Speed UTV take 3


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2023
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Speed has great racing success and this thread drops like a rock. Apparently more haters than lovers. They will be easy to spot in the hills once the cars are ready available. They will be the ones driving the 100K canams and rzrs behind you. Personally id just swallow my pride and buy a speed for half that and the other half in another cashflowing investment.

Speed was able to have a great showing at NORRA and the Bandit RG was driving was impressive. The Bandit doing so well looks great and looks to be a fun car to drive. I believe they are racing again this weekend.

Camp RZR is going on so there are lots of people in Glamis. There are some Speed UTVs there and there is a video floating around of a Speed UTV struggling to go up Olds. Rumor is something is up with the owners ECU programming.

If you are not an early deposit holder you will be spending just as much for a Speed UTV as a top model Can Am or Polaris. Add in accessories from Speed UTV and the price climbs just like the others.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2019
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Anyone check your back seats to make sure they’re Carbon fiber like what you paid for?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Speed has great racing success and this thread drops like a rock. Apparently more haters than lovers. They will be easy to spot in the hills once the cars are ready available. They will be the ones driving the 100K canams and rzrs behind you. Personally id just swallow my pride and buy a speed for half that and the other half in another cashflowing investment.
I was going to say it’s wild how slow this thread became. Just goes to show there’s a lot of members who just want to see stuff fail. Even when they have no skin in the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2019
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I was going to say it’s wild how slow this thread became. Just goes to show there’s a lot of members who just want to see stuff fail. Even when they have no skin in the game.
RG like to talk shit or so it seems from all I’ve seen on instagram and other off-road forums. Just because people like to talk shit doesn’t make them a “HATER” if it does then RG would be a hater as well.

I’m not rooting for failure but it’s entertaining and RG himself chose this route with the way he’s been marketing since the beginning. He came out from day one saying it would be the best UTV ever so that’s what everyone’s been waiting for. If it fails so be it if it doesn’t we all win in the end fan boys and “Haters”.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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RG like to talk shit or so it seems from all I’ve seen on instagram and other off-road forums. Just because people like to talk shit doesn’t make them a “HATER” if it does then RG would be a hater as well.

I’m not rooting for failure but it’s entertaining and RG himself chose this route with the way he’s been marketing since the beginning. He came out from day one saying it would be the best UTV ever so that’s what everyone’s been waiting for. If it fails so be it if it doesn’t we all win in the end fan boys and “Haters”.
It costs all of us nothing to smack talk any brand or to swing from it’s nuts lol. But it did cost RG a few million to go after the SXS market. In theory if he succeeds we all succeed because it forces all of the manufacturers to step up their game at a bare minimum.

My guess is that less than 10 people who have talked negatively about Speed have the bankroll to even attempt it.

It’s no different than a bunch of middle aged over weight guys bitching about a professional athlete’s performance last week lol. Tell anyone of them to lace up and get through one practice. They’d go home and never speak ill of (fill in the sport) again lol.
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Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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It costs all of us nothing to smack talk any brand or to swing from it’s nuts lol. But it did cost RG a few million to go after the SXS market. In theory if he succeeds we all succeed because it forces all of the manufacturers to step up their game at a bare minimum.

My guess is that less than 10 people who have talked negatively about Speed have the bankroll to even attempt it.

It’s no different than a bunch of middle aged over weight guys bitching about a professional athlete’s performance last week lol. Tell anyone of them to lace up and get through one practice. They’d go home and never speak ill of (fill in the sport) again lol.
I disagree with a bunch of your post. RG put himself out there and has challenged anyone, called them out that had the least little thing to say, that wasn't glowing.

Take me, I AM A BUYER. In the next 6-12 months, I'm upgrading. I can tell you this for 100% sure. I will not even consider a Speed car. The reason is simple, RG. His behavior has been so off-putting, I want nothing to do with his company or product. I will go for a Speed ride here soon but it would take heaven and earth to get me past his attitude.

If I'm RG, I completely remove myself from having any customer contact, period. I hire a PR company to work my image and hire competent marketing/sales people to run it. He should do what he does best, engineering and product development.

Robby Gordon is racer. He's never had to offer up a product for sale (that I know of) . You can't piss of large swaths of your demographic.

