiasts, you might consider subsidizing birth control in the countries sending us so much of their surplus population though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2007
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97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing this round of climate change by dumping carbon it took hundreds of millions of years to sequester back into the atmosphere in a century. You get 97% consensus on any scientific question and you can pretty much call it settled. If 9.7 out of 10 cardiac surgeons you consulted all told you you needed a valve replacement or you’d die, you’d be a fool not to listen.
Yeah right! And 100% of the polls said Hillary would be president. Ask people with and ideological agenda, get an ideological answer.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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I’m saying those bugs lacked the intelligence to alter their own self destructive behavior and they created a world they could no longer live in. We have just as much potential to make the planet uninhabitable, but the jury is still out on whether we have the intelligence to prevent it.

According to the “settled science” we need to go back to medieval levels of emissions today to “prevent” catastrophe.

They have been holding out the carrot of “prevention” for 20 years because very few of the predictions have happened.

So we are on to adaptation.
The only constant is change


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing this round of climate change by dumping carbon it took hundreds of millions of years to sequester back into the atmosphere in a century. You get 97% consensus on any scientific question and you can pretty much call it settled. If 9.7 out of 10 cardiac surgeons you consulted all told you you needed a valve replacement or you’d die, you’d be a fool not to listen.

That statement is not science. It is a simple fact. Of course the climate is changing because of massive human interaction with the planet.

What happens because of that interaction is far from settled.

This “what’s next” is the religion of the left.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing this round of climate change by dumping carbon it took hundreds of millions of years to sequester back into the atmosphere in a century. You get 97% consensus on any scientific question and you can pretty much call it settled. If 9.7 out of 10 cardiac surgeons you consulted all told you you needed a valve replacement or you’d die, you’d be a fool not to listen.

How many of those 9.7 surgeons own stock in the valve company?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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My problem with the so called climate debate is no one on the left is actually willing to sacrifice anything meaningful to combat climate change. Whether or not it actually happening or is man made is irrelevant, no one is going to give up their boats, cars, traveling by airplane, cruise ships, air conditioning, the list goes on. The climate warriors go out and buy a Prius and think they are solving the issue. If you really buy into the climate apocalypse scenario, let me see you do something about it. Get rid of your smart phone, your car, boat, I never want to see you in an air conditioned house, set the heat in the winter time to 33 degrees....just enough to keep the pipes from freezing. You can't buy anything from overseas....only locally sourced food, clothing, etc. I have yet to see anyone on the left (including people in my own family) actually put their money where their mouth is.......


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing this round of climate change by dumping carbon it took hundreds of millions of years to sequester back into the atmosphere in a century. You get 97% consensus on any scientific question and you can pretty much call it settled. If 9.7 out of 10 cardiac surgeons you consulted all told you you needed a valve replacement or you’d die, you’d be a fool not to listen.
yeah right

this has been debunked so many times


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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My problem with the so called climate debate is no one on the left is actually willing to sacrifice anything meaningful to combat climate change. Whether or not it actually happening or is man made is irrelevant, no one is going to give up their boats, cars, traveling by airplane, cruise ships, air conditioning, the list goes on. The climate warriors go out and buy a Prius and think they are solving the issue. If you really buy into the climate apocalypse scenario, let me see you do something about it. Get rid of your smart phone, your car, boat, I never want to see you in an air conditioned house, set the heat in the winter time to 33 degrees....just enough to keep the pipes from freezing. You can't buy anything from overseas....only locally sourced food, clothing, etc. I have yet to see anyone on the left (including people in my own family) actually put their money where their mouth is.......

Exactly and it is not just climate change.

Just look at the National Parks right now during the shutdowns. They are littered with trash, human feces, people cutting down trees and tearing up trails in motorized vehicles.

And it is not just the right or the left, it is everyone. We are destined to destroy each other and the earth one way or the other; it is the fundamental DNA of mankind. Pollution/global warming is just another means.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Exactly and it is not just climate change.

