Impeachment is Here!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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And you dumb fucks support all these corrupt libturds throwing a fit about digging into Ukraine?

You truly are idiots!

And last but not least................................

Good job monkeys.....................boomerang time again!!!!!!!!

ape ponder .gif


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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The dims as usual are refusing to play this impeachment game by the rules...Nancy is refusing to have a vote in the House authorizing the "impeachment inquiry". She doesn't want to nail her cockass to their votes, especially in regions where Trump won in 2016...
Easy solution: The Repub lead Senate should bring the impeachment trial to a head. Make it happen today, Trump would be found innocent, and we're done with this crap... If Paloser wants to play hard ball, so can the Senate. She says there are no rules stating she must have a full House vote, so McConnel should just say their are no rules stating he must wait for the House to play their games... Game on, listen to two or three GOP witnesses, and find Trump not guilty...."Oh, did you guys want to get involved"? "Maybe you should have had a vote"
OK Mr President, I have solved another one of your screw ups, now get your ass busy with this "rule of law" stuff or you will lose in 2020...


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
The dims as usual are refusing to play this impeachment game by the rules...Nancy is refusing to have a vote in the House authorizing the "impeachment inquiry". She doesn't want to nail her cockass to their votes, especially in regions where Trump won in 2016...
Easy solution: The Repub lead Senate should bring the impeachment trial to a head. Make it happen today, Trump would be found innocent, and we're done with this crap... If Paloser wants to play hard ball, so can the Senate. She says there are no rules stating she must have a full House vote, so McConnel should just say their are no rules stating he must wait for the House to play their games... Game on, listen to two or three GOP witnesses, and find Trump not guilty...."Oh, did you guys want to get involved"? "Maybe you should have had a vote"
OK Mr President, I have solved another one of your screw ups, now get your ass busy with this "rule of law" stuff or you will lose in 2020...

That scenario would look political as all hell and give the left and their sheep ammo.

Have you ever heard the term "give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves?"

Ray, I'm on your side and have no problem with you calling out the inaction of our DOJ, but contrary to what you think, the President can't do a lot of what you're suggesting. The DOJ has to bring these actions and they have to keep it from looking like it's coming from Trump.

The guy has been busting his balls for our side, relax.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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That scenario would look political as all hell and give the left and their sheep ammo.

Have you ever heard the term "give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves?"

Ray, I'm on your side and have no problem with you calling out the inaction of our DOJ, but contrary to what you think, the President can't do a lot of what you're suggesting. The DOJ has to bring these actions and they have to keep it from looking like it's coming from Trump.

The guy has been busting his balls for our side, relax.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
That scenario would look political as all hell and give the left and their sheep ammo.
Have you ever heard the term "give em enough rope and they'll hang themselves?"
Ray, I'm on your side and have no problem with you calling out the inaction of our DOJ, but contrary to what you think, the President can't do a lot of what you're suggesting. The DOJ has to bring these actions and they have to keep it from looking like it's coming from Trump.
The guy has been busting his balls for our side, relax.

OK first, regardless of when any of what I want happens it will look political. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, next month isn't going to change that.
He IS NOT BUSTING HIS BALLS to insist that the rule of law be carried out, forthwith.. A simple phone call to AG Barr to shit or get off the pot would go a long way.. It seems everyone is waiting for these IG Ti UG, what ever the fuck they are to "finish THEIR investigation"..We waited almost 3 years for Mueller, (the worthless piece of senile shit) to have his hired hit men compose the infamous report. Trump did nothing because it would have "looked political"... He should have fired Mueller at 6 months in and started over... Don't forget who hired Mueller, the same MFers from the DOJ and FBI/CIA that are still trying to oust our duly elected President... Did that look political?? 20+ heavy Hilary donators looking under every rock and into every frog's ass for ANYTHING, and they found NOTHING, but the assholes won't accept that anymore.. Nadler changes the Judiciary committee rules in the middle of a witness's testimony because the witness wasn't saying what he wanted to hear, and NOTHING was done. Did that "look political?" Lying Schift writes his own version of the infamous "phone call transcript", and reads it to the committee, into the congressional record, to the American people, and to the fucking WORLD... 100% lies, borderline TREASON, and nothing happens. Did that "look political"??
I respect your opinion about this, but respectively disagree that anything can be done without looking political...I am dead serious about Trump losing in 2020 if he doesn't fulfill his campaign talking points about the "Rule Of Law". His possible loss scares the hell out of me, and I don't feel he knows how bad it is looking for him with his inaction against those that "Are above the law"... AND, if he would insist his appointees get busy his whole life would get easier without all these pencilnecks finding new headaches for him DAILY... If AG Barr would at least use the dimturds methods and leak lies to the press, lies about convened Grand Juries, lies about forthcoming arrest warrants, search warrants, jail House informants, asking WH Council about the Constitutional definitions of TREASON, Traitors, etc etc... :mad:
Am I still a Trump supporter, yes, but not a blind supporter, not blind to the idea he WILL lose if he doesn't start to fucking listen to me....:eek::D
Glad to hear you're on my side, but you need to get more aggressive...


