Honest opinion w/o the bullshit.......

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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The problems with statistics is they take some analysis to see what they are really saying. Gun deaths include suicide. About 60% of gun deaths are suicides. Then factor in gang bangers killing each other, self defense etc. and you will see your chance of being killed by gun violence is much lower than you think.

The discussion should be how to get the guns out of the hands of people that may commit suicide, gang bangers and other criminals.

Gun suicide accounts for 25,000 deaths. Total overdoses in 2017 was 70,000 deaths many of those are suicide.

We need to look at ways to address all of the issues.
Still about 10k a year gun homicides too many, but the 20k gun suicides are definitely a mental health crisis.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Still about 10k a year gun homicides too many, but the 20k gun suicides are definitely a mental health crisis.

You do have to wonder how many of the drug overdoses are suicides as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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that would seem a reasonable step.

The feds cannot be left unchecked and without a recourse process.

Perhaps a passport, or states drivers license - could be marked with FOID compliance with proper clearance so an additional form of ID isnt needed.


You would still have waiting periods and FFL's would probably still do background checks at the point of sale. But casual sales between private individuals would be easier with minimal invasion of privacy. The seller would simply check the FOID number against the database via a web portal, if it comes back clean you can complete the transaction. All the gov't database would show is that someone checked the number, not why, no recording of gun s/n or model or tracking transactions.

It isn't perfect and still give me the heebee geebies of a database of people that could possible own a firearm, but it seems workable.

Pron, Racey what do you guys think?

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Puts some sanity into the private sale process vs. the way it works today.

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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Guy posts he’s gonna kill his ex-wife...you think cops should be able to take his guns? I do.

There are multitudes of laws already addressing threats, verbal or otherwise.
But for arguments sake, they’d better take all his knives, baseball bats, autos ...hell, just lock him up for life as a preventative measure.

On a side note, anyone who posts such a thing (and I know that they do, although it’s hard to fathom the level of stupidity required to do that) is a great 5150 candidate imo.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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There are multitudes of laws already addressing threats, verbal or otherwise.
But for arguments sake, they’d better take all his knives, baseball bats, autos ...hell, just lock him up for life as a preventative measure.

On a side note, anyone who posts such a thing (and I know that they do, although it’s hard to fathom the level of stupidity required to do that) is a great 5150 candidate imo.
And as a 5150 they would be adjudicated mentally ill and lose their gun rights forever, so sounds like maybe we agree that if we can identify individuals who intend to harm others they should lose their gun rights. How about these clowns brandishing firearms over parking spaces and snow in their driveways? How about Reg and BoatDoc who are practically drooling at the thought of shooting hypothetical police who might come to take their guns and routinely announce they want to lynch liberals? Also good candidates for 5150 and loss of gun rights?

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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And as a 5150 they would be adjudicated mentally ill and lose their gun rights forever, so sounds like maybe we agree that if we can identify individuals who intend to harm others they should lose their gun rights. How about these clowns brandishing firearms over parking spaces and snow in their driveways? How about Reg and BoatDoc who are practically drooling at the thought of shooting hypothetical police who might come to take their guns and routinely announce they want to lynch liberals? Also good candidates for 5150 and loss of gun rights?
Quit acting the fool and shit stirring......The conversation doesn't need a troll moment

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Uncle Ted understands gun rights and politicians.....And how to cut a swath with his "ax"
"evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least ... There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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And as a 5150 they would be adjudicated mentally ill and lose their gun rights forever, so sounds like maybe we agree that if we can identify individuals who intend to harm others they should lose their gun rights. How about these clowns brandishing firearms over parking spaces and snow in their driveways? How about Reg and BoatDoc who are practically drooling at the thought of shooting hypothetical police who might come to take their guns and routinely announce they want to lynch liberals? Also good candidates for 5150 and loss of gun rights?

Yes...and guess what...it’s already a law.

You are beginning to sound like a 5150 candidate yourself!

You know I luv ya Macdaddy, but I’m beginning to have concerns about you having guns in your house!

And it’s just that easy.


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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And as a 5150 they would be adjudicated mentally ill and lose their gun rights forever, so sounds like maybe we agree that if we can identify individuals who intend to harm others they should lose their gun rights. How about these clowns brandishing firearms over parking spaces and snow in their driveways? How about Reg and BoatDoc who are practically drooling at the thought of shooting hypothetical police who might come to take their guns and routinely announce they want to lynch liberals? Also good candidates for 5150 and loss of gun rights?
Quit acting like an idiot, you fool. My record states I'm alive and nothing else. I don't even have a parking or traffic ticket. You think a local leo or military is going to come to my door and take my supposed weapons away because of something I believe in. Yore fricking nuts!!! You believe in KILLING babies, so maybe they should go to yore door and carry you away. You need to STFU and quit rattling on about what yore handlers tell you to say and maybe, just maybe, use yore own brain for posting on a conservative website.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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And as a 5150 they would be adjudicated mentally ill and lose their gun rights forever, so sounds like maybe we agree that if we can identify individuals who intend to harm others they should lose their gun rights. How about these clowns brandishing firearms over parking spaces and snow in their driveways? How about Reg and BoatDoc who are practically drooling at the thought of shooting hypothetical police who might come to take their guns and routinely announce they want to lynch liberals? Also good candidates for 5150 and loss of gun rights?

hahahaha you've proven exactly why we will never give up our guns.

