Pretty Bad?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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You haven’t experienced peak wake boat until you tow with full ballast. It makes the trailer ride better [emoji41]

When we bought our boat new, it came with “ballast full” for free!

So we just left the 3500 pounds of water in it. Once in a while I’ll throw some chlorine jn the ballasts to keep the water clean ;)

Gas mileage is just great on the water and towing! ;)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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You must have a half ton Silverado to tow that. [emoji16]

Chevy Colorado single cab, but it has a tow package! [emoji1787]

I’ve got a 25 foot Wakesetter, Depending on the activity, we definitely load up on the ballasts. We enjoy our time, away from traffic areas.

I can’t even imagine holding a couple of pounds of water in my tanks. Boat is slow as dirt and in havasu, it takes me a ton of time to get to destinations.

With tanks full, my top speed is probably 26 with no water closer to 40-45 on a good day. (We travel with 3-4 families). So we’re already loaded.

Our boats are made to create wake naturally.

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Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Question for the people with wake boats. Assuming you are not wakeboarding and or surfing do you have you ballast full?
our boat does not have ballast....

we dont Boat with others... I dont F your water up... and I sure dont want you F.ing my water up when were burning fuel playing in the water....

ps... sounds to me like most skippers never boated on Powell with Tour boats...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Have you notice the size of the rollers these boats put out right behind the transom and how long of an area they cover? I’m not talking about the normal side wake you have to go through I’m talking about what’s in between them.

Will you be servicing and upgrading these boats in the future?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Question for the people with wake boats. Assuming you are not wakeboarding and or surfing do you have you ballast full?

Never , its empty , when we are done surfing or boarding . But then again we never surf by anyone or docks .
our wake board wake is usually 50% ballast full all around . With the wedge adjusted to make a nice ramp .
At 21 mph its a wake , but not much bigger then any other bigger boat . Most couldn't manage a bigger wake jumping .
Ours is a malibu VTX the smallest of all wake boats at 20' it also skies really well , why we bought this one . We still all like to ski.
Most of our time on this boat , is at the delta , where no one is around for hours . But we do get occasionally , a boat that will hit our surf wake , most slow down and deal with it and go on there own way , some flip us off.
at the delta you can encounter real 5 ' wakes from big cruisers . That you can't see over.

What ever , I own a Cp jet and a cole flatbottom , We encounter big wake boats at parker , we have no problem dealing with there wakes .
I have more of a problem with inexperienced see doers and boater and people who don't say hi.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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No I won’t I can’t stand these type of boats and don’t care to loose or make money on them. I’m not the only shop owner in Havasu that feels this way either.

Honestly shocked by that statement.

Totally respect who you want to do business with. [emoji1303]

I’m always shocked by these threads. I see jackasses in all sorts of boats. I’ve seen a Hallett 270-335 throw an equal if not bigger wake than a Tige 22 with fat sacks.

We have friends that have had serious damage due to these wakes. But I credit that too stupidity and poor seamanship not the boat.

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Nor Cal Delta
Apr 10, 2017
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Never , its empty , when we are done surfing or boarding . But then again we never surf by anyone or docks .
our wake board wake is usually 50% ballast full all around . With the wedge adjusted to make a nice ramp .
At 21 mph its a wake , but not much bigger then any other bigger boat . Most couldn't manage a bigger wake jumping .
Ours is a malibu VTX the smallest of all wake boats at 20' it also skies really well , why we bought this one . We still all like to ski.
Most of our time on this boat , is at the delta , where no one is around for hours . But we do get occasionally , a boat that will hit our surf wake , most slow down and deal with it and go on there own way , some flip us off.
at the delta you can encounter real 5 ' wakes from big cruisers . That you can't see over.

What ever , I own a Cp jet and a cole flatbottom , We encounter big wake boats at parker , we have no problem dealing with there wakes .
I have more of a problem with inexperienced see doers and boater and people who don't say hi.