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Is anyone actually doing any government work?
You know, like fixing things or representing their constituents?

There are currently over 500 House passed bills sitting in the Republican led Senate that have not yet been taken up by committee let alone the full Senate.

Given the backlog, the House has plenty of spare time until the Senate gets its work done.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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The dims as usual are refusing to play this impeachment game by the rules...Nancy is refusing to have a vote in the House authorizing the "impeachment inquiry". She doesn't want to nail her cockass to their votes, especially in regions where Trump won in 2016...
Easy solution: The Repub lead Senate should bring the impeachment trial to a head. Make it happen today, Trump would be found innocent, and we're done with this crap... If Paloser wants to play hard ball, so can the Senate. She says there are no rules stating she must have a full House vote, so McConnel should just say their are no rules stating he must wait for the House to play their games... Game on, listen to two or three GOP witnesses, and find Trump not guilty...."Oh, did you guys want to get involved"? "Maybe you should have had a vote"
OK Mr President, I have solved another one of your screw ups, now get your ass busy with this "rule of law" stuff or you will lose in 2020...
Agreed as Regor says, “Just Relax Ray Ray”! Gotta Twitter, gotta golf, gotta Rally! What happened to “Lock her up”?:)


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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OK first, regardless of when any of what I want happens it will look political. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, next month isn't going to change that.
He IS NOT BUSTING HIS BALLS to insist that the rule of law be carried out, forthwith.. A simple phone call to AG Barr to shit or get off the pot would go a long way.. It seems everyone is waiting for these IG Ti UG, what ever the fuck they are to "finish THEIR investigation"..We waited almost 3 years for Mueller, (the worthless piece of senile shit) to have his hired hit men compose the infamous report. Trump did nothing because it would have "looked political"... He should have fired Mueller at 6 months in and started over... Don't forget who hired Mueller, the same MFers from the DOJ and FBI/CIA that are still trying to oust our duly elected President... Did that look political?? 20+ heavy Hilary donators looking under every rock and into every frog's ass for ANYTHING, and they found NOTHING, but the assholes won't accept that anymore.. Nadler changes the Judiciary committee rules in the middle of a witness's testimony because the witness wasn't saying what he wanted to hear, and NOTHING was done. Did that "look political?" Lying Schift writes his own version of the infamous "phone call transcript", and reads it to the committee, into the congressional record, to the American people, and to the fucking WORLD... 100% lies, borderline TREASON, and nothing happens. Did that "look political"??
I respect your opinion about this, but respectively disagree that anything can be done without looking political...I am dead serious about Trump losing in 2020 if he doesn't fulfill his campaign talking points about the "Rule Of Law". His possible loss scares the hell out of me, and I don't feel he knows how bad it is looking for him with his inaction against those that "Are above the law"... AND, if he would insist his appointees get busy his whole life would get easier without all these pencilnecks finding new headaches for him DAILY... If AG Barr would at least use the dimturds methods and leak lies to the press, lies about convened Grand Juries, lies about forthcoming arrest warrants, search warrants, jail House informants, asking WH Council about the Constitutional definitions of TREASON, Traitors, etc etc... :mad:
Am I still a Trump supporter, yes, but not a blind supporter, not blind to the idea he WILL lose if he doesn't start to fucking listen to me....:eek::D
Glad to hear you're on my side, but you need to get more aggressive...

I hear you and want the bastards hung also, but as much as I want that, Trump isn't a king and doesn't wield that power.

There is MASSIVE corruption within our government from both sides and unraveling it AND waking up the uninformed to it, will continue to take time. They have done a good job up to this point exposing a number of them, all the while fighting internal rats and back stabbing members of the R party. Also, don't forget about the lying media, it took time, but their integrity has been rightfully destroyed.

