You know if you're not speeding. In California that means you're getting run over by all the other cars because you're going too slow. But if you're trying to leave to go to the river you're not going to be speeding you're going to be parking to the river.
This is just a heads up for the people that want to save a spot in the channel this weekend. I hope that the easy-ups or strapped down really good. Because I would sure hate to see them blow up in the air and come slamming down on people's boats!
Yeah yesterday was really nice for flying flew up all through the mountains up to Park Mojave, all through pirates cove ran back down the river flew around Riviera and then came back. These next couple days are going to be all blown out.
The only problem with the color is that I own two that are black one that is yellow and another one that is blue. But if you look underneath they all say HAVASU PARTY BUS underneath them. But I am usually flying the black one oranges leading edge on the bottom all of the top is white and silver...
Well just found this in today's newspaper so I guess everybody knows what I'll be doing as always. And I just got all of these pictures sent over to me from a lady that saw me out flying this morning. We live in a very small town here in Havasu.