What is happening to Havasu?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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Usually I stay out of it. This one seemed worthy of a vacation.
bullshit we talk about it all the time haha. post your singing video bro cheer these guys up...

oh wait good move on asking what genre is acceptable first.. they might not like that song.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Back in 2004 people were stroking off dogs....I thought that was the pinnacle of debauchery... They doing that now in the channel? 80/90's were much busier in Havasu and Parker....
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Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Back in 2004 people were stroking off dogs....I thought that was the pinnacle of debauchery... They doing that now in channel? 80/90's were much busier in Havasu and Parker....

You know how we do! Some people are still running it hard.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
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The deserts have been taken over as well, no matter where I go, I can't seem to shake them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Pretty sure with mead being low isn’t helping either


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
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bullshit we talk about it all the time haha. post your singing video bro cheer these guys up...

oh wait good move on asking what genre is acceptable first.. they might not like that song.
Crap. That reminds me. Someone posted videos of me Friday night. I better go check those now that I am on lunch. Those may need to come down. 🤣🤣


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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All people do is go to the 4 most popular places on the water and cry that there are too many people there.

It was way worse 25+ years ago, and these people complaining were all the problem then. Just look at all the “good time” stories members here tell of running around naked, passing out drunk, doing stupid things.

Havasu didn’t change, they did.
View attachment 1142652

These people are why things got corralled to the channel in the first place. There are 100 other places to go hang out to enjoy peace and quiet.
I agree, it was way worse back then and also no No Wake Zones so it was insanity just trying to get up river... Its been that way since the 90's. There's nothing new to complain about. I wish people would be more respectful for sure but there are just alot of shitty people in this world.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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The partying in Havasu and the channel has been going on for decades. I remember in the 80s the channel being crazy on holidays. I think the issue now is the new element/class of people who have discovered the lake. Back in the day it was mainly all like minded boaters who wanted to party.

Now they leave their trash behind, steal your shit, start fights and have zero respect for the lake or other people. Vegas crowd destroys Lake Mead beaches on the weekends. Monday you see all their trash left behind, vehicle break ins you name it. Really sad.

Covid most definitely did not help as many low life people discovered the river. I knew years back that things were going downhill when you had to start taking your trailer light plug adapters off the tow vehicle while on the lake. Society is not getting better so you have to choose the times when to enjoy the lake. Very soon school starts and a lot of the shit goes away.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2020
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The partying in Havasu and the channel has been going on for decades. I remember in the 80s the channel being crazy on holidays. I think the issue now is the new element/class of people who have discovered the lake. Back in the day it was mainly all like minded boaters who wanted to party.

Now they leave their trash behind, steal your shit, start fights and have zero respect for the lake or other people. Vegas crowd destroys Lake Mead beaches on the weekends. Monday you see all their trash left behind, vehicle break ins you name it. Really sad.

Covid most definitely did not help as many low life people discovered the river. I knew years back that things were going downhill when you had to start taking your trailer light plug adapters off the tow vehicle while on the lake. Society is not getting better so you have to choose the times when to enjoy the lake. Very soon school starts and a lot of the shit goes away.
Lake Mohave they used to offer everyone trash bags when you entered and they had trash bags available at the launch ramp. They should go back to that.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Lake Mohave they used to offer everyone trash bags when you entered and they had trash bags available at the launch ramp. They should go back to that.
I'm pretty sure they have these at Islander and other places, but I could be wrong. I recall thinking that it was a good place to advertise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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I remember Ah Villa Park used to look like Nagasaki come Tuesday after Memorial in the early 80's...that is La Paz County park next to Roadrunner....it was tents and campers from the beach to the fence along 95 ....not the friggen glamping in their 30'+ toyhaulers of today....camping... You could wait 2-3hrs in line to get into Sundance or RR...definitely not like that anymore..

Mid 80's remember Crazy horse campground in Havasu like a war zone met coachella, bomb fires, burning picnic benches.....total whole campground party...

Late 80's walking boat to boat in Copper Canyon....get in early can't get out until late afternoon...

Havi and Parker are mild now compared to then...

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Does Lake Havasu City have a department that is responsible for Beach clean up all around the lake? It would be cool to have an annual Havasu clean up day where folks could get organized with local authorities to help clean up trash left on the beach after the Summer. Kind of like giving back.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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Does Lake Havasu City have a department that is responsible for Beach clean up all around the lake? It would be cool to have an annual Havasu clean up day where folks could get organized with local authorities to help clean up trash left on the beach after the Summer. Kind of like giving back.

