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  1. Brian

    Dynamic Air Services in 2020

    Ask your son if he ever figured out why my heater you guys installed this summer smells like burning plastic when it runs sometimes.
  2. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    Just bought some SPR today.
  3. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    I agree that people will want to travel more than ever after Covid. I also look at 52 week high and when that was and the trend before it went down so much. I think it will get back to that point in 2021 and possibly get around $400 by year end. Just a hunch, nothing to strongly back it up.
  4. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    Same. Keep holding on and don't let go too soon. I can see thing thing getting up in the 400 range soon.
  5. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    Here goes Boeing!
  6. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    Curious who you are all trading through..
  7. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    Southwest is doing well also. Also look for BA to make a huge jump. I got in on them in the when they were around $100.
  8. Brian

    2020 Stock Market Crystal Ball

    I just sold my AAL stock. Broke even, which is a loss, but I don't see airlines recovering any time soon.
  9. Brian

    Eric Lane Cruz' crew chief killed RIP

    sucks. RIP
  10. Brian

    Dow Jones - Bottom?

    I bought in about 2 weeks ago. It wasn't rock bottom, but close enough. How ever long it takes to recover I'm fine with it.
  11. Brian

    Golf Cart Repair

    What happened with All American?
  12. Brian

    Need help with newly purchased 21ft commander looses control

    It needs fins put on each side of the ride plate. I've done it at my shop several times.
  13. Brian

    Trans shop for TH-400

    X2 for Leo
  14. Brian

    Parker 4/17-4/21 @ Echo Lodge - Which Boat?!

    Flat for sure
  15. Brian

    Prayers to (Hotboat) Vic and Marlee Hill

    I texted with him at 5am when he finally replied to me. He’s beat up and sore but thinks he will be ok. He just really misses his lady. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Brian

    Smoking ribs

    3-2-1 method. Look it up and put your own spin on it. Once you have good pull back of meat on the bone, you know you're close.
  17. Brian

    From drag racing to bull riding!

    Lucas is a big cattle farmer. I'm sure there is a B2B connection there.
  18. Brian

    Mixed Emotions...

    Sorry to hear Dave.
  19. Brian

    Golf cart tires

    They did when I started looking around. They mounted them and everything.