Well, it's my turn......


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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The irresponsibility and selfishness that people are displaying with regard to this virus is mind numbing to me. If you don’t feel good stay home. It doesn’t seem that complicated.

I could tell stories for days where someone didn’t feel well and came around myself, school functions, you name it.. then they go and test positive and think nothing of it.

if you don’t feel well stay home! If you were around someone that has it, then yes you have been exposed.. don’t go exposing everyone else
if you think about it,your trying to make them stay home sick when you cant even get them to wear a mask.

Tom Slick

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Here is my understanding of the virus and the injection. The original/current injections are intended to mitigate the symptoms to those that are injected and contract the virus. The injection was never intended to, nor has the ability to prevent a person from contracting the virus, or spreading the virus. As said before, an injected person could unknowingly have the virus and be a spreader of the virus.

We are now two years into this thing and the original virus, just like all viruses has mutated. It is believed that the injection no longer works, or works far less on the current mutation. Therefore the OG injection, which is still being pushed on the people is essentially ineffective at this point in time. And when I say ineffective, I mean it is no longer mitigating the symptoms of the virus, hence the reason we are seeing so many vaccinated people in the hospitals. Hospitals that are saying that 95% of the patience with Covid are unvaccinated is a lie. The ratio between vaccinated and unvaccintaed is about 50/50.

I firmly believe that if an vaccinated person has contracted the virus and fought it with their natural immune system, they likely will be immune to the virus for decades, if not for the remainder of their life. I personally know of more vaccinated people right now that have the virus than unvaccinated. Natural immunity is whats going to win this game. My advice is to get healthy. Eat right, take vitamins, exercise, get good sleep and build that body of yours to fight like hell for if/when you get the virus.

Just my opinion, so flame away if you must.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
Reaction score
Here is my understanding of the virus and the injection. The original/current injections are intended to mitigate the symptoms to those that are injected and contract the virus. The injection was never intended to, nor has the ability to prevent a person from contracting the virus, or spreading the virus. As said before, an injected person could unknowingly have the virus and be a spreader of the virus.

We are now two years into this thing and the original virus, just like all viruses has mutated. It is believed that the injection no longer works, or works far less on the current mutation. Therefore the OG injection, which is still being pushed on the people is essentially ineffective at this point in time. And when I say ineffective, I mean it is no longer mitigating the symptoms of the virus, hence the reason we are seeing so many vaccinated people in the hospitals. Hospitals that are saying that 95% of the patience with Covid are unvaccinated is a lie. The ratio between vaccinated and unvaccintaed is about 50/50.

I firmly believe that if an vaccinated person has contracted the virus and fought it with their natural immune system, they likely will be immune to the virus for decades, if not for the remainder of their life. I personally know of more vaccinated people right now that have the virus than unvaccinated. Natural immunity is whats going to win this game. My advice is to get healthy. Eat right, take vitamins, exercise, get good sleep and build that body of yours to fight like hell for if/when you get the virus.

Just my opinion, so flame away if you must.
My wife's friend knows several people with the virus right now and every single one of them is vaccinated. The only unvaccinated person she knows with the virus is my daughter.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2021
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My wife's friend knows several people with the virus right now and every single one of them is vaccinated. The only unvaccinated person she knows with the virus is my daughter.

(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.
IDK in general but campaired to a year ago I got my ass kicked this time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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I firmly believe that if an vaccinated person has contracted the virus and fought it with their natural immune system, they likely will be immune to the virus for decades, if not for the remainder of their life.

I definitely don't disagree with that statement. The big question is: what about the natural immunity that an unvaxed person gets from having COVID? We dont really know whether or not you get better immunity from:
1) No vax, then COVID
2) Vax, then COVID
3) COVID, then vax
4) A lifetime of shots and COVID

The answer will most likely vary from person to person. And then, even if we do know the answer to the above question, we still dont know which option is best for overall health which will most likely vary from person to person.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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maybe this will hit home for some or at least make a few stop and think. but here is the reason I feel people are so hesitant to get the jab.

the govt has lost all credibilty.

first we were told it was a vaccine. it was obvious it was rushed to market and many see this as an obvious red flag after watching the FDA take countless years of studies with other drugs.

