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  1. azsunfun

    December run to the Springs - Date set for 11.30.24, leaving at 11am Thompson Bay buoy line - Yes TOMORROW!!!

    Put boat food in and let's go, hitting water around 10.30.
  2. azsunfun

    What a piece of shit....

    Comer has the goods on the family, hunter as hostile witness against family members possibly purgering himself, could bring the crime family and Ukraine to its knees.
  3. azsunfun

    Mohs surgery?

    I think that's what happening on wrist (shot) on 11th then carving in couple weeks after. Now ime heading out the door to havasu for more water and sun! ;) have a grat day everyone!
  4. azsunfun

    Mohs surgery?

    Showed my doc last year he didn't think a whole lot of it, this year off to derm doc, then put off months do to scheduling. :(
  5. azsunfun

    Mohs surgery?

    Thanks for the input everyone.
  6. azsunfun

    Mohs surgery?

    What I want to here.:)
  7. azsunfun

    Mohs surgery?

    Docs are hitting the forehead with mohs this dec, anybody had it, healing, scars, lived and worked in az sun my existence. Wife's bumming, I just go with the flow.
  8. azsunfun

    Boat House for breakfast tomorrow!!!!

    you can't make it happy hour for you? 3.30 I be there, happy bday.
  9. azsunfun

    December run to the Springs - Date set for 11.30.24, leaving at 11am Thompson Bay buoy line - Yes TOMORROW!!!

    Have fun tomorrow, intown sun hitting springs Monday then wrap it up for the season.
  10. azsunfun

    While Us Americans Are Busy...

    The Georgia thing reminds of um let me think the U.S. the last 50 years of the populace wants, government gives🖕, due to world realignment nowone knows!
  11. azsunfun

    While Us Americans Are Busy...

    Nato is flaying in the wind for relivence, the pressure from world groups like nato will collapse and change, the Syrian Christians better run for thier lives! Rebels (isis) again america sits back in syria as our enemy isis moves along, how many terrorist germanation factory's are we going to...
  12. azsunfun

    Whatcha cooking? Thanksgiving 2024

    Mesquite fired filet mignon, green beens, rolls, homemade mashed taters, no familily that caos comes mid dec. Rolls heated on rock, roasted geenbeens and garlic in foil, taters done earlier.
  13. azsunfun

    Who's got one?

  14. azsunfun

    Happy Thanksgiving RDP

    Enjoy your day
  15. azsunfun

    Caption this poor guy

    Poor Democrat after hearing of election.
  16. azsunfun

    Chrome shop?

    Look for true triple plate shop, my original 65 valve, timing, done before kits, alternater, power steering, control arms, gas tank straps, hood hinges, ashtrays and trim were done over 45 years ago still not bad for shows, only real problem was hood cross springs, they twist and chrome doesn't.
  17. azsunfun


    Gov not listing lockheedmartin recall on these? I see matching auto recalls and med commercials.
  18. azsunfun

    December run to the Springs - Date set for 11.30.24, leaving at 11am Thompson Bay buoy line - Yes TOMORROW!!!

    Arriving dec first, all plans delayed after getting home last Tuesday from Northern California, wed wife had Dr appointment and hit by box truck that bounced into her lane, van in shop and rental car timing bit me
  19. azsunfun

    Smells That Take You Back To Your Childhood

    Digging holes,dirt smell.