What a dick bag. How can you have absolutely no respect for people around you? The self centered assery required to think about only yourself is off the charts. Fuck this guy. I hope he comes on and explains.
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A sinkhole! We were backing the truck through the field to the pole we were changing out and after the rearmost axle went over that spot, the ground collapsed and the next axle started to drop in. It was probably 8’ of open air to the bottom. No idea how it happened, we told the ranch keeper and...
I’ve never even attempted to set up and surf in the river. I have other families we boat with that have surf boats too and our normal routine is to find a deserted quiet cove on the lake and play in there for an hour or two. Trying to surf up the middle of the lake is both dangerous and...
Let’s see what you got. I have a small collection of cast iron that was originally my grandparents. It’s my daily go to set. I’m like you with my cookware. Sounds like you got a nice one.
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It’s nice to see a step away from the standard blues and reds. I would never thought I’d want an orange boat before but there’s something about this one that I really like.
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Yea, I can’t figure it out either. I see a Ritz cracker and then three layers of stuff that in no way resembles food products. I have to know.
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Where does the SLT fit in here? I’m seeing those and “express”. They look like lower trim packages. The rebel and Laramie look promising though.
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They donated their entire stock of nitrile gloves, face masks, and face shields to hospitals in need. They didn’t really advertise it or try to self promote it and I thought that was pretty cool of them.
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