Let me know when you come to the Delta, I would like to invite you and you’re family to the Stockton Water Ski Club, which sits on Ward Island off the main channel. You would think that after 25 years I would know the channel marker, I think it’s number 11. It’s sits next to Manderville and Medford islands and just down from Venice island. I launch from under the I-5 bridge in Stockton so early in the morning heading to the club I can air out the Bullet for about 12 miles.

Ray 209-679-8596


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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thanks will hit you up . When we go up this year.
We have been going to Iselton (Vieras resort ) for 52 years. Usually make 4/5 trips a year up there . Sometimes more .


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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thanks will hit you up . When we go up this year.
We have been going to Iselton (Vieras resort ) for 52 years. Usually make 4/5 trips a year up there . Sometimes more .
definitely have to put a screen name with a face we spend a lot of time on the delta, have hung out with ray plenty of times very nice gent that stockton ski club is cool too.
with that said those wake surf boats aint got shit on the deltas back to back 40-50ft cruisers on full tilt coming down the same slough your going up talk about a F'd up scenario throttle down and you learn to drive the waves or with the right boat/ driver air it out and keep rolling. when you can do it without anything flying out of the cup holders you got it down 🤘 i watched to much miami vise as a kid 😅


Sep 25, 2007
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My Wakesports boat is selling today. Honestly my family does a lot of traveling in the summer when the water is warm. The amount of people here boating makes my wife nervous among other factors timing is just not right for us. Weekdays are fine but when the boys get older I may get something else. I really enjoyed towing it down to Cattail Cove launch and just heading out there in the South Basin end of lake. Less disruptive empty ballast and did not mess up water in transit. Taking it down to toward Pirates was never my thing.

I would empty ballast to cruise it and as others have said you are winding it out to hit 42 on the limiter. So if you are full of passengers and plowing water on a cruise down the river the captain has no clue what they are doing. Does not make sense and is inconsiderate. Especially since you cannot tow in the 19 mile stretch between Moabi and Havasu. Dump the ballast and refill if you must.

On to the here and now. New owner is a first time boat owner.... I cringe but this seems to be more the norm on this type of boat. They are unbelievable boats (Nautique G23), but as with any specialized tool if used incorrectly it is going to render sub par results.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Sjmple Solution to this that I enable, m-thur only boating. This is not going to get any better. The weekend warriors are always going to find a way to “whip”it up, recession or not.

Best times are midweek.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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One thing great about the lower river is the shallow water and sandbars keep allot of the roll boar boats away or it limits them to a few areas. My neighbor hit a sandbar last week with his Mastercraft and the damage will be about $15,000

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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We stopped going on weekends. Sunday to Wednesday isn't so bad


These "WAKE BOATS" are thre Exception and Not the rule.

It is way past time to grab this by the (FILL IN) and get peoples attention.

Thes Obscene Wakes can cause damage, injury,in some cases are dangerous then just plain uncalled for and must not be accepted any more.

This along with Jet Ski's are all about the operator and lack of training/knowledge but, whatever it is can not allowed to grow and continue to run other boaters and families off the waters they have enjoyed for years before this Extremely Odd watercraft arrived on the scene.

I promise this is exactly how Strict DUI Enforcement started. The humble beginning slowly turns into a movement,the GFD Media,Local Law Enforcement This Site and many others Can and Will Change this.

NOT GIVING UP AND SURRENDERING the Activity that has brought Family's and Friends enjoyment and a get away from life's Challenges for generations.
A couple uears ago at Needles for the Billy B's deal the Law Enforcement were IMO harrassing boats that were going out to do some Speed Runs for the Spectators. Some of these boats did not have current Registration as they rarely go out, So it was a NO GO. Well it we are going to NIT PICK then demand that your well deserved time on the Water is in understandable conditions and SAFE