Look at Tony from DCB. He's the nicest guy in the world. When I was struggling with my Skater, I was thinking in the back of my mind, I need to buy a DCB. Tony will make everything OK, I'll be happy. Just because he handles himself as the gentleman he is here. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

This Speed thing has been handled very very amateurish. Had a professional marketing group handled it, who knows where this thing could be.

Is this "shit talking?" or just facts?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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I disagree with a bunch of your post. RG put himself out there and has challenged anyone, called them out that had the least little thing to say, that wasn't glowing.

Take me, I AM A BUYER. In the next 6-12 months, I'm upgrading. I can tell you this for 100% sure. I will not even consider a Speed car. The reason is simple, RG. His behavior has been so off-putting, I want nothing to do with his company or product. I will go for a Speed ride here soon but it would take heaven and earth to get me past his attitude.

If I'm RG, I completely remove myself from having any customer contact, period. I hire a PR company to work my image and hire competent marketing/sales people to run it. He should do what he does best, engineering and product development.

Robby Gordon is racer. He's never had to offer up a product for sale (that I know of) . You can't piss of large swaths of your demographic.

Look at Tony from DCB. He's the nicest guy in the world. When I was struggling with my Skater, I was thinking in the back of my mind, I need to buy a DCB. Tony will make everything OK, I'll be happy. Just because he handles himself as the gentleman he is here. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

This Speed thing has been handled very very amateurish. Had a professional marketing group handled it, who knows where this thing could be.

Is this "shit talking?" or just facts?
100% facts and I would say you’re in the “less than 10”.

I understand his approach being off putting and to be honest I’ve always tried to work with the Tonys and avoid the RGs.

But it sure sounds like their product is the real deal over all. Yes there are growing pains and a dozen other issues. Hate him or love him, if the product out runs the competition there’s not much more you can say.

I think it’s easy to say “hire xyz” “get a good board of directors” “hire a PR firm” etc. But we are talking additional millions to pull that off. Once again I think you’re one of the few who’s qualified to speak on that. But it’s one thing to give criticism when you’ve personally had to cut the big checks. It’s a whole lot easier to take cheap shots and pick apart a “start up” when you’ve never put your own name and money on the line (at this scale).

I don’t think it would be any different than me telling you how I would have built my Skater vs yours. First off I can’t afford to build one lol. So I’d at least have the humility to keep my opinions to myself. Other than how fast you drive it of course 🤣😁😉.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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100% facts and I would say you’re in the “less than 10”.

I understand his approach being off putting and to be honest I’ve always tried to work with the Tonys and avoid the RGs.

But it sure sounds like their product is the real deal over all. Yes there are growing pains and a dozen other issues. Hate him or love him, if the product out runs the competition there’s not much more you can say.

I think it’s easy to say “hire xyz” “get a good board of directors” “hire a PR firm” etc. But we are talking additional millions to pull that off. Once again I think you’re one of the few who’s qualified to speak on that. But it’s one thing to give criticism when you’ve personally had to cut the big checks. It’s a whole lot easier to take cheap shots and pick apart a “start up” when you’ve never put your own name and money on the line (at this scale).

I don’t think it would be any different than me telling you how I would have built my Skater vs yours. First off I can’t afford to build one lol. So I’d at least have the humility to keep my opinions to myself. Other than how fast you drive it of course 🤣😁😉.
Hahaha!! 🤣😂


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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I do have to ask though, if say a Speed 2.0 version came out and it was the baddest vehicle around. Would you look past RGs attitude?

I get where you’re coming from but the guy/company is still relatively “available” to reach out to. Polaris and CanAm are just Chinese companies with a dealer network right?

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
I do have to ask though, if say a Speed 2.0 version came out and it was the baddest vehicle around. Would you look past RGs attitude?

I get where you’re coming from but the guy/company is still relatively “available” to reach out to. Polaris and CanAm are just Chinese companies with a dealer network right?
Zero chance. There are other very good cars from companies that there is no drama with. Even if they aren't quite as good as a Speed.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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I do have to ask though, if say a Speed 2.0 version came out and it was the baddest vehicle around. Would you look past RGs attitude?

