When a hooker steals. in your home..... and then the Response options


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Seems like its been a bit.... wanted to post. ... Angel has indeed begun to text again as one member thought might occur....shes been 3 months silent still about money and I've made it clear that her money issues arent mine ... so I just celebrated my 1st year in Rosarito and I did that well... still am so Partying disclaimer on this post.... Angel showed up at 6 and was gone by 730.... she requested the Uber fee and I let her know I will make an exception.... she looked so different after these three months.... very much depleted and empty....remember when we met maybe 9 mths ago the mgr of the club said she was only there 3 months.... I introduced her to a bldg mate downstairs and they connected very well as he speaks her language and is 50 and handsome and intelligent.... I gave them room to bond.... in the year I've lived here I have developed an understanding of the females culture .... the men have allowed them the privileges they now take for granted much like women from N America.... so she is going to use me for my contacts that will pay her .... and I have to decide if that is in my ability... dont forget she says she is extremely poor .... so I am challenged in some respects due to my male ego..... however I can tell you I am not hesitating and will introduce her properly to my guys who will eagerly agree to pay her.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Oh boy its been active here at Billys Casa del Hookers.... So that last prostitute above has latched onto a young dumb handsome gringo visitor who pays for meals, drugs & ass etc.. so haven't seen her in a few days. She had mentioned she had a hotel room with three other girls at the strip club all of whom flew up to TJ airport for places farther south in Mexico; Durango & Mazatlan.... Well, meet the girls. The B Team as I call em all ended up here through my Consigliere' sex addict building mate; Eddy. He apparently casts a big net and this is a relatively smallish beach town so guess he ran into em at Hong Kong and he knows I welcome all hookers at my VIP casa. Eddys proving to be an excellent source. The B Team has been staying here the last 2 nights... the Leader chick [Above] contacted me couple nights ago saying can the B Team crash at my place. There'd apparently been a gas leak issue at hotel and they didn't feel safe. I said yes sight unseen and thank you Vanessa. [Note: I am learning all whores are liars so who the fuck knows what really happened 🤣 and who cares] So turns out yesterday that Angel [authors first prostitute from many months ago... keep up sparky] had called asking to come visit as "friends." So I said sure and we back n forthed over the 300 pesos taxi and I acquiesced. Its been 2 months since we saw each other and I will continue to not "pay"for sex. Meals don't count as paying for sex. Unless you are in Newport ha! So now I have 4whores in my place like a social salad experimentation. Guess what; whores adore each other! Thats right they all partied, played and conversed quite easily. I think I may have the foundation to build on now... they all understand that the tall happy gringo doesn't pay for ass so this is beginning to feel like a Whore Processing & Recovery Center. They don't have to compete for my money cause nobodies getting any of it so zero competition. They lay down arms unlike while at work in such an awful aggressive environment. So around just after dark the B Team 3 head out somewhere and I am left I think with Angel and Arturo from downstairs. That was after hours of partying so not certain of sequence actually but its important....Angel left after the other whores left and I crashed leaving door open in case any random whores care to come in middle of the night and remove a liver. I woke up today at 7am and found the B Team crashed in guest bedroom. Wreckage [see vids] They got up at maybe 11 am and the lead gal went downstairs to fuck my Consigliere' sex addict Eddy.The other two I left alone to give them rest. So at maybe 1 they all 3 reconnected saying they will be leaving soon. They walked up to me 5 minutes later as I watched football on couch.... they were quiet and needed to tell me something; they use translator app to say that two of them are missing a total of $150 usd.... they had left 3 purses on my massage table in their room before leaving for "dinner." The lead chick fucking Eddy is down at his apt. He texts me saying we got a problem and Gallie is down there saying they got robbed of $550 usd. Now pay attention here so I don't lose ya..... My first thought is Angel stole another whores money! She definitely had the opportunity if she was stealthy and quick I think... but truthfully I cant recall sequences and timing to be positive it went down like that. I struggled to recall where folks were and when. There were way too many interesting separate conversations and interactions for me to be catching everything in that file. I do however tend to keep eyeballs on Angel. Not only do I enjoy her appearance but her Klepto ways have me in Alert Mode a bit. I set a couple booby traps to test not only her but the other whores as well. Angel actually left leaving my two vape pens right on counter. Vape pens are her thing fellas.... she is a total stoner chick. I always believe in the goodness in humans but this culture has tested it regarding the whores. Interesting social experiment. So did ya notice that my B Team up here was saying they lost $150 while Eddys downstairs at same time was telling him they were out a total of $550...... Things that make me go hmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Interesting situation you have there. Just cuz they "got along" doesn't mean they won't stab (or steal) ea. Other in the back if opportunity arises or necessary. Having zero experience with hookers in general or messican hookers, I personally would not expect any truth, integrity, morales etc from them. I'm surprised they left their purses there (if they really did) w/ cash etc. If they did it was stoopid on their part imo. Sounds like your having fun and living your best life to the end........carry on the grand finale.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Interesting situation you have there. Just cuz they "got along" doesn't mean they won't stab (or steal) ea. Other in the back if opportunity arises or necessary. Having zero experience with hookers in general or messican hookers, I personally would not expect any truth, integrity, morales etc from them. I'm surprised they left their purses there (if they really did) w/ cash etc. If they did it was stoopid on their part imo. Sounds like your having fun and living your best life to the end........carry on the grand finale.
Made a couple fair observations and thanks for putting the toe in.... I actually do recall seeing those 3 purses as I went to bathroom. I went in guestroom and actually opened each purse. In my 65 years of life I hadn't opened a ladies purse... now I do it everytime I get a chance if their hookers. I saw one had a fair sizd roll of singles. I didn't count em which sucks cause maybe there were some hundreds in center but doubting that. Looked to me to be at most 20 singles, 30 tops.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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I'm thinking you need to start an adult internet feed. Like "Big Brother," but we'll call it "Hubba's House." Install video Cameras all around. Strangers will pay a monthly subscription fee of $16.00 a month. You will have constant hookers around, showering, getting naked, having kinky sex and you'll make a ton of subscription money. Plus the prime recordings from the video feeds can get up loaded to Hubba's Only Fans page.