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Been boating on Parker for quite awhile in many style boats, as long as I can remember its been rough as all hell on Saturday, which sucks since I mostly do Saturdays. I learned early on to navigate the waves, which usually requires you to slow down way down when passing, run sideways between waves when you have room, and speed back up after you pass bad area, take early long rides and do lots of floating. Problem is most Billy boat drivers have no clue, don't pay attention and get all butt hurt when they launch off a wake running 60mph trying to show everyone in boat how fast it is. Good news is, there is 6 other days with no one on water, or you go to lower river and run on a Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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Careful what you wish for, regulation is not your friend. :(
I really don’t know what the answer is but there’s already far too many regulations on “The River”:rolleyes:

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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At least start with keeping them off the RIVERS. You want to surf either do it at the beach or use your 150K surf board on larger lakes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
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Careful what you wish for, regulation is not your friend. :(
I really don’t know what the answer is but there’s already far too many regulations on “The River”:rolleyes:

Exactly what I was thinking. Next thing you know large stretches of the river are marked “no wake zones”


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
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I’ve never even attempted to set up and surf in the river. I have other families we boat with that have surf boats too and our normal routine is to find a deserted quiet cove on the lake and play in there for an hour or two. Trying to surf up the middle of the lake is both dangerous and irresponsible. It takes about 20min to load 6000# of water in the tanks so there’s no reason to run loaded. Like it was said above, the boat barely tops at 40 dry, why would I want to be fighting it full? I’m sorry for the ignorance shown by other owners, but they don’t represent the sport as a whole.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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Exactly what I was thinking. Next thing you know large stretches of the river are marked “no wake zones”
Was trying to remember but it wasn’t that long ago two or three years, I don’t remember when they shut off the ski area on the north end of the lake and we’re talking about turning the whole river into a no wake zone because of birds or some damn thing, that and the kayakers, I don’t know maybe I don’t even remember what the hell I’m talking abouto_O😂


aka bordsmnj
Dec 12, 2007
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i'll just leave this here

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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They outlawed slingshot water balloons, but not dynamite...:cool::p


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Question for the people with wake boats. Assuming you are not wakeboarding and or surfing do you have you ballast full?

I have a wake board boat and NEVER have my ballast full. I can't stand other wake board boats? :) I bought mine because of the interior room, pulling kids on the tubes and how it handles the wakes from other wake board boats. I was in Parker this past weekend and was so annoyed by the guys running with their ballast full for no reason. It's not the boat, it's the stupid people that drive them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I have a wake board boat and NEVER have my ballast full. I can't stand other wake board boats? :) I bought mine because of the interior room, pulling kids on the tubes and how it handles the wakes from other wake board boats. I was in Parker this past weekend and was so annoyed by the guys running with their ballast full for no reason. It's not the boat, it's the stupid people that drive them.
Exactly! put it up there with guys running 10ft from the bar docks, skiing up river around rock pile, guys going a 100mph through a bunch of boats floating.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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You just have to choose your battles, if you want to go fast in a small boat you have to get up at dawn or go out during the week, trying to enjoy everything about your boat on a weekend is pointless, and that was the case long before wakeboard boats.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2016
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Its a matter of common decency and respect. It doesnt take swamping somones boat to be a hazard. This goes for any boat.

I will say if your wake is enough to swamp a boat that is beached maybe you are to close. What if there were small kids at waters edge or wading.

I boat at LOTO. There is more a cruiser problem. They feel putzing along is to slow but getting on plane uses to much gas or is faster than they want to go. So they cruise along nose up. Either totally disrespectfull of others or else clueless to the damage.

Wake boaters need to come up with some standards of courtesy. Just because you can boat in an area doesnt mean you should under some conditions. If you are in a small protected area and others are around dont say the hell with them. If you are in a channel and others dont have room to avoid you it may not be a good area. Etc

Same can be said for music. If others were nearby first dont come in and blare your music especially if its vulgar. Many people come to a lake, beach, camping etc to get away from the noise. Pick a spot away from others.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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I hate them, too, but I have to say that "most" wake surfers are staying in the middle of the river which I appreciate, its the few morons who like to surf 30 ft off the docks that bug me. One knucklehead almost swamped me at RR Saturday. Waved and smiled like he wasn't doing anything wrong.......


