It saddens me that it's come to this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Racey. You don't know me but I have always taken a stand! It has and will not ever change.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Look at what Venezuela was 25 years ago. They were the US of south America. Now they are a registered shit hole. If you that can't happen here with the apathetic attitude that the majority of this country has, then I have some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.

I'm not a loud stereo, i don't stomp my feet. I will put my money where my mouth is.

Maybe you should go back to lurking.
Maybe you should do something about it instead of flipping your flag over and feeling like that has in some way accomplished something. It accomplishes nothing.


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
broke my heart as well.

looking forward to November and flipping it back up how she should be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
I almost lost everything because of the covid Bs
The government destroying millions of lives
While people in all different fields got the jab and didn’t take a stand . Because of greed and afraid to lose there job .
From military to first responders to everyone else .
They all should have took a stand and said . No.
None of this bs would even be going on .

For fucks sake take a stand, or our country will continue to slide into another banana fucked up republic.

My flag is upside down . Because this government is completely out of control .
And it’s not only the Dems .
Where are the r’s ? Fucking hiding
Just like many members , who refuse to see what’s going on .

It’s not about Trump !
It’s about our country !
We are losing it right in front of our eyes.
If it’s not lost already ……

How much more are we willing to take ?

If you have a problem with my opinion
Fuck you!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
If you are not going to fly our American Flag the correct way, then don’t fly it at all.
It's an effective way for patriotic Americans to display their concern for our country. Citizens just can't turn their cheek & say nothing's wrong here ma, and go on about business as usual. We're a young country & I'm concerned that it won't survive the corrupt shit that's happening.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe you should do something about it instead of flipping your flag over and feeling like that has in some way accomplished something. It accomplishes nothing.
When your ass is sitting in your front room crying in your coffee wondering what happened, I'll be well supplied and dug in for the long haul and pussies like you will be pissing yourself. Come see what it accomplishes, but I doubt you can.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
I almost lost everything because of the covid Bs
The government destroying millions of lives
While people in all different fields got the jab and didn’t take a stand . Because of greed and afraid to lose there job .
From military to first responders to everyone else .
They all should have took a stand and said . No.
None of this bs would even be going on .

For fucks sake take a stand, or our country will continue to slide into another banana fucked up republic.

My flag is upside down . Because this government is completely out of control .
And it’s not only the Dems .
Where are the r’s ? Fucking hiding
Just like many members , who refuse to see what’s going on .

It’s not about Trump !
It’s about our country !
We are losing it right in front of our eyes.
If it’s not lost already ……

How much more are we willing to take ?

If you have a problem with my opinion
Fuck you!

People need to look back at the entire Covid-19 experiment to remember how people were misled and lied to by those we were supposed to trust. History repeats itself, albeit now with a different title.

The folks who were content "Going along with the program" during the Covid crap seem to be the same folks who aren't concerned with what is currently happening with this Trump case. Again, "They" don't want to be bothered and have more important things to focus on. The reality of it is, this BS case and the absurd ruling will affect our country moving forward.

If people want to fly their flag inverted as a sign of distress, that's their personal choice. If you'd rather not, that's also your personal choice. But let's not lose focus here......

We're all flying U.S. flags! So in my opinion, that's a win-win! 🇺🇸

Cray Paper

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2012
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While I understand it signals distress, it’s hard to claim distress when the upside down flag is hanging in front of a million dollar house with $150K in the driveway.

Regardless of how horribly bad we think we have it….look at Venezuela, Cuba, etc…we are nowhere near “distress”, which is why we’re all still here.

I’m typically one to lurk in the shadows in public, not draw attention to myself. I don’t do bumper stickers or yard signs. I do have a flag pole in front of my house and need to put up a new flag…right side up (old one was torn and I took it down).

A lot of this I see as stomping one’s feet to show how angry any they are, which 1/2 the country will support and half will be against, but still not really doing anything accept making one’s self feel like they’re doing something, without actually doing anything.

I’m not sure what to do…except vote, but we know how that works.

