Honest opinion w/o the bullshit.......

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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The real problem here is, we have a culture war going on in America. There are polar ideas on everything and America is fairly evenly divided. You will never see things my way, I will never see things your way. But that doesn't mean we need to be nasty to each other.

Take your never-ending Trump hate threads, You want him gone and are willing to accept devious and illegal processes to see him gone. I disliked Obama, likely more than you dislike Trump, yet I sat on my hands and waited for the time he would be gone. We will never agree.

Reducing gun violence; its education, keeping fathers in the home, moms at home raising kids and not at work. morals, values, patriotism. My dad pounded gun safety into me. If I displayed un-safe gun handling, he would discipline me fast and harsh. I understood these things from an early age. We always had guns around the house, they were in a glass front display wall in my pop's trophy room. I had access, I also had respect and discipline.

Our political leaders don't offer much as far as role models go. Quality, caring parenting solves many of our societies ill's.
Well, that’s all part of it. But there seems to also be at least the POTENTIAL for evil in just about every person on this planet. How many times recently have there been headlines about respected members of the military or law enforcement who murdered a spouse or other. One moment of rage or a few years worth of building mental health problems and it becomes real damn hard to say with certainty that anybody is 100% trustworthy. Add to that weapons which were designed with the express intent of efficiently and easily killing humans and before long you’re at 10,000 human tragedies a year. Pandora’s box is open and there’s no putting 300 million guns back in it. Y’all have won- America will always be awash in guns and bad people will find ways to obtain them. But if you want to extend an olive branch and agree that our shared objective should be to do what we can to keep bad people from getting guns and take them away if they become a danger, then I gladly accept.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Well, that’s all part of it. But there seems to also be at least the POTENTIAL for evil in just about every person on this planet. How many times recently have there been headlines about respected members of the military or law enforcement who murdered a spouse or other. One moment of rage or a few years worth of building mental health problems and it becomes real damn hard to say with certainty that anybody is 100% trustworthy. Add to that weapons which were designed with the express intent of efficiently and easily killing humans and before long you’re at 10,000 human tragedies a year. Pandora’s box is open and there’s no putting 300 million guns back in it. Y’all have won- America will always be awash in guns and bad people will find ways to obtain them. But if you want to extend an olive branch and agree that our shared objective should be to do what we can to keep bad people from getting guns and take them away if they become a danger, then I gladly accept.

So total disarmament IS your solution?

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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There is all kinds of common ground... The problem is NRA fueled paranoia wont even let us have the conversation.

I am as far left as anybody on this board, also own my share of weapons (six pistols, three shot guns, five rifles). I am not by any measure anti gun. I also am convinced that weapons are getting into the hands of people who should not have them. How many times a year does a toddler grab a gun from under a mattress and shoot a family member...? Too many!!! Safe transport and storage laws would minimize this. Laws with TEETH... A gun you own falls in the wrong hands and you did not have it stored properly then YOU go to jail after forfeiting all weapons and future rights. "But I need access next to my bed..." OK fine, thats what a biometric safe is for. A HUGE percentage of domestic murders are committed by guys who have been charged with abuse beforehand. Anything like this forfeits your gun rights. There is a surprising link between animal cruelty and domestic violence... make this a dis-qualifier from ownership.

There is no doubt in my mind that you and I could easily come up with a list of people who should not touch a firearm. What we couldn't do is convince the unwashed masses what to do about it.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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So total disarmament IS your solution?
No, I don’t think it’s possible. My aim is to take every reasonable step to keep guns away from bad people. I don’t have a “solution” - we’re stuck with this problem. But I’d like to see us work on making it better. Universal background checks are a no brainer as a first step.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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No, I don’t think it’s possible. My aim is to take every reasonable step to keep guns away from bad people. I don’t have a “solution” - we’re stuck with this problem. But I’d like to see us work on making it better. Universal background checks are a no brainer as a first step.

Define bad

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
No, I don’t think it’s possible. My aim is to take every reasonable step to keep guns away from bad people. I don’t have a “solution” - we’re stuck with this problem. But I’d like to see us work on making it better. Universal background checks are a no brainer as a first step.
Define bad

Exactly, because his post said that ANYONE can flip out.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
I admire your optimism, OT.
Unfortunately, the gun grabbers seem not willing to take a logical look at the realities of the so called gun violence.
Their mantra is disarmament...whether they freely admit or not.
Somehow they feel that the ONLY answer is more and more restrictions on the populace in general, all leading to disarmament.
The sheer number of private weapons in this Country makes this folly, imo.

