Did we land on the moon?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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This…. Is the most idiot meme the deniers have come up with. He didn’t call the moon. He called Mission Control in Houston (who was communicating with the Astronauts). For those of you who hadn’t been born yet, in 1969 we actually had the technology to do that.
Personally I think the whole thing was rehearsed/done ahead of time. The delay gets shorter and shorter as you watch.

Meaning they had the convo but then did it again for TV.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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We have even more scientists on the global warming train. I kid I kid … mostly lol
I thought most people realized the earth has and will continue to go through various climate cycles. I know I do.
What many of us disagree with, is man's influence is causing the cycles, the magnitude of the cycles and if man can effectively curb or alter these cycles by adjusting our activities.
It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to realize the mass billions of dollars to made by promoting the "Man Made" or "Man Assisted" or "Man can fix" aspects of our planet's natural cycles.

What I do know, having grown up in the many years of living daily in a brown haze, I'm happy we've cleaned up our act substantially, if for no other or greater reason than that. 👍


Inmate #RDP158
Sep 28, 2007
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That image of the Apollo 11 LM was taken with a modified Hasselblad 70 mm camera using Kodak Ektachrome film and was developed shortly after the Apollo 11 astronauts returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. It's 54 years old. The original prints are in the collection of the National Archives in Washington, DC. They've been there for almost fifty years.

Photoshop was invented 26 years after the photo was taken, and its capabilities to seamlessly modify digital images wasn't developed until ten years after that.

You continue to show your ignorance. I will repeat what I've already written. There is no atmosphere in space or on the moon. It is a near perfect vacuum. There is no aerodynamic drag. There is no advantage to streamlined design.

From the time of the Lunar Module mating to the Command and Service Module stack and extraction from the adapter module of the Saturn V forty minutes after leaving Earth orbit, the coupled spacecraft traveled at speeds which peaked in excess of 24,000 MPH before slowing as they approached the moon.

The vacuum of space has no particles in it which would have affected the LM structure. The speed was immaterial. The shape of the LM didn't matter.

There are over a thousand satellites outside the atmosphere in low Earth orbit that are shaped just as awkwardly, and they're traveling at speeds near 17,500 MPH. So is the International Space Station. It's larger than a football field and weighs about 925,000 lbs.

Buy a cheap telescope on Amazon, and you can watch it fly past, using your own eyes. But I suppose there are memes exposing it as a cardboard image that is floated under helium balloons, right?

So you're saying there's no air in space? What about the museum?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Personally I think the whole thing was rehearsed/done ahead of time. The delay gets shorter and shorter as you watch.

Meaning they had the convo but then did it again for TV.
Ahhhh f*ck, not you too 🤦‍♂️ 😞

I'm starting to think there's some damned subliminal thing being emitted from the Team RDP Russian Servers 🤔 That must be it. 😬


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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We have even more scientists on the global warming train. I kid I kid … mostly lol

Yes but we have a good number of scientists who are calling bullshit on the whole thing. They just don’t get any press. We have Greta to tell us what’s really happening.

Back in 1969 we actually trusted the press. In fact, in several polls, Walter Cronkite was listed as the most trusted man in America. He was on TV for several days straight during the moon landing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Ahhhh f*ck, not you too 🤦‍♂️ 😞

I'm starting to think there's some damned subliminal thing being emitted from the Team RDP Russian Servers 🤔 That must be it. 😬
Lol I just don’t believe the “natrative” on most things. Meaning there’s 75-90% truth and then some “filler”.

But that’s been going on since the beginning of time. Look at pictures of Jesus lol. Blonde hair and chiseled body guy from So Cal that lived in the Middle East lol.

As far as the moon conversation with Nixon, there are delays in just typical in person conversations. Then you add in the fact that his phone goes to Houston which then goes to the moon. Now we have to do the reverse and I’m assuming Neil and Buzz still maintained “radio protocol”. Meaning on a live convo you need to pause to make sure the other guy is done talking.

If you watch the conversation it starts with relatively long pauses. And by the end it’s a typical phone call. I think there’s a good argument that the convo was laid out ahead of time and they just re acted the script. The same way Nixon had a speech prepared if they burned up on the moon.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen but cmon man! Lol.