Much like a loud stereo and whatever else some people think make them look cool and fit the profile they’re shooting for, all it does is nothing…but annoy some people, and possibly paint a target on your back to some extent.

Walk softly and carry a big stick….just gotta figure out (quietly) how to make that big stick effective.
I thought that way when I was in my 30's. To busy with life, kids, wife, work etc.. to pay attention to what the was really happening but I had a generation of older men that tried to keep me in the loop at work. I worked 50 - 60 hours a week then with these guys that I looked up to. Now I am the older guy, kids are gone, I don't have to spend most of my life at work or travelling to and from it and understand how a man that has lived his life and made his way in this world viewed it and tried to pass it along. I started seeing and understanding their guidance about 10 years ago when I was 44. I m know 54 and have tried to import what I have learned from my dad and a couple of other guys that invested in me and my career. I put my American Flag out Friday upside down, our country is at a crossroads, I know my two sons understand as best they can what is happening and my mostly older neighbors do to.

Their is a new reality coming to the US, similar to 9/11, but this is much worse. Our country changed with the banana republic conviction of an ex president and current presidential candidate. Our government agencies have been exposed as political entities, and our our laws are only applied to people those in power choose to apply them to.

Our country is truly at a crossroad. Their has been a immense push to become socialist's and or communist's since the mid 90's. This isn't new, mainstream media used to right about it and for what ever reason I read about it and it stuck, just like Japan and it's auto industry totally fucking over the US auto industry with currency manipulation starting in the mid eighties.

It is still up to us to determine how our country progresses. Voting is the first option.

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
Reaction score
Lots of good points made here.

Quick story . . . along the same lines , but maybe a little bit of a twist to the convo.

I ran saltwater bass fishing tournaments for almost 20 years.
One tradition I had was to play the natioal anthem over the VHF before each start in the morning.

Imagine between 50 and 75 center console boats (2 man teams) at 1st-Light , lined-up and ready to let it rip for a day of fishing.

I always asked the anglers to shutoff their engines and remove their hats before playing the anthem.
For the 1st few years, we would actually bring out people onboard to sing it 'Live' . . . but we soon ran out of people willing to get up that early to sing !!!! 😁
We would illuminate a large 'Old Glory' on a pole with a flashlight . . . it was cool with a lot of horn-honking afterwards as they peeled off !

One event in Long Beach (South Shores Launch Ramp) we forgot the flag.
My partner noticed the flag flying on the Queen Mary.
So we made an announcement over the VHF that we had forgotten the flag, but to draw your attention to the one on the Queen Mary.

We played the anthem, then let all lthe boats fly.

On Monday morning I received a lengthy email from one of the anglers who had served in the Marine Corp.
In the email he included all the flag etiquette procedures, but his main reason for the email was to let me know that it was not acceptable to play the national anthem without a flag being flown.

I immediately picked up the phone and called him . . . I apologized for any miscommunication, and asked if he had heard us over the VHF saying that we had forgotten the flag and to look up at the one on the Queen Mary.

He said that they didn't hear that, as their VHF had quit working . . . they were focused on the tournament boat were we normally held the flag and it wasn't there.

Right then it really stuck with me how significant what we were doing was to some . . . more than others, and perhaps less to some.

Although we always tried to do the right thing, from that point on I took the playing of the anthem a bit more seriously, if that makes sense.

Just a story to mix things up a bit.

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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'll be well supplied and dug in for the long haul and pussies like you will be pissing yourself. Come see what it accomplishes, but I doubt you can.
With all due respect,
That’s reactive, and not a strategy.
Hey, I get the survivalist mentality…believe me.
But that’s sort of after the fact…and changes nothing.

Very very few with anything to lose will risk anything to be pro active.
They think the state of our republic can be “corrected” by one man. It can not.
I hate to be the bearer of bad realization, but ibhsbz is not wrong.

Flying the flag upside down may make you feel better, and show where you stand, but it accomplishes very little or nothing.
You think the overlords give a single fuck about that?
If anything they will use it for profiling. ABC news is already doing that very thing.

