Russia and Ukraine


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Had a HS Buddy, Army, stationed in Germany. I would assume part of the NATO forces. Already In Europe. So WTH?

I question calling up the Reserves now.

So. If you're trying to tank recruiting, cite lousy recruiting, and then call up the Reserves. Check.


Old Guy
Dec 20, 2007
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My take is very few, if any , here do Not look at Russia as an ”enemy.” That is a distraction. The real problem is the policy decisions that give rise to Putin’s (plausible) argument western countries (namely the USA) have broken their promise to not consider Ukraine for NATO membership, thus threatening the security of Russia.

The blatant money laundering thinly disguised as “support” is outright disgusting and likely treasonous. It’s interesting how there is little of any mention of real efforts to properly act as “The World’s Peacekeeper” and work hard to negotiate an end to this conflict! This tends to support the idea the warmongers and Military Industrial Complex are using the conflict as a revenue stream plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Had a HS Buddy, Army, stationed in Germany. I would assume part of the NATO forces. Already In Europe. So WTH?

I question calling up the Reserves now.

So. If you're trying to tank recruiting, cite lousy recruiting, and then call up the Reserves. Check.
When I was transferred there following the disbanding of our boat battalion, I think there were about 350,000 US troops in West Germany alone. Imagine the horror of joining the military simply for the freebie benefits, then realizing you might actually have to pay the price of admission. :oops::(


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Another problem in/recruiting mobilization is recruits who are fit for service. I've spoken with 2 recruiters, 1 here in Lubbock, and 1 at Regiment HQ in OKC.

Less than half of the youth that present themselves at Army recruiting are physically or educationally qualified...


Exploratory Vacation Time
Aug 14, 2018
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Grandpa talked about his fellow servicemen, some who held a lifetime of hate against a nation and some who learned to forgive. He talked of the struggles of both approaches but how those who hung onto the hate were forever bitter and resentful.

I don't advocate for blind forgiveness or turning the other cheek, but I am beyond being so jingoistic that I refuse to see the corruption on our own side.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Sure dreamer, let's all just hold hands and sign songs, because love will surely prevail if we just give it a chance. 🤦‍♂️

That's not what I'm saying T. 😆

Try to answer the question, it would help us understand your position and while you're at it, I have another one for you.

The Joe Biden administration has come out in opposition to Congress creating an inspector general’s office to oversee weapons transfers to the Ukrainian government.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes a provision that will create an inspector general for the proxy war in Ukraine modeled after the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR).

SIGAR John Sopko detailed the rampant American failures during the Afghan War for years. His quarterly reports routinely embarrassed American officials who tried to portray the situation in Afghanistan as improving.

Sopko has warned that an inspector general’s official for the Ukraine war needed to be established to prevent a repeat of the situation American aid created in Afghanistan, which saw massive corruption. “There is an understandable desire amid a crisis to focus on getting money out the door and to worry about oversight later, but too often that creates more problems than it solves,” he wrote in a report submitted to Congress earlier this year. “Given the ongoing conflict and the unprecedented volume of weapons being transferred to Ukraine, the risk that some equipment ends up on the black market or in the wrong hands is likely unavoidable.”

Sopko continued, “You’re bound to get corrupt elements of not only the Ukrainian or the host government, but also of US government contractors or other third party contractors to try to steal the money. There’s just so much money going in, and it’s hard to keep track of.”

Do you support unlimited transfers of weapons with a White House AND Congress lobbying for no oversight?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Wow, get back and see what an evil person I've become... Oh well, not the first time. I think my distrust of our own government is seen as being a cheerleader for another. The truth of the matter, I've now learned to trust my own, regardless of the label of the presidency, as much as I would trust another.