I get where you’re coming from but the guy/company is still relatively “available” to reach out to. Polaris and CanAm are just Chinese companies with a dealer network right?
Speed is a Vietnamese company with no dealer network operating to date.

So what’s your point?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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BRP and Polaris are Chinese companies? I believe one is Canadian and the other American?

I will probably be in the market for another car in a couple of years. I will buy what I believe is the best on the market at the time and backing from the manufacturer will also play into that decision. It will be interesting to see how things shake out with the new Mav R and Speed in the mix with the Pro R.

I will add that I will probably never buy another belt car again. I would think Polaris is probably working on a DCT. I wonder if RG will do the same.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Speed is a Vietnamese company with no dealer network operating to date.

So what’s your point?
My point is that the CEO is active in both the Lake Havasu community and social media.

Anyone know how to reach a Polaris rep? Etc?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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I have had great service from the GM of the dealership I bought my X3 from.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Why on earth would I want to talk to a Polaris rep or exec. They have an extensive dealer and parts network. That’s what’s important
Well I guess then why even involve yourself with a company like Speed? And if you weren’t interested in the company why participate in any convos about it ? Lol I know you see where I’m going

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Well I guess then why even involve yourself with a company like Speed? And if you weren’t interested in the company why participate in any convos about it ? Lol I know you see where I’m going
Ummm…it’s a “chat” room?

Or I guess I could just not say anything if that makes more sense to you?


Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
I disagree with a bunch of your post. RG put himself out there and has challenged anyone, called them out that had the least little thing to say, that wasn't glowing.

Take me, I AM A BUYER. In the next 6-12 months, I'm upgrading. I can tell you this for 100% sure. I will not even consider a Speed car. The reason is simple, RG. His behavior has been so off-putting, I want nothing to do with his company or product. I will go for a Speed ride here soon but it would take heaven and earth to get me past his attitude.

If I'm RG, I completely remove myself from having any customer contact, period. I hire a PR company to work my image and hire competent marketing/sales people to run it. He should do what he does best, engineering and product development.

Robby Gordon is racer. He's never had to offer up a product for sale (that I know of) . You can't piss of large swaths of your demographic.

Look at Tony from DCB. He's the nicest guy in the world. When I was struggling with my Skater, I was thinking in the back of my mind, I need to buy a DCB. Tony will make everything OK, I'll be happy. Just because he handles himself as the gentleman he is here. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

This Speed thing has been handled very very amateurish. Had a professional marketing group handled it, who knows where this thing could be.

Is this "shit talking?" or just facts?

Wait for it.......


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Well I guess then why even involve yourself with a company like Speed? And if you weren’t interested in the company why participate in any convos about it ? Lol I know you see where I’m going

Interesting comments.
So now if we have no money or interest in a subject, we are not allowed to type our thoughts. You must vote the dem ticket with that thought process :)

I am a potential buyer, BUT I like to see finished product before I put my money at risk. Will I pay more, 100%.
However, like @Skinny Tire AH tire stated, RG‘s online persona has limited my interest in Speed. And since all SXS’s break, until I have comfort on warranty repairs, etc. I am staying away.

One of my biggest pet peeve is over-promise and under-deliver. Speed has done that (not on the design of the car), but consistently on product deliveries. No one, not even a trained marketing professional would have controlled what RG said. RG did himself no favors on how he bashed his competitors and continually stated cars would ship by x (he has missed on everyone of those statements). Yes, cars are finally being delivered on a frequent basis, but not at the pace RG has stated on videos.

I will wait and see what occurs, then decide what I buy in July 2024.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
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So yesterday I got a ride in the number 75 car. I was very impressed. He took the time to show me a lot of details about details like starting it up, then the oil, pressures and temperatures, and so forth and so on that the car needs an order to allow full performance. He has quite a few options. One of them is also the second Dash and he set up the dash screen so I could look at the same parameters he was looking. After it was warmed up, we went for about a 20 minute ride and boy he did not hold back. We went from his camp towards the sand drags threw the whooped out section of sand Highway. He explained a lot of stuff along the way we got into a little bit of the sand dunes nothing real, big and tall, but he put that thing into a jump and boy we flew very smooth car. He actually said that his springs are probably sagged a little and he wants to try and play with the rear shocks. We did hit one whoop that threw the rear up a little bit but he had it under control. I honestly was a little scared. I’m just like that when I’m not behind the driver seat, I was very grateful as this was the first time I ever had a ride and one of these and like most people I’ve seen or talked to in person all are usually very impressed. I am still trying now the next day to sit here and be patient as I have been but I will tell you if you go for a ride in one of these you’re gonna want your car even sooner than you already think you want it now.