Soon, you will need a bigger ocean front estate for room to house even more hookers. Then you can sell sexy time vacations for horny dudes to come and stay and bang the working girls. You'll get paid three times!

Orale! Vamos y coger con las putas!

Lunatic Fringe

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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You might consider shoving an air tag up your ass so family and friends can locate your corpse.
Eventually, if all you type is true, you'll wear out your welcome with the wrong people.

You can ask Angel to do it for you and consider it kinky sex.🙄


Grobe Bruste Bitte
Sep 25, 2009
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Agreed, nothing good will come from banging some nasty fat, dirty Mexican hookers. Best case, it burns when you piss. Worst case your dumb head is separated from your body...

Performing a social experiment? 🤣 You're just high, bro...


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
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Haters..........Carry on!

This EXACT scenario exists all over down there and many other places. Nobody is losing a body part over this and the girls know exactly what they are getting themselves into. If you think Hubba is the only old white dude with a checkbook that has a steady stream of hookers coming and going then you've lived a sheltered life. This happens all over the world, including the US.

17 10 Flat

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2023
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Where this could really be bad is if one of the girls really did have $550.00 and one of the roommates lifted it.
It's your fault.

If someone is just trying for some free money should go away by itself.

My 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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I am well versed in the world of Baja and Sex Tourism as you know Sir, But there is no way in HOLY HELL I could get a wink of sleep with 3 TJ Hookers camping out in my "real" house. NO FUCKING WAY!!! And now you got the accusations flying again of someone got money stolen and it just goes to shit quick!

Hats off Sir. This is such a slippery slope and I enjoy the ride along with you.

Remember, EVERY one of those Putas is a liar. Everyone has a boyfriend. And some of those are connected even if its just low level scum bag shit.


Grobe Bruste Bitte
Sep 25, 2009
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This deal matches well with the saying; Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... 🤣


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I'm thinking you need to start an adult internet feed. Like "Big Brother," but we'll call it "Hubba's House." Install video Cameras all around. Strangers will pay a monthly subscription fee of $16.00 a month. You will have constant hookers around, showering, getting naked, having kinky sex and you'll make a ton of subscription money. Plus the prime recordings from the video feeds can get up loaded to Hubba's Only Fans page.

