When a hooker steals. in your home..... and then the Response options


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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In high school, at the dinner table my little Sis says she's only dating you for your car....I smiled like a Cheshire Cat and said I'm getting the better deal. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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In high school, at the dinner table my little Sis says she's only dating you for your car....I smiled like a Cheshire Cat and said I'm getting the better deal. ;)

She sounds like my older sister! 🤣 Mine would get mad when I hit on all of her friends! 🤣👍


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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I enjoyed the thread. I have no opinion of hubba. It's his life, go live it. Right or wrong it's was still fun reading.
As much as hubba says it's a experiment on humanity, it's also been like a documentary to see it play out.
Just a life I've never even considered but fascinating to get play by play updates

What is crazy is how did this get on a boating forum? Hubba a havasu guy?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Hi my favorite fellow inmates! I'm here, have my liver, not in jail in TJ and am thriving still. You guys were correct and after showing some personal porn I had to go in timeout which was fine. I live outside the box as you might know by now so all good. I have a friend named Cocaine Scotty. He's the dude responsible for my being in Rosarito. Those following might recall me going to a buds home on sand here a year ago, then going home to my CDM building and wondering why the fuck at 65 thriving am I still in Newport. Anywho, I had sex with Scottys ex.... she blabbed it to him and he [also] put me in timeout for maybe 9 months. Well, he's back and we spent past 2 nights up and going hard repairing our relations. He is a sex addict with way too much money so he gets the HongKong suites as a VIP for really cheap. [those that know/ know... those that don't can imagine] HK is the western coasts hottest strip club with women traveling via airplanes to work in it] So I've been dying to introduce Cocaine Scotty to my other sex addict friend down here. He's Eddy my Consigliere'. Eddys 41 and quite popular with the ladies.... Scottys 57 and not pretty or young but loaded and also a sexual addict. I knew they'd click but I needed Scotts butt to heal before I could put them together. Well girls, it happened last night... they left my place to hit HK around 9... I went right to bed cause I'd been at Scottys up for entire night. He doesn't require sleep apparently so off they went. I only heard back from Eddy so far and he said it was monumental night so lets hope he grabbed some pics/ vids. HK doesn't allow pics but he sneaks em every now & then. I'll hang a vid of Cocaine Scottys crib here and hope Eddy gets me some content soon.... be good fellas.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… You should have known that Scotty’s ex would rat you out to him… The chicks always say…they will never tell their ex… But invariably they always do😳
… don’t ask me how I know🤷🏽‍♀️

… White line fever… Those were the days… And we all survived them…apparently, it is quite a bit of the lifestyle south of the border these days🤷🏽‍♀️

… I may have a solid source…and a willing female participant….trouble
is it may just turn in to an all night talkathon … when I had something else in mind😳… Never thought about setting ground rules before…hmmm???
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2021
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… You should have known that Scotty’s ex would rat you out to him… The chicks always say…they will never tell their ex… But invariably they always do😳
… don’t ask me how I know🤷🏽‍♀️

… White line fever… Those were the days… And we all survived them…apparently, it is quite a bit of the lifestyle south of the border these days🤷🏽‍♀️

… I may have a solid source…and a willing female participant….trouble
is it may just turn in to an all night talkathon … when I had something else in mind😳… Never thought about setting ground rules before…hmmm???
You make me smile 😃


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Lil Bumpypooh for an aging worn out thread..... Friends came to town and of course had to visit Hong Kong. I've still never been but am learning that the multi storied hotel over the dance part of the facility contains hotel rooms and girls fly in from other parts of Mexico to make money working the club over weekends. Isn't that something. Well two of em from both Mazatlan & Durango ended up hanging at my place escaping the pawing for a while. My selection gave me some $ [all in ones] for some bugga sugga and it was on! Good to be back..... And apparently every Mexican male has his own haircut kit so got the Hawk tuned up. Dont let the smile fool ya... full on hustler ... might lose a kidney yet ;)

Vanessa Crashes on Patio 8.29.24.jpeg
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Regarding the Mohawk thing.... I was watching some international soccer and all the young studs across the globe have these now and I lost a bet on Argentina so here we are. Gotta say the young gals hanging around since Thursdays cut all approved. I don't spend a great deal of time worrying about that kinda crap.

Ole Vanessa has basically been living in my shirt since Thursday. Well, in & out of it more like

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2016
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Seems like its been a bit.... wanted to post. ... Angel has indeed begun to text again as one member thought might occur....shes been 3 months silent still about money and I've made it clear that her money issues arent mine ... so I just celebrated my 1st year in Rosarito and I did that well... still am so Partying disclaimer on this post.... Angel showed up at 6 and was gone by 730.... she requested the Uber fee and I let her know I will make an exception.... she looked so different after these three months.... very much depleted and empty....remember when we met maybe 9 mths ago the mgr of the club said she was only there 3 months.... I introduced her to a bldg mate downstairs and they connected very well as he speaks her language and is 50 and handsome and intelligent.... I gave them room to bond.... in the year I've lived here I have developed an understanding of the females culture .... the men have allowed them the privileges they now take for granted much like women from N America.... so she is going to use me for my contacts that will pay her .... and I have to decide if that is in my ability... dont forget she says she is extremely poor .... so I am challenged in some respects due to my male ego..... however I can tell you I am not hesitating and will introduce her properly to my guys who will eagerly agree to pay her.