While I was waiting for him to get back from running in to town in the morning, I found chupacabra over on gecko road getting ready for a ride. He had just showed up. He seems pretty happy with his car. Obviously, no one has the speed key yet. I got a chance to talk to him and look at a lot of the accessories on his car a little closer some of his own design. In total I’d say probably saw about 6 el jeffes cars out here over the last couple days. It is rather crowded and we are just trying to play it safe when out and about.

Lastly, yesterday after I got back from my ride with the 75 I want to go hook up with my friends who were at the Can-Am event. You can sign up and drive one of the new Can-Am‘s. They put you in a group of about five cars with a leader, and a caboose, basically you’re giving instructions and you’re allowed to make changes to the settings and drive as hard as you want. And thats what we did with a bunch of my buddies some have Can-Am‘s some have V-8 with TwinTurbo‘s and everything in between. I would say I was thoroughly impressed by the Can-Am , most of my buddies were all pretty impressed. the Can-Am was an amazing car to drive. The new transmission is definitely a different type of thing but then again, I’ve never owned a car with a belt, only manual transmissions in the off-road world , but the car handled pretty damn well I stuffed it into some big G outs and played with all of the different power and shock settings over about a 25 minute ride. I will say the speed car has a better fit and finish just all around and I am happy that is the way I have decided to go , basically the hard part now is going to be trying to keep my patience after getting that ride today. I’m thinking the Diablo is going to be just fine for me. Anyways, time to get some coffee but I figured since the star link was up this morning I would make use of it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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So yesterday I got a ride in the number 75 car. I was very impressed. He took the time to show me a lot of details about details like starting it up, then the oil, pressures and temperatures, and so forth and so on that the car needs an order to allow full performance. He has quite a few options. One of them is also the second Dash and he set up the dash screen so I could look at the same parameters he was looking. After it was warmed up, we went for about a 20 minute ride and boy he did not hold back. We went from his camp towards the sand drags threw the whooped out section of sand Highway. He explained a lot of stuff along the way we got into a little bit of the sand dunes nothing real, big and tall, but he put that thing into a jump and boy we flew very smooth car. He actually said that his springs are probably sagged a little and he wants to try and play with the rear shocks. We did hit one whoop that threw the rear up a little bit but he had it under control. I honestly was a little scared. I’m just like that when I’m not behind the driver seat, I was very grateful as this was the first time I ever had a ride and one of these and like most people I’ve seen or talked to in person all are usually very impressed. I am still trying now the next day to sit here and be patient as I have been but I will tell you if you go for a ride in one of these you’re gonna want your car even sooner than you already think you want it now.

While I was waiting for him to get back from running in to town in the morning, I found chupacabra over on gecko road getting ready for a ride. He had just showed up. He seems pretty happy with his car. Obviously, no one has the speed key yet. I got a chance to talk to him and look at a lot of the accessories on his car a little closer some of his own design. In total I’d say probably saw about 6 el jeffes cars out here over the last couple days. It is rather crowded and we are just trying to play it safe when out and about.

