Impeachment is Here!!!!!!


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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The CURRENT impeachment "INQUIRY " rests on the authority of one person, and that is PELOSI.Until the entire body VOTES it remains the Pelosi impeachment effort rather than a House impeachment process.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Without investigations, there can be no guilt. Without pause, the democrats are endlessly investigating looking for crime.American justice can't survive this. You cheer because your side is the one not being investigated. Trump will be investigated until they find something.

The government is broken. My question is why isn't the Republican Senate investigating any of the investigators?

You're obviously a smart guy. It must be obvious. Nearly three years of investigations, lead to nothing as yet, but they continue on. No investigations on the corruption investigating...no intellectual curiosity from you? None?

He's the difference between you and I .You want your side, to prevail, regardless the path. If President Trump broke laws, I want him to face those consequences. But what laws has he broken? what are the investigations looking for?
Ganga, "your side" can't accept facts and revert to screaming "Fake" or "Conspiracy" to actions you don't like. That's not the way it works in the world. Just because you have a loud mouth screaming bullshit doesn't make it true. Fox News was the first to imply these tactics and its worked on the low IQ Gomers for the past 10-15 years. Beck, O'Riles , Hanjob, Levy, Likus, Rush...... That's your M.O and it works on the irrational lemmings. But I hate to break it too you, that's not the true world. There's a basic system...Make a claim, investigate the claim, act on the claim! Be accused of a crime, have your claim/Trial heard, and render a decision. These days your side wields all the power to do your investigations and trials to all these claims of wrongdoings but they never happen? Why? Why isn't anybody "Locked up"? Why isn't the "Swamp Cleaned"? Why wasn't HillHill guilty of Benghazi after 36 hearings? Why, did "Flynn, Manafort, PapaD, Maria, & Cohen" either plead guilty or were found guilty by a court? You will scream it's all a conspiracys, when the real world will say...... Fucken A they were found guilty as shit and even confessed to the crimes? Hence the reason a Game/Reality Show Host got elected. A large amount of fools think they're TV Reality world is actually world reality.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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There is a slight difference granny, Money is interested in the welfare of the Country, whereas YOU , You fucking mental midget, are only interested in seeing the DON. fail.. FUCK YOU, YOUR ANCESTORS AND THE CAMELS THEY RODE IN ON...In the words of Wile E Coyote, patience my ass, I want to kill something...
That’s because getting rid of Trump is critical to the welfare of the country, even if it means replacing him with Pence. And BTW my people started showing up in this country in 1638 up in Massachusetts. They probably should have shut the door before your people started coming. You got real anger management issues, son.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Ganga, "your side" can't accept facts and revert to screaming "Fake" or "Conspiracy" to actions you don't like. That's not the way it works in the world. Just because you have a loud mouth screaming bullshit doesn't make it true. Fox News was the first to imply these tactics and its worked on the low IQ Gomers for the past 10-15 years. Beck, O'Riles , Hanjob, Levy, Likus, Rush...... That's your M.O and it works on the irrational lemmings. But I hate to break it too you, that's not the true world. There's a basic system...Make a claim, investigate the claim, act on the claim! Be accused of a crime, have your claim/Trial heard, and render a decision. These days your side wields all the power to do your investigations and trials to all these claims of wrongdoings but they never happen? Why? Why isn't anybody "Locked up"? Why isn't the "Swamp Cleaned"? Why wasn't HillHill guilty of Benghazi after 36 hearings? Why, did "Flynn, Manafort, PapaD, Maria, & Cohen" either plead guilty or were found guilty by a court? You will scream it's all a conspiracys, when the real world will say...... Fucken A they were found guilty as shit and even confessed to the crimes? Hence the reason a Game/Reality Show Host got elected. A large amount of fools think they're TV Reality world is actually world reality.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Ganga, "your side" can't accept facts and revert to screaming "Fake" or "Conspiracy" to actions you don't like. That's not the way it works in the world. Just because you have a loud mouth screaming bullshit doesn't make it true. Fox News was the first to imply these tactics and its worked on the low IQ Gomers for the past 10-15 years. Beck, O'Riles , Hanjob, Levy, Likus, Rush...... That's your M.O and it works on the irrational lemmings. But I hate to break it too you, that's not the true world. There's a basic system...Make a claim, investigate the claim, act on the claim! Be accused of a crime, have your claim/Trial heard, and render a decision. These days your side wields all the power to do your investigations and trials to all these claims of wrongdoings but they never happen? Why? Why isn't anybody "Locked up"? Why isn't the "Swamp Cleaned"? Why wasn't HillHill guilty of Benghazi after 36 hearings? Why, did "Flynn, Manafort, PapaD, Maria, & Cohen" either plead guilty or were found guilty by a court? You will scream it's all a conspiracys, when the real world will say...... Fucken A they were found guilty as shit and even confessed to the crimes? Hence the reason a Game/Reality Show Host got elected. A large amount of fools think they're TV Reality world is actually world reality.