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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Hey do you guys remember the good ol days when ski boat manufacturers would advertise how SMALL their wake was as a selling point? This was back when only the most crowded of weekends was too rough for my flatty down on the lower river. (sigh)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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This thread = How unwanted regulations start... People on RDP always say they don't do facebook....guess what...YOU do do facebook.......you just do facebook drama here!

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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I don’t get why the boats are being run with full ballast half on plane with no one being pulled or what ever behind it. Now you get some of these guys that don’t have surf boats and the run exactly the same way so they look (cool) like a surf boat and they don’t tow anyone either and now they are Messing the water up.

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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I had a guy surfing in Needles Saturday, now keep this in mind I’m heading down river toward Pirates I always run on the right hand side of the river going down and the right side going up just like you would on a road in your car. I see a surf boat going up river right in my line on the right side I move over to avoid him and he flips me off like I’m on the wrong side of the river WTF! I just about turned around put my boat back
On the trailer and said screw it.

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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My Dad always told me when you see someone in the water sking or what ever with a flag up put your right index finger up to show courtesy that you are aware someone is in the water. Well I don’t do it anymore I had 4 different boats last summer flip me off because I showed them the courtesy. Nope not anymore sorry Dad it’s a different time now and my hand stays down and goes right past them. It’s an absolute shame!


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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My Dad always told me when you see someone in the water sking or what ever with a flag up put your right index finger up to show courtesy that you are aware someone is in the water. Well I don’t do it anymore I had 4 different boats last summer flip me off because I showed them the courtesy. Nope not anymore sorry Dad it’s a different time now and my hand stays down and goes right past them. It’s an absolute shame!

Maybe just raise your hand. The index finger might look like the bird from 200 yards lol

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Wakeboard boats are the Priuses of the water, 90% drive them because of the “statement” they make and then there is the 10% who use them for correct reasons

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Maybe just raise your hand. The index finger might look like the bird from 200 yards lol

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I have been boating on my own boat since I was 18 that’s 30 years and I have never had so much disrespect from boaters lately. My Dad taught me this and he was boating on Havasu since the 50’s I’m not going to change now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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Someone said it already, most wake boat owners are first time boat owners. That's the real issue.

At least they're all slow. I love leaving all those jokers in the dust and airing it out on the way back from pirates at the end of the day


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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I have been boating on my own boat since I was 18 that’s 30 years and I have never had so much disrespect from boaters lately. My Dad taught me this and he was boating on Havasu since the 50’s I’m not going to change now.

Sounds good

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Havasu Surfer

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
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My Dad always told me when you see someone in the water sking or what ever with a flag up put your right index finger up to show courtesy that you are aware someone is in the water. Well I don’t do it anymore I had 4 different boats last summer flip me off because I showed them the courtesy. Nope not anymore sorry Dad it’s a different time now and my hand stays down and goes right past them. It’s an absolute shame!
I do the same (taught by my Havasu mentor in the 70-80's) almost looks like I'm hailing to the Nazi's. Most just give a weird look like they don't know WTF it means. Go figure


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
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While we are banning Wakeboard boats can we also ban Seadoos and Waverunners and the places that rent them!!


Catchy Custom User Title
Sep 24, 2007
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Question for the people with wake boats. Assuming you are not wakeboarding and or surfing do you have you ballast full?

I sold Nautiques for quite a few years up until about a month or so ago when I left my company. We never drove around with the ballast full and I was in these things a lot. I really didn't know anyone who did. Most of my customers surfed all day from 8 in the morning until 6 at night which I don't get it. It's ok for about five minutes, but it's just not that fun to me. But damn people sure do love it.

I did get sick of so many customers asking how big the ballast was. Most don't give a shit about quality, fit and finish or anything else, just how big the ballast was.