One veteran calls me a hippy, a peacenick, or a fan or agent of Russia. Maybe so, my thoughts on war are pretty simple, not a fan. True, never been in one. Been to quite a few funerals because of them. Those were wars not on our soil. Also seen seen first hand the effects of a 7.62 round on the human body. The way it acts as a hammer shattering the bone structure, leaving the skin kind of loose, like a mask, or a rubbery "cover"...call me odd, but it's not something I want others to have the experience of feeling.

Another here, much my senior, cannot understand why I cannot back stopping Russia from "Reconstituting the USSR"...as that would give China the green light to take Taiwan. I believe this same individual also has manufacturing done overseas...which, on a basic level, supports the very same people. Quite the quandary.

Since the onset of the Ukraine war, the US has sent over 200 billion. What I find difficult to understand is those that back the war, not seeing that the US, Germany and France were the ones that openly backed the current Ukrainian leaders, that openly attacked their own populace. 200b would have done a lot here at home to secure our borders, and combat the drug issues. Maybe even put a dent in the crime situation in the cities as well.

My views maybe twisted, and surely not the most popular, but they are my own. I'm sorry if they offend some, but, as those I offend, I have my reasons as well.
Gotta go, another doctor to see and more pressing BS than defending myself for my comments or thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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If so called world leaders would have to fight it out themselves. Aww Hell, oh well. Cooler heads should prevail. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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That's not what I'm saying T. 😆

Try to answer the question, it would help us understand your position and while you're at it, I have another one for you.

The Joe Biden administration has come out in opposition to Congress creating an inspector general’s office to oversee weapons transfers to the Ukrainian government.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes a provision that will create an inspector general for the proxy war in Ukraine modeled after the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR).

SIGAR John Sopko detailed the rampant American failures during the Afghan War for years. His quarterly reports routinely embarrassed American officials who tried to portray the situation in Afghanistan as improving.

Sopko has warned that an inspector general’s official for the Ukraine war needed to be established to prevent a repeat of the situation American aid created in Afghanistan, which saw massive corruption. “There is an understandable desire amid a crisis to focus on getting money out the door and to worry about oversight later, but too often that creates more problems than it solves,” he wrote in a report submitted to Congress earlier this year. “Given the ongoing conflict and the unprecedented volume of weapons being transferred to Ukraine, the risk that some equipment ends up on the black market or in the wrong hands is likely unavoidable.”

Sopko continued, “You’re bound to get corrupt elements of not only the Ukrainian or the host government, but also of US government contractors or other third party contractors to try to steal the money. There’s just so much money going in, and it’s hard to keep track of.”

Do you support unlimited transfers of weapons with a White House AND Congress lobbying for no oversight?

With all due respect, this isn't about anything you're trying to sell. I don't care to discuss any of that, because it's not relative to why I felt compelled to air my opinion this morning.

It's an extremely simple concept, Russia is this country's, and therefore mine sworn enemy. Not just when I'm in the mood, but anywhere and anytime.
I do not for any reason agree with allowing Russia a victory in any regard, physically or psychologically, anywhere in this world, ever.

If you support Russia, or Putin over the USA, in my mind (I reiterate, in my opinion) you're a traitor and aiding and abetting the enemy.
I'm not asking if you agree or disagree, matters not to me.

When I got drafted, not one time did anybody ask me if I agreed with the war I was being asked to go lay my life down fighting --- NOT ONCE. They didn't ask my opinion, they plain didn't give a fuck what I thought before, during or after.

Warmonger --- Ha, That POS hippie protester in Washington DC who threw piss on me called me a Warmonger, but he got real quiet when the butt of my M16 struck him the middle of his forehead. 🤕

When you took the oath in the Navy, did you secretly whisper exceptions or conditions under which you'd perform your sworn duty ?
Why did you join the Navy, the free benefits ?

Those are rhetorical questions, no need to bother with a response.

You want to question this country's politics, or ethics for involvement then fine, have at it, stand on a soap box and preach it all day and all night, it's your right, just as you do daily here in your blog.