There is no victory to be had in November, just like 2020.
So thinking that flying it upside down until November when everything goes back to “normal” is sort of a bizarre plan to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️

So…what are you really prepared to do?
Sit on a zillion rounds of ammo and 5 years of rations and wait, while shooting anyone that comes near you?

I wouldn’t be so quick to call others names just because they see some things as ineffective.

We mock the left for rioting when they don’t get their way…but conversely we do nothing…absolutely nothing…except talk and argue amongst ourselves

I also realize it’s easy for me to preach. I have no immediate family, I do not worry about my kids because they aren’t fragile infants, and I don’t care about any possessions I may have.

Before you go calling me a pussy,
and by extension apparently lacking bladder control, remember we are on the same side here.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
You want to know why the left wins? They band together no matter what..

Look at this thread we have several people that share the same values and basically have the same message and they are divided and actually fighting about how the message is delivered..



To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
To display the flag, in any way, is a personal and hopefully emotional choice. I still won't invert mine, but now I have more understanding why others would. We are surely crossing the line, becoming the very same country that we swore not to become.

Within a half mile radius of my home, there are numerous American flags flying. There are three in particular I took notice of today. One is flown by a disabled Vietnam Vet. Another is flown by a retired couple, both Air Force, retired. He flew in the first Gulf war. The third is flown by my friend, the guy I've referred to here before as "Captain America". He did several tours in Afghanistan, Green Beret, now a police officer. Of the three, only one is inverted as of today, the youngest of the three.

Now, my flag isn't in front of a million dollar home, and my driveway, in total, may have 15k in cars (and there's a bunch of them). I worry for the future, my kids' future, not mine. We look at how bad things are now. We complain about it, vote in opposition to it, but really do little else. "What more can be done?", some may ask. I don't really know, I'm just a broke hick. What are you prepared to do? Honest to yourself, your family and God, to what extent are you willing to risk your life, freedom, wealth or comfort? Have you thought of how to make a difference without endangering those you care about?

Flying the flag, one way or the other, is a step forward. For the country, for your freedom. I believe those soldiers who've died for that flag, would also be split in their beliefs as well. Those same souls also died alongside others who's beliefs weren't perfectly aligned with their own. We, as a group, need to not divide ourselves with these types of differences, and align ourselves by our core beliefs.

Oh, and I don't care if you fly the flag inverted or not. Don't burn the flag, and don't fly a rainbow flag near it either.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
People need to look back at the entire Covid-19 experiment to remember how people were misled and lied to by those we were supposed to trust. History repeats itself, albeit now with a different title.

The folks who were content "Going along with the program" during the Covid crap seem to be the same folks who aren't concerned with what is currently happening with this Trump case. Again, "They" don't want to be bothered and have more important things to focus on. The reality of it is, this BS case and the absurd ruling will affect our country moving forward.

If people want to fly their flag inverted as a sign of distress, that's their personal choice. If you'd rather not, that's also your personal choice. But let's not lose focus here......

We're all flying U.S. flags! So in my opinion, that's a win-win! 🇺🇸

Not only "Misled", but Scared and had No Choice I know two people who while in the Hospital for unrelated issues were forced to take the "Shot" Then there are several elderly neighbors who "Gave In" as they were scared to Death by the Media's relentless 24-7 CAMPAIGN OF "DEATH".

I know there is a "Judgment Day" " but I do not want to wait for the deserved Punishment. This must happen openly, and for the entire World to witness, as this "Legal System" depends on it.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
Not only "Misled", but Scared and had No Choice I know two people who while in the Hospital for unrelated issues were forced to take the "Shot" Then there are several elderly neighbors who "Gave In" as they were scared to Death by the Media's relentless 24-7 CAMPAIGN OF "DEATH".

I know there is a "Judgment Day" " but I do not want to wait for the deserved Punishment. This must happen openly, and for the entire World to witness, as this "Legal System" depends on it.

There is a difference, between being "Vindictive" and "Just" These people, must be brought to Justice if a Civilized and Orderly Society is to survive. Hillary Clinton has destroyed, lives and caused massive damage with the Lies, and "Arrogant" disrespect and disregard of our Laws. The "Statue of Limitations" be Damned!!