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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The exposing of your lying media handlers, the exposing of the corruption in DC, removing the Bath House Hustler’s Legacy from any existence and the building of the wall has made his Presidency successful and we still have 5 years to go!!!

I won’t be apologizing for a damn thing monkey. :)
Here you go Ganga, here is one of your lemmings only priorities. "Removing the Bath House hustlers Legacy" is all that matters and at any cost. Here's your bi-partisan shit. And there's 30-40 of this shit a day in the P&G alone.;)


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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It seems it would be perfectly acceptable for the Senate to convey an impeachment trial Monday morning... Call a couple of witnesses, and have a vote, innocent or guilty... It would need 67 votes to convict, so this vote would end the impeachment crap...If paloser can call an impeachment inquiry, Mc Connel can call for an impeachment trial... Just throw the rules out the window...

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Ganga, "your side" can't accept facts and revert to screaming "Fake" or "Conspiracy" to actions you don't like. That's not the way it works in the world. Just because you have a loud mouth screaming bullshit doesn't make it true. Fox News was the first to imply these tactics and its worked on the low IQ Gomers for the past 10-15 years. Beck, O'Riles , Hanjob, Levy, Likus, Rush...... That's your M.O and it works on the irrational lemmings. But I hate to break it too you, that's not the true world. There's a basic system...Make a claim, investigate the claim, act on the claim! Be accused of a crime, have your claim/Trial heard, and render a decision. These days your side wields all the power to do your investigations and trials to all these claims of wrongdoings but they never happen? Why? Why isn't anybody "Locked up"? Why isn't the "Swamp Cleaned"? Why wasn't HillHill guilty of Benghazi after 36 hearings? Why, did "Flynn, Manafort, PapaD, Maria, & Cohen" either plead guilty or were found guilty by a court? You will scream it's all a conspiracys, when the real world will say...... Fucken A they were found guilty as shit and even confessed to the crimes? Hence the reason a Game/Reality Show Host got elected. A large amount of fools think they're TV Reality world is actually world reality.

You still don't understand my point. The Democrats just never get investigated, for anything. Lets take Hunter Biden. Can you honestly state that if it was Don Jr. that there wouldn't be a firestorm of biblical proportions? Be honest here Sauce. The Media has no appetite to do any investigative journalism on the people who have similar ideology as they do. If the media isn't interested, the Democrats won't investigate it. They are driven by public opinion and are driving those opinions into a desired direction.

Sure, Fox news is biased. BUT, not anywhere as right biased as CNN, MSNBC, you name it are left based.

The things Flynn was found guilty of were complete BS as stated by people whom were in the interview. Lying to the FBI. Papadapoulus was found guilty of lying about a date he got wrong. They were railroaded to hopefully turn on Trump.

The top of the FBI, all fired. For what? McCabe can't seem to get his shit straight, etc, etc. For you to insist that the rules/laws are enforced or investigated the same, regardless of your party, is pure nonsense.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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View attachment 804306
Here you go Ganga, here is one of your lemmings only priorities. "Removing the Bath House hustlers Legacy" is all that matters and at any cost. Here's your bi-partisan shit. And there's 30-40 of this shit a day in the P&G alone.;)

Hmmmm, McConnell is quoting the "Biden Rule"

I try to be consistent. Obama made a couple SCOTUC appointments that I didn't care for. Elections have consequences, he won, they were his appointments.

The current state of affairs, trying to erase an election result that they didn't like. That holds true for many Republicans who would be just as happy to see Trump gone as any Democrats.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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It seems it would be perfectly acceptable for the Senate to convey an impeachment trial Monday morning... Call a couple of witnesses, and have a vote, innocent or guilty... It would need 67 votes to convict, so this vote would end the impeachment crap...If paloser can call an impeachment inquiry, Mc Connel can call for an impeachment trial... Just throw the rules out the window...
The “rules” are in the Constitution, Ray, and the House has the sole authority to impeach.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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You still don't understand my point. The Democrats just never get investigated, for anything. Lets take Hunter Biden. Can you honestly state that if it was Don Jr. that there wouldn't be a firestorm of biblical proportions? Be honest here Sauce. The Media has no appetite to do any investigative journalism on the people who have similar ideology as they do. If the media isn't interested, the Democrats won't investigate it. They are driven by public opinion and are driving those opinions into a desired direction.