Just look at the National Parks right now during the shutdowns. They are littered with trash, human feces, people cutting down trees and tearing up trails in motorized vehicles.

And it is not just the right or the left, it is everyone. We are destined to destroy each other and the earth one way or the other; it is the fundamental DNA of mankind. Pollution/global warming is just another means.

You actually hit the nail on the head.
We may destroy ourselves, but ma earth will survive us.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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No you can't you fuckin dummy, and even if you could, you wouldn't understand it. Happy New Year!:D

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Yeah right! And 100% of the polls said Hillary would be president. Ask people with and ideological agenda, get an ideological answer.
A basic understanding of the greenhouse phenomena dates back to the 1800’s. Modern science has allowed us to follow multiple threads of evidence which all lead to the same conclusion. We can watch the process play out in real time on Earth and we can look at Venus and see where runaway climate change leads. Nobody working for NOAA or NASA is getting rich off their research, but the same cannot be said of the Koch brothers and other purveyors of climate denial whose billions come from oil. Please don’t talk to me about ideology when you are willing to ignore every fact which is counter to your political beliefs.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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That statement is not science. It is a simple fact. Of course the climate is changing because of massive human interaction with the planet.

What happens because of that interaction is far from settled.

This “what’s next” is the religion of the left.
What part of the country do you live in? The part experiencing more and larger hurricanes than any time in human history? How about the part experiencing decade long drought and devastating wildfires. Maybe up north where the glaciers are gone and coastal villages are falling into the ocean. “What happens” is already happening while you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. Your kids will pay for your mistakes.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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My problem with the so called climate debate is no one on the left is actually willing to sacrifice anything meaningful to combat climate change. Whether or not it actually happening or is man made is irrelevant, no one is going to give up their boats, cars, traveling by airplane, cruise ships, air conditioning, the list goes on. The climate warriors go out and buy a Prius and think they are solving the issue. If you really buy into the climate apocalypse scenario, let me see you do something about it. Get rid of your smart phone, your car, boat, I never want to see you in an air conditioned house, set the heat in the winter time to 33 degrees....just enough to keep the pipes from freezing. You can't buy anything from overseas....only locally sourced food, clothing, etc. I have yet to see anyone on the left (including people in my own family) actually put their money where their mouth is.......
Not one of the things you listed was included in the recommendations of the Paris climate accords. Yeah, we need to make big changes but they start with small changes. How’s this for a doable starting point? Rapidly phase out all coal generated electricity and replace it with massive zero emissions nuclear production? Incentivize electric vehicles- they can go fast and they can move heavy loads, but they need to overcome the resting inertia of a culture built on fossil fuel. Do that shit and we can buy ourselves time to think and give the planets natural processes like photosynthesis and ocean carbon capture a chance to heal. Or just say the problem is too big so I’ll ignore it and let my kids suffer.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Exactly and it is not just climate change.

Just look at the National Parks right now during the shutdowns. They are littered with trash, human feces, people cutting down trees and tearing up trails in motorized vehicles.

And it is not just the right or the left, it is everyone. We are destined to destroy each other and the earth one way or the other; it is the fundamental DNA of mankind. Pollution/global warming is just another means.
It is fundamental to humans and all life to behave selfishly. And yet from time to time we come together to fight a common threat and achieve remarkable results. America could have decided to do nothing in 1941, could have even decided to make a deal giving Hitler Europe, Tojo Asia, and taking the Americas for ourself. That would have been the selfish thing to do. Instead millions sacrificed and they saved the world. It’s our turn to do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Let's try again. How about less spending and lower government deficits versus higher spending and higher government deficits?

Let's even shoot for lower goals, like maybe lower deficits than under the tax and spend liberal administration that Trump replaced? Hell as the head of the R party he controlled all three branches of government so let's shoot for something more moderate, like run a deficit, how about just not doubling it in the first couple years?

Or maybe, how about more free markets and growth, as opposed to government intervention in markets and this administration picking winners and losers as opposed to competing in the free market? Is that not a solution? Is that not less of a socialist agenda than what we have going on now?