X Hoser

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
After 9/11 this country came alive with Patriotism and many that hadn’t before, started flying the American Flag. “Never Forget” was the motto and spoken widely. IMO, 9/11 was the modern day version of Pearl Harbor, and possibly more significant due to the fact it was carried out on the Mainland of the USA. The Japanese Military leaders chose the Hawaii location because they knew how armed the public was on the mainland. Nowadays, 9/11 is just a distant memory for many. Some know nothing about it.

I think if one chooses to fly the flag upside down, they are at least offering their opinion as to their discuss for the state of the nation. Maybe hoping it will help start a movement towards getting back to the Patriotism we felt before. Others may be preparing to be “ready” if and when the time comes and will be feared as the Japanese were?

Many, including myself, have very little faith in our Electoral System. There are so many double standards as to how investigations/laws are conducted/enforced. (Immigration for one). This has been exacerbated with the conviction of DT, while seemingly nothing is being done in regards to Hillary, Obama, Biden and Biden’s son or any other Dem for that matter.

I choose to display my Flag right-side up, but also support those that fly it upside down as that is their right. I choose to be diligent in “preparing” to defend my family and the right to fly the Flag anyway I choose. But most of all, I choose The Lord as my Savior and Trust in Him completely.

I love the emotion in this thread. 90% are God Fearing, Die-Hard Americans! This is where we need to get back to! (IMHO)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
With all due respect,
That’s reactive, and not a strategy.
Hey, I get the survivalist mentality…believe me.
But that’s sort of after the fact…and changes nothing.

Very very few with anything to lose will risk anything to be pro active.
They think the state of our republic can be “corrected” by one man. It can not.
I hate to be the bearer of bad realization, but ibhsbz is not wrong.

Flying the flag upside down may make you feel better, and show where you stand, but it accomplishes very little or nothing.
You think the overlords give a single fuck about that?
If anything they will use it for profiling. ABC news is already doing that very thing.

There is no victory to be had in November, just like 2020.
So thinking that flying it upside down until November when everything goes back to “normal” is sort of a bizarre plan to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️

So…what are you really prepared to do?
Sit on a zillion rounds of ammo and 5 years of rations and wait, while shooting anyone that comes near you?

I wouldn’t be so quick to call others names just because they see some things as ineffective.

We mock the left for rioting when they don’t get their way…but conversely we do nothing…absolutely nothing…except talk and argue amongst ourselves

I also realize it’s easy for me to preach. I have no immediate family, I do not worry about my kids because they aren’t fragile infants, and I don’t care about any possessions I may have.

Before you go calling me a pussy,
and by extension apparently lacking bladder control, remember we are on the same side here.
What are you going to do ?

I Have tried the protest thing
I spent days and weekends peacefully protesting .
Funny , how not one freind joined me or for that matter Family member .
I was photographed by a drone 10 feet from my face peacefully protesting . For face recognition.

If I had a strong enough coalition. I would start in California with a long line of rope and string every fucking traitor .
Make my way across America
When I arrived in dc there would be a long wall
Where I would set up a huge amount of elected officials and un elected officials .
That’s the anger in me .
That anger will never go away.. I am trying .
it dissipates, when I can enjoy myself and family and friends doing , what this great country allows us to do . For now !
how long , will that stuff last .

You see and everyone else sees What’s going on. Everyday a little bit of freedom is under scrutiny. Some of it passes and some of it gets burned ,
I know one thing . I’d rather be buried 6’ under as a patriot then 6’ under as a coward .
This is how I deal with my day . Some days are better than others.
My idea and my life at 55 was turned completely around
. I will never forgive those that put me down that path .
Jesus forgives . As a god fearing man . I will never .

Cheers Bob


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
You know, every time I see a flag now, assume it’s in support of Trump. It’s sad that it’s come to THIS. Not because I don’t want to support Trump, but because it shows the divide in our country. The flag should represent everyone, but I don’t feel the left want or deserve it.