I agree with your direction and agree that a solution to “forecast” possible and probable mentally unstable owners who “light off” would be extremely beneficial in decreasing senseless acts.
However, the numbers this might produce are questionable at best when compared to the price we might pay as citizens with rights?
As I stated earlier, I would also be MUCH more inclined to enter into honest debate and paths towards some solutions or at least ideas with them if they were able to in ANY small way consider setting aside their Trump hate when it comes to, what I consider to be, a far more dangerous situation being open borders and unchecked illegal immigration.

In short, they want overreach to stop joe citizen on Prozac, yet have no problem letting literally millions of who knows who into the Country...unknowns who can acquire a weapon before going past Tucson, or as history proves a few airliners.

So, if we negotiate in good faith and say somehow an agreement (beyond what is already law, let’s not forget that that Florida shooter had been reported by family and was dismissed by the FBI as I recall) is reached.
Let’s say one of us experiences a loss or other matter that sees us seek temporary counseling or some sort of documented emotional support.
What do you think will happen next?

All you would see is a sad series of LE getting needlessly killed by borderline individuals, who are pushed into action by the arrival of LE to disarm them.

Or perfectly sane people, who just flat out refuse to comply with such a totalitarian law aimed at disarming the public.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
No, not total, he will remain armed, peasant.

He THINKS he will, but it will not be so.
To quote a part of Pink Floyd’s “sheep”...

“What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise
The look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream”


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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He THINKS he will, but it will not be so.
To quote a part of Pink Floyd’s “sheep”...

“What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise
The look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream”

I disagree, someone has to pull the trigger.
He seems to fit the profile of one who would relish the "honor".
Holocaust jewish victims.jpg


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Well, that’s all part of it. But there seems to also be at least the POTENTIAL for evil in just about every person on this planet. How many times recently have there been headlines about respected members of the military or law enforcement who murdered a spouse or other. One moment of rage or a few years worth of building mental health problems and it becomes real damn hard to say with certainty that anybody is 100% trustworthy. Add to that weapons which were designed with the express intent of efficiently and easily killing humans and before long you’re at 10,000 human tragedies a year. Pandora’s box is open and there’s no putting 300 million guns back in it. Y’all have won- America will always be awash in guns and bad people will find ways to obtain them. But if you want to extend an olive branch and agree that our shared objective should be to do what we can to keep bad people from getting guns and take them away if they become a danger, then I gladly accept.

Anti 2A forces have taken thousands of concessions, which have taken the rights from the law-abiding.

How many more olive branches do you suggest we give?

There are no more branches to give.
The olive tree is stripped bare.

Especially when anti 2A forces have already stated the UBC as a first step to a registry, and the ultimate goal is confiscation.

“Just try it as a test case” is utter bullshit.

Criminals don’t follow laws.
I’m not a criminal, don’t infringe on my rights.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Last edited:
Dec 20, 2007
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Interesting topic, hats off to OT.

My pop died in 1998. He had a gun safe full of super nice stuff, pre-64 model 70's, lots of Brownings, Smith hand guns. and his real passion, fine SxS shotguns. When he passed, mom eventually told me come get all this stuff. When I saw some of the absolute garbage he bought in his late years, I was surprised.

He had purchased a bunch of these Tokarev 9mm and 380 style, cheap auto's. You know, 119.00 packed in cosmoline. I decided to sell the junk.

I signed up and bought a table at "Crossroads of the West" gun show. It was at the country fairgrounds over off McDowell rd. Before the show, we were given an orientation by the promoter. He warned us not to participate in any straw purchases. Even if we simply suspect it. He went on to tell us the BATF undercover officers frequent these shows and do stings, trying to set-up un-educated sellers.

Once the show opened, I was shocked. Bangers, poor white trash, all manner of Nefarious Rapscallions. To make a long weekend story tolerable, I sold everything. The shocking part was, it hit me, as a responsible gun owner (very responsible) that I myself, handed over fully functioning firearms to people I would avoid...anywhere. But what choice were we given. They seemed to check all the boxes of a legit sale.

Now, if you go to say, Cabelas, you fill out the online 4473, walk around for a few minutes, Poooof!! the instant FBI background check is complete. I can then walk out with a .50BMG Bushmaster, get a Nightforce, 5.5-22x56 scope and a couple hundred rounds of ammo.

