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  1. Stalkaholic


    Priceless to see her long arm on yours :D
  2. Stalkaholic

    How would you handle your 9 year old son

    Not meaning to threadjack however... You all are worried about Later and his "improper grammer" and you can't even catch a massive mistake with this quote!? I'm pretty damn drunk and I even caught this!!! Now who's on meth!?
  3. Stalkaholic

    Anybody else get the Feb Hotboat yet?

    I see Jbbyron has struck again... There appears to be a misprint on the front cover... Should've read... "THE PHAT LADY HAS SUNG!!!" BNAG!
  4. Stalkaholic

    How about a Jet Day in Havi?

    Well since squirtinmyload beat me to the punchline...:D No actually I've got the pump and motor out of my boat right now. The pump's apart...I'm in the middle of doing a bowl swap plus getting my intake manifold cleaned up and powder coated, and we're gonna throw some different valve covers...
  5. Stalkaholic

    How about a Jet Day in Havi?

    Now I've never personally been on Lake Havasu, but was always told that it's not a good idea to take a low freeboard boat out due to the offshore turned lake boats turning the water into a washing machine. Correct me if I'm wrong about this, or if there is a certain 'trick' to handling that kind...
  6. Stalkaholic


    I think you have the two confused. Yes it is the original Later. No he does not have insurance on the boat The insurance he is referring to is the diver's diver insurance. He now has a diver who is insured. However, United Water requires the diver to have Lake Piru listed on his...
  7. Stalkaholic

    so whos working tonite

    As long as you don't try to bnag your co-workers :D
  8. Stalkaholic

    How many of you...

    ...have had multiple 21st birthdays before you were actually 21? You know what I'm talkin' about...the days where you somehow got into a bar underage and celebrated your so called "21st b-day". Those were the days :beer:D
  9. Stalkaholic

    Topless turns 21!!!!!!

    AGAIN!!! :D
  10. Stalkaholic

    Topless turns 21!!!!!!

    :bday:bday:bday:bday From, Stalker :D
  11. Stalkaholic

    How many people come from a family of boaters

    1st generation. Was exposed to speedboating when I was about 5...one of my aunt's ex-boyfriends built a v-drive boat and I went out on it once. Of course speedboating never really interested me until I was about 16 when an old neighbor of mine got a Cheyenne-made Spectra 20 copy jet boat. From...
  12. Stalkaholic

    JC Bowls

    I have a JC bowl that I'd like to sell off since I'm replacing it with an American Turbine split bowl. How much do you guys think I can get for it?
  13. Stalkaholic

    I Love My New Avatar

    Anyway we can animate that so that the shadow slowly creeps up the stairs? :D
  14. Stalkaholic


    Only after it's been in you :D
  15. Stalkaholic


    That was just me phuckin' around...which is why I put the smiley face after my last statement. I'm slowly learning however that apparently I'm not allowed to phuck around with people on here.
  16. Stalkaholic


    I thank you immensely for clarifying this...I was getting worried there for a minute. :point
  17. Stalkaholic


    Wow...I have officially fallen victim to a TBI photochop...that's funny :D
  18. Stalkaholic


    Where in my posts does it say that I was screwing or ever did screw her?
  19. Stalkaholic

    Happy Birthday Mrs. Sport'n Wood

    Don't know ya but I've seen you and your hubby on HB as well as here...just had my birthday a week ago myself so...happy birthday MMSW! I'll sing a song just for the occasion... Got it bad got it bad got it bad....I'm hot for teacher...uh...err...uh...school marm :D Anyway...happy...
  20. Stalkaholic


    Phuck it...let's call this what it is... I do have witnesses to the fact...need I go any further? :D