We are getting closer and more and more people I deal with who had no clue are becoming informed. He needs the support of the country to do this with lasting consequences, hang in there brother.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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I hear you and want the bastards hung also, but as much as I want that, Trump isn't a king and doesn't wield that power.

There is MASSIVE corruption within our government from both sides and unraveling it AND waking up the uninformed to it, will continue to take time. They have done a good job up to this point exposing a number of them, all the while fighting internal rats and back stabbing members of the R party. Also, don't forget about the lying media, it took time, but their integrity has been rightfully destroyed.

We are getting closer and more and more people I deal with who had no clue are becoming informed. He needs the support of the country to do this with lasting consequences, hang in there brother.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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There are currently over 500 House passed bills sitting in the Republican led Senate that have not yet been taken up by committee let alone the full Senate.

Given the backlog, the House has plenty of spare time until the Senate gets its work done.
when shit shows up, you crap it out and flush it down. now, in California's situation, when shit shows up all the democrat run groups chow down on that shit.

pretzel it up, Mustard Man!!!


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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Who have they exposed? What lock up are they in?? Awaiting trial??? Mad Maxine exposes herself while openly threatening the Presidents LIFE. Nothing happens. If Idid that to Obama the Secret Service would have raided my house in the middle of the night with automatic weapons drawn...Then she went on threaten the VP, "After we take Trump out"... Is Omar one they exposed?? Why is she still here?? Like Maxine, she exposed herself and they fucking ignore it...


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Who have they exposed? What lock up are they in?? Awaiting trial??? Mad Maxine exposes herself while openly threatening the Presidents LIFE. Nothing happens. If Idid that to Obama the Secret Service would have raided my house in the middle of the night with automatic weapons drawn...Then she went on threaten the VP, "After we take Trump out"... Is Omar one they exposed?? Why is she still here?? Like Maxine, she exposed herself and they fucking ignore it...

They’re being exposed daily. Look at Pelosi today, although we know she’s corrupt as hell, comes out her kid is on a Ukraine gas company board also. They’re using their kids to extort cash from these countries. It’s been going on for decades, there’s no way he could have walked in and started dropping the hammer. These cases take time to secure a conviction.

I think Omar should have been moved on already, but the rest are being lined up and again, if nothing is accomplished, I’ll be severely disappointed in our boy.

There are things happening in the city that we have no insight to, remember that and remember JFK, I applaud Donnie for even having the balls to go there.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, so, who has paid any price for being exposed?? Just more smoke and mirrors that I, for one, will no longer accept as progress.... I just heard that someone in Schift's immediate family is married into the SOROS family!!!!!! These fucking people act like roaches, multiply like crazy and hide when the lights come on...There is ZERO time to waste, strict enforcement needs to start YESTERDAY!!!!! Hell, line them up, lock them up, and let the few that are innocent go next year... How can you, or any person capable of intelligent thought, quietly agree to wait another minute??? All this impeachment DEFENSE is costing valuable OFFENSE. Eliminate those causing the impeachment headaches NOW or it will be too late..
Act NOW Mr President, or you will lose in 2020 and it will be TOTALLY YOUR FAULT...



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ok, so, who has paid any price for being exposed?? Just more smoke and mirrors that I, for one, will no longer accept as progress.... I just heard that someone in Schift's immediate family is married into the SOROS family!!!!!! These fucking people act like roaches, multiply like crazy and hide when the lights come on...There is ZERO time to waste, strict enforcement needs to start YESTERDAY!!!!! Hell, line them up, lock them up, and let the few that are innocent go next year... How can you, or any person capable of intelligent thought, quietly agree to wait another minute??? All this impeachment DEFENSE is costing valuable OFFENSE. Eliminate those causing the impeachment headaches NOW or it will be too late..
Act NOW Mr President, or you will lose in 2020 and it will be TOTALLY YOUR FAULT...


Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Page, Stzrok, Pelosi, Flake, Romney, McCain, Schiff, CNN, MSNBC and the entire political establishment have paid a price, just not the one we are hoping to achieve yet.