Point is, If I'm comfortable doing the Cabelas method, is there a way to streamline this same process at gun shows? I don't appreciate the predatory and confiscatory nature of where all this is going, but seeing first hand, the people whom frequent these shows, it's frightening.

It would be interesting to see where all these AR & AK style weapons are ending up, after the original sale was made. Having data is always a good start when trying to fix a problem.

I've only sold one gun in my life, and it was a Ruger Mini-14, that I purchased from the original owner, who wanted it back 15 years later. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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It would be interesting to see where all these AR & AK style weapons are ending up, after the original sale was made. Having data is always a good start when trying to fix a problem.

I've only sold one gun in my life, and it was a Ruger Mini-14, that I purchased from the original owner, who wanted it back 15 years later. :)

Where is your mini 14? As a super rad commando beret ranger ninja warrior a mini 14 is no different than a AR

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Very close to what I was going to respond with.

The left is laser focused on guns, yet on the same day will gladly let undocumented hordes of people from any Country, any society, right into the US.

They are all fired up and righteous in their concern over you and I having our rightfully owned guns, yet have nothing to say about Alah Akbar psychos randomly killing innocents.

Mac and Squeeze are all preachy here about “reducing gun violence”...yet in the same breath dismiss social entities that promote and carry out killings in this Country.
It’s hard to take anything they say serious when there is no recognition or attempt of reconciling this conflict in their reasoning.
Ok, you name a racial or ethnic group without a few murderers and I’ll take this argument seriously.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Ok, you name a racial or ethnic group without a few murderers and I’ll take this argument seriously.

As usual you orove yourself a complete moron everytime you type....never too late to abort

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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I am not sure I have a side on this... Pretty much play it strait down the middle.
Check what is being proposed. You own it, you're responsible for it no matter how secure it's kept. If they got top it, it wasn't secure enough...That's why I ask you to educate "your own"

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Ya know, she may be a dope, but I would KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUTTA DAT!!
You've spent far too much time in the wilderness my friend.....Having to listen to her alone makes it not worth messing with it. And from what I hear, she plays for the other team. She's more competition than prey:eek:

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I admire your optimism, OT.
Unfortunately, the gun grabbers seem not willing to take a logical look at the realities of the so called gun violence.
Their mantra is disarmament...whether they freely admit or not.
Somehow they feel that the ONLY answer is more and more restrictions on the populace in general, all leading to disarmament.
The sheer number of private weapons in this Country makes this folly, imo.

I agree with your direction and agree that a solution to “forecast” possible and probable mentally unstable owners who “light off” would be extremely beneficial in decreasing senseless acts.
However, the numbers this might produce are questionable at best when compared to the price we might pay as citizens with rights?
As I stated earlier, I would also be MUCH more inclined to enter into honest debate and paths towards some solutions or at least ideas with them if they were able to in ANY small way consider setting aside their Trump hate when it comes to, what I consider to be, a far more dangerous situation being open borders and unchecked illegal immigration.

In short, they want overreach to stop joe citizen on Prozac, yet have no problem letting literally millions of who knows who into the Country...unknowns who can acquire a weapon before going past Tucson, or as history proves a few airliners.

So, if we negotiate in good faith and say somehow an agreement (beyond what is already law, let’s not forget that that Florida shooter had been reported by family and was dismissed by the FBI as I recall) is reached.
Let’s say one of us experiences a loss or other matter that sees us seek temporary counseling or some sort of documented emotional support.
What do you think will happen next?
I came up with the topic while researching Mark Kelly. Hopefully a smart guy like him can realize the only way to make things right from each side is to open dialogue and tell the idiots and loons to stfu.....If Kelly can keep it straight and not allow politics to take over his mind, there is a chance.

Meanwhile we "sheepdogs" will just have to keep an eye open and back the plays of the pros forcing the fight to retain 2A.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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Hmmmmm strange....no turdpa definintion of bad. Shocker


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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How about a trade????? For every gun we turn in, you turn in a liberal. Fair enough, I think both sides get what they want!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Here we have the Scoutmaster actually posting the truth from his side.
The shooters (plural) that committed this horrendous crime had weapons that were all purchased legally, one of them we well know, had no record and every right to own them.

The Scoutmaster knows the only way to possibly, not probably, to have kept some of the weapons out his hands would have been confiscation.