Soon, you will need a bigger ocean front estate for room to house even more hookers. Then you can sell sexy time vacations for horny dudes to come and stay and bang the working girls. You'll get paid three times!

Orale! Vamos y coger con las putas!

Why 16.00? Why not 15.00 or 17?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I'm thinking you need to start an adult internet feed. Like "Big Brother," but we'll call it "Hubba's House." Install video Cameras all around. Strangers will pay a monthly subscription fee of $16.00 a month. You will have constant hookers around, showering, getting naked, having kinky sex and you'll make a ton of subscription money. Plus the prime recordings from the video feeds can get up loaded to Hubba's Only Fans page.

Soon, you will need a bigger ocean front estate for room to house even more hookers. Then you can sell sexy time vacations for horny dudes to come and stay and bang the working girls. You'll get paid three times!

Orale! Vamos y coger con las putas!
You are cracking me up with your entrepreneurial thought processing right there. Dennis Rodman had a home in Newport on sand and his handler; Floyd told me he was gonna set up cameras and live feeds for income stream. We both advised Dennis against such a idea and frankly I can't recall if he ever did it but at that time his place was very popular to the trainwreck Newport clowns. Lots of obvious issues with that and I definitely would never open my home to that extent. These girls are all trainwrecks and I see em in the mornings while most only see em all warpainted and mini dressed up in the clubs. They are young so not too shabby in mornings but that lead gal; Vanessa woke me up standing at foot of my bed at 330 last night.... she just left at noon and her time here is showing on her... I wonder how much longer she'll be around before returning home to Durango. Oh well... onward


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Give it a month or two and Hubba is going to be their Rosarito representative. :cool:
We could be friends with this attitude. ;) But in truth I will be shutting down my exposure to all this very soon. I can see around corners a bit due to my age and will be correcting/ righting the ship.... [Boating reference cause its RDP] .... I've hooker proofed the place internally and its an extremely secure building making unwanted strangers gaining access an impossibility. My Consigliere' arranges all the party girls and I alone can allow him access upon approval.

Its just been a social experiment and I have all my answers now.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Haters..........Carry on!

This EXACT scenario exists all over down there and many other places. Nobody is losing a body part over this and the girls know exactly what they are getting themselves into. If you think Hubba is the only old white dude with a checkbook that has a steady stream of hookers coming and going then you've lived a sheltered life. This happens all over the world, including the US.
Good positive and factual post. Welcome. I've been redirecting some mental energy to my next pursuits as it pertains to females here. One of my friends who has the home on the sand has it dialed after owning place in Rosarito 15 years. He says anybody can pay for sex and considers that a lazy mans approach. He actually has built long term relationships with local gals and they enjoy his home at his request when it suits them. He supplies party favors, free taxi and atmosphere and his regulars are happy to be around him escaping whatever circumstances they're in personally. That is the proper goal at this juncture. The prostitutes are gonna be a problem and I can feel it coming so gonna redirect shortly.
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I am well versed in the world of Baja and Sex Tourism as you know Sir, But there is no way in HOLY HELL I could get a wink of sleep with 3 TJ Hookers camping out in my "real" house. NO FUCKING WAY!!! And now you got the accusations flying again of someone got money stolen and it just goes to shit quick!

Hats off Sir. This is such a slippery slope and I enjoy the ride along with you.

Remember, EVERY one of those Putas is a liar. Everyone has a boyfriend. And some of those are connected even if its just low level scum bag shit.
Nuthin personal but when a guy directs the word "Sir" at me in a statement Ive already left ;] Cant say I disagree with the post... read on as I have come to the finish of this particular part of the experiment as it pertains to thieving hookers.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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You are cracking me up with your entrepreneurial thought processing right there. Dennis Rodman had a home in Newport on sand and his handler; Floyd told me he was gonna set up cameras and live feeds for income stream. We both advised Dennis against such an idea and frankly I can't recall if he ever did it but at that time his place was very popular to the trainwreck Newport clowns. Lots of obvious issues with that and I definitely would never open my home to that extent. These girls are all trainwrecks and I see em in the mornings while most only see em all warpainted and mini dressed up in the clubs. They are young so not too shabby in mornings but that lead gal; Vanessa woke me up standing at foot of my bed at 330 last night.... she just left at noon and her time here is showing on her... I wonder how much longer she'll be around before returning home to Durango. Oh well... onward
I used to see Dennis often at islands cigar lounge in Brea. I think he was living in brea somewhere at the time. Probably 2018 or 2019


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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Sex, drugs, robbery....we are just missing murder in this made for TV movie.....lol...


