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  1. Constant840

    1993 Bounder ??

    So that settles that. I’m going to pass on it. Thanks for the responses everyone.
  2. Constant840

    Mark your spot for the fireworks!

    It’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach. When did female life guards begin wearing bikinis?? I did the old school, high sided one piece!
  3. Constant840

    **1979 Bahner**

    Boat is in the Yucaipa area.
  4. Constant840

    1993 Bounder ??

    Love the boat. Will regret selling it. Already regretting putting it up. Problem is it only gets run 1-2 times a season then just takes up garage space. I’m leaning towards a motorhome vs trailer because I’d still like to be able to tow. I’ve not shopped or even looked at a motorhome, so I...
  5. Constant840

    1993 Bounder ??

    That’s what I’m thinking. My $10k jet bote has a whole lot more than that in it.
  6. Constant840

    1993 Bounder ??

    This would be our first motorhome. My thought was a newer 22-24’ on a sprinter chassis. This came up as an even trade and I’m torn on it. Haven’t seen or inspected it in person. Not sure if I even want to get that far.
  7. Constant840

    1993 Bounder ??

    Selling the river boat with the idea of getting into motorhome. Had an unexpected trade offer for a 1993 bounder with a 460. Anyone have experience with Bounders of this vintage? Am I asking for trouble trading a super clean and dialed in 39 year old jet bote for an unknown 25 year old motorhome?
  8. Constant840

    finding out who owns a website...can anyone help?

    Oh shit... Kaiser Soze??
  9. Constant840

    Jet Bote..... BBC vs BBF

    In a jet bote, Fords suck and Chevys blow...
  10. Constant840

    Audi- any body buy one recently? Higher end car...

    We had Q7 TDI that we let Audi buy back... never should have let it go.
  11. Constant840

    Everyone get Newsletter number 3?

    Just arrived.
  12. Constant840

    Nordic runs 40 sport cat with twin 400s

    Looks huge. Is there some sort of cabin under there?
  13. Constant840

    CA DOJ Warns: Less Than a Week to Register ‘Bullet Button Assault Weapons’

    That isn't that way I understand it... https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1446
  14. Constant840

    Well I’ve been looking real hard and I’m trying to find a job...

    But I got to do my part ‘cuz I know in my heart, I got please my sweet baby yeah.
  15. Constant840

    Sorry about your truck Dad

    I was on the phone and it went on and played the follow up video. Looks like the only damage was the bed making contact with the cab. Skip to 1:30 or so.
  16. Constant840

    Using the orange flag for swimmers

    Got stopped in the middle of the Lake Mohave basin for swimming without a flag. They came from such a distance they had to have been glassing us. I had always thought it was for a downed skier, boarder or tuber. They told us anytime someone is in the water a flag should be up.
  17. Constant840

    **1979 Bahner**

    -1979 18' Bahner Bubble Deck, Super Clean -Full stringer -Rail Kit -Hyd Diverter -Autometer CF gauges -Berkeley JG, through bolted loader grate -496" GenIV, .30 over, SCAT roating assembly, JE Pistons, 9.3-1, soild flat tappet, custom cam, Weiand tunnel ram, Holley carbs, MSD 6al, Holley fuel...