How is that for some historical conservative solutions that were once widely embraced in here?

Like Jeffery does?


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Try sitting in your garage with your engine running and get back to me in half an hour on both CO and CO2.
I’d also bet you didn’t even risk taking that chemistry class in high school after your poor showing in biology.

Once again you show that you really failed to get your money's worth for your flaunted "education".

You could not even make yourself dizzy, much less kill yourself from vehicle emissions anymore. Sequential fuel injection with modern COP ignition and VTEC and all the variations of it, along with catalytic converters have made emissions levels so clean it's impossible.

Stick to opinionating and posturing, those seem to be your strengths.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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Not one of the things you listed was included in the recommendations of the Paris climate accords. Yeah, we need to make big changes but they start with small changes. How’s this for a doable starting point? Rapidly phase out all coal generated electricity and replace it with massive zero emissions nuclear production? Incentivize electric vehicles- they can go fast and they can move heavy loads, but they need to overcome the resting inertia of a culture built on fossil fuel. Do that shit and we can buy ourselves time to think and give the planets natural processes like photosynthesis and ocean carbon capture a chance to heal. Or just say the problem is too big so I’ll ignore it and let my kids suffer.

Gmac The above listed items are good ideas (except nuclear power, I hate nukes) but will not even offset the carbon consumption necessary to feed the net growth of the worldwide population.....let alone REVERSE carbon consumption which according to the Climate warriors is what is required at this point. Do the math....There is no way we can all have an electric car, a detached home, a vacation or two per year, a smart phone, etc. All the above listed starting points in your post will only kick the can down the road by a few years, then, with population growth we will end up right where we are today as far as CO2 levels are concerned.
IMHO the #1 threat to mankind is poverty and unemployment leading to armed conflict, I'd like to see our energy go towards fighting those things instead of pointless climate measures.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I’m saying those bugs lacked the intelligence to alter their own self destructive behavior and they created a world they could no longer live in. We have just as much potential to make the planet uninhabitable, but the jury is still out on whether we have the intelligence to prevent it.

To prove those bugs self destructive behavior created a world uninhabitable 2.5 B yrs ago is as accurate as your stats that 97% of scientists agree on man made GW on Earth. It's just a number, some people pulled out of their hat.:rolleyes: I assume [ not a scientist myself:p ] 2.5 B yrs ago, a lot of active volcanoes spewed ash, carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. You totally ignore those scenarios in your climate change debate here.o_O Known fact that the eruption of Krakatoa caused years of problems, famine for years, and it was only one volcano. Lets hope, Yellowstone won't blow any time soon, because you and other GW crusaders won't be able to debate here on RDP much longer.:eek::D Happy New Year, try a more positive outlook for 2019.:)

Ps; as That Guy already mentioned, biggest problem is, our population growth is the runaway train that will cause the greatest impact for humans. When I was still in school, Earth's population was estimated 3 billion. Fast forward 56 yrs, we're at an estimated 7-8 billion. At the time of this writing, the most recently available statistics pertain to 2010, at which point the World Bank reported that about 37.7 percent of the world's total land area was considered agricultural land, while approximately 10.6 percent was considered arable.Apr 25, 2017:oops::eek:
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Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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What part of the country do you live in? The part experiencing more and larger hurricanes than any time in human history? How about the part experiencing decade long drought and devastating wildfires. Maybe up north where the glaciers are gone and coastal villages are falling into the ocean. “What happens” is already happening while you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. Your kids will pay for your mistakes.

The CA drought you are talking about is a none event. Ca has been abnormally wet for the last 50+ years and is really returning to normal amounts of rain so we need to get used to it.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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What part of the country do you live in? The part experiencing more and larger hurricanes than any time in human history? How about the part experiencing decade long drought and devastating wildfires. Maybe up north where the glaciers are gone and coastal villages are falling into the ocean. “What happens” is already happening while you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. Your kids will pay for your mistakes.
Again, more posted proof you're a lying idiot.:rolleyes:

Coastal villages falling into the ocean.....Akin to Guam getting overloaded and tipping over. Good grief, think about what you just posted ya ol' fool


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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What part of the country do you live in? The part experiencing more and larger hurricanes than any time in human history? How about the part experiencing decade long drought and devastating wildfires. Maybe up north where the glaciers are gone and coastal villages are falling into the ocean. “What happens” is already happening while you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. Your kids will pay for your mistakes.

