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  1. ColeTR2

    Congratulation!!! Gary winner of 2009 Parker 300

    Nope #1 Over All ... Nordic had penalties ... I think did not score their laps correct. :thumbsup
  2. ColeTR2

    Congratulation!!! Gary winner of 2009 Parker 300

    I just got off the Phone with Gary He is the over all winner of the 2009 Parker 300 in his 21RC Schiada. :D He dose do all his own work on this boat. He has been racing boats sense the early 60's. And is a great guy ... hope im having this much fun when I'm 70...
  3. ColeTR2

    Parker 300 Testing

    Full Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19PsULYjXXQ
  4. ColeTR2

    Parker 300 Testing

    Im going to make a long one after the weekend. it talks 7 hours to upload a 5 min video at high res. I just updated the top video the the long version i hope you guys like it
  5. ColeTR2

    Parker 300 Testing

    Yea that's the 115 + plus indicator i told him not to wear the close face helmet i wanted people to know his face... and it about tore his head off... Hehehehe i love that guy... i've been around fast boats my whole life.... and i will tell you this boat hauls the mail...
  6. ColeTR2

    Parker 300 Testing

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19PsULYjXXQ Notice how far up on the keel the boat is... Stay tuned for more video...
  7. ColeTR2

    Fatal accident on 62

    No the highway is moving at 733.65611 miles per hour with the Earth's rotation.
  8. ColeTR2

    Fatal accident on 62

    I have said this before on many other 62 threads. I've driven 62 over the last 20 years 200 to 300 times. I've done the math Desert Center to Parker at 70 verses 85 will only save you 12 minutes. A 100 maybe 20min it's not worth speeding on that road. Please Please drive safe.
  9. ColeTR2

    Fatal accident on 62

    She the nurse is a real animal lover and has been worried about Diamond. She said Diamond was very protective of her best friend. As a true Best friend should be in a time of need. We all can understand that. Thank you for the update! :thumbsup Diamond did let the nurse in to see Bryan. But...
  10. ColeTR2

    Fatal accident on 62

    I have a Friend that's a nurse she was one of the first people on the seen. She is wondering about Bryan's dog? She said she could not get him to leave Bryan's side in the truck. Has the family got his dog and is the dog OK. She just wants to make sure Bryan's best friend is in good hands and...
  11. ColeTR2

    Blown Cole TR-2

    In AZ you can get a test and tune permit to run a race boat on the river. Plus this part of the colorado river has a lot of history with racing boats. The police here try to be sensitive i guess is the word... To maintain balance between people just being stupid noisy at stupid hours of the day...
  12. ColeTR2

    Blown Cole TR-2

    Don't really want to sell it that bad LOL... Been good flying weather here in P town you're missing it ... :cool:
  13. ColeTR2

    The Power Of RD's place,...............and "howardflatty"......................

    Dave True.... He is working for a big boat shop in town 9 to 5. Cody was solely DBA PMM rigging boats. He is no longer rigging boats as PMM. It's sad he's not doing any more rigging / machine work. He was doing some nice work and there was a lot of people trying to help him succeed at rigging...
  14. ColeTR2

    schiada rigging

    true... TRUE... AND MORE TRUE Was thinking all of what you said above when I asked the question? Just didn't have the words to say it so Eloquently....
  15. ColeTR2

    Blown Cole TR-2

    I Completely Re-Anodized Re-Chrome and Re-Polished everything in the boat 2 years ago. All New Hardware, Original Paint, 22 gears, 11x16 RB Prop, Trailer Repainted Two years ago with new Stainless Steel Fenders, New Carpet on bunks and fender pads. New Tires, I Have a Matching second Seat for...
  16. ColeTR2

    schiada rigging

    Can anyone tell me what the benefits of using this are? I don't see how it can be stronger then having the engine sit on the stringers. And if you really want this.... Why not use I beam stock and machine the two edges off.
  17. ColeTR2

    Strut Question

    I to like recessed struts for any boats the will be used for recreation. And even if i was building a full on 21' race boat, I'd still lean towards one. Just my .02
  18. ColeTR2

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    it only takes a few seconds!! Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear...
  19. ColeTR2

    Cole TR-2

    Thanks Wheeler :-) good seeing you out at the Airport :)