But praising the enemy, placing them in obvious higher regard then your own country crosses the line and becomes aiding and abetting the enemy.

Of course, I'm simply stating my personal opinion and it was that personal opinion I shared this morning, nothing more, nothing less.

You don't agree, it's fine by me, I would have been shocked if any of you had.

If you or nobody else understands, that's cool, but I've wasted all the time on this I'm going to.

Now y'all have yourselves a real nice day ya hear. 👍✌️


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Wow, get back and see what an evil person I've become... Oh well, not the first time. I think my distrust of our own government is seen as being a cheerleader for another. The truth of the matter, I've now learned to trust my own, regardless of the label of the presidency, as much as I would trust another.

One veteran calls me a hippy, a peacenick, or a fan or agent of Russia. Maybe so, my thoughts on war are pretty simple, not a fan. True, never been in one. Been to quite a few funerals because of them. Those were wars not on our soil. Also seen seen first hand the effects of a 7.62 round on the human body. The way it acts as a hammer shattering the bone structure, leaving the skin kind of loose, like a mask, or a rubbery "cover"...call me odd, but it's not something I want others to have the experience of feeling.

Another here, much my senior, cannot understand why I cannot back stopping Russia from "Reconstituting the USSR"...as that would give China the green light to take Taiwan. I believe this same individual also has manufacturing done overseas...which, on a basic level, supports the very same people. Quite the quandary.

Since the onset of the Ukraine war, the US has sent over 200 billion. What I find difficult to understand is those that back the war, not seeing that the US, Germany and France were the ones that openly backed the current Ukrainian leaders, that openly attacked their own populace. 200b would have done a lot here at home to secure our borders, and combat the drug issues. Maybe even put a dent in the crime situation in the cities as well.

My views maybe twisted, and surely not the most popular, but they are my own. I'm sorry if they offend some, but, as those I offend, I have my reasons as well.
Gotta go, another doctor to see and more pressing BS than defending myself for my comments or thoughts.

Are you suggesting that some in here will attack one personally for their beliefs, maybe even make chops and other sundry attacks on a person and his spouse/family? And then others will approve of and like such pedantic attacks? Hard to believe.

Here is a book worth perusing with respect to the debate over trade versus invade. And how more trade and economic interdependence can keep wars from happening.



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
When you took the oath in the Navy, did you secretly whisper exceptions or conditions under which you'd perform your sworn duty ?
Why did you join the Navy, the free benefits ?

Those are rhetorical questions, no need to bother with a response.

You want to question this country's politics, or ethics for involvement then fine, have at it, stand on a soap box and preach it all day and all night, it's your right, just as you do daily here in your blog.

But praising the enemy, placing them in obvious higher regard then your own country crosses the line and becomes aiding and abetting the enemy.

Of course, I'm simply stating my personal opinion and it was that personal opinion I shared this morning, nothing more, nothing less.

You don't agree, it's fine by me, I would have been shocked if any of you had.

If you or nobody else understands, that's cool, but I've wasted all the time on this I'm going to.

Now y'all have yourselves a real nice day ya hear. 👍✌️

Don't go talking shit and then say no need to respond. I joined the Navy to serve my country. And just so you know, I never contacted those cocksuckers after I left the base, I don't need their free cheese.

I understand many of your points, but what you're missing from me at least is, I'm not rooting for a Russian victory, I'm rooting for a defeat of the warmongering fucks who started it and are killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

When Trump was in office, Vlad was quiet and ANYONE who says he was soft on Putin is an imbecile.

The War Machine has ALWAYS made Russia the boogeyman, some fall for it and some don't. And before you go all, "you weren't there when I was battling the Rooskies in the Cold War", those games are played ALL THE TIME. We had Bears spying and jamming us all the time, just like we did to them.

How many wars in the past 50 years has Russia started vs the U.S.A.? 😆


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Are you suggesting that some in here will attack one personally for their beliefs, maybe even make chops and other sundry attacks on a person and his spouse/family? And then others will approve of and like such pedantic attacks? Hard to believe.

