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  1. RandyH

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

  2. RandyH

    RDP towing police please provide your input

    Thats the kind of set up I pass on the highway at Full throttle, breaking all speed laws at the time.
  3. RandyH

    This actually makes sense now. "AOC says gas stoves are linked to brain damage"

    is that a bag of Depends in the back ground ? 🤣
  4. RandyH

    Pot Heads and Vapists

    Does that stoplight pole have a horse rider switch or did I inhale too much THC in this thread?
  5. RandyH

    Bear Market Stock Picks - Investment Opportunities

    I am lovin LNG but have owned it since mid 2020.
  6. RandyH

    Houston Taco Shop Shooting

    When he first returned to his table, seems like he thought about finishing that enchilada. Good shoot. 👍
  7. RandyH


    my favorite cartoon.
  8. RandyH


    The mustang needed some modern day Rev matching. No way Steve McQueen missed all those shifts.
  9. RandyH

    loaded incorrectly?

    two Fat tire Ebikes cantilevered at 9 foot out. That explains a few things about the "who".
  10. RandyH

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

  11. RandyH


    I thought California was 550 billion in debt? 🤔
  12. RandyH

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

  13. RandyH

    Bringing some Facebook to Rdp

  14. RandyH

    Attic Cat vs. Robby G and Todd R , 47mil settlement

    Nothing spells victory like a 12 dollar bottle of Brut. 🤢🤮
  15. RandyH

    I cannot do this……

    Doesnt alot of these guys die in the end 😏
  16. RandyH

    Help me decide

    Yukon 6.2....all day long. Do you even need an XL.? After owning 7 long ones, this is my first shorty and it's only a few inches shorter than the old XL. Tons of room and easy in the garage.
  17. RandyH

    LHC's most Expensive @ $4Million

    How Many Speed deposits would that take to pay for ?
  18. RandyH

    Super Duty driver runs out of talent 😂

    Two Ebikes on the very rear bumper of camper. Plus bike rack. 400 pounds bouncing at 20 foot out didn't help.
  19. RandyH

    Are You Going To Stand Up This Time?

    Shouldnt be a problem to enforce........the people have very few guns. Sad to watch.They would be speaking German had our grandfathers not went over and saved them.
  20. RandyH

    An awful but stupid mistake turned tragic

    When i was a kid i poured a small cap of fuel on a leaf pile to start it. When I tossed the match it blew up at me. never did that again. Lesson learned. Sad deal here. A Leaf blower works wonder at the burn pit.