When a hooker steals. in your home..... and then the Response options


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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How very sad she felt she had to go that way......
she landed on her head. Extra sad and painful.
Some of the comments were kinda funny. A bit of a sick website.
Didn't read comments figuring too gloomy for my attitude.... strange I haven't heard a peep about this weeks jumper on my local peeps feed. I'll look again.... Ex Pats here tend to keep things on the sunny side up which I understand.... however knowledge is always a good thing in my book.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Yeah. Let's see more hookers.!
Working on it .... but gotta say that first experience is kinda keeping me from doing best / most efficient research which would be down at my local titty bar. I'm just a bit sour on that spot but I'll get over that in time. Focused mostly online at present and takes longer to weed through the scammers. If I was more serious it'd be easy pickins at BaddaBing [our local spot] just waiting for my mood to improve. next round I'll just sit outside having a smoke with Salvador the bar manager for 10 years.... he & I hit it off out of the gate cause similar age and styles... I'll just tell him what I want and he'll direct me I'm sure. And I will mention very subtly that I had a theft experience with one of his new gals and would prefer a more experienced "dancer" who won't steal understanding value of regular repeat business. That'll most likely be the knockout mentioned while back; Rosie. So I have a plan.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Working on it .... but gotta say that first experience is kinda keeping me from doing best / most efficient research which would be down at my local titty bar. I'm just a bit sour on that spot but I'll get over that in time. Focused mostly online at present and takes longer to weed through the scammers. If I was more serious it'd be easy pickins at BaddaBing [our local spot] just waiting for my mood to improve. next round I'll just sit outside having a smoke with Salvador the bar manager for 10 years.... he & I hit it off out of the gate cause similar age and styles... I'll just tell him what I want and he'll direct me I'm sure. And I will mention very subtly that I had a theft experience with one of his new gals and would prefer a more experienced "dancer" who won't steal understanding value of regular repeat business. That'll most likely be the knockout mentioned while back; Rosie. So I have a plan.
Alright champ....your up.
Get in there and knock it outa the park....
Some of these boys here are countin on ya....haha

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Working on it .... but gotta say that first experience is kinda keeping me from doing best / most efficient research which would be down at my local titty bar. I'm just a bit sour on that spot but I'll get over that in time. Focused mostly online at present and takes longer to weed through the scammers. If I was more serious it'd be easy pickins at BaddaBing [our local spot] just waiting for my mood to improve. next round I'll just sit outside having a smoke with Salvador the bar manager for 10 years.... he & I hit it off out of the gate cause similar age and styles... I'll just tell him what I want and he'll direct me I'm sure. And I will mention very subtly that I had a theft experience with one of his new gals and would prefer a more experienced "dancer" who won't steal understanding value of regular repeat business. That'll most likely be the knockout mentioned while back; Rosie. So I have a plan.

If said chick …meaning the original chick is still thinking heavy about you…even though physically she’s not in the scene… If she has a really strong mind..you may still be feeling her tugging at your left ankle… or somewhere else…just sayin🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Alright champ....your up.
Get in there and knock it outa the park....
Some of these boys here are countin on ya....haha
HaHa... yeah I feel that but we all gotta move at our own paces right. I flushed out a local FB dating site gal recently. The online thing I reckon is how some of the broke locals are marketing themselves if they're not working in strip clubs. My guys tell me us Gringos are all targeted as an income source in a town where there just aren't enough jobs. This one has potential... I like the way she bit hard and got out that she is looking for a SD/ SB scenario. Hell, I had to Google that to know what it meant. "Sugar Baby/ Sugar Daddy" for us uninitiated types. I liked the way she pitched it early and even though I had to translate everything she [again] is a savvy one.... says she's 19.... but aint no 19 yr old I ever met communicates like this so I give her 25. We'll be meeting at a local spot daytime and see what we learn. I've got company visiting through Friday so after they split.... just another opportunity to get stabbed. 🤣


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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If said chick …meaning the original chick is still thinking heavy about you…even though physically she’s not in the scene… If she has a really strong mind..you may still be feeling her tugging at your left ankle… or somewhere else…just sayin🤷🏽‍♀️
Naw man... you [again] confuse my psychology with your own. I haven't thought back towards her much at all.... and for sure she hasn't reached out to me. I knew once I revealed I was aware of her thefts she'd have no recourse but to bounce. Her Klepto ways have I'm sure not allowed her to be able to source a consistent "client" relationship. I researched Kleptomania after I discovered these stupid little thefts of hers.... its an uncontrollable urge to steal meaningless stuff. Thats why she was so available and happy to full time me because she burns bridges at every oppty. I'll be speaking directly on this subject with Phase II girl next week. If all these chicks think this will be tolerated they'll find out not here so gonna get out in front of it this time. Learning.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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I like the way she bit hard and got out that she is looking for a SD/ SB scenario. Hell, I had to Google that to know what it meant. "Sugar Baby/ Sugar Daddy" for us uninitiated types. 🤣
I was getting ready to research that also...LOL

Enjoy, stay safe, have fun, we only LIVE ONCE!!