Is it just me?
Sorry guys, I gotta ask...
Did the vets that we remembered and honored last weekend ever put our flag upside down? IDK, but I feel we are better than this.
They never had the chance...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
Reaction score
If you are not going to fly our American Flag the correct way, then don’t fly it at all.
Why do you want to squash someone's freedom of speech? Why do you support taking freedoms away?

Not stirring the pot and not being an asshole, honest questions? Why?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Fly our flag upside down? I get it, but I don’t approve of it. The upside down US flag is a sign of distress. I guess getting on the VHF now and shouting MAYDAY would make about as much sense. Yes, our country needs help and put back on the right track. Displaying phony distress signals isn’t going to help much.

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
Reaction score
Sorry guys, I gotta ask...
Did the vets that we remembered and honored last weekend ever put our flag upside down? IDK, but I feel we are better than this.
We honored those who didn’t make it home, those who are turning in their grave watching the treasonous actions of a pedophile president.

Those same men and women fought and died for our right to protest illegal and treasonous actions via free speech.

We live in a banana republic at this point.

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
Reaction score
Fly our flag upside down? I get it, but I don’t approve of it. The upside down flag is a sign of distress. I guess getting on the VHF now and shouting MAYDAY would make about as much sense. Yes, our country needs help and put back on the right track. Displaying phony distress signals isn’t going to help much.
Idk how much more distressed you can be without mass civil infighting…. I’d say this nation is a textbook case of being in distress..


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Idk how much more distressed you can be without mass civil infighting…. I’d say this nation is a textbook case of being in distress..
Support the campaign in any way you’re able. That includes right here in LHC. AZ is going to be close. If you know people who are not going to vote or Republicans who refuse to vote for Trump. Do what you can to gain their votes. Violence is not the answer. Any violence from the right would just about ensure a Dem victory In Nov. This upcoming election is unlike any other I’ve seen. Many of these Dems and their beliefs are unlike anything we’ve seen. They sure as hell are not the Dems I’ve seen all of my life. Truthfully, I was never a supporter of the Dems. But, this is something different than that.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Are you new here?

I’m just saying the stupidity of it is m
What are you going to do ?

I Have tried the protest thing
I spent days and weekends peacefully protesting .
Funny , how not one freind joined me or for that matter Family member .
I was photographed by a drone 10 feet from my face peacefully protesting . For face recognition.

If I had a strong enough coalition. I would start in California with a long line of rope and string every fucking traitor .
Make my way across America
When I arrived in dc there would be a long wall
Where I would set up a huge amount of elected officials and un elected officials .
That’s the anger in me .
That anger will never go away.. I am trying .
it dissipates, when I can enjoy myself and family and friends doing , what this great country allows us to do . For now !
how long , will that stuff last .

You see and everyone else sees What’s going on. Everyday a little bit of freedom is under scrutiny. Some of it passes and some of it gets burned ,
I know one thing . I’d rather be buried 6’ under as a patriot then 6’ under as a coward .
This is how I deal with my day . Some days are better than others.
My idea and my life at 55 was turned completely around
. I will never forgive those that put me down that path .
Jesus forgives . As a god fearing man . I will never .

Cheers Bob View attachment 1382550 View attachment 1382550

I applaud you on actually getting out there and doing something. I went to the Trump Rally.. I brought the oversized American flag you saw at the freeway overpass out here during the Trump Truck Convoy.. I went to the local republican fund raiser and spent more money than anyone in the room buying up their auction stuff, all the while watching very wealthy people I know sit on their hands.. I have been to several of the "patriot events" and republican events out here..

Other than a few people the vast majority of those rooms are full of whack a doodles.. I mean these people couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag kinda deal.

In a weird sort of similarity it almost feels like they were the people that were never accepted by anyone in life, and this is what they found as their social circle?

@was thatguy has said in this thread (or another) what are you prepared to do.. I question if any of the efforts or money that I spent thus far has made any meaningful impact?

I actually own a domain name called www.FundtheRed.com my intention was to start that and use rdp to garner fund raising with the intent of 100% of the money going towards local races (That is what Soros is doing and as we are seeing it's quite effective)..