second, once the "vaccine" came out and people were getting it.....it didn't end the lock downs, masks and other crazy BS. what is even the point of getting the vaccine when you are the told you can still spread it and even worse still get it?

third...we come to find out later on its not really a vaccine but more of an "immunity booster". why were we not told this in the beginning? is it because they KNEW it wasn't a vaccine or because they just wanted everyone to line up like sheep and get it no questions asked?

forth we are now seeing people getting CV AFTER having the vaccine....and instead of admitting "maybe it doesn't work" the mantra has become "well you WOULD HAVE DIED if you didn't get the vaccine as it made your symptoms less" ...........gag.............

fifth.....the militant movement to force you to get it. i mean never mind the whole "my body my choice"BS we heard for so long......if you want the vax then you should be protected right? who cares if someone else chooses not to get it and actually does die from it.

sixth........the govt looked the other way during riots, all the people coming across the border and so forth. yet we all have to have the vax shoved down our throat.

seven.....major govt HYPOCRISY.....like nancy pelosi getting her hair down when you and I cant get ours done (and then being offended acting like she fell for a setup) or officials getting caught not wearing masks and making no apologies and on and on. you know how many people obummer had at his little birthday party?

eight....a third grader can see the numbers being reported are bogus. like earlier in this thread....the reality of how many are in the hospital with the shot vs without. it obvious we are being lied to about what the numbers really are.

for me...just a couple of the reasons I listed above are enough to make me question the whole thing.


2 Girls, 1 Wallet
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.
I got it at least once and maybe twice post Pfizer. First one was confirmed positive. Symptoms were a 3 hour fever and death rattle cough that lasted almost 2 weeks. Never felt “ill” per se. One week ago I got fatigue like never before. Made 24 hours awake benders as a youth feel like nothing. Slept 18 hours straight and woke up like nothing ever happened. Did not get tested again so who knows. I also had SARS COVID-1 in 2003. Hospitalized 6 days in and out of consciousness with an O2 sat in the 70’s. May have given me some immunity. Again, who knows.
I’m all for better safe than sorry as an old fart. Take away a couple dozen years and I’d be saying F the government too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
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(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.
How do you know they had the Delta varient? The current tests cannot differentiate between any of the varients of COVID-19.


Professional Lurker
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
maybe this will hit home for some or at least make a few stop and think. but here is the reason I feel people are so hesitant to get the jab.

the govt has lost all credibilty.

first we were told it was a vaccine. it was obvious it was rushed to market and many see this as an obvious red flag after watching the FDA take countless years of studies with other drugs.

second, once the "vaccine" came out and people were getting it.....it didn't end the lock downs, masks and other crazy BS. what is even the point of getting the vaccine when you are the told you can still spread it and even worse still get it?

third...we come to find out later on its not really a vaccine but more of an "immunity booster". why were we not told this in the beginning? is it because they KNEW it wasn't a vaccine or because they just wanted everyone to line up like sheep and get it no questions asked?

forth we are now seeing people getting CV AFTER having the vaccine....and instead of admitting "maybe it doesn't work" the mantra has become "well you WOULD HAVE DIED if you didn't get the vaccine as it made your symptoms less" ...........gag.............

fifth.....the militant movement to force you to get it. i mean never mind the whole "my body my choice"BS we heard for so long......if you want the vax then you should be protected right? who cares if someone else chooses not to get it and actually does die from it.

sixth........the govt looked the other way during riots, all the people coming across the border and so forth. yet we all have to have the vax shoved down our throat.

seven.....major govt HYPOCRISY.....like nancy pelosi getting her hair down when you and I cant get ours done (and then being offended acting like she fell for a setup) or officials getting caught not wearing masks and making no apologies and on and on. you know how many people obummer had at his little birthday party?

eight....a third grader can see the numbers being reported are bogus. like earlier in this thread....the reality of how many are in the hospital with the shot vs without. it obvious we are being lied to about what the numbers really are.

for me...just a couple of the reasons I listed above are enough to make me question the whole thing.

Spot on.


