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  1. Yarder

    RDP & CLA to Acquire GlamisDunes.com

    You're right in that it was their game and you were but a player, but w/o the info you've just shared about what occurred, it looked like a chickenshit move to pull all your content to the unwashed masses (e.g. me, lol). Thanks for clarifying what happened though! I can't say what I would've...
  2. Yarder

    RDP & CLA to Acquire GlamisDunes.com

    While I can agree that there were some questionable goings on with some of the mods and admins, IMHO, your "taking your football and going home" by removing your often valuable opinions and content was also a questionable choice. And as far as the crash and loss of data, based on your...
  3. Yarder

    RDP & CLA to Acquire GlamisDunes.com

    Did you get banned or did you ban yourself because of the Speed threads that didn't seem to go your way?
  4. Yarder

    RDP & CLA to Acquire GlamisDunes.com

    Looking forward to see what you guys do with the site that has meant so much to so many! I've been on both RDP and GD since 2007 / 2008 and I was sad to see GD go so far downhill in the last few years.
  5. Yarder

    Glamis veterans day

    I saw Cheffro for a few minutes on Friday but I didn't get a close up look at the new car...
  6. Yarder

    Glamis veterans day

    Veteran's day is actually Saturday the 11th and that's the day of the event at the flagpole...
  7. Yarder

    2024 Can Am ….. err maybe 2025

    And actually available to the general public... 🤣
  8. Yarder

    Another “Joel’s Meat” thread

    They do... Best bet is to text or call Joel directly to get on the schedule.
  9. Yarder

    WTF now Glamis Narcs?

    FWIW, the fire pit permit deal is Commiefornia not BLM... And I'm pretty sure none of the "campgrounds" are state campgrounds, it's federal land. If any of this was on California state land it would've been shut down long ago by the Enviro-Nazis who hold all the sway in that shithole of a state.
  10. Yarder

    Speed UTV take 3

    "This is why we can't have nice things..."
  11. Yarder

    Ordering a Ford Bronco, Ford says no.....

    You cannot transfer reservations to my knowledge.
  12. Yarder

    Ordering a Ford Bronco, Ford says no.....

    Retail order banks are supposed to open after November 21st, until then only current, un-converted reservation holders can place an order...
  13. Yarder

    Speed cars hit the assembly Line

    Because it's fucking vaporware and nobody has one except Robby and Todd...
  14. Yarder


    Then it has a twin in Havasu. My mistake, still a beautiful ride!
  15. Yarder


    I think I saw this car cruising on McCulloch on Saturday morning during DS weekend. Beautiful car!
  16. Yarder

    Speed cars hit the assembly Line

    🍿🍿🍿 I don't envy RD's job one bit. It's gotta be like herding cats in here sometimes.
  17. Yarder

    Glamis - New Years

    We'll be out there, most likely in Wash 13.
  18. Yarder

    Attn: Glamis Ghost Campers

    Don't forget to get yore campfire permit! 🤣 Clicky!
  19. Yarder

    Attn: Glamis Ghost Campers

    LOL, it's free. It takes less than 5 minutes to get on the 'ol interwebs. Not sure why this seems so difficult. Do you even go to Glamis anymore?
  20. Yarder

    Attn: Glamis Ghost Campers

    I know how silly the campfire permit seems but it is required in the State of Kommifornia and in the ISDRA despite your denial Joe...