Sure, Fox news is biased. BUT, not anywhere as right biased as CNN, MSNBC, you name it are left based.

The things Flynn was found guilty of were complete BS as stated by people whom were in the interview. Lying to the FBI. Papadapoulus was found guilty of lying about a date he got wrong. They were railroaded to hopefully turn on Trump.

The top of the FBI, all fired. For what? McCabe can't seem to get his shit straight, etc, etc. For you to insist that the rules/laws are enforced or investigated the same, regardless of your party, is pure nonsense.
What exactly did Hunter Biden do? Take advantage of daddy’s coattails to get a job? Kinda sounds like all of those Trump kids.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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Let me add, the first witness in the Senate impeachment trial would be SCHIFT under OATH.. Now that would be funny watching him throw everyone in sight under the bus, OR, lie under oath!!!! Next would be Mad Maxine....She would stupidly walk on her tits all the way into a purgery charge.... Again, funny, it it weren't so sad....
C'mon Mitch, grow a pair, maybe even call Cummings to testify... Then Nancy herself, YOU HAVE THE POWER, rules and protocol be damned... President Trump, OUR President, would likely fall out of the BIG Chair laughing so hard...
Mr President, do it now or lose in 2020...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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You still don't understand my point. The Democrats just never get investigated, for anything. Lets take Hunter Biden. Can you honestly state that if it was Don Jr. that there wouldn't be a firestorm of biblical proportions? Be honest here Sauce. The Media has no appetite to do any investigative journalism on the people who have similar ideology as they do. If the media isn't interested, the Democrats won't investigate it. They are driven by public opinion and are driving those opinions into a desired direction.

Sure, Fox news is biased. BUT, not anywhere as right biased as CNN, MSNBC, you name it are left based.

The things Flynn was found guilty of were complete BS as stated by people whom were in the interview. Lying to the FBI. Papadapoulus was found guilty of lying about a date he got wrong. They were railroaded to hopefully turn on Trump.

The top of the FBI, all fired. For what? McCabe can't seem to get his shit straight, etc, etc. For you to insist that the rules/laws are enforced or investigated the same, regardless of your party, is pure nonsense.
I just disagree Ganga, Fox News has been far more biased then ANY media outlet anywhere for the past 10-15 years including Al-Jezzera. Ganga, Billy C was investigated his whole 8 years, Hill was investigated longer then any person in the history of this Country, B.O was cleaner but instead your boy Mitch road blocked any and all legislation to fuck him. DT had all 3 branches and didn't investigate shit BECAUSE he had nothing to investigate it was all made up election bullshit. There can be no real investigations all your conman walk into the hearings and lie & take the 5th? And now what, his impeachment goes to the Senate and you know damn well the Senate will not look at one ounce of it! So let's stop with the woe is me crap and look at reality. This really is a discussion you should be having with MoPit?;)

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
I just disagree Ganga, Fox News has been far more biased then ANY media outlet anywhere for the past 10-15 years including Al-Jezzera. Ganga, Billy C was investigated his whole 8 years, Hill was investigated longer then any person in the history of this Country, B.O was cleaner but instead your boy Mitch road blocked any and all legislation to fuck him. DT had all 3 branches and didn't investigate shit BECAUSE he had nothing to investigate it was all made up election bullshit. There can be no real investigations all your conman walk into the hearings and lie & take the 5th? And now what, his impeachment goes to the Senate and you know damn well the Senate will not look at one ounce of it! So let's stop with the woe is me crap and luck at reality. This really is a discussion you should be having with MoPit?;)

Sauce, it's not woe is me. You and I genuinely see things differently. Not saying your wrong and I'm right, we just see the political landscape through different prism's. That's why political forums get so heated. I don't get pissed or nasty, I just like to debate these things with folks whom have a different view.

Chest bumping with a bunch of guys I agree with doesn't do a thing for me. That is why I like to debate these things with Squeezer and R&J. They can debate without getting personal. (usually)

Can't believe you think O was cleaner. He was just smarter at keeping clean.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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What exactly did Hunter Biden do? Take advantage of daddy’s coattails to get a job? Kinda sounds like all of those Trump kids.