You must be new here…
Rdp is where you have ac in the rv garage(no wiping boat in the heat), pay to have your bunks put on the trailer, pay cash for cars/trucks/sxs and anyone who can’t is a broke raiders fan that needs to go back where they came from.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Believe the ultimate downfall of the Sand Bar was not debauchery, it was likely the automatic weapon fire sprayed by a drive by vessel.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Yesterday at the gun store, we had a pair of gangster types (replete with tattoo'd devils horns) come in and wander around for awhile. Never since Ive been working there did the hair on the back of my neck stand up till yesterday!
Called a friend at LHCPD who told me they are seeing a serious uptick in outside gangsters in town. Many burglaries etc...

No more small town it seems...

now, where's my extra mags...
Those bad boys even spent a few bucks!

Nice to see you again!
idea -
we should set up a series of Saturday RDP hand gun classes


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Could the addition of THC to an already border line legal or above BAC, possibly be a negative when it comes to behavior and attitude?


Just one more
Jan 8, 2008
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I remember Ah Villa Park used to look like Nagasaki come Tuesday after Memorial in the early 80's...that is La Paz County park next to Roadrunner....it was tents and campers from the beach to the fence along 95 ....not the friggen glamping in their 30'+ toyhaulers of today....camping... You could wait 2-3hrs in line to get into Sundance or RR...definitely not like that anymore..

Mid 80's remember Crazy horse campground in Havasu like a war zone met coachella, bomb fires, burning picnic benches.....total whole campground party...

Late 80's walking boat to boat in Copper Canyon....get in early can't get out until late afternoon...

Havi and Parker are mild now compared to then...

All this is true of Parker and Havasu,I was there. Difference is the partying and pussy chasing today is fucking sad. All the clowns showing up at the river now have ZERO game,jobs,boats,play shitty fucking rap,and ("country" 😂 music). They leave the channel,or the beach they arrived at in their stolen or rented boat, with everything drinkable or edible left at the beach. Fucking scumbags. It's not just at the river it's at the beach as well. When it's 140 degrees in your hood, you go to where it's cooler and leave all your trash.F all of them. Darwin will sort it out, hopefully sooner than later.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Does Lake Havasu City have a department that is responsible for Beach clean up all around the lake? It would be cool to have an annual Havasu clean up day where folks could get organized with local authorities to help clean up trash left on the beach after the Summer. Kind of like giving back.
Used to be the Indians sent a pontoon boat around to collect some trash, but mostly I think it's volunteers from the LH Yacht Club, I know for a long time they were going around following holiday weekends if I recall correctly.
Otherwise, just good folks with trash bags hauling crap off because they care.


Don't wait til' life's easy to be happy
Jul 30, 2020
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My take away from this thread is I'm confused.

Confused that some us are complaining a lot about the place we like to boat more than anywhere else. Some members have hit the nail on the head suggesting that if you're local get involved and help draft the changes you'd like to see. We should have some humility and admit that we did the same things we don't like to see now, when we were younger. If things still don't change to your likeness then you can always go boat other places. other inmates have suggested getting away from the well congested areas. Another great idea.

If all else fails you can go boating on the Colorado other places to. Although I haven't had a chance to shake hands with a lot of inmates here at the lake, but I'm starting to see more of you, and it makes me happy to see you on the water at Powell and exchange a wave. I get super excited to know your about to have the time of your life.

Also this thread has hit 3 pages in less than 24 hours but yet there are some really cool boat and shop features or even threads about building or turning wrenches on boats that don't see the traction I would suspect. I don't know what it means, but it's confusing. There's good in everything sometimes you just got to venture outside the bubble of comfort to find it.

Take care and put some dag gum hours on those boats oddly enough you'll find that engines do better this way than sitting around collecting dust.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Those comparing it to back in the day are wrong in my opinion. You had to put in real effort to involve your self in the debauchery. Going to copper canyon or the sand bar was truly expecting to be involved in the mayham . Parking or driving through the channel should not be a complete ass hole fest .


On Vacation
Nov 25, 2015
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I was in Havasu this last weekend. I was pretty annoyed by how ghetto the channel is getting. I try to avoid the weekends because of how many people are there and they try to squeeze into your personal space at 3 dunes, channel, and at Pirates. I try to find a spot for my kids to be able to play in or out of the water and here comes idiots at 3pm trying to squeeze in. Anyways about the ghetto people, why are they coming to Havasu? I stopped going to Laughlin because it was getting ghetto and now Havasu. There were people flipping off the Police, ghetto rap music, Spanish music blasting, and a bunch of people with their gangs tattooed on their bellies, face and or back.