My skepticism is that why did the government start lying to us Vietnam forward. Selling drugs to American citizens via the CIA, faking our way into Vietnam, operation northwoods etc etc etc. Now we have Epstein Island, Aliens, Covid etc etc etc.

But before then we were pure as the wind driven snow.

The earth is round in my world lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Lol I just don’t believe the “natrative” on most things. Meaning there’s 75-90% truth and then some “filler”.

But that’s been going on since the beginning of time. Look at pictures of Jesus lol. Blonde hair and chiseled body guy from So Cal that lived in the Middle East lol.

As far as the moon conversation with Nixon, there are delays in just typical in person conversations. Then you add in the fact that his phone goes to Houston which then goes to the moon. Now we have to do the reverse and I’m assuming Neil and Buzz still maintained “radio protocol”. Meaning on a live convo you need to pause to make sure the other guy is done talking.

If you watch the conversation it starts with relatively long pauses. And by the end it’s a typical phone call. I think there’s a good argument that the convo was laid out ahead of time and they just re acted the script. The same way Nixon had a speech prepared if they burned up on the moon.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen but cmon man! Lol.

My skepticism is that why did the government start lying to us Vietnam forward. Selling drugs to American citizens via the CIA, faking our way into Vietnam, operation northwoods etc etc etc. Now we have Epstein Island, Aliens, Covid etc etc etc.

But before then we were pure as the wind driven snow.

The earth is round in my world lol.
Don't go all over the board on me man, cmon yerself man 🥴(Thanks for not referring to me as dude 👍).

Center yourself and please read this very interesting and educational article on the highly technical details of bringing this incredibly monumental moment in Mankind's history to the living room of 650 million viewers world wide.
You're barely scratching the surface.

Perhaps if you understand the complexity and just how many hands in all different places were involved coordinating this event, it might just answer a couple of questions that seemed to have your nuts tied in knots.

As to the rest of your questions ---- simply consider the nature of man and apply it accordingly 😁

Damn man, you've got issues ------ Next thing you know you'll want to know is "Why are we on this rock, what is man's purpose in the big picture ?????" 😉


Jan 9, 2010
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Question for the flat earthers in here... Can we get just one picture of the edge of the earth? Surly after all this time and modern technology someone has made it to the edge and that picture shouldn't be too hard to find if it even exists.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Lol I just don’t believe the “natrative” on most things. Meaning there’s 75-90% truth and then some “filler”.

But that’s been going on since the beginning of time. Look at pictures of Jesus lol. Blonde hair and chiseled body guy from So Cal that lived in the Middle East lol.

As far as the moon conversation with Nixon, there are delays in just typical in person conversations. Then you add in the fact that his phone goes to Houston which then goes to the moon. Now we have to do the reverse and I’m assuming Neil and Buzz still maintained “radio protocol”. Meaning on a live convo you need to pause to make sure the other guy is done talking.

If you watch the conversation it starts with relatively long pauses. And by the end it’s a typical phone call. I think there’s a good argument that the convo was laid out ahead of time and they just re acted the script. The same way Nixon had a speech prepared if they burned up on the moon.

I’m not saying it didn’t happen but cmon man! Lol.

My skepticism is that why did the government start lying to us Vietnam forward. Selling drugs to American citizens via the CIA, faking our way into Vietnam, operation northwoods etc etc etc. Now we have Epstein Island, Aliens, Covid etc etc etc.

But before then we were pure as the wind driven snow.

The earth is round in my world lol.


Back in the day, horse thieves were hung.

Now? Yeah, well, you know the drill.

Back in the day, most people were honest and hard working.

Now? It's all about the welfare and handouts.


Next question?



Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Back in the day, horse thieves were hung.

Now? Yeah, well, you know the drill.

Back in the day, most people were honest and hard working.

Now? It's all about the welfare and handouts.


Next question?


"Back in the Day", at least the era I was raised in, some of the hardest working, and most honest people I knew in my youth, were Democrats and loved Harry S. Truman.

