Canada - Freedom Convoy


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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This is good stuff. Good people organizing and getting it done.
They have been put in check.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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the castro bastard.... fuck him


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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Not sure how Margaret & Fidel's Love Child is going to get himself out of this hole he's dug for himself now? He's either going to have to concede to the Working Class Canadiens and drop his bullshit National Mask & Vaccine Mandates, or his only other option is going full blown retard like his Pops and start arresting & executing his own citizens for wanting nothing more than Freedom. He's not very smart so he's probably going to go with Option 2. I never thought a Civil War would start in Canada but it's looking more and more like that just might happen. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷
Funny how you think everyone will cave on things like freedom and liberty... just to keep prices low and the economy churning. Some people have chosen this hill to die on, I don’t think they care who’s costs or who’s profits are impacted.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷
Your liberal ass can't see the point


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Funny how you think everyone will cave on things like freedom and liberty... just to keep prices low and the economy churning. Some people have chosen this hill to die on, I don’t think they care who’s costs or who’s profits are impacted.
I don’t have any control over it.

They are more than welcome to do what they want, I can’t change it.

If anarchy is what people want, fine with me. Just don’t complain when they don’t agree with some other persons choice of what hill they want to die on and the anarchy they impose.

You either support the rule of law or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways. 🤷🤷🤷

That’s the beauty of being objective. 👍👍


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I don’t have any control over it.

They are more than welcome to do what they want, I can’t change it.

If anarchy is what people want, fine with me. Just don’t complain when they don’t agree with some other persons choice of what hill they want to die on and the anarchy they impose.

You either support the rule of law or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways. 🤷🤷🤷

That’s the beauty of being objective. 👍👍
Or you support freedom and liberty.

You say you support smaller government. Here you have people trying to get less government... yet you mock them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Or you support freedom and liberty.

You say you support smaller government. Here you have people trying to get less government... yet you mock them.
One can support freedom, liberty and less government yet not support anarchy.

I’ve always been against mandates whether they be Biden’s or Desantis mandates. I’ve never supported anarchy and lawlessness whether it be January 6th, BLM or blockading innocent hard working people from going to work, making a living and paying their bills. 🤷🤷🤷

I understand their cause and support less government, I don’t support lawlessness.

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷
I find it interesting that you start a reply in this post with, 'LOL' , especially considering what these truckers are doing (and sacrificing) which is arguably the most 'significant' gathering since this whole mess got started a couple years back.

But if you feel it's appropriate to 'Laugh Out Loud' , well it 'stiil' is a free country, so rock on brother.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I find it interesting that you start a reply in this post with, 'LOL' , especially considering what these truckers are doing (and sacrificing) which is arguably the most 'significant' gathering since this whole mess got started a couple years back.

But if you feel it's appropriate to 'Laugh Out Loud' , well it 'stiil' is a free country, so rock on brother.
When their “sacrifice” affects others ability to make a living forcing them to unwillingly sacrifice, historically support for their cause diminishes.

It’s not the cause that makes me shake my head or LOL, it is their methods and lack of concern for how it affects others.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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When their “sacrifice” affects others ability to make a living forcing them to unwillingly sacrifice, historically support for their cause diminishes.

It’s not the cause that makes me shake my head or LOL, it is their methods and lack of concern for how it affects others.
So you don’t have a problem with the Canadian Government NOT sitting down with their own citizens to listen to their grievances. You just want to call them names and label them as “Anarchists” ??? Maybe you should throw in Nazis, White Supremisists, Confederates, Qanon, or some other non applicable slur, lol. 😂

These truckers have been forced into a corner by Trudeau. They can’t leave and go back to work unless they get a Jab that doesn’t actually work to stop the transmission of this virus. The Ruling Class didn’t expect the Working Class to ever stand up for their rights. Well now it’s happened and they’ve lost control of their country. However I don’t expect the Tyranny to stop. In fact they will probably double down and try to arrest these peaceful protestors.

