AMC is like being a lookie-loo at a car crash, I cant help but watch it. All of the meme stocks dove when AMC halted, strange how that works, lol.
I sold 1/2 my AMC shares to recoup my intial buy in when it hit 15.63 a while ago. The rest of them are riding off to Tendie Town for pure profit...
I know but damn...
I'm afraid somehow the SEC is gonna unwind all of this and screw the retail hodl'ers both on AMC and GME. They'll say the hedgefunds are to big to fail or some such bullshit...
I don't have any instructions other than what comes in the box. I am a low voltage electrician but depending on what you would be installing it in the installation can vary a bunch. It is pretty basic though, it's just power in & power out and making sure you use the right sized wire on the...
The Vets celebration has been taken over by the guy who started it in the first place, Hozaykwairvo (Brian), and assisted by the rest of our regular dune group. It really is a lot of work...
Too slow in the sand!? Did you guys have the "Wife key" in it? 🤣
Yes we were there that trip. And that's why you don't loan your car to drunk people who have no idea what they're doing in a side by side in the dunes!
He owned a can am. He had for one season, didn't like it, sold it to one of his buddies and went back to his quad. Honestly, I think it was too much car for him... 🤣
I wouldn't call it successful Dave, it never made the owner much money, if any at all. And for some dumb reason he likes it that way.
Such a missed opportunity, IMO.