Really? You think Mother Nature decided to just turn off the taps and dry CA up? We have watched CA officials EMPTY all the reservoirs year after year, on a relentless path to dry up the state annually to control more citizens and enrich those who run the state water plan, they want nothing more than to control all of it.

You think mismanagement of our Forests due to political terrorism and back door deals to enrich state officials and divert funds intended to manage old/dead forests and undergrowth is done by mother nature?

You are truly a very disturbed person, with an extremely narrow look at reality.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Again, more posted proof you're a lying idiot.:rolleyes:

Coastal villages falling into the ocean.....Akin to Guam getting overloaded and tipping over. Good grief, think about what you just posted ya ol' fool
Shishmaref- look it up. I’ve actually been there and seen what’s happening. Have you?

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Shishmaref- look it up. I’ve actually been there and seen what’s happening. Have you?
You've officially backed up your bullshit with a more pure form of bullshit. Goddamn barrier island half ice is destined to fail ya ol' fool. More a question of when rather than how.....Clowns like you use these as examples to substantiate your ignorance.:rolleyes:

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Here’s a pic of Lake Mead and another of the Colorado River delta where 15,000 cfs of water should be reaching the Sea of Cortez. Yeah, we’re taking too much out of the Colorado to water California’s crops but the region is also not getting anywhere near the rainfall it was when the compact states signed their agreement and divied up the Colorado. If you live in Phoenix I suggest you get out now.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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What part of the country do you live in? The part experiencing more and larger hurricanes than any time in human history? How about the part experiencing decade long drought and devastating wildfires. Maybe up north where the glaciers are gone and coastal villages are falling into the ocean. “What happens” is already happening while you bury your head in the sand and ignore it. Your kids will pay for your mistakes.

So human history is only 120 years of written weather records.. Copy that!

Again if it is “already happening” as you say, the only solution is to go back to the Bronze Age today gramps. Turn off your phone, melt down your car to make some tools and start hunting and gathering. Just use solar power to cook please.

FWIW - Wild fires caused by faulty power equipment that burn vegetation that has been kept from naturally burning because people want to live a luxury lifestyle in scenic areas has nothing to do with global warming.

These man caused fires have created more pollution than decades of emissions, all because utility companies protected by their paid for government stooges wanted to save $500 by not sending someone out to inspect their faulty equipment.

If there was that severe of a drought in the southwest why haven’t our leaders here (especially in CA) forbade people from coming here and stopped building more residencies that will further increase emissions and drain the little resources we have???

The judgement day of your religion keeps moving. It was supposed to have already happened. You don’t know what is going to happen, no one does. And charging a tax on fuel and every facet of life to fix it does nothing.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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You've officially backed up your bullshit with a more pure form of bullshit. Goddamn barrier island half ice is destined to fail ya ol' fool. More a question of when rather than how.....Clowns like you use these as examples to substantiate your ignorance.:rolleyes:
It was stable for countless generations when the permafrost (ie PERMANENT ice) held the pea gravel together. A few degrees temp rise in the arctic and what was rock hard is now disintegrating back into the sea.

Fuck, even Miami now gets high tides flowing into the city on blue sky days. Add a few feet of sea level rise and a Cat 6 hurricane and you’ll see a lot of communities washed away.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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WTF, "The 2019 Edition of GMac".Get back to your thread ASAP,Chuck & Nancy gonna need all the help they can get.Trump endorsed Nancy and they Bit. :)

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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WTF, "The 2019 Edition of GMac".Get back to your thread ASAP,Chuck & Nancy gonna need all the help they can get.Trump endorsed Nancy and they Bit. :)
View attachment 714975 View attachment 714976
It’s been dull in DC with government shit down and climate change is a real hot button issue for me, but Trump’ll get more bad news soon enough and I’ll have a full time job keeping you updated on the march toward impeachment.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Do you believe the Biblical stories of Noah?