I think there is enough to act now, but I trust Trump.......................he obviously knows more than you or me. Regardless, we have NEVER had a man fight back like he does and I'm not about to start doubting him at this point.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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I'd be willing to bet they all still have a security clearance.. Merely "discrediting them" means absolutely nothing.. The dim base will still vote the same as always... If, on the other hand, the headlines were repeatably about these crooks coming up for sentencing, that is considerably more likely to alter the voting habits of anyone teetering on the fence... To sit back and allow the likes of Omar, Booker, Harris, Schift, Nadler to pollute the waters of the political rivers and lakes is just plain political suicide... Can you imagine Booker as POTUS??? Or Harris?? Bernie, Biden, and the wannabe Indian lady are small potatoes compared to Booker/Harris... Booker and Harris are just one brunch meeting away from being part of the scum of 4...Does any of this alarm you in any way?? The next 13 months are going to pass really quickly. The next 13 weeks are just about all the time Trump has to eliminate those that choose to leak lies about him.. Trump can ill-afford to continue on 24/7 DEFENSE, he must change over to 24/7 OFFENSE..He must eliminate the need for full time defense by using the legal system to silence those that chose to break the rules and laws, knowing they will never be held accountable... And sadly, they won't unless the DC Do Nothing one term Windbag gets his "crew" off their asses and applies the laws at their disposal... Waiting any longer is no longer an option if Trump truly wants another term... "Blind Faith" was a great band, but it has no room in politics..


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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They’re being exposed daily. Look at Pelosi today, although we know she’s corrupt as hell, comes out her kid is on a Ukraine gas company board also. They’re using their kids to extort cash from these countries. It’s been going on for decades, there’s no way he could have walked in and started dropping the hammer. These cases take time to secure a conviction.

I think Omar should have been moved on already, but the rest are being lined up and again, if nothing is accomplished, I’ll be severely disappointed in our boy.

There are things happening in the city that we have no insight to, remember that and remember JFK, I applaud Donnie for even having the balls to go there.
Raji=Fairy Tale


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I'd be willing to bet they all still have a security clearance.. Merely "discrediting them" means absolutely nothing.. The dim base will still vote the same as always... If, on the other hand, the headlines were repeatably about these crooks coming up for sentencing, that is considerably more likely to alter the voting habits of anyone teetering on the fence... To sit back and allow the likes of Omar, Booker, Harris, Schift, Nadler to pollute the waters of the political rivers and lakes is just plain political suicide... Can you imagine Booker as POTUS??? Or Harris?? Bernie, Biden, and the wannabe Indian lady are small potatoes compared to Booker/Harris... Booker and Harris are just one brunch meeting away from being part of the scum of 4...Does any of this alarm you in any way?? The next 13 months are going to pass really quickly. The next 13 weeks are just about all the time Trump has to eliminate those that choose to leak lies about him.. Trump can ill-afford to continue on 24/7 DEFENSE, he must change over to 24/7 OFFENSE..He must eliminate the need for full time defense by using the legal system to silence those that chose to break the rules and laws, knowing they will never be held accountable... And sadly, they won't unless the DC Do Nothing one term Windbag gets his "crew" off their asses and applies the laws at their disposal... Waiting any longer is no longer an option if Trump truly wants another term... "Blind Faith" was a great band, but it has no room in politics..

My "blind faith" made me a richer man last election....................when not many were able to fathom it. I said he was the only electable R in 2016 and said he would deal with the scum in that city. Would I like the whores locked up now, hell yes, but if I know him like I think, he won't let them get away with their shit.

I'm on board with you about him having to hold these scumbags accountable and locked up or hung, but you giving him political advice is a bit much. The man shocked the political world and will do it again Ray.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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I'd be willing to bet they all still have a security clearance.. Merely "discrediting them" means absolutely nothing.. The dim base will still vote the same as always... If, on the other hand, the headlines were repeatably about these crooks coming up for sentencing, that is considerably more likely to alter the voting habits of anyone teetering on the fence... To sit back and allow the likes of Omar, Booker, Harris, Schift, Nadler to pollute the waters of the political rivers and lakes is just plain political suicide... Can you imagine Booker as POTUS??? Or Harris?? Bernie, Biden, and the wannabe Indian lady are small potatoes compared to Booker/Harris... Booker and Harris are just one brunch meeting away from being part of the scum of 4...Does any of this alarm you in any way?? The next 13 months are going to pass really quickly. The next 13 weeks are just about all the time Trump has to eliminate those that choose to leak lies about him.. Trump can ill-afford to continue on 24/7 DEFENSE, he must change over to 24/7 OFFENSE..He must eliminate the need for full time defense by using the legal system to silence those that chose to break the rules and laws, knowing they will never be held accountable... And sadly, they won't unless the DC Do Nothing one term Windbag gets his "crew" off their asses and applies the laws at their disposal... Waiting any longer is no longer an option if Trump truly wants another term... "Blind Faith" was a great band, but it has no room in politics..