Honestly though after watching what just happened to Trump.. I'm concerned that if that thing is successful they'd probably lock my ass up for some kinda campaign law violation?



Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Idk how much more distressed you can be without mass civil infighting…. I’d say this nation is a textbook case of being in distress..

Are you able to go out on your boat this summer? Are you able to eat…and eat well?, maybe host a BBQ for neighbors and friends? Do you have to walk to the store or wherever you need to go, or can you drive in your car? How many cars does your household have?

I’m not sure you understand the meaning of the term “distressed”.

The fact that you can afford the internet service and device to post here means you’re not in distress.

You’re just fucking spoiled, like the rest of us living in the greatest nation on earth.

Some fucktard called me a pussy in another post, he’s never met me, he knows nothing about me. He’s upset because he read some things on the internet that made him “make a difference” and “flex his muscles” by flipping his flag over and advertising it for all to see. I bet he’ll press even harder on the pen when he fills in the bubble to vote Trump than he was planning on…but guess what, it doesn’t matter and nobody gives a shit.

Again, I don’t like the way the country is headed…but to claim “distress” is more than a bit of a reach, it’s an over-reaction, very similar, but in different direction, to all those libtards we see protesting in costumes and crying and screaming.

Be better than that.

Saw a post with a sign hung over a freeway today that said “democrates can suck my dick”

That not real mature and doesn’t really help the cause. All that says is people that oppose democrats are troglodyte Morons with a limited vocabulary and worse judgment to hang a sign like that in front of everyone for kids to see. Honestly, it’s offensive. While I use plenty of that sort of language in private company, it’s simply not appropriate in mixed company or in public.

The MAGA movement is looked at by the other side as a bunch of uncultured swine partly because of shit like this. Instead, maybe stop over-reacting, act civilized, don’t try to intimidate but rather be inclusive of others who may not currently be of the same political viewpoint…and see where that gets us….

Clearly, all that’s been happening lately is further polarizing people, it’s time to try a different approach.

Btw…anyone that wants to call me a pussy can PM me…I’ll send you my address, you can come over and we can discuss in person.
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Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
This thread shows EXACTLY how we arrived at this point in our nation.

Complacency is the work of the ignorant……..while the wicked scheme in the shadows.
Well then, little green one, what are you going to do about it besides throw your little claws in the air and bitch and moan? It's all you do, and post memes. Do you think that helps? How?
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Well then, little green one, what are you going to do about it besides throw you little claws in the air and bitch moan? It's all you do, and post memes. Do you think that helps? How?

I spread the word to the ignorant and answer their questions. 🤣


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Let's approach this from a different perspective....

It all starts at the bottom....insignificant local public office positions...school board, etc...

Personally, I don't have the means to involve myself with that at this time, but 3 years ago changed my path so that hopefully in the next few years I can.

Start at local school board levels, make a difference, then move to a higher office from there...and continue up the chain. Ahhhh....that's right, we're too busy being distressed on the lake and out in the desert to have time for this...right?

I am one of the poorest members of this website.....I still mix my oil and gas before I pour it in the boat. There are plenty here that have the means to get into a position of public power long before I can pull it off.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
I spread the word to the ignorant and answer their questions. 🤣
What you fail to realize is the ignorant want to remain ignorant...that's why they're ignorant. You're efforts are futile. Calm down and go to the lake and be distressed in your bote. Your anger effects nobody but you.

Ace in the Hole

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
Reaction score
Are you able to go out on your boat this summer? Are you able to eat…and eat well?, maybe host a BBQ for neighbors and friends? Do you have to walk to the store or wherever you need to go, or can you drive in your car? How many cars does your household have?

I’m not sure you understand the meaning of the term “distressed”.

The fact that you can afford the internet service and device to post here means you’re not in distress.

You’re just fucking spoiled, like the rest of us living in the greatest nation on earth.

Some fucktard called me a pussy in another post, he’s never met me, he knows nothing about me. He’s upset because he read some things on the internet that made him “make a difference” and “flex his muscles” by flipping his flag over and advertising it for all to see. I bet he’ll press even harder on the pen when he fills in the bubble to vote Trump than he was planning on…but guess what, it doesn’t matter and nobody gives a shit.