The Labor Unions, who's membership were certainly hard working Americans and created our "Middle Class", were strongly in support of the Democratic Party. I recall it being heavily encouraged as a part of my IBEW Apprenticeship training, in the mid to late 60's.

But sadly you are correct with the 'Now' in terms of getting the unfortunate incarcerated into the support trap. I was surprised to read that Labor Unions as a whole which had dropped into the lower 40% support category, have since 2017 grown increasingly blue again to over 50%.

Ongoing studies are starting to immerge showing that Those prone to believing in Conspiracy Theories, seem to be more evenly split, which dispels the previous perception of them being predominantly Republican/Conservatives.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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"Back in the Day", at least the era I was raised in, some of the hardest working, and most honest people I knew in my youth, were Democrats and loved Harry S. Truman.

The Labor Unions, who's membership were certainly hard working Americans and created our "Middle Class", were strongly in support of the Democratic Party. I recall it being heavily encouraged as a part of my IBEW Apprenticeship training, in the mid to late 60's.

But sadly you are correct with the 'Now' in terms of getting the unfortunate incarcerated into the support trap. I was surprised to read that Labor Unions as a whole which had dropped into the lower 40% support category, have since 2017 grown increasingly blue again to over 50%.

Ongoing studies are starting to immerge showing that Those prone to believing in Conspiracy Theories, seem to be more evenly split, which dispels the previous perception of them being predominantly Republican/Conservatives.
Remember when anti vaxers were left wingers lol


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Question for the flat earthers in here... Can we get just one picture of the edge of the earth? Surly after all this time and modern technology someone has made it to the edge and that picture shouldn't be too hard to find if it even exists.


same question is proposed of the Earth...

why is there not "One Image" of the earth, taken from space??


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
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To think that the moon landing happened over 50 years ago and to not have a little bit of skepticism is not natural to me. If anything history has taught us is that it’s written with an agenda. I’m glad it was written in our favor.🙂


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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To think that the moon landing happened over 50 years ago and to not have a little bit of skepticism is not natural to me. If anything history has taught us is that it’s written with an agenda. I’m glad it was written in our favor.🙂
That 400,000 people worked on the Apollo project beginning in 1961, every part of it was conducted with media publicity and coverage, there are millions of documents about it in the National Archives, not one bit of credible verifiable proof has been shown it didn't happen, yet people believe it was faked is pretty unnatural too.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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That 400,000 people worked on the Apollo project beginning in 1961, every part of it was conducted with media publicity and coverage, there are millions of documents about it in the National Archives, not one bit of credible verifiable proof has been shown it didn't happen, yet people believe it was faked is pretty unnatural too.
My grandpa worked at Rockwell in Downey, CA. as a machinist in the 60’s. I was young then but if I remember correctly he worked on the escape hatch?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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My grandpa worked at Rockwell in Downey, CA. as a machinist in the 60’s. I was young then but if I remember correctly he worked on the escape hatch?
Growing up in Downey, I had numerous friends who’s Dads and some Moms worked to Rockwell. Believe the signs entering our town once stated, ‘Downey - Proud home of the Apollo Project’

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Growing up in Downey, I had numerous friends who’s Dads and some Moms worked to Rockwell. Believe the signs entering our town once stated, ‘Downey - Proud home of the Apollo Project’
There is Apollo Park on Imperial/ Rives. Wonder if the kids that play there know what the park was named for. 🤷🤔


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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Mexico has a moon mission in the works. It's unmanned, but I was still surprised.


River Runnin

Captain Of Havasu’s Coolest Boat
Jun 17, 2008
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Watched the whole thing on TV! Was inspired to one day work at NASA! — which I did and still have badge and all launch pads I was cleared for! — But everything that I’ve seen and done with space programs could never convince me otherwise!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Growing up in Downey, I had numerous friends who’s Dads and some Moms worked to Rockwell. Believe the signs entering our town once stated, ‘Downey - Proud home of the Apollo Project’
North Tustin and my Alma Mater, Foothill High School owe their origins to the employees, engineers and rocket scientists of Rockwell and other Space-Race inspired industries. My beloved miles of orange groves vanished within a couple of years thanks to the quest for space.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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:) Actually rmarion really having a good time with this thread. Well Done rmarion,thanks for the entertainment. LoL
I was laughing until I realized he was serious, then it made me sad.
The very nature of the internet guarantees it will be author of it's own demise.
Wonder what comes next ? Printed Encyclopedias ?