Lastly, yesterday after I got back from my ride with the 75 I want to go hook up with my friends who were at the Can-Am event. You can sign up and drive one of the new Can-Am‘s. They put you in a group of about five cars with a leader, and a caboose, basically you’re giving instructions and you’re allowed to make changes to the settings and drive as hard as you want. And thats what we did with a bunch of my buddies some have Can-Am‘s some have V-8 with TwinTurbo‘s and everything in between. I would say I was thoroughly impressed by the Can-Am , most of my buddies were all pretty impressed. the Can-Am was an amazing car to drive. The new transmission is definitely a different type of thing but then again, I’ve never owned a car with a belt, only manual transmissions in the off-road world , but the car handled pretty damn well I stuffed it into some big G outs and played with all of the different power and shock settings over about a 25 minute ride. I will say the speed car has a better fit and finish just all around and I am happy that is the way I have decided to go , basically the hard part now is going to be trying to keep my patience after getting that road today. I’m thinking the Diablo is going to be just fine for me. Anyways, time to get some coffee but I figured since the star link was up this morning I would make use of it.
Great feedback!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2023
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I was going to say it’s wild how slow this thread became. Just goes to show there’s a lot of members who just want to see stuff fail. Even when they have no skin in the game.
It is desert season so people are out having fun. I don't think anyone wants to see it fail.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2023
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My point is that the CEO is active in both the Lake Havasu community and social media.

Anyone know how to reach a Polaris rep? Etc?

Polaris and the OEMs have real CEOs that are business people and running international companies. At some point Speed will get there and will have a similar set up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2022
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Look, however, everybody feels is one thing, but you’re not going to change Robbie‘s mind he’s doing it his way and best said yesterday by one of the guys that got their car, I’m not gonna put his name on the spot but in regards to owning one of these cars, here is the most real statement I’ve seen yet.

“ its RG’s world and we’re just living in it .
that’s the way it’s going to be”


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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I disagree with a bunch of your post. RG put himself out there and has challenged anyone, called them out that had the least little thing to say, that wasn't glowing.

Take me, I AM A BUYER. In the next 6-12 months, I'm upgrading. I can tell you this for 100% sure. I will not even consider a Speed car. The reason is simple, RG. His behavior has been so off-putting, I want nothing to do with his company or product. I will go for a Speed ride here soon but it would take heaven and earth to get me past his attitude.

If I'm RG, I completely remove myself from having any customer contact, period. I hire a PR company to work my image and hire competent marketing/sales people to run it. He should do what he does best, engineering and product development.

Robby Gordon is racer. He's never had to offer up a product for sale (that I know of) . You can't piss of large swaths of your demographic.

Look at Tony from DCB. He's the nicest guy in the world. When I was struggling with my Skater, I was thinking in the back of my mind, I need to buy a DCB. Tony will make everything OK, I'll be happy. Just because he handles himself as the gentleman he is here. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

This Speed thing has been handled very very amateurish. Had a professional marketing group handled it, who knows where this thing could be.

Is this "shit talking?" or just facts?
So you will pay more and buy a subpar sxs that puts yourself, friends and family saftey at risk becuse you dont like the CEO of a company?

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
So you will pay more and buy a subpar sxs that puts yourself, friends and family saftey at risk becuse you dont like the CEO of a company?
I think you need to watch some of the youtube shootouts?

As to safety, we all have a intended use of our SxS's. Mine, I have never gone on a Ricky Racer, elbow-fest ride with "just the guys". I take my family out, do longish, exploration, destination type stuff. I don't typically "put my friends and family in danger" by driving around in my highly flammable. 2015 XP4 1000. We did a Crown King ride in the spring. A few members here showed up. There was a HUGE delta in cars. From old 900 RZR's to new Turbo R's @Bowtiepower00 @Activated . We all stayed close together, the pace was fun, nobody broke. I believe that is how most use these things, me included.

If I was one of the many, many professional SxS, hard core, Baja 1000 guys in here, I might take a second look. But that's just not me. My days of that left when I started racing bicycles. If I want to go hammer, I'll sign up for a local XC race. If I want to see what my endurance is like, I'll sign up for a 24 hour event or go do a century ride.

I kinda get what you're saying, but it simply doesn't apply to me or most SxS operators.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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So you will pay more and buy a subpar sxs that puts yourself, friends and family saftey at risk becuse you dont like the CEO of a company?

Careful NOW!! he and "Small Orange Spot" (AKA- BABBLES) are "BUDS":oops:


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2023
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So you will pay more and buy a subpar sxs that puts yourself, friends and family saftey at risk becuse you dont like the CEO of a company?

You can improve the safety of any UTV with aftermarket cage and parts if you feel that is needed.

What sells most people on a particular model is the availability of dealers for service, repairs, or warranty work, availability of parts, and aftermarket support. 3 things Speed UTV does not currently have in abundance.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
You can improve the safety of any UTV with aftermarket cage and parts if you feel that is needed.