Many will suffer financially for a few weeks until this is all resolved, but Freedom isn’t Free my friend.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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I see they erected a bounce house playground for the children in Ottawa.

Anarchy is what the Dems called for during the Fentanyl Floyd riots. You know, where American business owners' livelihoods were destroyed?

Anarchy is when you take over a police station and city blocks with violence to claim as your own sovereign city.

In the words of your beloved leader. C'mon man........

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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When their “sacrifice” affects others ability to make a living forcing them to unwillingly sacrifice, historically support for their cause diminishes.

It’s not the cause that makes me shake my head or LOL, it is their methods and lack of concern for how it affects others.
Well . . . at least you admit to laughing out loud, which is pretty sad in my opinion.
I invite you to re-read your reply, then have a long talk with yourself before you go to bed, and I'll leave it at that.
Good night.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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So you don’t have a problem with the Canadian Government NOT sitting down with their own citizens to listen to their grievances. You just want to call them names and label them as “Anarchists” ??? Maybe you should throw in Nazis, White Supremisists, Confederates, Qanon, or some other non applicable slur, lol. 😂

These truckers have been forced into a corner by Trudeau. They can’t leave and go back to work unless they get a Jab that doesn’t actually work to stop the transmission of this virus. The Ruling Class didn’t expect the Working Class to ever stand up for their rights. Well now it’s happened and they’ve lost control of their country. However I don’t expect the Tyranny to stop. In fact they will probably double down and try to arrest these peaceful protestors.

Many will suffer financially for a few weeks until this is all resolved, but Freedom isn’t Free my friend.


I see they erected a bounce house playground for the children in Ottawa.

Anarchy is what the Dems called for during the Fentanyl Floyd riots. You know, where American business owners' livelihoods were destroyed?

Anarchy is when you take over a police station and city blocks with violence to claim as your own sovereign city.

In the words of your beloved leader. C'mon man........

I have a problem with all of it.

But I also respect the fact that we have to work within the confines of the system of laws.

Or we rationally lose any reasonable basis and right to complain when others do not.


New But Seasoned Inmate #2002
Jun 20, 2008
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷

Have you ever been diagnosed with a personality disorder?

Did you ride the short bus to school?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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When their “sacrifice” affects others ability to make a living forcing them to unwillingly sacrifice, historically support for their cause diminishes.

It’s not the cause that makes me shake my head or LOL, it is their methods and lack of concern for how it affects others.
I agree with you 100%. BLM & the Cancel Culture movements need to end their shit ASAP. The bank I used was burned down by them last year & the bank I was going to used was burned done as well. I think the truckers are protesting rather peacefully. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
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I have a problem with all of it.

But I also respect the fact that we have to work within the confines of the system of laws.

Or we rationally lose any reasonable basis and right to complain when others do not.
And I assume they have a right to PEACEFULLY protest laws that are unjust. Which they are.

Forcing someone to take an experimental drug in order to keep their livelihood seems reasonable to you?

A drug that requires 3 or 4 doses to reduce symptoms.

A drug that requires others around you to be vaxxed in order for yours to work.

A drug that has serious health side effects, but the manufacturers are free from any liability or don't even have to tell you what's in it.

If you were born in Colonial America, what side would you have sided with? Being the law and all.

spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Your passive aggressive demeanor shows through your posts, ready to jump in almost every conversation, opposing pretty much with every members here, hardly ever agree. Call this protest lawless, creating anarchy is ridiculous. Maybe the truckers should have started riots like BLM and Antifa thugs, then I'd have agreed with you. I have friends who live in Ottawa, they can go to work, some gets annoyed with the honking. I'd have suggested singing the national anthem instead of honking if I was one of the organizers. Elected officials are not blocked going to their parliament building offices. You're getting your info from the wrong media outlets, and that includes our own Global 1 network news. What happened is, the present cronies in power, underestimated the usually polite and peace loving Canadians standing up and protest. Finally got fed up with government's over reach. You'll see, most provinces and states in your country will finally giving in and let people make their own choice on getting a jab or wear masks if they want to. Trudeau is a man child in an adult's body, who didn't have the decency , under the excuse of his fake Covid19, to meet the crowd at least once. He's a failed spineless politician, will go down as worst prime minister in Canadian history, even worse than Brian Mulroney with his Airbus scandal. 1995, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had accused Mulroney of taking kickbacks on the sale of Airbus planes to Air Canada during his time as prime minister. A number of lawsuits erupted. Brian Mulroney won a $2.1-million settlement and an apology from Ottawa.
When questioned under oath for his 1996 suit against Ottawa, Mulroney minimized his meetings with Schreiber while prime minister and evaded any hint of the stacks of thousand-dollar bills he received in three meetings afterward, as he was later forced to admit..
Where did that $20-million in shmiergelder (grease money) money go? Nobody knows , other than Mulroney himself.
Slime balls.:(
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spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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As of this writing, there is no law proposed by any federal, provincial or territorial government mandating inoculation. So no law, but massive interest in an imaginary law. At CCLA we get a lot of invitations to speculate about a mandatory vaccine law that will probably never come. We take human rights seriously, so usually avoid hypotheticals, and there are enough real violations of civil liberties to keep us busy.

Trudeau, read the constitution.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Yes I have…..consistency.

It is the bane of many humans.

The only thing your consistent about is not saying a word about people breaking laws when it benefits you and crying like a bitch when they do.

You never said a damn word about the mobs that tried to bum rush the White House in 2020, injured police and tried to burn one of the most historic churches down in our nation.

You’re simply a consistent hypocrite, but as always, it was a nice try clown. 😆


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷
Or he can just drop the mandates. And end this nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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One can support freedom, liberty and less government yet not support anarchy.

I’ve always been against mandates whether they be Biden’s or Desantis mandates. I’ve never supported anarchy and lawlessness whether it be January 6th, BLM or blockading innocent hard working people from going to work, making a living and paying their bills. 🤷🤷🤷

I understand their cause and support less government, I don’t support lawlessness.
Unfortunately some level of “lawlessnessl is the only way to achieve “freedom / liberty / less government” look up the US revolution for study material.

These sort of things happen when a government gets too big, too powerful and tries to impose its will on its people.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Car plants and other plants now shutting down. No pay for manufacturing middle class workers and even less supply of new cars, lumber and other inputs for the economy.

I guess we just keep raising prices and getting higher margins as demand increases and supply is restricted. Some people seem to just love inflation and higher prices. 🤷🤷🤷
You mean like under government mandates and government shutdowns, right? Highest inflation since 1982? And just who is in charge, calling the shots?

You have got to be fucking kidding me...

Yore lengthy windbag post is just as ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Unfortunately some level of “lawlessnessl is the only way to achieve “freedom / liberty / less government” look up the US revolution for study material.

These sort of things happen when a government gets too big, too powerful and tries to impose its will on its people.
Fair enough.

But don’t bitch when Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys and others use lawlessness to further their objectives. They are simply using the same means which you approve of. 🤷🤷🤷


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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I have a problem with all of it.

But I also respect the fact that we have to work within the confines of the system of laws.

Or we rationally lose any reasonable basis and right to complain when others do not.
Spoken like a true elitist. The statement above decodes that you are above the truckers petition to strike along with the minions supporting the cause in the name of freedom. Please leave the planet.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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Fair enough.

But don’t bitch when Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys and others use lawlessness to further their objectives. They are simply using the same means which you approve of. 🤷🤷🤷
I believe those groups already have, and the liberals supported them and repainted the streets.
You don’t see a difference between Antifa, BLM, and the Proud Boys and
workers trying to make a living and provide for their family.
The dictatorship runs deep with this one.
All of a sudden you’re for more laws, what happened?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Fair enough.

But don’t bitch when Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys and others use lawlessness to further their objectives. They are simply using the same means which you approve of. 🤷🤷🤷

Did I miss where they were forcing injections of a non-vetted vaccine on BLM and Anifa in order to participate in society?

If the honk fits..................... 😆

Honk Honk But Trump.png