RV/Boat garage, mezzanine level framing finished and all first floor trusses and sheeting done. Living level lumber arrived this morning and snapped lines today. Framer's will start standing walls tomorrow morning.
Was shopping at Santee Alley and I decided to go take a look around.
About three blocks in I spotted this chick walking towards me topless. In true RDP fashion, I stopped her, introduced myself and asked for a picture. I need to go shopping downtown more often.
Depends on the trade. Basic trade's like plumbing, electric and HVAC are no problem in Havasu. Some trade's like structural steel are a problem, until recently there was only one contractor in town. Specialty trade's like floor leveling/lightweight concrete don't exist in Havasu and have to be...
Well the day has finally come and we are actually framing! Yeah! Framer's setup shop Wednesday and started framing Thursday. 8 guys during the week and 4 guy's today. They are supposed to be done in 4-5 weeks.