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  1. Stalkaholic


    The funniest shit is that only you would think of something swingin' from a nutsack :D
  2. Stalkaholic


    Only because you can't thing of anything funny...I mean c'mon...where the hell do you think I was getting all my jokes from all this time?
  3. Stalkaholic


    From what I hear the ass end of the boat is what got stuck :D
  4. Stalkaholic

    Fuel Mileage

    I wonder where the Honda CRV got it's name...it must be made out of aluminum cans or something :D
  5. Stalkaholic

    Ok, so what do I need to do?

    Show pics of the wife, girlfriend, and/or both and the boat. PM ratso and have him teach you all of his bachelor secrets.
  6. Stalkaholic


    Yeah...she's definitely a flamer :hotdevil
  7. Stalkaholic


    Sounds like we should call Later's cousin "Ass" in for reinforcements...
  8. Stalkaholic


    Don't you mean bootyman44bear?
  9. Stalkaholic


    Fixed :D
  10. Stalkaholic


    I see someone's been doin' a little wishful thinkin'...
  11. Stalkaholic

    Chevy vs. Ford

    Heartbeat of America baby! :D
  12. Stalkaholic


    Actually I was considering Aliholic....seems to have a nice ring to it
  13. Stalkaholic


    If I didn't I couldn't be a stalker now, could I? :D
  14. Stalkaholic

    Paging Topless

    It is now :D
  15. Stalkaholic


  16. Stalkaholic

    Split Bowl/Droop Conversion

    There is hope for you yet :D
  17. Stalkaholic


    Let's not forget who drives the "flamer" boat. Should've ended up with the screen name proteinmanwho69'sbears :D
  18. Stalkaholic


    This coming from a fukktard who runs bad gas in his boat and can't figure out what's wrong with it :D
  19. Stalkaholic

    Paging Topless

    That was what I needed to hear. Yeah I know it is the internet...however when you've never met or hardly ever conversated wtih some of the people, and when someone has already tried to call you out on something, sometimes it's hard to discern whether someone is serious about something or when...
  20. Stalkaholic

    Split Bowl/Droop Conversion

    I'm probably gonna try out one of those extensions too, but I'm gonna take IMPATIENT1's approach (God forbid I ever listen to a Ford guy) and try the new split bowl w/droop first as is...get that tuned and get a really good feel for the boat at that point, then bolt on the extension without...