5150 because I said I'll cap anyone's ass that comes for them AND I'm willing to use them for what the true meaning of the 2nd is?


Your laws won't do shit to stop violence, it's byproduct of a Constitutional Republic moron.


Aurora police held a press conference Saturday morning to provide an update on the shooting at the Henry Pratt building that left five dead on six police officers wounded. The victims have been identified.

Police said Martin was previously sent a letter by state police stating he needed to voluntarily relinquish his fire arm and FOID card.

Martin applied for a Concealed Carry License in March of 2014. During the finger printing and background process, police were alerted of Martin’s previous felony conviction of aggravated assault in Mississippi from 1995. He also had 6 priors in Aurora buffoon.

Go ahead and come for them cocksucker!

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Sent a letter telling him to turn in his gun.....Great IL LE work:rolleyes:

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Sent a letter telling him to turn in his gun.....Great IL LE work:rolleyes:

Stand IL finger pointing.

"They sent a letter in 2014" LOL! - I wonder if they even sent it registered mail?

Whose job is it to retrieve the weapon - if anyones?

Its always interesting- the way wording works in police reporting-

THE STATE (POLICE) issued the letter - implying it was the STATES responsibility to retrieve any weapons vs the CITY of Aurora.



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Stand IL finger pointing.

"They sent a letter in 2014" LOL! - I wonder if they even sent it registered mail?

Whose job is it to retrieve the weapon - if anyones?

Its always interesting- the way wording works in police reporting-

THE STATE (POLICE) issued the letter - implying it was the STATES responsibility to retrieve any weapons vs the CITY of Aurora.

If only someone somehow could have known, confiscation is obviously the only solution.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Yes...and guess what...it’s already a law.

You are beginning to sound like a 5150 candidate yourself!

You know I luv ya Macdaddy, but I’m beginning to have concerns about you having guns in your house!

And it’s just that easy.
I think Washington does have a “red flag” law (every state needs one), so if I get too over the top let ‘em know!

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Too bad... beautiful state. Looks like CA has one too.

I’ve spent a lot of time in WA over the years. Scenery is incredible.
Border crossings at Sumas are brutal! Both in and out.
Got tore down big time coming in from Canada on one of my many trips. Dude even took the valves out of my trick anodized aluminum 80 scuba tanks. (Was driving to Cabo from Anchorage)

Wa is absolutely beautiful.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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I think Washington does have a “red flag” law (every state needs one), so if I get too over the top let ‘em know!

Lets discuss.

Illinois has one as well, likely just as meaningless as a FOID cancellation and request to turn in a weapon.

Clearly the state or local authorities failed to retrieve weapon when the "hard hitting" letter failed to work. What was supposed to happen hen the guy didn't turn in the weapon?

What crime will the department responsible for the failure face for failing to act? Any guesses as what's going to happen?


The victims of the shooting will not be able to sue (and if they are allowed to they will not be successful) for failure of the state to do its job in retrieving the weapon or protect them on the job from the felon they allowed to roam at large armed.

How can this be?

The cops knew he was in felony possession of a weapon since 2014 - from a felony conviction in 1995 - doesn't matter they are not bound or obligated to protect anyone anyway.
(also of note the system failed to pull his weapon after a felony conviction and didn't flag anything until he tried to acquire further privileges)

Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and they completely failed the victims in Aurora Illinois.

This is the same government you advocate having greater control over our ability to protect ourselves from guys like the Aurora shooter.

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President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Red Flag Law =
let’s take your 2A rights without due process because your ex-wife from 20 years ago still holds a grudge and fucks with you at every opportunity

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Lets discuss.

Illinois has one as well, likely just as meaningless as a FOID cancellation and request to turn in a weapon.

Clearly the state or local authorities failed to retrieve weapon when the "hard hitting" letter failed to work. What was supposed to happen hen the guy didn't turn in the weapon?

What crime will the department responsible for the failure face for failing to act? Any guesses as what's going to happen?


The victims of the shooting will not be able to sue (and if they are allowed to they will not be successful) for failure of the state to do its job in retrieving the weapon or protect them on the job from the felon they allowed to roam at large armed.

How can this be?

The cops knew he was in felony possession of a weapon since 2014 - from a felony conviction in 1995 - doesn't matter they are not bound or obligated to protect anyone anyway.
(also of note the system failed to pull his weapon after a felony conviction and didn't flag anything until he tried to acquire further privileges)

Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and they completely failed the victims in Aurora Illinois.

This is the same government you advocate having greater control over our ability to protect ourselves from guys like the Aurora shooter.


Kind of a point-of-order here...

Outside of Cook County, IL gun laws aren't all that restrictive. Heck, even my pre-ban AR-15 is legal out here in the collar counties (for now). Aurora is in the same county I am, so the FOID card is required but beyond that anything short of needing a Class III is kosher.