There is no way possible in your Fucked Up existance you could understand Trump.
The Trump Organization is a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump is the sole or principal owner.[4] Approximately 250 entities use the Trump name.[5][6] Donald Trump's grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump, and father, Fred Trump, founded the organization in 1923 as E. Trump & Son, and it was led from 1971 to 2017 by Donald Trump, who renamed the company around 1973.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Sauce, it's not woe is me. You and I genuinely see things differently. Not saying your wrong and I'm right, we just see the political landscape through different prism's. That's why political forums get so heated. I don't get pissed or nasty, I just like to debate these things with folks whom have a different view.

Chest bumping with a bunch of guys I agree with doesn't do a thing for me. That is why I like to debate these things with Squeezer and R&J. They can debate without getting personal. (usually)

Can't believe you think O was cleaner. He was just smarter at keeping clean.
Agreed 100%! But here's the deal down in the P&G. There is not much "Debate", you got fools down here screaming pedo this, Big Mikes cock that. Ban this guy, wait till this guys boss find outs crying little bitches. Then you have guys with civil war this, fuck your dead mother that. Cmon Ganga the rationality shit is out the door. Look at Leader Raji he only wants to blow the whole place up whether it be lagacies, stock market, world wars, anything just blow shit up? Your "debates" are good , 87% of the time your in a controlled manner and your very smart and have lived a worldly life. We agree on a lot and disagree some. Our "debates" would be better served on a visit to your compound, under the twinkling stars of your foyer while sipping some 1811 Chateau DYquem, and watching your concertinist play Mozart.:)


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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What exactly did Hunter Biden do? Take advantage of daddy’s coattails to get a job? Kinda sounds like all of those Trump kids.

Ahhhh Hunter didn’t get a job, he received a title.........used to funnel money back to his daddy.

The fact that you clowns can’t admit that is why you’re spineless or pure dip shits.

In your case, we all know you’re a Media Matters troll, no one can be as stupid as your posts represent.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Agreed 100%! But here's the deal down in the P&G. There is not much "Debate", you got fools down here screaming pedo this, Big Mikes cock that. Ban this guy, wait till this guys boss find outs crying little bitches. Then you have guys with civil war this, fuck your dead mother that. Cmon Ganga the rationality shit is out the door. Look at Leader Raji he only wants to blow the whole place up whether it be lagacies, stock market, world wars, anything just blow shit up? Your "debates" are good , 87% of the time your in a controlled manner and your very smart and have lived a worldly life. We agree on a lot and disagree some. Our "debates" would be better served on a visit to your compound, under the twinkling stars of your foyer while sipping some 1811 Chateau DYquem, and watching your concertinist play Mozart.:)


hahaha Saucy lecturing on civility and facts...........


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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I just disagree Ganga, Fox News has been far more biased then ANY media outlet anywhere for the past 10-15 years including Al-Jezzera. Ganga, Billy C was investigated his whole 8 years, Hill was investigated longer then any person in the history of this Country, B.O was cleaner but instead your boy Mitch road blocked any and all legislation to fuck him. DT had all 3 branches and didn't investigate shit BECAUSE he had nothing to investigate it was all made up election bullshit. There can be no real investigations all your conman walk into the hearings and lie & take the 5th? And now what, his impeachment goes to the Senate and you know damn well the Senate will not look at one ounce of it! So let's stop with the woe is me crap and look at reality. This really is a discussion you should be having with MoPit?;)

what crock of shit magic sauce.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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You really should educate yourself on the process.
Let me add, the first witness in the Senate impeachment trial would be SCHIFT under OATH.. Now that would be funny watching him throw everyone in sight under the bus, OR, lie under oath!!!! Next would be Mad Maxine....She would stupidly walk on her tits all the way into a purgery charge.... Again, funny, it it weren't so sad....
C'mon Mitch, grow a pair, maybe even call Cummings to testify... Then Nancy herself, YOU HAVE THE POWER, rules and protocol be damned... President Trump, OUR President, would likely fall out of the BIG Chair laughing so hard...
Mr President, do it now or lose in 2020...