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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You make sure you stick around this time to endure the ass whooping when I'm correct.........................AGAIN. :)
Not really sure if I’m in for much longer? Your game & your squad is far below standard these days. I think when you & BBC got castrated it took away your creativity & gusto. Then you got CTG who just shuffles around like a battered seal. Ganga can’t seem to get his cialis dosage correct, he comes in hard for a minute then goes limp for a week? GC got swiftly Daisy chained by BV and now he’s all balled up. And Raji I gave you a year to Re-Tool your bench and all you did was produce a couple used up ball lickers and a couple uncoordinated squirrels that think they can out blast the Master Blaster? Man Reeegie this is a sad ass state you’ve put yourself in, your diaper is full and ain’t no one around to change you?:(


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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View attachment 804107
Not really sure if I’m in for much longer? Your game & your squad is far below standard these days. I think when you & BBC got castrated it took away your creativity & gusto. Then you got CTG who just shuffles around like a battered seal. Ganga can’t seem to get his cialis dosage correct, he comes in hard for a minute then goes limp for a week? GC got swiftly Daisy chained by BV and now he’s all balled up. And Raji I gave you a year to Re-Tool your bench and all you did was produce a couple used up ball lickers and a couple uncoordinated squirrels that think they can out blast the Master Blaster? Man Reeegie this is a sad ass state you’ve put yourself in, your diaper is full and ain’t no one around to change you?:(

You and all your bitches leaving because you couldn't handle the daily ass whoopin's after Donnie bent you homo's over definitely changed the place.

Once your Granpappy hit the scene, it's been nothing but chimp sounds out of the libturd keyboard. I understand it's rough getting called out daily for the moronic voters you are, but look at the bright side..........................only 5 years left.

Like I said, you make sure you stick around and don't be making up any bullshit stories this time when you leave, I don't need Dave dropping by to straighten out your libturd lies.


was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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View attachment 804107
Not really sure if I’m in for much longer? Your game & your squad is far below standard these days. I think when you & BBC got castrated it took away your creativity & gusto. Then you got CTG who just shuffles around like a battered seal. Ganga can’t seem to get his cialis dosage correct, he comes in hard for a minute then goes limp for a week? GC got swiftly Daisy chained by BV and now he’s all balled up. And Raji I gave you a year to Re-Tool your bench and all you did was produce a couple used up ball lickers and a couple uncoordinated squirrels that think they can out blast the Master Blaster? Man Reeegie this is a sad ass state you’ve put yourself in, your diaper is full and ain’t no one around to change you?:(

Damn, they pulling your outpatient pass again??

I for one applaud your attempt to renter society and your network after your year of treatment.
And I applaud your acknowledgment that maybe a little more time in the puzzle factory would have been best?

Good luck sprayer!
See you next time around!

Chin up! Big pharma has a lot of new, exciting possibilities on the horizon!

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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View attachment 804107
Not really sure if I’m in for much longer? Your game & your squad is far below standard these days. I think when you & BBC got castrated it took away your creativity & gusto. Then you got CTG who just shuffles around like a battered seal. Ganga can’t seem to get his cialis dosage correct, he comes in hard for a minute then goes limp for a week? GC got swiftly Daisy chained by BV and now he’s all balled up. And Raji I gave you a year to Re-Tool your bench and all you did was produce a couple used up ball lickers and a couple uncoordinated squirrels that think they can out blast the Master Blaster? Man Reeegie this is a sad ass state you’ve put yourself in, your diaper is full and ain’t no one around to change you?:(

Ganga has a job to tend to occasionally. Your ass is still chapped over the smack down I issued you, several days ago. :D:p


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'm on board with you about him having to hold these scumbags accountable and locked up or hung, but you giving him political advice is a bit much. The man shocked the political world and will do it again Ray.
Yes, he shocked the political world and stole an election. Stole the "flyover" states electoral votes out from under Hildabeast.. It is pretty much guaranteed he won't be able to do that again.. "Fool me once, bla bla bla... " So many Trump supporters don't see it, but he is far from a "sure thing" in 2020... I say again, he must ACT now....As far as me giving him political advise, maybe it's more "wishful thinking" than anything else, but damn I hope I'm wrong. If I'm right, and he doesn't heed the writing on the wall we will likely be a Socialist nation by 2021... There is no doubt the best defense is a strong Offense... As long as he allows the constant attacks he will remain on defense, and lose...