2 Girls, 1 Wallet
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
How do you know they had the Delta varient? The current tests cannot differentiate between any of the varients of COVID-19.
Is this reply to me? I don’t know. I just meant covid in general.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2021
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How do you know they had the Delta varient? The current tests cannot differentiate between any of the varients of COVID-19.
Media Hype? :D😂

im just going off what I was told by them. Assume it is delta since it’s predominant in so cal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
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Media Hype? :D😂

im just going off what I was told by them. Assume it is delta since it’s predominant in so cal.
Yeah that's my point how does anyone know what varient each person has? Are they guessing? Wish we could get a clear answer on questions. There's no doubt it out there just don't know what or who to believe anymore.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Media Hype? :D😂

im just going off what I was told by them. Assume it is delta since it’s predominant in so cal.

Good friend is a nurse at the VA in SD. Less then 10% of cases are getting the genetic testing to prove which variant of Covid.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Tom Slick

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Yeah that's my point how does anyone know what varient each person has? Are they guessing? Wish we could get a clear answer on questions. There's no doubt it out there just don't know what or who to believe anymore.
As my earlier post said, I’m being told that the OG Covid-19 has mutated as all virus do, which is the reason the vaccine appears to no longer be effective. Call it a variant, mutation, whatever, it is acting like any other virus, thus the reason so many vaccinated are getting sick. Just like the flu, it supposedly mutates seasonally. So in a nut shell the vaccine may have helped with symptoms of the OG virus, but is no longer as effective as the virus mutates.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2021
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Yeah that's my point how does anyone know what varient each person has? Are they guessing? Wish we could get a clear answer on questions. There's no doubt it out there just don't know what or who to believe anymore.

Got it.... OK.....I chose poorly with using Delta so let me edit it:

(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta Covid and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.

I'm relatively new on here, so some background: I'm a scientist by trade who likes to ask questions and understand things. Im not trying to politicize anything with my questions, just trying to get perspective from people who have first hand experience instead of what is seen from news outlets. I appreciate the completely different views presented on this site on all kinds of topics (not just the rona/vaccines). 😎


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2020
Reaction score
Here is my understanding of the virus and the injection. The original/current injections are intended to mitigate the symptoms to those that are injected and contract the virus. The injection was never intended to, nor has the ability to prevent a person from contracting the virus, or spreading the virus. As said before, an injected person could unknowingly have the virus and be a spreader of the virus.

We are now two years into this thing and the original virus, just like all viruses has mutated. It is believed that the injection no longer works, or works far less on the current mutation. Therefore the OG injection, which is still being pushed on the people is essentially ineffective at this point in time. And when I say ineffective, I mean it is no longer mitigating the symptoms of the virus, hence the reason we are seeing so many vaccinated people in the hospitals. Hospitals that are saying that 95% of the patience with Covid are unvaccinated is a lie. The ratio between vaccinated and unvaccintaed is about 50/50.

I firmly believe that if an vaccinated person has contracted the virus and fought it with their natural immune system, they likely will be immune to the virus for decades, if not for the remainder of their life. I personally know of more vaccinated people right now that have the virus than unvaccinated. Natural immunity is whats going to win this game. My advice is to get healthy. Eat right, take vitamins, exercise, get good sleep and build that body of yours to fight like hell for if/when you get the virus.

Just my opinion, so flame away if you must.
My question is how many of the ones who have had the virus without the jab ie natural immunity get it again. Why isn't that something that is being discussed.


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Got it.... OK.....I chose poorly with using Delta so let me edit it:

(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta Covid and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.

I'm relatively new on here, so some background: I'm a scientist by trade who likes to ask questions and understand things. Im not trying to politicize anything with my questions, just trying to get perspective from people who have first hand experience instead of what is seen from news outlets. I appreciate the completely different views presented on this site on all kinds of topics (not just the rona/vaccines). 😎
Don't bring that scientist shit around here! We have Mexican Ivermectin! We're good!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Are these women who cant cook and burn everything like the husband who throws in the red laundry with the white laundry? You know, so they never have to do the laundry again.

cooking just takes time to learn just like BBQ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Got it.... OK.....I chose poorly with using Delta so let me edit it:

(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta Covid and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.