The FOID card is the biggest difference between here and back west for gun ownership. You need that for everything firearm related. In fact, neighboring states are supposed to check for it when you go to buy ammo or what not. Most don't unless you go to a big-box type store.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Lets discuss.

Illinois has one as well, likely just as meaningless as a FOID cancellation and request to turn in a weapon.

Clearly the state or local authorities failed to retrieve weapon when the "hard hitting" letter failed to work. What was supposed to happen hen the guy didn't turn in the weapon?

What crime will the department responsible for the failure face for failing to act? Any guesses as what's going to happen?


The victims of the shooting will not be able to sue (and if they are allowed to they will not be successful) for failure of the state to do its job in retrieving the weapon or protect them on the job from the felon they allowed to roam at large armed.

How can this be?

The cops knew he was in felony possession of a weapon since 2014 - from a felony conviction in 1995 - doesn't matter they are not bound or obligated to protect anyone anyway.
(also of note the system failed to pull his weapon after a felony conviction and didn't flag anything until he tried to acquire further privileges)

Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and they completely failed the victims in Aurora Illinois.

This is the same government you advocate having greater control over our ability to protect ourselves from guys like the Aurora shooter.

Yep, they fucked up the enforcement in Illinois. Having a law is just the first step, then you need to prioritize enforcement. Locally a law was just passed requiring people to secure firearms but the sheriff has announced that his deputies won’t be enforcing it at this time. That’s a big problem, but not with the law itself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Yep, they fucked up the enforcement in Illinois. Having a law is just the first step, then you need to prioritize enforcement. Locally a law was just passed requiring people to secure firearms but the sheriff has announced that his deputies won’t be enforcing it at this time. That’s a big problem, but not with the law itself.

How do you enforce such laws, short of door-to-door searches of homes?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2013
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Congress has decided who is prohibited from gun ownership. Here’s the list-

Copied directly from the link you posted.

“who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);”

As someone who is a member of this board and has met a lot of others, in person, on this board. Most of us can’t have a gun.

If I had to guess, 90% of us tried an illegal drug at one time or another. And since pot is still illegal at the federal level the vast majority of the under 50 crowd are breaking the law.

I know I’m splitting hairs but isn’t that where it all starts?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Copied directly from the link you posted.

“who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);”

As someone who is a member of this board and has met a lot of others, in person, on this board. Most of us can’t have a gun.

If I had to guess, 90% of us tried an illegal drug at one time or another. And since pot is still illegal at the federal level the vast majority of the under 50 crowd are breaking the law.

I know I’m splitting hairs but isn’t that where it all starts?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Richards fine with this.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Kind of a point-of-order here...

Outside of Cook County, IL gun laws aren't all that restrictive. Heck, even my pre-ban AR-15 is legal out here in the collar counties (for now). Aurora is in the same county I am, so the FOID card is required but beyond that anything short of needing a Class III is kosher.

The FOID card is the biggest difference between here and back west for gun ownership. You need that for everything firearm related. In fact, neighboring states are supposed to check for it when you go to buy ammo or what not. Most don't unless you go to a big-box type store.

C®ook country is ridiculous - that was my reference point.

Illinois is still much more strict than some places - like Indiana.


Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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Yep, they fucked up the enforcement in Illinois. Having a law is just the first step, then you need to prioritize enforcement. Locally a law was just passed requiring people to secure firearms but the sheriff has announced that his deputies won’t be enforcing it at this time. That’s a big problem, but not with the law itself.

They fucked up 3 times.

Curious - would you support a felony indictment for the department heads who failed to / or decided not to do their jobs ?

If you or I allowed some one access to a firearm they shouldn't have - and they gunned down 3 people with it a judge would lock you or I up for life.


Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Copied directly from the link you posted.

“who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);”

As someone who is a member of this board and has met a lot of others, in person, on this board. Most of us can’t have a gun.

If I had to guess, 90% of us tried an illegal drug at one time or another. And since pot is still illegal at the federal level the vast majority of the under 50 crowd are breaking the law.

I know I’m splitting hairs but isn’t that where it all starts?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
It doesn’t say that any past use is disqualifying, but rather that current use/addiction is disqualifying. Don’t store your pot with your gun.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
They fucked up 3 times.

Curious - would you support a felony indictment for the department heads who failed to / or decided not to do their jobs ?

If you or I allowed some one access to a firearm they shouldn't have - and they gunned down 3 people with it a judge would lock you or I up for life.

You have to have a crime to Indict- I see potential civil liabilty and a lawsuit but no crime by govt officials.
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
When prescreening season 4, every critic in attendance agreed it was “the best 13 hours EVER produced for television”.
This is why I like you, WTG. You crazy but you got good taste!

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Guess it’s been about 10 years since I bing watched the entire series in about a month. I’ve forgotten enough I think I could rewatch it all over again and enjoy it just as much. Omar was my favorite.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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You have to have a crime to Indict- I see potential civil liabilty and a lawsuit but no crime by govt officials.

So no?

Why is it If a civilian fails to secure a weapon that leads to a shooting it's a crime.

- but when the state fails to secure or deny per the law leading to the same results - somehow it isn't?

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