Here is a book worth perusing with respect to the debate over trade versus invade. And how more trade and economic interdependence can keep wars from happening.

Have you read Copeland's other major work, "The Origin Of Major War"? It's an interesting take, and well researched, that most, if not all, major conflicts are started by nations or rulers on decline. We tend to always think of them as being started by those trying to attain more power or control, not those trying to maintain a hold on what they have. It may offer a bit more insight than one would think given the current events.

As for trade interdependence being a reason to keep wars from happening, it can also act completely the opposite. As countries fight over future raw materials, or even countries fighting for sales and markets to move their products, or markets in which to focus their labor pool. It is very much a double edged sword.
I say @Taboma signs up his grandkids to be the first into Ukraine!!
I know he and I don't see eye to eye, but I'd think to some extent we'd agree that the lives of those we care for are very important to us.
I have two sons coming of age quickly. One would not pass the physical in normal times, but I've seen these aren't "normal" times. The other would be high on the list, big, athletic and extremely loyal to his peers.
Not things I like to think about, for anyone's kids or grandkids. Just soft in my old age I guess.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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That being the case how do you feel about Japan?
Since WWII I'm not aware of Japan being a threat, nor is Germany. I've never really been associated with any Japanese, I did however work with a few Germans who'd served under Hitler. Despite losing family members while fighting against the Germans, I never thought of them as a current threat.
I also feel no anger to the Vietnamese.
I had two Russians who worked for me, both boasting of be proud to be in America and having received their citizenships.

I wasn't taught to hide under my desk in elementary school because we were expecting to be nuked by Japan or Germany, the constant threat during my childhood was from Russia.

I'm sure Putin and his propaganda ministry are pleased with the the obviously amazing job they're doing.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Should I remove it ? Did that make you uncomfortable -- I can remove it, but I felt you ask a respectable question.
No, I just found it interesting that you saw it but did not reply. Now you did.

The challenge is that things are so not black and white the way they were back when we grew up especially you as I believe you are 10+ years my senior. Then you have the games that OUR government currently is playing against us. I have loved this country my whole life. However, I have been wondering who is truly our ally or our enemy in the past 3+ years starting with Fox’s calling the election night, peaceful protests, Kyle Rittenhouse, and on and on and on. I watched thouse things happen live only to have a complete different spin on the news come the morning. I have such great sadness for my son and the next generation for all that the past generations have allowed to happen. Mostly my parents who sat back and did not say a word for many reasons. 👍


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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No, I just found it interesting that you saw it but did not reply. Now you did.

The challenge is that things are so not black and white the way they were back when we grew up especially you as I believe you are 10+ years my senior. Then you have the games that OUR government currently is playing against us. I have loved this country my whole life. However, I have been wondering who is truly our ally or our enemy in the past 3+ years starting with Fox’s calling the election night, peaceful protests, Kyle Rittenhouse, and on and on and on. I watched thouse things happen live only to have a complete different spin on the news come the morning. I have such great sadness for my son and the next generation for all that the past generations have allowed to happen. Mostly my parents who sat back and did not say a word for many reasons. 👍

I saw it and gave it a thumbs up, you didn't understand that meant I had to piss first. 😂

I can appreciate all those sentiments, but I will never be so complacent to relax my opinions that Putin's Russia is anything but the antithesis of being an ally.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Friday night there was an attack on the Crimean bridge, same one bombed in October. This time it looks as if 2 drones or missiles were used. 2 sections damaged, but the rail portion is back in use already. 2 people were killed on the bridge. Looked to be a husband and wife headed home from a beach trip. Their 14yo daughter survived. It looked more as if they hit bridge pieces, sudden stop, not directly hit by rocket or drone.

Russia responded, so far, in two ways. They struck a rail yard near the front that had been transporting Leopard tanks, and then they pulled out of the "grain deal". I'm pretty sure the grain thing has more implications world wide.