I do!
It’s one of my go to topics when arguing the validity of the ancient alien theory.
Noah was 950 years old at passing unless my current drunken state is off by a 100 years or so...
His great grandpappy was Enoch...who passed at the young age of 450 years old, and who’s writings were omitted from the Bible due to his writings about the fallen, Satan, and the watchers.
All this according to the Bible, which I believe every word...not in the religious sense, but rather the historical sense.
What’s the only way to put a pair of every mating species on earth into a vessel???
Which is really child’s play if it are the Sorry sob that arranged that DNA to start with.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Do you believe the Biblical stories of Noah?

Well according to bible all humans were killed with the exception of Noah and his family.

"And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all human beings" (Genesis 7:21)

So that means Noah's three male children and their wives, along with Noah and his wife were all the humans that were left on the earth.

"to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water" (1 Peter 3:20)

Which leads one to the logical conclusion that all of human kind, if one believes the biblical stories of Noah, are the offspring of Noah's three male children and their wives or some combination of these 8 remaining humans.

Which leads to the natural question of how does one reconcile that with the DNA science that is used today to trace family history and genetic makeup as those DNA scientific conclusions are contradictory to the thought that we all come from those 8 remaining humans that were left on the earth roughly 3,428 years ago?

So either DNA science is flawed, or the biblical story of Noah is flawed?

Seems like a conundrum.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Well according to bible all humans were killed with the exception of Noah and his family.

"And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all human beings" (Genesis 7:21)

So that means Noah's three male children and their wives, along with Noah and his wife were all the humans that were left on the earth.

"to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water" (1 Peter 3:20)

Which leads one to the logical conclusion that all of human kind, if one believes the biblical stories of Noah, are the offspring of Noah's three male children and their wives or some combination of these 8 remaining humans.

Which leads to the natural question of how does one reconcile that with the DNA science that is used today to trace family history and genetic makeup as those DNA scientific conclusions are contradictory to the thought that we all come from those 8 remaining humans that were left on the earth roughly 3,428 years ago?

So either DNA science is flawed, or the biblical story of Noah is flawed?

Seems like a conundrum.

It’s not.
Your conclusion of Noah and family being the only survivors is not accurate.
There was additional DNA.

It’s right there in your biblical quote.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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What I find comical from the MMGW chicken littles, is how they sensationalize by posting nonsense photos of events. When they talk about power plants and chemical plants emitting pollution, their go to photos show huge clouds of condensation from cooling towers and stacks. Water vapor loo0ks real scary. Polar bears sitting on ice flows as if they are dying and floating out to sea on a break away chunk caused by heated water. Rain accumulation after heavy storms claimed to be tidal flow.

A classic was a photo of a bay in northern Canada that was filled with ice. Then a second showing the same bay a year later and no ice. A real scientist responded on how this bay had winds from the opposite direction blew the ice flow to the opposite bay shore in the second photo. Same amount of ice as the previous year, but pushed against the other side.

I don't know what to think of Noah, but the clowns of today think nothing of lying to try and make a false point.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
What I find comical from the MMGW chicken littles, is how they sensationalize by posting nonsense photos of events. When they talk about power plants and chemical plants emitting pollution, their go to photos show huge clouds of condensation from cooling towers and stacks. Water vapor loo0ks real scary. Polar bears sitting on ice flows as if they are dying and floating out to sea on a break away chunk caused by heated water. Rain accumulation after heavy storms claimed to be tidal flow.

A classic was a photo of a bay in northern Canada that was filled with ice. Then a second showing the same bay a year later and no ice. A real scientist responded on how this bay had winds from the opposite direction blew the ice flow to the opposite bay shore in the second photo. Same amount of ice as the previous year, but pushed against the other side.