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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I was laughing until I realized he was serious, then it made me sad.
The very nature of the internet guarantees it will be author of it's own demise.
Wonder what comes next ? Printed Encyclopedias ?
rmarion content in this thread imo does does not fit in with rmarion content since 2008 @RDP on any subject. I have assumed he not serious.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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rmarion content in this thread imo does does not fit in with rmarion content since 2008 @RDP on any subject. I have assumed he not serious.
If you're correct, then several of us who have attempted to provide proofs as he requested them, only to have them dismissed without the slightest merit, might feel a bit frustrated to have wasted considerable time and effort being party to a joke.

If you go back to square one, you will find that Mr Marion has been simply perpetuating a tape looped dialog, always returning to the beginning, never addressing the responses provided by his questions.

I don't feel right about laughing at somebody, I'd much rather know I was laughing along with them. I'm not sure that laughing at his absurdities, while he's laughing at our struggles to enlighten him are very entertaining or gratifying.

With that stated, I like the guy and wish him all the best, I'm just not going to play these games on these types of topics any longer. 🥴

With my blessing, have at it. 👍😁


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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If you're correct, then several of us who have attempted to provide proofs as he requested them, only to have them dismissed without the slightest merit, might feel a bit frustrated to have wasted considerable time and effort being party to a joke.

If you go back to square one, you will find that Mr Marion has been simply perpetuating a tape looped dialog, always returning to the beginning, never addressing the responses provided by his questions.

I don't feel right about laughing at somebody, I'd much rather know I was laughing along with them. I'm not sure that laughing at his absurdities, while he's laughing at our struggles to enlighten him are very entertaining or gratifying.

With that stated, I like the guy and wish him all the best, I'm just not going to play these games on these types of topics any longer. 🥴

With my blessing, have at it. 👍😁

He pulled a GRADS on you! 🤣

Now, Bent?? I'm pretty sure he actually believes the Crap he's posting! 🤣


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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My first ‘9-5’ job was at Autonetics in Anaheim. Doing drafting for the guidance system for our Minute Man missle. Received a low level security clearance and was paid $2.50/hr - $100/wk. In the evenings, I was also playing in our band all over SoCal.

And . . . I don’t respond Grads. At least, I think I don’t. Interesting and funny . . . I find he’s not.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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rmarion content in this thread imo does does not fit in with rmarion content since 2008 @RDP on any subject. I have assumed he not serious.

opened up the Rabbit Hole

Happy New Year Everyone

PS.. Im not done... just rinsing off some sand....

I'm still finishing some year end work..

while enjoying reading this entertainment


Where Are My Shoes?
Mar 2, 2010
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Did you know, on the internet, it is impossible to prove who you are to everyone. Someone is going to call you a liar. Same with the Apollo missions. It's the way it works. I had dinner with Neil Armstrong many years ago. The passion in his voice as he told stories of the mission, he was the first man to walk on the moon. He also talked about the first time someone ask, did you really? He understood why. It still made him agree from day one because it was him, the actual person. I also had dinner with Jim Lovell from Apollo 13. It was pure dedication of mission control that they made it back alive. That night went past midnight and I swear it felt like 10 minutes. They were out in space and had an explosion. Not like you could get out and take a look. It was all guess work with a few instruments. Both were charity dinners and we got to ask questions and visit. Nothing was preplanned, just a sit down. Both men make you proud to be an American.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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He pulled a GRADS on you! 🤣

Now, Bent?? I'm pretty sure he actually believes the Crap he's posting! 🤣
So rm didn't believe that early, multi-armed European utility power poles weren't really the sign of Satan ?
Do you think he changed those views when I posted images of towns showing these poles lining their city's streets ? NOPE --- he just restarted the loop.

Or that every frozen vapor trail in the Troposphere, and now apparently Cirrus cloud formations themselves, are all Geoengineering Chemtrails ?
I send him links and information on how water vapors freezes in the Troposphere and weather is formed, and he just restarts the loop.