The Scoutmaster is a sick fucking perverted IMBECILE

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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I have a problem denying law abiding citizens access to firearms as thats a constitutional right and necessary in a country that abdicates obligation to protect its citizens (more on that below)

I have no problem with a Federal background check- as long as it has a check and balance oversight for errors and its fee is manageable.
I have no problem imposing this on gun shows, or the used market.
I have no problem with a reasonable waiting period. I dont want convicted felons, or nuts getting weapons.

I have a problem with limiting transfers to and from family members - making it a felony for my aging mother to give me her handgun is a travesty.
Note: I do not support abdicating accountability in the family chain - mom gives nutso kid a weapon and he shoots up a school - she's accountable.

I have no problem limiting or even removing firearm access to those on prescription anti depressants - or coming off them.
If you are so depressed you need medication - you aren't in the right mind for weapon ownership.
The rise of mass shooting's and gun violence in the US are directly related to prescription drug abuse - a fact that big pharma tries desperately to hide vis a vis "privacy" - which is a crock of shit.
There were always guns around - no one in my generation shot up a school I can recall.
This all started with Zanax, Prozac and a host of other feel good drugs designed to hook you - legal drug dealers.
If the latest revelations with the Sachtler family and "oxy" opioids should have woken the country up.
US pharma legitimized and supported intentional drug addiction and a created a legal drug delivery chain - purposefully without regard to its citizens health and well being.

I don't keep weapons to fight my government - thats a laughable joke.
I keep weapons to protect my family and friends when no one else can or will - like in the 93 LA riots, or like in Hurricane Katrina.
When roaming gangs and thugs rule the streets and there is no protection Im not helpless.

The police have no obligation to protect you - there has never been a successful " failure to protect" lawsuit nor will there ever be.

I feel its important to front that isn't "anti cop" rhetoric - its pro reality and awareness of what the rules in the US actually are.

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Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Great post Uncle Dave and brings up what many can't figure as the "missing link" causing issues in today's society. Too many Drs pushing drug therapies rather than just helping folks realize reality is a tough go. Medicine and science have not yet figured out that body chemistry causes and effects vary, as well as they think they have.....And too many are just lazy an too quick to prescribe without seeing if patients have addictive personalities.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
I have a problem denying law abiding citizens access to firearms as thats a constitutional right and necessary in a country that abdicates obligation to protect its citizens (more on that below)

I have no problem with a Federal background check- as long as it has a check and balance oversight for errors and its fee is manageable.
I have no problem imposing this on gun shows, or the used market.
I have no problem with a reasonable waiting period. I dont want convicted felons, or nuts getting weapons.

I have a problem with limiting transfers to and from family members - making it a felony for my aging mother to give me her handgun is a travesty.
Note: I do not support abdicating accountability in the family chain - mom gives nutso kid a weapon and he shoots up a school - she's accountable.

I have no problem limiting or even removing firearm access to those on prescription anti depressants - or coming off them.
If you are so depressed you need medication - you aren't in the right mind for weapon ownership.
The rise of mass shooting's and gun violence in the US are directly related to prescription drug abuse - a fact that big pharma tries desperately to hide vis a vis "privacy" - which is a crock of shit.
There were always guns around - no one in my generation shot up a school I can recall.
This all started with Zanax, Prozac and a host of other feel good drugs designed to hook you - legal drug dealers.
If the latest revelations with the Sachtler family and "oxy" opioids should have woken the country up.
US pharma legitimized and supported intentional drug addiction and a created a legal drug delivery chain - purposefully without regard to its citizens health and well being.

I don't keep weapons to fight my government - thats a laughable joke.
I keep weapons to protect my family and friends when no one else can or will - like in the 93 LA riots, or like in Hurricane Katrina.
When roaming gangs and thugs rule the streets and there is no protection Im not helpless.

The police have no obligation to protect you - there has never been a successful " failure to protect" lawsuit nor will there ever be.

I feel its important to front that isn't "anti cop" rhetoric - its pro reality and awareness of what the rules in the US actually are.


I like your intention, but there are already like what, 20,000 gun laws? We already have background checks in place. Nothing has changed.

I agree Anti anxiety drugs are causing this. Big pharma is killing us legally and with the help of the government. Shit not too far of a leap to even talk yourself into the possibility of collusion there, nothing would surprise me anymore to think that it would help them to disarm us.

I do agree with the family accountability up till they are an adult.

I used to carry a 12g and my 30/30 in my gun rack at school. No one ever got shot, and no one ever touched them but me.