What sells most people on a particular model is the availability of dealers for service, repairs, or warranty work, availability of parts, and aftermarket support. 3 things Speed UTV does not currently have in abundance.
This exactly. ^^^^^^^

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Careful NOW!! he and "Small Orange Spot" (AKA- BABBLES) are "BUDS":oops:
Thats funny. He's a Speed car supporter, I am not. This subject, he and I are 180 out. I've never met "small orange dot" but hope to. I like his posts for the most part, as they are informative, intelligent and coherent. @LargeOrangeFont

arch stanton

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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RG does not need to sell to everyone he needed to get attention,make a splash and take a small percentage of the UTV market to get started
He been very successful at getting noticed just look at all the threads about speed cars threads on RD
The Hatters help keep the spotlight on Speed
Polaris and can am threads are dead by comparison
There are people that will by a ford or Chevy because there dad had one and bad mouth the other brand RG had to get through that mindset and I proffer that he has done that successfully


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
If you’re looking for the family cruising and exploring type UTV you’re waisting your time if the Speed car is on your list.

Both Polaris and Can-Am have multiple product lines better suited for that type of riding. I could make a strong argument that both Honda and Kawasaki would be a great option as well. Not sure why they’re not more popular because they’re built extremely well. Kawasaki is supposed to be coming out with a four seater is the rumor. Turbo cars aren’t needed for that application.

If you’re looking for performance and pushing your skill set you’re now in the ProR, Speed and new Can-Am price points.

It’s a pretty incredible time for the consumer. There is just about any make or model targeted to any type of buyer if you’re not stuck on what the popular crowd says you need.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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You can improve the safety of any UTV with aftermarket cage and parts if you feel that is needed.

What sells most people on a particular model is the availability of dealers for service, repairs, or warranty work, availability of parts, and aftermarket support. 3 things Speed UTV does not currently have in abundance.

You aren’t gonna improve the subframe on most of them.. the cage is only the top side.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
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I think you need to watch some of the youtube shootouts?

As to safety, we all have a intended use of our SxS's. Mine, I have never gone on a Ricky Racer, elbow-fest ride with "just the guys". I take my family out, do longish, exploration, destination type stuff. I don't typically "put my friends and family in danger" by driving around in my highly flammable. 2015 XP4 1000. We did a Crown King ride in the spring. A few members here showed up. There was a HUGE delta in cars. From old 900 RZR's to new Turbo R's @Bowtiepower00 @Activated . We all stayed close together, the pace was fun, nobody broke. I believe that is how most use these things, me included.

If I was one of the many, many professional SxS, hard core, Baja 1000 guys in here, I might take a second look. But that's just not me. My days of that left when I started racing bicycles. If I want to go hammer, I'll sign up for a local XC race. If I want to see what my endurance is like, I'll sign up for a 24 hour event or go do a century ride.

I kinda get what you're saying, but it simply doesn't apply to me or most SxS operators.
Sure but for the same reason i refuse to even drink one beer and drive is becsue you can do EVERYTHING RIGHT and still end up in a really bad crash. As my mom always told me when you come up with a plan, life happens. Take Pistol Pete 02. How hard was he riding when killed in sxs?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2023
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You aren’t gonna improve the subframe on most of them.. the cage is only the top side.
The current crop of sport UTVs do not have issues with the subframe. I have not seen Polaris have issues since they moved to the XP Pro and Pro R. Can Am slowly addressed some issues over the years with the X3 by adding some tubing and thickening the material in some areas. The new Maverick R frame is much more substantial and addresses the short comings of the X3 frame.

I had a friend launch his 4 seat Pro R off a 20' dune when he was doing at least 50mph. He was running during a shitty part of the day when the sun makes everything look flat. His Pro R frame was completely fine other than the lower front arm mounting tabs. He broke the front arm off the car and got himself a helicopter ride due to breaking his back. He had surgery and is fine now.

For recreational use they will all hold up just fine for 98% of the owners. People act like somehow the other manufactures cars are going to fall apart the minute they come off the trailer.

Design wise the Speed UTV is amazing. How it holds up in the long run is to be determined.