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Sauce, for you to believe Conry broke no laws, is an insult to YOUR intelligence.

It’s intuitively obvious, to the most casual observer that leaking government documents to a reporter, to trigger a special council is illegal. But if it’s never investigated????


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Sauce, for you to believe Conry broke no laws, is an insult to YOUR intelligence.

It’s intuitively obvious, to the most casual observer that leaking government documents to a reporter, to trigger a special council is illegal. But if it’s never investigated????
Ganga,I go by the Screaming Tourette’s infested cockgobblers
philosophy.... Accusations don’t equal guilt? What philosophy do you subscribe to on Fridays?:rolleyes:

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
Ganga,I go by the Screaming Tourette’s infested cockgobblers
philosophy.... Accusations don’t equal guilt? What philosophy do you subscribe to on Fridays?:rolleyes:

Without investigations, there can be no guilt. Without pause, the democrats are endlessly investigating looking for crime.American justice can't survive this. You cheer because your side is the one not being investigated. Trump will be investigated until they find something.

The government is broken. My question is why isn't the Republican Senate investigating any of the investigators?

You're obviously a smart guy. It must be obvious. Nearly three years of investigations, lead to nothing as yet, but they continue on. No investigations on the corruption investigating...no intellectual curiosity from you? None?

He's the difference between you and I .You want your side, to prevail, regardless the path. If President Trump broke laws, I want him to face those consequences. But what laws has he broken? what are the investigations looking for?

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
The dims as usual are refusing to play this impeachment game by the rules...Nancy is refusing to have a vote in the House authorizing the "impeachment inquiry". She doesn't want to nail her cockass to their votes, especially in regions where Trump won in 2016...
Easy solution: The Repub lead Senate should bring the impeachment trial to a head. Make it happen today, Trump would be found innocent, and we're done with this crap... If Paloser wants to play hard ball, so can the Senate. She says there are no rules stating she must have a full House vote, so McConnel should just say their are no rules stating he must wait for the House to play their games... Game on, listen to two or three GOP witnesses, and find Trump not guilty...."Oh, did you guys want to get involved"? "Maybe you should have had a vote"
OK Mr President, I have solved another one of your screw ups, now get your ass busy with this "rule of law" stuff or you will lose in 2020...
Oh, that’s a rule? Where exactly? The Constitution merely says the House has sole authority to Impeach. Trumpkins have invented this “rule” to stall on complying with subpoenas. If you’re stalling,
You’re Losing and Pelosi is in the driver’s seat now, bitches!
Last edited:

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
OK first, regardless of when any of what I want happens it will look political. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, next month isn't going to change that.
He IS NOT BUSTING HIS BALLS to insist that the rule of law be carried out, forthwith.. A simple phone call to AG Barr to shit or get off the pot would go a long way.. It seems everyone is waiting for these IG Ti UG, what ever the fuck they are to "finish THEIR investigation"..We waited almost 3 years for Mueller, (the worthless piece of senile shit) to have his hired hit men compose the infamous report. Trump did nothing because it would have "looked political"... He should have fired Mueller at 6 months in and started over... Don't forget who hired Mueller, the same MFers from the DOJ and FBI/CIA that are still trying to oust our duly elected President... Did that look political?? 20+ heavy Hilary donators looking under every rock and into every frog's ass for ANYTHING, and they found NOTHING, but the assholes won't accept that anymore.. Nadler changes the Judiciary committee rules in the middle of a witness's testimony because the witness wasn't saying what he wanted to hear, and NOTHING was done. Did that "look political?" Lying Schift writes his own version of the infamous "phone call transcript", and reads it to the committee, into the congressional record, to the American people, and to the fucking WORLD... 100% lies, borderline TREASON, and nothing happens. Did that "look political"??
I respect your opinion about this, but respectively disagree that anything can be done without looking political...I am dead serious about Trump losing in 2020 if he doesn't fulfill his campaign talking points about the "Rule Of Law". His possible loss scares the hell out of me, and I don't feel he knows how bad it is looking for him with his inaction against those that "Are above the law"... AND, if he would insist his appointees get busy his whole life would get easier without all these pencilnecks finding new headaches for him DAILY... If AG Barr would at least use the dimturds methods and leak lies to the press, lies about convened Grand Juries, lies about forthcoming arrest warrants, search warrants, jail House informants, asking WH Council about the Constitutional definitions of TREASON, Traitors, etc etc... :mad:
Am I still a Trump supporter, yes, but not a blind supporter, not blind to the idea he WILL lose if he doesn't start to fucking listen to me....:eek::D
Glad to hear you're on my side, but you need to get more aggressive...
Destined to be disappointed.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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They’re being exposed daily. Look at Pelosi today, although we know she’s corrupt as hell, comes out her kid is on a Ukraine gas company board also. They’re using their kids to extort cash from these countries. It’s been going on for decades, there’s no way he could have walked in and started dropping the hammer. These cases take time to secure a conviction.