Poland is amassing troops on the border of Belarus. It does not appear as yet that Wagner is headed to the west, but there has been noticeable movement by both Russian and Belarusian troops.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Friday night there was an attack on the Crimean bridge, same one bombed in October.
Am sure, blowing up the bridge didn't involve either US or UK assistance;)
Keep poking the bear and see how it works out in the long run. I already knew at the start of this war, it won't be over in a few months! Just waiting to see how long Putin and his rabid generals can keep their cool!:eek:


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Am sure, blowing up the bridge didn't involve either US or UK assistance;)
Keep poking the bear and see how it works out in the long run. I already knew at the start of this war, it won't be over in a few months! Just waiting to see how long Putin and his rabid generals can keep their cool!:eek:
Honestly, I think the bridge hits are more moral boosters than strategic. The same night, there was a drone that went down in the Kursk region. Apparently it hit an apartment building, but no serious injuries. The only high value target in the area is the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Only one drone though, so thinking they may have been testing defenses.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Really no big shock. With our own soldiers and logistics it can be difficult to track where all the equipment actually ends up. With this stuff, it's being transferred via NATO countries, transported by Euro contractors to a country with questionable motives and poor communication.
Maybe they need Airtags on their stuff?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Be careful...you don't want to be labeled a "Putnic";)
Can a person who's belief is openly Anti-Christian, be deceived by one whom is masquerading as the Messiah ?
I think not, but perhaps has a primary objective of preventing or eliminating any threat of competition for his authority.

Is this NWO's agenda to portray itself as Christ ?

PS: I like that term, quite fitting I might add 🥴 ;)


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Can a person who's belief is openly Anti-Christian, be deceived by one whom is masquerading as the Messiah ?
I think not, but perhaps has a primary objective of preventing or eliminating any threat of competition for his authority.

Is this NWO's agenda to portray itself as Christ ?

PS: I like that term, quite fitting I might add 🥴 ;)
I'm not anti-Christian, so I can't speak to that with any real authority. What I can say though, people can and will be deceived. People agree with those in positions of power simply because of their station. We see it not only with politicians, but with actors, athletes and even "influencers". At least the later are appropriately named.

Aside from the titles of "president", prime minister and the like, it seems no different than the kingdoms of early times. Each "king" only wants to retain his power or reach for more. Human greed I guess. Strip away the labels and perceived ideologies, and there seems to be very little differentiating one from another. All the leaders play chess, and their subjects merely pawns in the game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I'm not anti-Christian, so I can't speak to that with any real authority. What I can say though, people can and will be deceived. People agree with those in positions of power simply because of their station. We see it not only with politicians, but with actors, athletes and even "influencers". At least the later are appropriately named.

Aside from the titles of "president", prime minister and the like, it seems no different than the kingdoms of early times. Each "king" only wants to retain his power or reach for more. Human greed I guess. Strip away the labels and perceived ideologies, and there seems to be very little differentiating one from another. All the leaders play chess, and their subjects merely pawns in the game.
Errrr pardon me, I believe you've misunderstood.
I certainly wasn't inferring in the least that YOU were anti-Christian. I was offering my opinion that in no way would Putin give two shits about any anti-Christ agenda, since he's anti-Christian to begin with. The Anti-Christ is about deceiving believers that he is in fact the 2nd coming of Christ, so hard to deceive somebody who isn't a believer in the 1st one --- like the Rothchild's as one example and Putin being yet another.
So if Putin's stifling any outside banking interests it's about maintaining control and power, not a religious concern.