Or we could delve into a dozen or more misconceptions he preaches about Nicola Tesla's inventions, or real perpetual motion devices the government has hidden from us.
Again, the loop just repeats regardless of any corrections offered.

Do you think that perpetuating that the Moon Landing was faked is his only sermon ?

Ever dropped in on his daily Meme's in the P&G Section ??
You're engaging in one subject, but if it's conspiracy related or if it's a message from "Q" then he's regurgitating it on RDP.

Doesn't mean he's not a great guy, he believes he's on a noble mission. I just don't agree that spreading more layers of manure on the internet in any way benefits it, or it's readers.

The first roofer I ever met was when I was 20 years old in 1968. The 3rd time I saw him on the job site, he gave me a book on conspiracy theories, ironically many of them are the same or variations of the ones being replayed today.

The 2nd roofer I met, was my next door neighbor in a trailer-trash park in a swamp in Virginia during my Army boat training. He was the local commander of the KKK and firmly believed that certain minorities were the result of various Simians mating with various native Indian tribes.
There were stories about it in his "Fiery Cross" KKK newspaper. I worked for him on weekends making a few extra dollars, conversation was always entertaining. But not nearly entertaining as going out "Huntin" with his fellow clan members I discovered.

Which brings me to my 3rd Roofer ---- You guessed it.

@monkeyswrench claims to have been a roofer, it would appear he got out before being permanently afflicted. 👍 😁

You stay and play, not me buddy.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Did you know, on the internet, it is impossible to prove who you are to everyone. Someone is going to call you a liar. Same with the Apollo missions. It's the way it works. I had dinner with Neil Armstrong many years ago. The passion in his voice as he told stories of the mission, he was the first man to walk on the moon. He also talked about the first time someone ask, did you really? He understood why. It still made him agree from day one because it was him, the actual person. I also had dinner with Jim Lovell from Apollo 13. It was pure dedication of mission control that they made it back alive. That night went past midnight and I swear it felt like 10 minutes. They were out in space and had an explosion. Not like you could get out and take a look. It was all guess work with a few instruments. Both were charity dinners and we got to ask questions and visit. Nothing was preplanned, just a sit down. Both men make you proud to be an American.

Have you watched Hidden Figures?

I've watched it a few times. Great movie. 👍🏼


Where Are My Shoes?
Mar 2, 2010
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Have you watched Hidden Figures?

I've watched it a few times. Great movie. 👍🏼
I have not but now I will look.

One more on the didnt happen. When I was 12 my Dad took me to a Lions Club dinner and the guest speakers was Lt. Bob Hendley the scrounger. It was fascinating when he made drawings on a chalk board to describe what they did. He spent time talking about how many people said it didn't happen. I asked my dad why? He said it was just hard for people to understand what men can do when they are determined.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I have not but now I will look.

One more on the didnt happen. When I was 12 my Dad took me to a Lions Club dinner and the guest speakers was Lt. Bob Hendley the scrounger. It was fascinating when he made drawings on a chalk board to describe what they did. He spent time talking about how many people said it didn't happen. I asked my dad why? He said it was just hard for people to understand what men can do when they are determined.

True story...



To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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@Taboma , was trying to figure out how I got pulled into this one. My view of this is pretty simple. There are lots of places others have been that I have not, here on earth. Man has wanted to reach for the stars since the beginning. During the time the quest for the moon was happening, my grandfather was working for either Aerojet or Rocketdyne. My brother has the picture that was on the mantle, grandpa in a suit with Von Braun.

I may doubt a lot of what the government says, but I don't ever doubt mankind's dedication to things. The problem we have is science is always supported if it can help control. Everything they learned then, was sadly put into missiles. Seeing what private groups do now is also awe-inspiring.


Where Are My Shoes?
Mar 2, 2010
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True story...

I gotta see that. One of the problems on 13 was the angles. They didnt work out perfect. A fraction of a second or angle minute off and you would make it back to earth, to watch it go by. They did it as a group with slide rules. One more lap around the moon and they could nail it.