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  1. ColeTR2

    happy Birthday Danny!

    Happy B Day :thumbsup
  2. ColeTR2

    Roadrunner is officially closed!

    I was there for last call at 3pm today, they said they will be back open in two weeks to one month.
  3. ColeTR2

    Foxfire in Anaheim......

    It's called the SURE-FIRE... Well that's what we used to call it when we where in our late 20's. On more then one occasion i spent some time with a mature / early forties lady. ( All good looking and all had $$$$$ ) One time I was told my husband is on a business trip.... ;) Wink Wink... When...
  4. ColeTR2

    Rain in PARKER

    2 1/2 inches of rain last night
  5. ColeTR2

    Rain in PARKER

    Yes it has been crazy! My roof took a hit too. I have two leeks and the house is new. :mad:
  6. ColeTR2

    Beautiful DCM

    Thanks Dave :)
  7. ColeTR2

    Beautiful DCM

    This one going to be nice to http://www.performanceboats.com/html/forums/showthread.php?t=6842 http://www.riverdavesplace.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=24386&stc=1&d=1218209722 RD how about a section for us? and i will start posting picture here to :)
  8. ColeTR2

    Camping in Parker

    Yes . . . . If you are use to staying on the California side.
  9. ColeTR2

    Next time, use zoom

    LOL me to
  10. ColeTR2


    Listen to the second car in this video Al Teague streamliner 470 mph :thumbsup http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q07yMkBRD5E Burklands @ 450MPH+ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqO6msKE4G4 If you're in to hot rods there is no place like Bonneville you have to go there at least one time in your...
  11. ColeTR2

    Excitement in Parker, Keys area

    Thanks for the info Boatcop
  12. ColeTR2

    Hotboat news

    Thanks for the recap Dave. One question can we post naked pictures of chicks have fun on the river here ?
  13. ColeTR2

    Welcome to RDP!

    Good looking site RD.... See you on the river :D