I'm relatively new on here, so some background: I'm a scientist by trade who likes to ask questions and understand things. Im not trying to politicize anything with my questions, just trying to get perspective from people who have first hand experience instead of what is seen from news outlets. I appreciate the completely different views presented on this site on all kinds of topics (not just the rona/vaccines). 😎

the flu shot comment has me thinking, how many people got the flu shot, then had the flu but asymptomatic, and they gave it to someone without a flu shot and that person died?

Tom Slick

Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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My question is how many of the ones who have had the virus without the jab ie natural immunity get it again. Why isn't that something that is being discussed.
Because it doesn’t fit the narrative. We should also be wondering why hospitals are not at the very least trying to use known medications on patience rather than sedating them and putting them on vents until they die. When in the history of western medicine have we not at least tried to treat patients with therapeutics? We are now being told not to. And doctors are refusing to even try.

But back to your question, my personal guess is that an unvaxed person that has had Covid stands an even better chance if they were to contract the virus a second time. Since viruses mutate over time I’d think that catching it again is possible but far less severe.

I had Covid about 14 months ago and haven’t been sick since. Not even a sniffle. It’s as though my immune system fought its ass off to defeat Covid and now it’s supercharged to keep fighting other common illnesses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Steven Hahn ex commissioner of FDA who replaced Scott Gottlieb / Pfeizer..... now CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER for MODERNA


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Recently replaced by acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock (yes that is the name) who is banning therapeutics!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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if you think about it,your trying to make them stay home sick when you cant even get them to wear a mask.
The masks don't work but staying home does 100% when sick. I think one reason it's spreading rampantly because people think the masks work & go into large settings in close quarters thinking they're protected & protecting, not.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Here is my understanding of the virus and the injection. The original/current injections are intended to mitigate the symptoms to those that are injected and contract the virus. The injection was never intended to, nor has the ability to prevent a person from contracting the virus, or spreading the virus. As said before, an injected person could unknowingly have the virus and be a spreader of the virus.

Unfortunately you have people on the news or radio that do not clearly state that getting the vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading the virus. I was listening to a local Los Angeles radio station a couple weeks ago and the idiot hosting the show was yelling at people calling them liars if they said Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus.

We are now two years into this thing and the original virus, just like all viruses has mutated. It is believed that the injection no longer works, or works far less on the current mutation. Therefore the OG injection, which is still being pushed on the people is essentially ineffective at this point in time. And when I say ineffective, I mean it is no longer mitigating the symptoms of the virus, hence the reason we are seeing so many vaccinated people in the hospitals. Hospitals that are saying that 95% of the patience with Covid are unvaccinated is a lie. The ratio between vaccinated and unvaccintaed is about 50/50.

The 50/50 is probably more accurate. The difference is all the media talks about are ICU beds. It is my understanding that is the major difference. The majority in the ICU are un vaccinated.

I firmly believe that if an vaccinated person has contracted the virus and fought it with their natural immune system, they likely will be immune to the virus for decades, if not for the remainder of their life. I personally know of more vaccinated people right now that have the virus than unvaccinated. Natural immunity is whats going to win this game. My advice is to get healthy. Eat right, take vitamins, exercise, get good sleep and build that body of yours to fight like hell for if/when you get the virus.

Just my opinion, so flame away if you must.

I would like to see a study on those who are getting the virus with severe symptoms who have been getting the "FLU" shot for years. Just a thought, but if your body has not been building natural immunity against the common "FLU", and is reliant on a booster each year to combat the annual flu, I'm real curious if there is a higher rate of severe symptoms to that group, versus the anti flu shot group.

I haven't had a flu shot for many years due to adverse reactions. Have only had very mild cases of the flu since I stopped getting the shot.

🤷‍♂️ At this point I'm still holding out on getting the "vaccination". If I didn't work in the environment I do, I don't think I'd really consider getting it at all.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Unfortunately you have people on the news or radio that do not clearly state that getting the vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading the virus. I was listening to a local Los Angeles radio station a couple weeks ago and the idiot hosting the show was yelling at people calling them liars if they said Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus.

The 50/50 is probably more accurate. The difference is all the media talks about are ICU beds. It is my understanding that is the major difference. The majority in the ICU are un vaccinated.

