We service Bullhead City and we can take care of you. We dont have a duct cleaner yet as we are just getting started. We should have one by the end of the year.
22 years old in this area is a long life for an air conditioner. I recomend a pre summer maintenance where we clean your condenser...
The amount of Facebook scammers using Duct Cleaning is impressive. They are in every community group from californai to Arizona. At first I thought they were just trying to generate leads and sell them but they look to be scammers
Yes, If you home is over 10 years old I would have them cleaned and sealed. Its not to expensive but it is a good idea to have them cleaned and while they clean them they should seal any air leaks and seal the registers.
What part of Texas.? In the more humid parts there is a big problem...
This was exciting. Came back to find this. We were able to extract the truck and trailer with little to no damage. Just a little buffing should do it. These trees are a constant problem. We normally don’t park under them but it’s been a while since one of them broke off
This weekend was Run What ya Brung jet ski event. It was a cross of Mad Max and Water World. I didn’t get any picture but there were packs of 50ish jet skiers going up and down the river.
When we were looking for a new home base it needed to be driving distance to Parker. Phoenix was the new OC and all the other areas didn’t have what we were looking for
On our journey out of California we lived in our Parker house for about 6 months while we decided where to move. We ended up buying a house in Havasu and making the best decision. RDP reality is awesome.
Living in our vacation home made it not feel like a vacation home as much as it used too...
I can do it all. I prefer running the business in the office over the field but I can still do the field work. Its great excersise :)
I prefer residential work now now. Its easy and the customers in Havasu/Parker area awesome. My son is running a call in the keys and I have him delivering a 18...
These are probably the highest quality Swamper installations I have ever seen. I was impressed.
These are no joke. I pulled up the specs on them and they need larger water pumps, The bleed lines need to be reinstalled to help with calcium and non adjustable pulleys installed so they stop...
I was doing commercial from 1991 to about 2009 when I started Dynamic and we evoled into more of a residential company. I prefer residential over commercial now :).