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  1. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

  2. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    Awesome Trip
  3. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    We r leaving soon. If there is anything that is needed let us know and we will get it tomorrow
  4. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    Also can u send me the gps file
  5. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    That sounds good. I want to drop some stuff off for the trailer. R we going to be gassed up or fill up at the edge of town. Also can we make it on one tank? Can am x3
  6. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    Dave When is your trailer leaving ?
  7. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    9:00 sounds good. R we taking the same trail there and back ? I’ll take the gps file [email protected]
  8. hplavey

    Night ride to the Cabin Saturday night

    Looks like a good time. Would have loved to go, but we were beat after our ride out there all day. We didn’t get back to standard wash until well after dark. I hit that same rock and blew out a tire also. Need a new ring. Hope the rim is ok. Need to replace before Desert Bash. Cu next weekend.
  9. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    We have been talking about it. I hope we have a fine tuned plan by next weekend.
  10. hplavey

    Third Annual Boats In The Channel Before Turkey Day

    How about the day after turkey day ?
  11. hplavey

    New off road bar?

    Damn Shit came up. I was supposed to be out there this weekend. How about next weekend?
  12. hplavey

    Havasu to Stateline (offroad)

    Sounds like a good run. How r u mapping this out. Google earth? I just got a lowrance and I have been mapping out some rides on google earth pro. Just wondering if that how your doing it.
  13. hplavey

    New off road bar?

    Ok Looks like a new adventure. When r we going?
  14. hplavey

    New off road bar?

    This is probably the bar that was open for like a weekend last year.
  15. hplavey

    Lets see your gauges

    How’s this
  16. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    Last year we did a there and back on the same trail. This year wanted to do a loop trail
  17. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    R we going thru planet ranch?
  18. hplavey

    Alamo Lake offroad ride 2018

    I’m in also. Send info I will send $$
  19. hplavey

    Who's going to Monster Bash?

    Going for sure. Contemplating being a participant.