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  1. Canuck 1

    Mornin boys and girls

    Get to work bitch
  2. Canuck 1

    Anyone follow Nascar anymore?

    Still good to watch, new stuff sucks
  3. Canuck 1

    Secondhand Lions

  4. Canuck 1

    Lake Havasu 2nd Bridge in the news

    That one is west of Banff, the rcmp get more use out of it than animals, they like to hide behind it and write tickets
  5. Canuck 1

    Lake Havasu 2nd Bridge in the news

    And I believe they are up to 6 animals crossing in the last 20 years
  6. Canuck 1


    Since when did education ever make anyone smart? Grade 12 will make someone cover your back? You are delusional
  7. Canuck 1

    RAM Emissions recall notice. That was fast.

    What emission crap are you guy talking about? It falls off at the dealers here
  8. Canuck 1

    What was popular as far a cars where you grew up

    B body Pontiacs with BB chev power(Canadian stuff), BB chev square bodies, FE powered Fords and GM metric cars, what else could you need? Still have at least one of each
  9. Canuck 1

    Small Block 350 Aluminum Heads

    What a revolting thought.... putting an LS POS into that unit
  10. Canuck 1

    Towing 101

    This.... and same deal with fifth wheels
  11. Canuck 1

    Some of You Didn’t Realize 530 is a Black Woman, Did You?

    Did she pound HolyMoly at a gas station?
  12. Canuck 1

    Nextdoor Snowflakes

    Invest in a burn pit, way more satisfying then dealing with peasants or man bun snowflakes
  13. Canuck 1

    How About Another “What’s it Worth Thread”😎

    Thank God it doesn't have an ls, nice ride
  14. Canuck 1

    Off Grid Re-Power

    What is wrong with lead acid batteries and do the lithium work in the cold?
  15. Canuck 1

    Is this lava rock or coral?

    Watched it 19 times and still can't be sure which one
  16. Canuck 1

    '05 CTSV Opinions?

    Don't do it, that is a money pit looking for a new home
  17. Canuck 1

    Alberta PM apologizes to the Unvaxed!

    You are not going to silence Dani, she has the balls to call the bullshit out that others run from.
  18. Canuck 1

    Who’s Your Favorite Cartoon Characters:

    king bob