My inclusion of you in my comment was simply stating I liked the nickname. 😁


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Errrr pardon me, I believe you've misunderstood.
I certainly wasn't inferring in the least that YOU were anti-Christian. I was offering my opinion that in no way would Putin give two shits about any anti-Christ agenda, since he's anti-Christian to begin with. The Anti-Christ is about deceiving believers that he is in fact the 2nd coming of Christ, so hard to deceive somebody who isn't a believer in the 1st one --- like the Rothchild's as one example and Putin being yet another.
So if Putin's stifling any outside banking interests it's about maintaining control and power, not a religious concern.

My inclusion of you in my comment was simply stating I liked the nickname. 😁
Nope, I got that part...and in that we are somewhat in agreement. Leaders, be they bankers, presidents or "rulers", all have a few things in common: They crave more power, fear losing power and could care less of the outcome to their people. They are all deceivers.

The past several years I, as well as others I think, have really began to question our leadership at home. I really used to think they wanted what was best for the country. Now, it has seemingly become more about their personal gains and holdings. I find it increasingly difficult to rank leaders, as all of them, here and abroad, seem to only differ in their languages, not actions.

With you and I there is also an obvious age differential. Where as soldiers of your generation fought communists, backed by Russia and the Chinese, my generation has not (yet, remains to be seen). Those of my generation are more inclined to harbor hatred for terrorists and others in the middle east. The push was not about the backers, it was about those fighting. Put simply, I've never been to a funeral because of a Russian, but I've been to several because of an Afghan or an Iraqi.

I also look at things in a very "peacenick" way these days. I have a limited amount of energy. I don't want to waste it hating people I have not met. I am still capable of rage and hate, and if need be, I'm sure it can come to the surface once more. For the time being though, those feelings are best left alone and locked away.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Nope, I got that part...and in that we are somewhat in agreement. Leaders, be they bankers, presidents or "rulers", all have a few things in common: They crave more power, fear losing power and could care less of the outcome to their people. They are all deceivers.

The past several years I, as well as others I think, have really began to question our leadership at home. I really used to think they wanted what was best for the country. Now, it has seemingly become more about their personal gains and holdings. I find it increasingly difficult to rank leaders, as all of them, here and abroad, seem to only differ in their languages, not actions.

With you and I there is also an obvious age differential. Where as soldiers of your generation fought communists, backed by Russia and the Chinese, my generation has not (yet, remains to be seen). Those of my generation are more inclined to harbor hatred for terrorists and others in the middle east. The push was not about the backers, it was about those fighting. Put simply, I've never been to a funeral because of a Russian, but I've been to several because of an Afghan or an Iraqi.

I also look at things in a very "peacenick" way these days. I have a limited amount of energy. I don't want to waste it hating people I have not met. I am still capable of rage and hate, and if need be, I'm sure it can come to the surface once more. For the time being though, those feelings are best left alone and locked away.
I completely understand the frustration and reasons to question and the skepticism over decisions of state.
In that respect there's no difference between today confusion and those of 1964 through '74, in as much as the same questions were raised, WHY, WTF is the rational for our involvement there anyway ?
This is particular relevant when you're staring at documents directing you to report to some address in Los Angeles for your induction physical --- Say F*ckin What Boss ????

I will readily curse those in power for being morons, but that's just venting emotions of frustration. Unlike all the RDP "Experts" on world affairs, I humbly admit to being completely ignorant of having even a sliver of first hand information of what's really going on in the world behind the black curtain.

I don't hate Russians, I've had then work for me and worked with them. I do not however believe as a country they should be let off leash under any pretense because I simply do not trust them, not even a little.
I would very much enjoy watching their war machine get their asses handed to them and their leaders humbled, although I wish no harm on the poor young men who only hope to survive and hug their loved ones again.

It's irrelevant how I personally feel about our dim-wit President or his policy in regards to support of my nation. If it's America vs anybody, no matter whom for what, I will root for America without falter 100% of the time and show no sympathy to the enemy if asked to participate.
I swore that in 1971, and that allegiance has not been swayed one bit since.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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@Taboma , you and quite literally millions of others have taken an oath, and that is to be respected. All I have done is vowed to do my best to help and protect my family. Currently, there are powers at work to undermine the security of this nation. Some who have sworn to do their best for our citizens have not upheld their oath. If they don't believe in the Bible, that is fine with me, don't swear upon one. It isn't a matter of faith, it is more a matter of honor.