I would like to see a study on those who are getting the virus with severe symptoms who have been getting the "FLU" shot for years. Just a thought, but if your body has not been building natural immunity against the common "FLU", and is reliant on a booster each year to combat the annual flu, I'm real curious if there is a higher rate of severe symptoms to that group, versus the anti flu shot group.

I haven't had a flu shot for many years due to adverse reactions. Have only had very mild cases of the flu since I stopped getting the shot.

[emoji2369] At this point I'm still holding out on getting the "vaccination". If I didn't work in the environment I do, I don't think I'd really consider getting it at all.

Our president literally said if you get the vaccine you won’t get covid.

Then there are countless talking heads that scoff at natural immunity like it’s some kind of made-up term.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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(This is from a viewpoint of an honest question, not attacking) How is the virus affecting the vaccinated? From my experience with people I know it has been more mellow than those who got Delta and were not vaxed. I've been wondering if that is everyone's experience as well.

Just like with the flu shot... Its about making it less severe, not preventing you from getting it completely.

I got the Pfizer vaccine on August 1. My GF got it on Aug 10. We flew to Chicago in a sardine can of a United 737 on the 13th. On the 14th she tripped on some raised bricks at Navy Pier and shattered her wrist. Spent a night in the hospital. We managed to get home (in another sardine can) on Tuesday the 17th.

This past Wednesday she went in for a pre-op. They took both our temps and they were normal. By 4:00 she had a fever of 101.5. Took her to ER. They told her she has Covid and sent her home. The night before we had swapped some spit. I started felling shitty Thursday. Got tested yesterday and was positive. My temp got up to 100. I just checked it and it is 97.7. I believe that the vax has helped us both. I’ve had colds that felt worse than this. Since she didn’t get vaxxed until the 10th she’s a little worse off but nothing critical. She’s sleeping a lot.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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The masks don't work but staying home does 100% when sick. I think one reason it's spreading rampantly because people think the masks work & go into large settings in close quarters thinking they're protected & protecting, not.
^^^THIS^^^ The powers that be got the sheep thinking that masks work so like what was said above people mask up knowing they are symptomatic but are protecting the people around them.

You know "You wear your mask to protect me" line


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Here's what I know...

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And nobody wants to see yours.


How ya feeling today brother?
Pretty damn good today. My wife called 2 hours ago to advise me that our son is still negative but she tested positive. Since I haven't had a fever in nearly 60 hours and today is day 8 (virus run their course in 7-10 days) I did a test and it was negative. So now she is home with my daughter and I am with my son at my parents as my parents are out of town. I am still keeping my distance from my son for another day or so but it appears I am done with it.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Pretty damn good today. My wife called 2 hours ago to advise me that our son is still negative but she tested positive. Since I haven't had a fever in nearly 60 hours and today is day 8 (virus run their course in 7-10 days) I did a test and it was negative. So now she is home with my daughter and I am with my son at my parents as my parents are out of town. I am still keeping my distance from my son for another day or so but it appears I am done with it.

Awesome news friend. No better place than to be hanging out with your boy. 👍

Let's hope your wife weathers it well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Pretty damn good today. My wife called 2 hours ago to advise me that our son is still negative but she tested positive. Since I haven't had a fever in nearly 60 hours and today is day 8 (virus run their course in 7-10 days) I did a test and it was negative. So now she is home with my daughter and I am with my son at my parents as my parents are out of town. I am still keeping my distance from my son for another day or so but it appears I am done with it.

Great news! Curious, did you ever have tightness or slight pressure in you chest? And still have good oxygen saturation Levels?

During or even After the symptoms went away?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty damn good today. My wife called 2 hours ago to advise me that our son is still negative but she tested positive. Since I haven't had a fever in nearly 60 hours and today is day 8 (virus run their course in 7-10 days) I did a test and it was negative. So now she is home with my daughter and I am with my son at my parents as my parents are out of town. I am still keeping my distance from my son for another day or so but it appears I am done with it.
Good to hear!👍 Sounds like the vaccine did its job.👍

Joe mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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I’m into it 4 days and not much of a cough. The fever up and Down and headaches not good. How many have not had much of a cough or is this something to look forward to?