I don't know what to think of Noah, but the clowns of today think nothing of lying to try and make a false point.

I’ve watched the polar ice flows come in and go out at Prudohe Bay for many years.

Polar bears ride then in and out. It’s easier than swimming 50 miles!!


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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That's why I started an Air Conditioning company. Guaranteed job security.

The media has convinced the weak minded once that science has proved humans are causing this, yet there's no science. The libbies will believe it just because they are told so.
I'd almost venture a guess that the heat displaced from the refrigeration processes around the world probably makes more of an impact than CO2 emissions. But society will NEVER give that up and also why I'm in the trade.
About the only demographic that hasn’t recognized the danger of climate change is you dumb fuck conservatives who keep falling for the propaganda talking points funded by the Koch brothers. And guess how they make their money!
Hey you fucking dumb old fuck........ How do you explain the fact that all these "climate scientists" completely ignore the scientific process? They include all those assumptions as facts to substantiate their hypothesis yet those assumptions are IMPOSSIBLE to prove so therefore, you cannot use those "findings" to substantiate the hypothesis. Science 101.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Well according to bible all humans were killed with the exception of Noah and his family.

"And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all human beings" (Genesis 7:21)

So that means Noah's three male children and their wives, along with Noah and his wife were all the humans that were left on the earth.

"to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water" (1 Peter 3:20)

Which leads one to the logical conclusion that all of human kind, if one believes the biblical stories of Noah, are the offspring of Noah's three male children and their wives or some combination of these 8 remaining humans.

Which leads to the natural question of how does one reconcile that with the DNA science that is used today to trace family history and genetic makeup as those DNA scientific conclusions are contradictory to the thought that we all come from those 8 remaining humans that were left on the earth roughly 3,428 years ago?

So either DNA science is flawed, or the biblical story of Noah is flawed?

Seems like a conundrum.
That’s a good start. You also have only a single pair of most “kinds” of animals. Biologists understand that the inbreeding that results from that sort of genetic bottle neck leads to extinctions. In the Noah story we have to accept that each “kind” of animal instead gave rise to potentially hundreds of modern species (since it is physically impossible to pack all of the modern species on an arc). Then there’s the question of how species that only live on a single tree in the Amazon got there from the summit of Mt Ararat in Turkey. For that matter where did water deep enough to have covered the earth 28,000 feet deeper than our modern oceans (enough to cover Everest) all go. Etc. It is a nice myth and every culture on earth tells some version (with some like the Epic of Gilgamesh predating the Bible) but it’s easy to see why ancient people’s living in flood plains and probably familiar with marine fossils found on mountains would come up with a common explanation.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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What I find comical from the MMGW chicken littles, is how they sensationalize by posting nonsense photos of events. When they talk about power plants and chemical plants emitting pollution, their go to photos show huge clouds of condensation from cooling towers and stacks. Water vapor loo0ks real scary. Polar bears sitting on ice flows as if they are dying and floating out to sea on a break away chunk caused by heated water. Rain accumulation after heavy storms claimed to be tidal flow.

A classic was a photo of a bay in northern Canada that was filled with ice. Then a second showing the same bay a year later and no ice. A real scientist responded on how this bay had winds from the opposite direction blew the ice flow to the opposite bay shore in the second photo. Same amount of ice as the previous year, but pushed against the other side.

I don't know what to think of Noah, but the clowns of today think nothing of lying to try and make a false point.
You notice the one pick with blue skies and palms with all their fronds still attached? That isn’t the aftermath of a hurricane. It’s a king tide and they are becoming all too common in many coastal areas. Do your own research since you’ll never trust mine, but areas that were above high tide for several centuries of European colonization are now flooding regularly at high tide.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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I’ve watched the polar ice flows come in and go out at Prudohe Bay for many years.

Polar bears ride then in and out. It’s easier than swimming 50 miles!!
The issue with polar bears and walrus is when those floating islands melt away entirely during the summer and polar bears drown between floes or walrus don’t have areas near their offshore clam beds to haul or and rest.