Rant over. I’m just tired of the section 8 people and parolees hanging out where I want to. I don’t see any of us going to their front porch hangouts.
Covid definitely changed a lot of things. There were a ton of people who started visiting Havasu when everywhere else was shut down. There were a shitload of boats sitting on side yards collecting dust that made it on to the lake in the last couple years. I figured a season, or two of paying for annual maintenance/repairs would clear them out. That being said, there’s trash of all colors and style on the lake. There is no shortage of them in the channel. Doesn’t matter if it’s a family from the inner city in a rental or a group of flat billers, trying to start a “Havasu Krew” social media feed, with their chicks in neon thongs.
Damn no Spanish music or thongs?

My wife will be along shortly to tell you how women love to dance to reggaeton music and that she's not going to stop wearing thongs because she works out too damn hard to wear some granny panties at the lake 🤣

Then I will stand behind her and tell you that I also like the dancing and thongs combined 😁


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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You must be new here…
Rdp is where you have ac in the rv garage(no wiping boat in the heat), pay to have your bunks put on the trailer, pay cash for cars/trucks/sxs and anyone who can’t is a broke raiders fan that needs to go back where they came from.
Hope you buy another boat soon and get back to your way of posting. 👍


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2020
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“There were people flipping off the Police, ghetto rap music, Spanish music blasting, and a bunch of people with their gangs tattooed on their bellies, face and or back”.
ReMinds me of the last time I cruised through Lakewood, CA. 🤣


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Back in 2004 people were stroking off dogs....I thought that was the pinnacle of debauchery... They doing that now in the channel? 80/90's were much busier in Havasu and Parker....
beumont style!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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Hope you buy another boat soon and get back to your way of posting. 👍

its been a huge disappointment finding one to replace it. no one takes care of things like i did. im sure ill find one but im going to just wait till the right one comes. the person that bought mine got a tattoo of the name on his back. found the perfect person to pass her on too.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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All this is true of Parker and Havasu,I was there. Difference is the partying and pussy chasing today is fucking sad. All the clowns showing up at the river now have ZERO game,jobs,boats,play shitty fucking rap,and ("country" 😂 music). They leave the channel,or the beach they arrived at in their stolen or rented boat, with everything drinkable or edible left at the beach. Fucking scumbags. It's not just at the river it's at the beach as well. When it's 140 degrees in your hood, you go to where it's cooler and leave all your trash.F all of them. Darwin will sort it out, hopefully sooner than later.
Checkout the crap along the shoulder West i40 On Ramp @95. Fucking pigs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
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My wife will be along shortly to tell you how women love to dance to reggaeton music and that she's not going to stop wearing thongs because she works out too damn hard to wear some granny panties at the lake 🤣

Then I will stand behind her and tell you that I also like the dancing and thongs combined 😁
ill wait.... look forward to hearing what she has to say. show her how to upload pictures and videos of said activities.
we both seem to like the same thing!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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At the cost of everything out there I don’t know how as many people do it. Vrbo and hotels are outrageous, and the houses are outrageous. Maybe day trippers?
My exact thoughts. How do these people afford it? I can’t go for less than $500 (gas, food/groceries, drinks, etc). That’s not including housing and boat costs.

Outside of the Channel, I just don’t see these problems. The cool thing about Havasu is that if I want a contact high and see some titties, there is a place for that. If I want to see no other boats the entire day, I can do that as well.

Havasu hasn’t gotten more “ghetto”, the whole country has.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
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Lakewood is now ghetto. Got it. Well then, let me correct my previous post. You know the type. Long beard, shaved head, Irish tattoos. They were blaring too short until 4 am and then told me to put ear plugs in my kid.
It was like I was at the damn concert.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
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Those comparing it to back in the day are wrong in my opinion. You had to put in real effort to involve your self in the debauchery. Going to copper canyon or the sand bar was truly expecting to be involved in the mayham . Parking or driving through the channel should not be a complete ass hole fest .
I remember things getting pretty sporty back in the 80s in the channel, but it did get worse when they shut down Copper Canyon and the sandbar. I miss the house boats in the channel, it was great entertainment.🤣