Don't know if we will ever see that America again, but it would sure be nice to.

Like nganga and Tex said in a previous post, bringing back family core and community, children learning proper weapons handling experience from toddler age, would go farther to curb things than any more useless laws IMO.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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I'm with you on the way it used to be - seemed and was absolutely normal every other pickup truck in my high school lot had a gun rack (w gun) in it - not one ever went into the school.

By and large I agree. There are far too many gun laws.
Cali alone is a maze of dichotomies a few reasonable - others utterly ludicrous.

I'm against most of them and find many outright unconstitutional.

There are a few REASONABLE (to my mind) steps remaining we can take.

My understanding is that only 11 states require backgrounds checks and fewer have private sale restrictions.

A universal background check is one and closing the private sale loop with a unified process makes it harder for nuts to get weapons.

Sure thieves will still steal them and people will sell them illegally, but the path of least resistance is to just get in the car and go to where you can buy one. Chicago criminals simply drove to Indiana for decades.

Instituting some process where a felon can't just drive 1/2 an hour across a border to another state with ZERO control makes sense to me.

It doenst seem a defensible position to argue against this, as much as I despise spiraling legislation.

It certainly adds a level of check and balance where some places today there is absolutely none.



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I'm with you on the way it used to be - seemed and was absolutely normal every other pickup truck in my high school lot had a gun rack (w gun) in it - not one ever went into the school.

By and large I agree. There are far too many gun laws.
Cali alone is a maze of dichotomies a few reasonable - others utterly ludicrous.

I'm against most of them and find many outright unconstitutional.

There are a few REASONABLE (to my mind) steps remaining we can take.

My understanding is that only 11 states require backgrounds checks and fewer have private sale restrictions.

A universal background check is one and closing the private sale loop with a unified process makes it harder for nuts to get weapons.

Sure thieves will still steal them and people will sell them illegally, but the path of least resistance is to just get in the car and go to where you can buy one. Chicago criminals simply drove to Indiana for decades.

Instituting some process where a felon can't just drive 1/2 an hour across a border to another state with ZERO control makes sense to me.

It doenst seem a defensible position to argue against this, as much as I despise spiraling legislation.

It certainly adds a level of check and balance where some places today there is absolutely none.

More than 11 require background checks, but 11 do require universal background checks.

In Illinois for example you have to have a FOID card which requires, you guessed it, a background check performed by the state police. You must also assure anyone you are selling a gun to has a FOID card, which can be easily verified on a website.

Maybe that's the answer, a national FOID card program. Actual transactions aren't recorded, but a person has been checked prior to any transaction. I still don't like it but it isn't a database of gun transactions either.

The federal gov't will abuse the background check information at some point. Just like the FISA courts have been abused or any other privacy restrictions in the name of law enforcement.

Uncle Dave

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
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More than 11 require background checks, but 11 do require universal background checks.

In Illinois for example you have to have a FOID card which requires, you guessed it, a background check performed by the state police. You must also assure anyone you are selling a gun to has a FOID card, which can be easily verified on a website.

Maybe that's the answer, a national FOID card program. Actual transactions aren't recorded, but a person has been checked prior to any transaction. I still don't like it but it isn't a database of gun transactions either.

The federal gov't will abuse the background check information at some point. Just like the FISA courts have been abused or any other privacy restrictions in the name of law enforcement.

that would seem a reasonable step.

The feds cannot be left unchecked and without a recourse process.

Perhaps a passport, or states drivers license - could be marked with FOID compliance with proper clearance so an additional form of ID isnt needed.


Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Here we have the Scoutmaster actually posting the truth from his side.
The shooters (plural) that committed this horrendous crime had weapons that were all purchased legally, one of them we well know, had no record and every right to own them.

The Scoutmaster knows the only way to possibly, not probably, to have kept some of the weapons out his hands would have been confiscation.

The Scoutmaster is a sick fucking perverted IMBECILE

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2016
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The problems with statistics is they take some analysis to see what they are really saying. Gun deaths include suicide. About 60% of gun deaths are suicides. Then factor in gang bangers killing each other, self defense etc. and you will see your chance of being killed by gun violence is much lower than you think.

The discussion should be how to get the guns out of the hands of people that may commit suicide, gang bangers and other criminals.

Gun suicide accounts for 25,000 deaths. Total overdoses in 2017 was 70,000 deaths many of those are suicide.

We need to look at ways to address all of the issues.