I think Omar should have been moved on already, but the rest are being lined up and again, if nothing is accomplished, I’ll be severely disappointed in our boy.

There are things happening in the city that we have no insight to, remember that and remember JFK, I applaud Donnie for even having the balls to go there.
You sound like an apologist for a cult. Moneypit is realizing what we’ve been saying for three years. Trump got a big tax cut for 1%ers and a couple SCOTUS judges for the antiabortion folks. You’ll have to be satisfied with that because that’s all your getting from him. Not one of the bullshit allegations he’s leveled against his political rivals will result in anybody going to jail. He’s just trying to Distract you by tossing chunks of bloody red meat, but when the smoke clears you’ll be just as disappointed as Moneypit.
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Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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You sound like an apologist for a cult. Moneypit is realizing what we’ve been saying for three years. Trump got a big tax cut for 1%ers and a couple SCOTUS judges for the antiabortion folks. You’ll have to be satisfied with that because that’s all your getting from him. Not one of the bullshit allegations he’s leveled against his political rivals will result in anybody going to jail. He’s just trying to Distract you by tossing chunks of bloody red meat, but when the smoke clears you’ll be just as disappointed as Moneypit.

There is a slight difference granny, Money is interested in the welfare of the Country, whereas YOU , You fucking mental midget, are only interested in seeing the DON. fail.. FUCK YOU, YOUR ANCESTORS AND THE CAMELS THEY RODE IN ON...In the words of Wile E Coyote, patience my ass, I want to kill something...

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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There is a slight difference granny, Money is interested in the welfare of the Country, whereas YOU , You fucking mental midget, are only interested in seeing the DON. fail.. FUCK YOU, YOUR ANCESTORS AND THE CAMELS THEY RODE IN ON...In the words of Wile E Coyote, patience my ass, I want to kill something...
Ha Ha just a few years ago you and your buddies in the P & G were "Only interested in seeing Obama fail". Go back in your hole hypocrite. Lol :)


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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You sound like an apologist for a cult. Moneypit is realizing what we’ve been saying for three years. Trump got a big tax cut for 1%ers and a couple SCOTUS judges for the antiabortion folks. You’ll have to be satisfied with that because that’s all your getting from him. Not one of the bullshit allegations he’s leveled against his political rivals will result in anybody going to jail. He’s just trying to Distract you by tossing chunks of bloody red meat, but when the smoke clears you’ll be just as disappointed as Moneypit.

The exposing of your lying media handlers, the exposing of the corruption in DC, removing the Bath House Hustler’s Legacy from any existence and the building of the wall has made his Presidency successful and we still have 5 years to go!!!

I won’t be apologizing for a damn thing monkey. :)

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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Ha Ha just a few years ago you and your buddies in the P & G were "Only interested in seeing Obama fail". Go back in your hole hypocrite. Lol :)

Even if that were the case, where were the endless yet meaningless investigations? There were none. Every thing that was questioned about Obama was looked into and ended. But the things that weren't looked into.....?

Even the Fast and Furious scandal, the IRS scandal, the Benghazi disaster, there was literally zero intellectual curiosity from you. You want a win on the Trump matter, how to get that win means nothing to you.

I didn't like Obama because his path to change America was the wrong one in my opinion. The lefts hate for Trump is simple vitriol that will never end, no matter the economy, no matter his foreign policy, no matter anything he does, good or bad for America.