I guess what I mean, when broken down, I really want the American government to focus on the problems at home. Backing known Nazis because they are fighting someone we want to wound, does not work out well. Just the same as backing the Afghans in the 80s. The orphans there grew up, just like the ones in Ukraine will. The cycle will be perpetuated. Instead of turbans, we will be set to fight the swastika once more. Right about the 100 year mark from the last time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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@Taboma , you and quite literally millions of others have taken an oath, and that is to be respected. All I have done is vowed to do my best to help and protect my family. Currently, there are powers at work to undermine the security of this nation. Some who have sworn to do their best for our citizens have not upheld their oath. If they don't believe in the Bible, that is fine with me, don't swear upon one. It isn't a matter of faith, it is more a matter of honor.

I guess what I mean, when broken down, I really want the American government to focus on the problems at home. Backing known Nazis because they are fighting someone we want to wound, does not work out well. Just the same as backing the Afghans in the 80s. The orphans there grew up, just like the ones in Ukraine will. The cycle will be perpetuated. Instead of turbans, we will be set to fight the swastika once more. Right about the 100 year mark from the last time.

" I really want the American government to focus on the problems at home " Amen sir, Amen 👍 🤝✌️

Unfortunately to many people depend on wars and will create wars if necessary, because like firemen need fires and cops need bad buys, if there's no wars then there's no need for the vast war machine and all those who depend on it's existence.

So yes, the cycle will perpetuate until ???????????


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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So yes, the cycle will perpetuate until ???????????
I have both fear, and hope.

Either the cycle will continue until sand becomes glass. Essentially, shake the Etch-A-Sketch and the planet starts over. Books by theorists and some researchers agree with the native tribes world wide, this is not "mankind's" first rodeo...we've screwed up before. I don't know if it's true or not, but I can see it. To quote George Carlin, "We aren't even a pimple on the earth's ass" Billions of years, to our paltry 300,000 or so.

There is hope though. There are people doing amazing things for the good of humanity. Though the war machine funds those "building better mouse traps", people are also working on new sciences that we had no concept of 50 years ago. Like that cold fusion project you worked on construction of, or people figuring out how to help kids with disease or disabilities. Maybe we can reach a turning point for a prosperous future.

The question is, which way will humanity turn, and when? The leadership of this country, or any other, is not it's true wealth. The individuals make up the balance. When the masses believe death and destruction is the answer, nothing good can come of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I have both fear, and hope.

Either the cycle will continue until sand becomes glass. Essentially, shake the Etch-A-Sketch and the planet starts over. Books by theorists and some researchers agree with the native tribes world wide, this is not "mankind's" first rodeo...we've screwed up before. I don't know if it's true or not, but I can see it. To quote George Carlin, "We aren't even a pimple on the earth's ass" Billions of years, to our paltry 300,000 or so.

There is hope though. There are people doing amazing things for the good of humanity. Though the war machine funds those "building better mouse traps", people are also working on new sciences that we had no concept of 50 years ago. Like that cold fusion project you worked on construction of, or people figuring out how to help kids with disease or disabilities. Maybe we can reach a turning point for a prosperous future.

The question is, which way will humanity turn, and when? The leadership of this country, or any other, is not it's true wealth. The individuals make up the balance. When the masses believe death and destruction is the answer, nothing good can come of it.

