You're right in that it was their game and you were but a player, but w/o the info you've just shared about what occurred, it looked like a chickenshit move to pull all your content to the unwashed masses (e.g. me, lol). Thanks for clarifying what happened though!
I can't say what I would've...
While I can agree that there were some questionable goings on with some of the mods and admins, IMHO, your "taking your football and going home" by removing your often valuable opinions and content was also a questionable choice.
And as far as the crash and loss of data, based on your...
Looking forward to see what you guys do with the site that has meant so much to so many!
I've been on both RDP and GD since 2007 / 2008 and I was sad to see GD go so far downhill in the last few years.
FWIW, the fire pit permit deal is Commiefornia not BLM... And I'm pretty sure none of the "campgrounds" are state campgrounds, it's federal land. If any of this was on California state land it would've been shut down long ago by the Enviro-Nazis who hold all the sway in that shithole of a state.