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I used to see Dennis often at islands cigar lounge in Brea. I think he was living in brea somewhere at the time. Probably 2018 or 2019
Yeah he gets around the OC... my time with him was earlier right when he was making a brief attempt with Lakers. He had a big triple Fountain where I stored mine so I'd lend a hand when he needed it launching. He was very self sufficient launching that monster though. My girlfriend was a private trainer working with him and she'd come home all pissy cause ole Dennis wasn't following her physical activities at the gym. She said his knees were a calcified mess and mobilities greatly reduced. Warm hearted sensitive chap.... just broken... like a Mexi hooker really come to think of it.


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
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Haters..........Carry on!

This EXACT scenario exists all over down there and many other places. Nobody is losing a body part over this and the girls know exactly what they are getting themselves into. If you think Hubba is the only old white dude with a checkbook that has a steady stream of hookers coming and going then you've lived a sheltered life. This happens all over the world, including the US.

You should show this thread to your father in law...😁🤣🤣🤣


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Yeah he gets around the OC... my time with him was earlier right when he was making a brief attempt with Lakers. He had a big triple Fountain where I stored mine so I'd lend a hand when he needed it launching. He was very self sufficient launching that monster though. My girlfriend was a private trainer working with him and she'd come home all pissy cause ole Dennis wasn't following her physical activities at the gym. She said his knees were a calcified mess and mobilities greatly reduced. Warm hearted sensitive chap.... just broken... like a Mexi hooker really come to think of it.
Sexual Chocolate?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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Yeah, Dennis Rodman is such a cool guy. Remember when he intentionally kicked the camera man? What a great human being!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
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Nuthin personal but when a guy directs the word "Sir" at me in a statement Ive already left ;] Cant say I disagree with the post... read on as I have come to the finish of this particular part of the experiment as it pertains to thieving hookers.
Joel thought it was finished, until Guido the killer pimp showed up at his house. 😂


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
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You should show this thread to your father in law...😁🤣🤣🤣

It wasn’t that long ago (3-4 years?) that I was living a very similar life as Hubba. Granted it was in the US but it was extremely impressive what an old fat white guy could pull with a few dollars a decent house and a bag of blow…Add a couple boats in the mix and at times it seemed like work to keep the whole program straight…… 🤣🤣


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Being an instructor I notice that a lot of guys from other countries always call me sir. Americans will call me teacher or instructor but foreigners will most always call me sir.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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I owned that boat for a hot minute. I bought it off ebay and sold it shortly after buying it. I never put a black light in it, but it was very definitely "used"
HeeHee.... heard that thing got wrapped and was in LongBeach but many years ago now.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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It wasn’t that long ago (3-4 years?) that I was living a very similar life as Hubba. Granted it was in the US but it was extremely impressive what an old fat white guy could pull with a few dollars a decent house and a bag of blow…Add a couple boats in the mix and at times it seemed like work to keep the whole program straight…… 🤣🤣
I salute you and your passed efforts in FUN. If it begins to feel like "Work" its gotta go


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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My Dad was military and I was raised that way. Apologies as it is just a habit.

No need to apologize. Just always seems weird to me when people say that. When I was in the Army and you called an NCO "Sir" they would bark back, "Don't call me sir, I work for a living" which amused me as many of them didn't do squat. You were to address an officer with sir but not NCO's.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Being an instructor I notice that a lot of guys from other countries always call me sir. Americans will call me teacher or instructor but foreigners will most always call me sir.
I picked up on the Sir thing also in my first career working on Ambulances. On the radio and in person, we just called each other Sirs and when working with Fire and Police.

Never realized some people look weird at it. Got me more concious of it now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Never understood this line of thinking. Calling you "Sir" is a sign of respect. You should embrace it.
It was beat into my ass as a youngster, that I should always address an adult as "Sir", as you pointed out, a sign of respect.
Now, as my life clock races towards 77, it's a practice I continue to maintain.