I hope you find someone to enjoy everyday life...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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HaHa... yeah I feel that but we all gotta move at our own paces right. I flushed out a local FB dating site gal recently. The online thing I reckon is how some of the broke locals are marketing themselves if they're not working in strip clubs. My guys tell me us Gringos are all targeted as an income source in a town where there just aren't enough jobs. This one has potential... I like the way she bit hard and got out that she is looking for a SD/ SB scenario. Hell, I had to Google that to know what it meant. "Sugar Baby/ Sugar Daddy" for us uninitiated types. I liked the way she pitched it early and even though I had to translate everything she [again] is a savvy one.... says she's 19.... but aint no 19 yr old I ever met communicates like this so I give her 25. We'll be meeting at a local spot daytime and see what we learn. I've got company visiting through Friday so after they split.... just another opportunity to get stabbed. 🤣
I might have enough money to qualify as a "splenda or sweet and low" Daddy. Not sure I can afford the real sugar.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… You be doing good my man👍… Keep it up… I wonder how I really would be handling a situation like this if I wasn’t used up old dude🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Bumping with a lil update.... Hows my boys doing... hope everyones enjoying their summers and good nobody has died boating yet out there!
I've been enjoying some fresh tail around the casa and didn't want to leave you clowns out of the mix... forums back to being awfully dead lately.... here's some eye spice. Met her crazy ass walking our beaches.... she's from Palo Alto or so she says and is running from abusive hubby or so she says.... nice change of pace.


Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Bumping with a lil update.... Hows my boys doing... hope everyones enjoying their summers and good nobody has died boating yet out there!
I've been enjoying some fresh tail around the casa and didn't want to leave you clowns out of the mix... forums back to being awfully dead lately.... here's some eye spice. Met her crazy ass walking our beaches.... she's from Palo Alto or so she says and is running from abusive hubby or so she says.... nice change of pace.

View attachment 1410021
… Holy crap… That looks a lot like my sister-in-law… She has been missing😳

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Awwe leave em alone Dave.... he's cute and I'm sure he's just messin about... I like a gal that my mutt likes
Awwe leave em alone Dave.... he's cute and I'm sure he's just messin about... I like a gal that my mutt likes
… she has a nice tan line…👍

… got a FaceTime video from my girlfriend before last very similar to the picture you posted… She had gotten word that I was chasing the Porsche Cayenne chick… So she attempted to further torture me…🤷🏽‍♀️

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Awwe leave em alone Dave.... he's cute and I'm sure he's just messin about... I like a gal that my mutt likes
… where did all the fun crazy guys go?… to dark to be boating…
… You know the guys with the really warped senses of humor🤷🏽‍♀️

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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Lounge type days are common.... Island girl chills nicely as does Sweet Thang below
…Nice…👍… i’ve got stories about my girlfriend before last… But I would have to think hard about posting them here🤷🏽‍♀️…hmmm???…


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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Lounge type days are common.... Island girl chills nicely as does Sweet Thang below

Not that I mind, but you might consider removing that picture or at least blurring certain parts of it out. I believe Dave's rule is something along the lines of, "No nips or lips."

Just trying to keep you from taking a vacation!


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Not that I mind, but you might consider removing that picture or at least blurring certain parts of it out. I believe Dave's rule is something along the lines of, "No nips or lips."

Just trying to keep you from taking a vacation!
A vaca might be nice. Will let it roll but thanks. He'll grab it as he enjoys.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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I am glad to see someone living the easy life. Can you get tired of tacos? I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Not that I mind, but you might consider removing that picture or at least blurring certain parts of it out. I believe Dave's rule is something along the lines of, "No nips or lips."

Just trying to keep you from taking a vacation!
And he's on vacay


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
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Who go a screenshot of the pic!?

How long is he gone for? I enjoy Huba's content!