Again, I don’t like the way the country is headed…but to claim “distress” is more than a bit of a reach, it’s an over-reaction, very similar, but in different direction, to all those libtards we see protesting in costumes and crying and screaming.

Be better than that.

Saw a post with a sign hung over a freeway today that said “dem rates can suck my dick”

That not real mature and doesn’t really help the cause. All that says is people that oppose democrats are troglodyte Morons with a limited vocabulary and worse judgment to hang a sign like that in front of everyone for kids to see. Honestly, it’s offensive. While I use plenty of that sort of language in private company, it’s simply not appropriate in mixed company or in public.

The MAGA movement is looked at by the other side as a bunch of uncultured swine partly because of shit like this. Instead, maybe stop over-reacting, act civilized, don’t try to intimidate but rather be inclusive of others who may not currently be of the same political viewpoint…and see where that gets us….

Clearly, all that’s been happening lately is further polarizing people, it’s time to try a different approach.

Btw…anyone that wants to call me a pussy can PM me…I’ll send you my address, you can come over and we can discuss in person.
You seem to be a bit wound up today…. Did someone perhaps shit in your cooler? 👀🤣


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Likely we all understand that the US President is actually elected by votes from delegates in the Electoral College. The number of delegates from each state is determined by the population of each state. CA is the most populous state and therefore has the most electoral delegates. Is CA a winner take all sate when it comes to their delegates? I can’t recall. If it is, I can better understand the distress felt by Trump voters in CA. Does Steve Garvey stand a chance at the Seanate seat? If so, then do everything possible to support him. I’m in favor of the Electoral College. And it is how Trump defeated Hilary in 2016.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I believe most of the founding fathers ended up near broke at the end of their lives.
That scares people a lot. Which is really an interesting thing considering. I'd guess many could say they've "been poor", and "know what it's like". I think until one has lived it, they really only fear it because they were taught to fear it. People equate money with success or worth. If you spend your last dime, trying to help family or friends, what is your real worth?

I could be considered well off by some standards. Boats and water stuff are all from the 80s and 90s...and they haven't seen water in two years at least. My priorities, and that of my family have steered us a different direction. I do have electricity, a refrigerator and internet. Sadly, those aren't so much luxuries here, as both have been required for medical stuff this year.

Being poor doesn't bother me. I was very poor at one point, as in wondering when I'd eat next, kind of poor. When the economy tanked last time, I was poor, but had three kids. I worked with broken bones, ate 1 meal a day... but the kids ate, we had a home, we survived. Pain doesn't bother me much. Neither does not having money. I could care less if I die broke, I only worry if I'll fail my family.


Sep 26, 2007
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What are you going to do ?

I Have tried the protest thing
I spent days and weekends peacefully protesting .
Funny , how not one freind joined me or for that matter Family member .
I was photographed by a drone 10 feet from my face peacefully protesting . For face recognition.

If I had a strong enough coalition. I would start in California with a long line of rope and string every fucking traitor .
Make my way across America
When I arrived in dc there would be a long wall
Where I would set up a huge amount of elected officials and un elected officials .
That’s the anger in me .
That anger will never go away.. I am trying .
it dissipates, when I can enjoy myself and family and friends doing , what this great country allows us to do . For now !
how long , will that stuff last .

You see and everyone else sees What’s going on. Everyday a little bit of freedom is under scrutiny. Some of it passes and some of it gets burned ,
I know one thing . I’d rather be buried 6’ under as a patriot then 6’ under as a coward .
This is how I deal with my day . Some days are better than others.
My idea and my life at 55 was turned completely around
. I will never forgive those that put me down that path .
Jesus forgives . As a god fearing man . I will never .

Cheers Bob View attachment 1382550 View attachment 1382550
sounds like you need new friends and family.

I can tell you for certain that wouldn’t be the case with any of my friends or family and vice versa

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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The upsidedown flag represents distress. It's not a matter of disrespect

It's difficult that deny that we are in fact a nation in distress.
It disrespect, plain and symbol.. 🇺🇸