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
I just disagree Ganga, Fox News has been far more biased then ANY media outlet anywhere for the past 10-15 years including Al-Jezzera. Ganga, Billy C was investigated his whole 8 years, Hill was investigated longer then any person in the history of this Country, B.O was cleaner but instead your boy Mitch road blocked any and all legislation to fuck him. DT had all 3 branches and didn't investigate shit BECAUSE he had nothing to investigate it was all made up election bullshit. There can be no real investigations all your conman walk into the hearings and lie & take the 5th? And now what, his impeachment goes to the Senate and you know damn well the Senate will not look at one ounce of it! So let's stop with the woe is me crap and look at reality. This really is a discussion you should be having with MoPit?;)
Amen, Brother Saucer

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Ahhhh Hunter didn’t get a job, he received a title.........used to funnel money back to his daddy.

The fact that you clowns can’t admit that is why you’re spineless or pure dip shits.

In your case, we all know you’re a Media Matters troll, no one can be as stupid as your posts represent.
Tell me, what proof do you have that a single red cent was funneled to Joe Biden from the Ukrainians through Hunter Biden? I know you WANT to believe that, but wanting and reality are often quite different things.

On the other hand, Trump’s kids are undisputedly managing his empire right now and funneling money to Daddy Trump. And foreign leaders including the Ukrainian President are staying at his properties and telling Trump how much they enjoyed it (that is lining his pockets). The Constitution went so far as to specifically prohibit this sort of graft by presidents and Trump is currently fighting multiple lawsuits over this behavior. Not to mention whatever the man is hiding in those tax returns he’s fighting so hard to conceal.

And what proof do you have of your allegations against Biden?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Tell me, what proof do you have that a single red cent was funneled to Joe Biden from the Ukrainians through Hunter Biden? I know you WANT to believe that, but wanting and reality are often quite different things.

On the other hand, Trump’s kids are undisputedly managing his empire right now and funneling money to Daddy Trump. And foreign leaders including the Ukrainian President are staying at his properties and telling Trump how much they enjoyed it (that is lining his pockets). The Constitution went so far as to specifically prohibit this sort of graft by presidents and Trump is currently fighting multiple lawsuits over this behavior. Not to mention whatever the man is hiding in those tax returns he’s fighting so hard to conceal.

And what proof do you have of your allegations against Biden?

It’s called common sense chimp.

Again, you’re either spineless, dumb as shit or a Media Matters troll..........which is it?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Well looky here purveyors of facts.,.,...

The CIA employee whose second-hand whistleblower complaint sparked an impeachment inquiry in the Democratic-controlled House never told the Inspector General about his interactions with House Democrats as required by law, according to investigative reporter Catherine Herridge.

The revelation came from Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who testified in a closed-door session last week that the whistleblower - a registered Democrat - failed to mention his contacts with Democrats on Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-CA) House Intelligence Committee, who referred him to a Clinton-linked attorney to move forward with his complaint.

Sheep ass imbeciles.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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I just disagree Ganga, Fox News has been far more biased then ANY media outlet anywhere for the past 10-15 years including Al-Jezzera. Ganga, Billy C was investigated his whole 8 years, Hill was investigated longer then any person in the history of this Country, B.O was cleaner but instead your boy Mitch road blocked any and all legislation to fuck him. DT had all 3 branches and didn't investigate shit BECAUSE he had nothing to investigate it was all made up election bullshit. There can be no real investigations all your conman walk into the hearings and lie & take the 5th? And now what, his impeachment goes to the Senate and you know damn well the Senate will not look at one ounce of it! So let's stop with the woe is me crap and look at reality. This really is a discussion you should be having with MoPit?;)

This...is how we know you are a



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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It’s called common sense chimp.

Again, you’re either spineless, dumb as shit or a Media Matters troll..........which is it?
The trifecta for the win!

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Dude, simply wanting something to be true is not evidence that it is true. You’ll have to do better than that if you want to call me a mindless sheep.

Next question (but feel free to revisit the Biden question if you get any proof of your allegations), does it matter any more who the whistleblower is or what his motivations? The White House releases transcripts which 100% substantiate his allegations. At this point Trump is implicating himself and the whistleblower is largely irrelevant. Let’s assume the worst that the whistleblower did somehow behave criminally. If Trump also behaved criminally and there is independent proof of Trumps crime, how would the whistleblowers crime save Trump? This isn’t like beating a murder rap by showing police misconduct. If Trump is crooked, no matter who else goes to jail, Trump is also unfit for office.
It’s called common sense chimp.

Again, you’re either spineless, dumb as shit or a Media Matters troll..........which is it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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It’s called common sense chimp.

Again, you’re either spineless, dumb as shit or a Media Matters troll..........which is it?
Regie claiming “Common Sense”.
Dude who thinks Cruz Daddy killed JFK, Newtown was fake, 911 was done by Bush, OJ is never killed anybody. On and on and on!