I certainly hope there comes a time when humankind is willing to embrace your noble ideals.
Unfortunately, it may required a truly horrifying worldwide devastating event to create the necessity that unites us. The movie Independence Day comes to mind or perhaps a large meteor hitting in, well China or Russia. 🥴 ;)

I would like to offer one minor correction if I may --- The TAE Fusion project I worked on was NOT Cold Fusion, it was for sure Hotter Than All F*ck Fusion. In fact their greatest concern was keeping the reaction centered within the quartz containment vessel, else the plasma reaction melt through the vessel and escape confinement.
On the contrary, Cold Fusion is a reaction that occurs at or near room temperature. Only theoretical, with the exception of some guy working in his garage that I'm confident that our fellow member @rmarion can tell you all about. 🤷‍♂️ 😁 ;)
All the current Fusion Energy research I'm aware of, involves some form of exciting an extremely hot Plasma Fusion Reaction to the extent it will become self-perpetuating and create energy, vs requiring huge amounts of it. A mini-Sun if you will.
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
I certainly hope there comes a time when humankind is willing to embrace your noble ideals.
Unfortunately, it may required a truly horrifying worldwide devastating event to create the necessity that unites us. The movie Independence Day comes to mind or perhaps a large meteor hitting in, well China or Russia. 🥴 ;)

I would like to offer one minor correction if I may --- The TAE Fusion project I worked on was NOT Cold Fusion, it was for sure Hotter Than All F*ck Fusion. In fact their greatest concern was keeping the reaction centered within the quartz containment vessel, else the plasma reaction melt through the vessel and escape confinement.
On the contrary, Cold Fusion is a reaction that occurs at or near room temperature. Only theoretical, with the exception of some guy working in his garage that I'm confident that our fellow member @rmarion can tell you all about. 🤷‍♂️ 😁 ;)
All the current Fusion Energy research I'm aware of, involves some form of exciting an extremely hot Plasma Fusion Reaction to the extent it will become self-perpetuating and create energy, vs requiring huge amounts of it. A mini-Sun if you will.
Honestly, the two biggest things that stood out in my pea brain were the kinetic generator assembly next door, and the massive electromagnets needed. Oh, and all the shiny stainless steel 🤣


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Honestly, the two biggest things that stood out in my pea brain were the kinetic generator assembly next door, and the massive electromagnets needed. Oh, and all the shiny stainless steel 🤣
Since we were never allowed to be present during fusion firing, my moment of the projects greatest excitement was the initial spin-up tests on the Kinetic Flywheels.
Spin-up being misleading as it was a far more slow and gradual acceleration requiring close to an hour. It wasn't nearly as thrilling as was the rapid and extremely dramatic deceleration. That was friggin scary to be honest. Also consider, we were doing these one at a time, I can't imagine all four of them simultaneously, of course nobody is inside the sound dampened containment structure when that occurs.

I found copies of some digital scans I'd done of the drawings recently. I think I've posted this picture in the past, the one that shows a part of one of the two steel containment buildings, but the wall with all the conduits and junction boxes with the required electrical cabling. From those boxes the cables travel in a multiple level series of cable trays to the interior associated switch gear.
FWMG --- stands for Fly wheel Motor Generator.

The section of the electrical drawing shows the conceptual routing of the underground conduits through the 5' thick concrete seismic isolation pads (Blocks) that serve as the floor of the buildings and support the generators. The mass of the pads is such as to absorb and isolate any normal vibration, else it simulate an area wide earthquake.

Alrighty ladies and gentlemen, let's get back to match, Russia Vs the Ukraine 🤞☠️

Tri-Alpha Energy Kinetic Energy Flywheel Bldg. conduits.jpg
TA UG Sections.JPG


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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What's sad isn't so much this here, because I don't know how much is true or propaganda. What is sad, there are many with psychological and physical issues that have not been able to get their meds in over a year. Both sides, Russian and Ukrainian alike, have documented this. My point of view as a parent...I can't imaging how that would effect me :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Might as well do a little population control while they’re at it. Get rid of the week ones and clean up the gene pool. They don’t give a fuck about there own people.
After what I have seen in this country, I think we should do the same thing. Stupid people need to quit breeding with stupid people.