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  1. J

    CDR Alien Cowls fraud

    I don't have any first hand knowledge but based on someone who has spoken to him it length, this is not his only business and sounds like he has the resources to come out of whatever has been created. I hope the best for everyone involved. It seems in the boating business that deposits never...
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    The Outboard Church

    I am using the strainer as a place to get rid of excess pressure so that lines don't get blown off with pressure spikes. As l said before, pulling the chaps and putting things back on is a pain and eats up a bunch of running time. Joe
  3. J

    The Outboard Church

    I am going to be running external pick-ups into a strainer with a pressure relief, then into the existing water intake paths along with a balance tube at the rear to create even better consistency and equalization. Blowing the hoses off with too much pressure is a pain in the a**. Joe
  4. J

    The Outboard Church

    Mounting a balance tube that links the motors on the backside helps pressure stay consistent. Its an easy add on that is proven. Joe
  5. J

    The Outboard Church

    LOTO short course doesn't give you bragging rights, it gives you a plaque for the wall and great memories. Running with a group for 30 miles at LOTO thru the waves, turns, traffic, and finishing up front gives you what lots of other guys wanted, (maybe bragging rights for an hour), and great...
  6. J

    The Outboard Church

    Most of our runs are at least 80 and up to 120 miles long, how many bottles would that take and how long will motors stay together using racers perfume? would they stay together at all? Running the distance in multi engine boats is not like the 800 ft small single drags and the cost of burn...
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    The Outboard Church

    I am putting it on the new boat. Joe
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    The Outboard Church

    I like to stay ahead of the guys we run with. Its not for everyone and I have the choice of touching buttons or leaving them alone. Joe
  9. J

    The Outboard Church

    We are putting a 42' together. Its a project but I am going to chase it until its right. I really love running at LOTO and all of the non-stop activity but the 36' is too small to run hard on many weekends throughout the summer. Joe
  10. J

    The Outboard Church

    The 500s are faster. We are looking forward to the new boat and dialing it in to keep up with traffic. Joe
  11. J

    The Outboard Church

    Speed and acceleration. Water pressure comes and goes on my boat as we increase speed, I have to drop the motors in order to counter act the lift and maintain pressure. Its a balancing act to chase the 20Lb mark but its very effective. There is not one trim position that is optimum for all...
  12. J

    The Outboard Church

    The higher the better, I can tell you from experience and Tony can verify how my boat runs. The key to the city is mobility of X dimension, I have Porta brackets on every outboard that I own including my toon. Joe
  13. J

    The Outboard Church

    Pretty tough to beat the beat the runs put on by PBC at LOTO. We had an incredible day and logged a bunch of miles running with friends.. Joe
  14. J

    Porta Bracket people still using?

    Scott has raced his product on both V-bottoms and cats for many years. I run them on 5 boats currently and will continue to use them in the future. We run our stuff pretty hard and have never had a dependability issue. I highly recommend getting a gauge tied into your screen via nema for a...
  15. J

    A dog picture thread

    He wants to make sure that motor is coming on board to mess with his owner lol.... Joe
  16. J

    The Outboard Church

    I was going to buy a house but the condo plan is working very well for us. Location is big factor and I wanted to be close to PBC, the best launch "PB2", shopping etc. and on the main channel to see boat traffic. We ended up across from Dog Days and love everything about it. Some of the other...
  17. J

    4 Door Sedan, What Would You Buy and Why?

    I paid 55K, 25K, and 12K for all three. A new F 350 or F450 Platinum is more so I still have my old truck as a pull tug, a new Tacoma for my son and a Lexus SUV that my wife runs daily. If you don't care about having "as much luxury and or performance" then you will not beat a Honda Accord or...
  18. J

    Toon prop advise needed!

    The Enertia Eco comes in the larger 16" Dia. I have a Playcraft 27 extreme with a 300R V8 and have 4 different propellers coming my way including a hill 4 blade that is a 15.5 dia. The boat has a 17" Porta bracket on it so I will be able to figure out optimum running height within a few...
  19. J

    Project StressEliminator Restomod-23 Daytona

    Something tells me this guy isn't normal but I like him.... what a pile of thought, work, and energy- Perfection is an obsession- Joe
  20. J

    4 Door Sedan, What Would You Buy and Why?

    I have 3 BMWs that I rotate for cars "all 3 combined were less then a new truck". My favorite is 2016 B7 Alpina (600 hp AWD) and badass luxury. It is like a twin turbo charged couch. Mileage not so great, https://www.topspeed.com/cars/bmw/2016-alpina-b7-ar170351.html The 2nd is a 2012 750i...