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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View attachment 804361
Regie claiming “Common Sense”.
Dude who thinks Cruz Daddy killed JFK, Newtown was fake, 911 was done by Bush, OJ is never killed anybody. On and on and on!

My brother you are wrong again. :(

You keep supporting corruption, the crooks and racist party you vote for love mindless sheep.

Last edited:


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, simply wanting something to be true is not evidence that it is true. You’ll have to do better than that if you want to call me a mindless sheep.

Next question (but feel free to revisit the Biden question if you get any proof of your allegations), does it matter any more who the whistleblower is or what his motivations? The White House releases transcripts which 100% substantiate his allegations. At this point Trump is implicating himself and the whistleblower is largely irrelevant. Let’s assume the worst that the whistleblower did somehow behave criminally. If Trump also behaved criminally and there is independent proof of Trumps crime, how would the whistleblowers crime save Trump? This isn’t like beating a murder rap by showing police misconduct. If Trump is crooked, no matter who else goes to jail, Trump is also unfit for office.


Why are you calling yourself out with your “simply wanting something to be true” statement?


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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View attachment 804107
Not really sure if I’m in for much longer? Your game & your squad is far below standard these days. I think when you & BBC got castrated it took away your creativity & gusto. Then you got CTG who just shuffles around like a battered seal. Ganga can’t seem to get his cialis dosage correct, he comes in hard for a minute then goes limp for a week? GC got swiftly Daisy chained by BV and now he’s all balled up. And Raji I gave you a year to Re-Tool your bench and all you did was produce a couple used up ball lickers and a couple uncoordinated squirrels that think they can out blast the Master Blaster? Man Reeegie this is a sad ass state you’ve put yourself in, your diaper is full and ain’t no one around to change you?:(


You really need to up your game you cock smoking little bitch.....

That ball hit the guy in the leg and he faked it....just like you and your leg humping, deep throating traitors that think it's so funny that our entire system is corrupt, and not just corrupted, but so badly it makes Columbia and Bolivia look like kindergarden.

You are weak bro, you even lift?

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score

You really need to up your game you cock smoking little bitch.....

That ball hit the guy in the leg and he faked it....just like you and your leg humping, deep throating traitors that think it's so funny that our entire system is corrupt, and not just corrupted, but so badly it makes Columbia and Bolivia look like kindergarden.

You are weak bro, you even lift?

Oh my...

SB throws one high and inside. Will Saucer charge the mound?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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You really need to up your game you cock smoking little bitch.....

That ball hit the guy in the leg and he faked it....just like you and your leg humping, deep throating traitors that think it's so funny that our entire system is corrupt, and not just corrupted, but so badly it makes Columbia and Bolivia look like kindergarden.

You are weak bro, you even lift?
Yup, I lift Two 10lbs balls up every morning when I’m taking a fresh SB, otherwise they would be soaked in toilet water.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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View attachment 804386
Yup, I lift Two 10lbs balls up every morning when I’m taking a fresh SB, otherwise they would be soaked in toilet water.

That actually is one of my favorite south park episodes....fucker! :D

I gotta be curious however, is that supposed to represent me, as one of the mid 40's white male deplorables? Cuz he ain't no homey....

Marsh is a pussy though, he def does not lift....;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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At least you respect my authoritah! :p
Btw... Where did your new “Boner” go? We were just getting started? Also sorry to see you didn’t make the Fab 5 squad, you had my vote but Leader Reeegie said you weren’t committed enough?:)


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Btw... Where did your new “Boner” go? We were just getting started? Also sorry to see you didn’t make the Fab 5 squad, you had my vote but Leader Reeegie said you weren’t committed enough?:)

Yea business picked up when President Trump won, been having a huge surge of business expansion, just can't commit to the hours...:(

I still try to pick up slack when I can help out though....:D

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Btw... Where did your new “Boner” go? We were just getting started? Also sorry to see you didn’t make the Fab 5 squad, you had my vote but Leader Reeegie said you weren’t committed enough?:)

Please list the current Fab 5 line-up. I've been around long while and I'm not sure.

I think it's;

Old Texan


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Please list the current Fab 5 line-up. I've been around long while and I'm not sure.

I think it's;

Old Texan
Hasn’t been a full squad in 1.5 years. Very sad:(

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Hasn’t been a full squad in 1.5 years. Very sad:(

Why not give Boner "pledge" status? He seems to have game. I think the kid has some potential. He don't back down, he throws hard and seems relatively intelligent.